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Hating America

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  • #31
    look at how much more oil were consuming
    World Oil Production Consumption reserves Statistics timeline history Report

    (Millions of barrels per day):

    United States: 19.993
    Japan: 5.423
    China: 4.854
    Germany: 2.814
    Russia: 2.531
    South Korea: 2.126
    Brazil: 2.123
    Canada: 2.048
    France: 2.040
    India: 2.011
    Mexico: 1.932
    Italy: 1.881
    United Kingdom: 1.699
    Spain: 1.465
    SaudiArabia: 1.415
    Iran: 1.109
    Indonesia: 1.063
    Netherlands: .881
    Australia: .879
    Taiwan: .846


    • #32
      Originally posted by Harut82
      look at how much more oil were consuming
      I read those figures. I'm not blind. Where do you think I got my per capita ratios from? That is what you said right? The average American? Just don't throw out random numbers; chances are they mean nothing.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Harut82
        look at how much more oil were consuming
        So WHAT if the U.S. uses more oil? What is your point? I'm sick of hearing this. It is the mightiest industrial nation reaping full benefits of the capitalist revolution. That other countries are behind, is not the fault of America. I'm tired of the "it's the oil consuming SUV capital" environmentalists use. Who gives a shyt? It is a successful nation with successful people that can afford it, and they shall buy it and use it. It is no one's business. Environmental wackos need to mind their own business.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #34
          So WHAT if the U.S. uses more oil? What is your point?
          Simple, there is a limited amount of oil undergound and soon its going to run out. People dont like us because we are using up most of it.
          It probably wont run out in our lifetime but we will definetly see shortages and a rise in prices.

          It has nothing to do with environmental wackos. It's not just SUV's that use oil. All plastics are made of oil and we get alot of our electricity from oil. There is only so much oil under ground and there are going to be oil shortages in our lifetime. Like I said unless we find cheap alternate source of energy things are going to get ugly.
          Last edited by Harut82; 09-11-2004, 01:42 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Stark Evade
            I read those figures. I'm not blind. Where do you think I got my per capita ratios from? That is what you said right? The average American? Just don't throw out random numbers; chances are they mean nothing.
            My mistake I was talking about oil consumption (per capita)


            • #36
              Oil is not a renewable resource; it will run out whether you like it or not. Hating America for that reason is ignorant and pompous.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Harut82
                My mistake I was talking about oil consumption (per capita)

                The contents of that sight affirm my post regarding the percapita consumption. I said:
                Also by using this site:
       can see that Canada's per capita for oil is very similar to America which is only about twice per capita of countries like Germany, Japan, and France and is only about 30 percent more per capita compared to Saudi Arabia.
                And that was my partial response to:
                People hate America becuause the average american uses 4 times energy/resources than the average person on earth.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Harut82
                  Simple, there is a limited amount of oil undergound and soon its going to run out. People dont like us because we are using up most of it.
                  It probably wont run out in our lifetime but we will definetly see shortages and a rise in prices.
                  Of course there is a limited amount of oil underground, DUHHH! There is a limited amount of nickel and copper and coal as well. What's your point? There are many non-renewable resources. The fact is that given the free market, innovation will never cease into the technologies of how to better tap into oil reserves, or find other means of energy. One hundred and fifty years ago, nobody knew that one day oil would be a valuable commodity, and according to the Austrian Economic thought about the subjectivity theory of value, all things change. And who knows, maybe in the future oil will be worthless. As far as your contention that the world hates America because they use oil, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. On the contrary, the world hates America for being an imperialistic warmonger, not because it uses oil.

                  As far as the shortages, there are no shortages, it only means that there is the same amount of oil, only at higher prices because of higher demand. The only thing that boosts prices is regulation by governments, which forces producers to cut costs and drive up prices. If you do not understand the basics of economics, you shouldn't be bothered with.

                  Originally posted by Harut82
                  It has nothing to do with environmental wackos. It's not just SUV's that use oil. All plastics are made of oil and we get alot of our electricity from oil. There is only so much oil under ground and there are going to be oil shortages in our lifetime. Like I said unless we find cheap alternate source of energy things are going to get ugly.
                  This is about environmental wackos because the arguments you put forth are only regurgitated by environmental wackos who have no inkling knowledge about human action and economics. What do you want people do, not use plastic? There are many alternative uses of how to get energy, nuclear energy being one of them. Furthermore the freemarket always supports innovation, and it was originally the free market that gave rise to oil as a commodity. Who knows, maybe in the future, we will be back to riding bicycles again, and enjoying cereal from wooden bowls. That is not for anyone of us to decide, because there is no where written that progress is only up up up, and the past is not necessarily the determining factor of what the future will be.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #39
                    we don't hate other countries for having month long vacations more than once a year and having a slower pace of life relative to ours, while we get barely 2 weeks of vacation per year and still check in and keep in touch while we're briefly away...they choose to live that way and we choose to work harder and longer here in the u.s., thus our successful economy and productivity compared to other countries; no one gets something for nothing!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by hyebruin
                      we don't hate other countries for having month long vacations more than once a year and having a slower pace of life relative to ours, while we get barely 2 weeks of vacation per year and still check in and keep in touch while we're briefly away...they choose to live that way and we choose to work harder and longer here in the u.s., thus our successful economy and productivity compared to other countries; no one gets something for nothing!
                      Thank you. It's so obvious. Why can't people see that? If they hate America for her capitalist system and work ethic, then phuck them. Don't be jealous.
                      Achkerov kute.

