hyebruin, come on that is just cruel. You cannot tease with juicy gossip material! I have no social life what so ever right now. The only places where I see new people are school and Drs offices and no time to do much outside of that. 
Thought of the day:
I just had an in-class essay quiz on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1800s. (thats right...18 not 19) Three days into the class and I already know more about the Civil Rights Movement than I ever planned to. My prof is a white lady that is obsessed with racism. Does anyone else think that people need to calm down about racism towards African-Americans? I think that when people of other races get as much crap from them as they do from us, they can no longer play victim. Sumner's Law was one thing, but Affirmative Action...they are just degrading themselves as far as I am concerned.
And I am not sure what the name of this movement was, but do you remember when African-Americans wanted to get money for their ancestors suffering??? By a show of hands...How many of us would like to see Turkey give Armenians a bunch of money, but are too smart or proud to ask for it? What is it gonna do for their ancestors if they get money now?? It's not even a matter of priciple. Be good citizens. Do well in school and get a good job and make your own money! Don't beg like some gypsy on the street. It is an insult to their ancestors, but thats my personal view... ~Svetlana~

Thought of the day:
I just had an in-class essay quiz on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1800s. (thats right...18 not 19) Three days into the class and I already know more about the Civil Rights Movement than I ever planned to. My prof is a white lady that is obsessed with racism. Does anyone else think that people need to calm down about racism towards African-Americans? I think that when people of other races get as much crap from them as they do from us, they can no longer play victim. Sumner's Law was one thing, but Affirmative Action...they are just degrading themselves as far as I am concerned.
And I am not sure what the name of this movement was, but do you remember when African-Americans wanted to get money for their ancestors suffering??? By a show of hands...How many of us would like to see Turkey give Armenians a bunch of money, but are too smart or proud to ask for it? What is it gonna do for their ancestors if they get money now?? It's not even a matter of priciple. Be good citizens. Do well in school and get a good job and make your own money! Don't beg like some gypsy on the street. It is an insult to their ancestors, but thats my personal view... ~Svetlana~