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Hating America

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  • #11
    I hate America.

    But I don't live there, so HA!

    And Mr. Stud, except maybe Iran, Armenians were quite free to sing, dance and pray in the Middle East (e.g. Syria, Egypt, yevayln)


    • #12
      Originally posted by Baron Dants
      I hate America.

      But I don't live there, so HA!

      And Mr. Stud, except maybe Iran, Armenians were quite free to sing, dance and pray in the Middle East (e.g. Syria, Egypt, yevayln)
      Fine.... but you get the point.

      Basically, I despise when people come from a more phucked up country than America and then complain about America.

      Take the example from your end now.....It's like people coming to where you're at from a worse country and complaining about the country you live in.

      Even you've gotta admit that that's pretty lame and dumb.


      • #13
        As I stated earlier, my qualms include those who are not residents of the United States.


        • #14
          Originally posted by Stark Evade
          As I stated earlier, my qualms include those who are not residents of the United States.
          And my qualms include America!

          Seriously though, you just have to accept the fact that the most powerful country in the world, who pretty much goes around the world doing whatever it wants to whomever it wants, will be hated by many.

          Personally, I've never been a fan of imperialism, nor will I feel any admiration for the country who is on buddy terms with our eternal enemies (by "our", I mean in relation to Armenia and Armenians). For you to call me an idiot because of that (or lacking intelligence) is...well....typically American..


          • #15
            I dont think America goes around and does whatever it wants, there is more than self-interest in its world affairs. especially thus far in the Bsuh administration, but all the presidents ahave more or less showed the same interest. If America does not help a third world country in need, it gets criticised, when it does, it still gets criticised. I personally think America has done more than enough of its share for the rest of the world. It is without a doubt the most unselfish country.. very unlike Russia and France.. "motherland" HAHA
            How do you hurt a masochist?
            -By leaving him alone.Forever.


            • #16
              What bothers me about the USA is how it can decide to pull out from Kyoto and the Geneva conventions, listen to the World Court, WTO and the UN when it rules in their favour, and deny its authority if it doesn't...

              All rather annoying..


              • #17
                Well, the UN is Bullxxxx and everyone knows that.. its existance prevents help more so than hunger/wars/riots/civil wars.... etc... i mean.. when was the last time the UN actually made itself useful>? back during Samalia and the conflict there that lead to Black hawk down was the last time i can think of that they actually got in their damn tanks and helped.. but ofcourse that was for the retreat... and then they airdrop food which is gathered by the warlords anyways.. thats simply stupid.
                How do you hurt a masochist?
                -By leaving him alone.Forever.


                • #18
                  One can argue that the reason the UN is bullxxxx is BECAUSE countries like the USA are not willing to cooperate with it.

                  And of course, you can't expect anything to change as long as America's own Kofi Annan is the general secretary.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Stark Evade
                    I think hating America is nothing more than a fashion statement... a social conforming born from narrow-mindedness and want of a sense of meaningful, intellectual community and the inability to separate people and culture from political activity. It's like adopting the "I hate Starbucks" mentality because some tumor of a human being you met in a Wal-Mart bathroom told you it's evil and took away your ability to see that a coffee bean is just a goddamn coffee bean, especially when you walk across the street to another coffee shop and order the same dilluted girl drink that has no freaking coffee in it. There are things I hate about the United States but I'm not so childish that it would keep me from appreciating the many things that are deserving of appreciation. It has a high immigration rate just like England and France and I'm sure all three are good countries with plenty to offer. I don't have to hate one to like the other. Hell I probably will leave the U.S. eventually and go to Europe but that does not mean I will go to which ever country I go to and complain about America. I am not a needy drama queen.

                    What's your opinion? Do you think the United States is a completely worthless, evil country deserving of hate or do you have a modicum of intelligence?
                    I don't know if "hate" has a proper meaning here. After all, I am very critical of the United States, yet taht does not mean I am hateful, or not thankful for living here. All too often people construe criticism as hatred and that one cannot necessarily criticize yet be thankful. Thankful for what we have, critical for fear of losing that which we have. I don't see how one can not separate the United States government from the actual liberties that were prevalent here. The reasons why the United States has so much to offer is because of a simple thing called economics, most notably known as capitalism, not because of government. The U.S. government has done many good things, but it has also done many bad things, like all governments tend to do, and it's bads far outweigh the goods. It did help Armenia right after the Genocide, for which without Armenia perhaps could not have survived, as mainstream court historians like to argue, but that is a matter of historical interpretation and open to debate.

                    I am thankful for being here and having the opportunity to go somewhere, but it is not because of government, it is precisely that this country has had far less government than in other places, giving rise to liberty, why it blossomed so. It is also the fear that the United States has steadily grown larger and far more looming in its presence that poeple begin to fear it and hate it, for you hate what you fear. People around the world do not like this country because it is associated with Israel, imperialism, and violence. We do not hate it here, because we are far away from bombs and such, but how many poeple would like to live under the constant looming threat of a superpower threatening to bomb your way of life simply because of political systems and Israeli influence?

                    What gave America its might is not government, it is the free market. I suggest people check out

                    The growth and spending that we experience is a result of market forces and economics, not government. Of course, the economically profane do not know this, nor understand it, that is why it is far more easier to perpetuate the myth for the 'great need' of government and how it was always the 'selfless public servants' that saved America and helped make it what it is.

                    As the author demonstrates, even the poorest of the poor continue to have the chance to rise through our capitalist system, and they frequently make use of this opportunity.

                    "The critics suggest that there is little or no room for the ‘poor’ to advance, that class of people is essentially stuck in the bottom 20 percent. But this is unequivocally false. In reality, the bottom 20 percent (like all other quintiles) is constantly made up of different people. A family in the lowest income quintile today, as recorded by the census data gatherers, will typically move up into a higher income category over the next five or ten years and be replaced in the lower category by a different family…"

                    As far as Americans who mindlessly spew hatred, I have come across very few of them and usually they were mindless left leaning wanna be anarchists or socialists or environmental fools. When one does not deify the State and the political establishment, in this case being against it and critical of it, does not equate to hatred. Having healthy criticism and disagreement to be the equivalent of hatred is something only the warmongers in the Bush administration would have us believe.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #20
                      Anonymouse and Baron Dants:
                      I was driven to start this thread beacuse of this attitude: "This is a stupid country; it has nothing to offer other than Ernest Hemingway." Everybody that expresses their contempt for America (and its residents) is usually unable to separate the foreign policy of the government from intranational activity and sentiment. Baron, all of your qualms about America that drive you to say you hate it are about the governments foreign policy. That is like someone saying he hates a particular hamburger restaurant because one of the items on the menu has mayonaise in it and he hates mayonaise.

