Originally posted by jilbagh
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8] These Rules & Guidelines may be amended at any time. (last update September 17, 2009)
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You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is:
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- post racist or other intentionally insensitive material that insults or attacks another culture (including Turks)
The Ankap thread is excluded from the strict rules because that place is more relaxed and you can vent and engage in light insults and humor. Notice it's not a blank ticket, but just a place to vent. If you go into the Ankap thread, you enter at your own risk of being clowned on.
What you PROBABLY SHOULD NOT post...
Do not post information that you will regret putting out in public. This site comes up on Google, is cached, and all of that, so be aware of that as you post. Do not ask the staff to go through and delete things that you regret making available on the web for all to see because we will not do it. Think before you post!
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Members are welcome to read posts and though we encourage your active participation in the forum, it is not required. If you do participate by posting, however, we expect that on the whole you contribute something to the forum. This means that the bulk of your posts should not be in "fun" threads (e.g. Ankap, Keep & Kill, This or That, etc.). Further, while occasionally it is appropriate to simply voice your agreement or approval, not all of your posts should be of this variety: "LOL Member213!" "I agree."
If it is evident that a member is simply posting for the sake of posting, they will be removed.
8] These Rules & Guidelines may be amended at any time. (last update September 17, 2009)
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1] What you CAN NOT post.
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You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is:
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Bush-Kerry Debate
Originally posted by jilbagh1)The government is limiting the testing of the drugs.
2)The pharmaceutical companies don't want to make public the research and the findings for cures. They make money off of the drugs they sell to stabilize a disease someone may have. This is widely noted as a conspiracy theory, but why should they cut their own profits?
It's a dirty and corrupt industry. No matter what the situation is, the corrupt practices will continue. It's all tied in with insurance and pharm. companies.Last edited by patlajan; 10-13-2004, 04:57 PM.
It's funny how the candidates speak with tongues in twos, larded with saintly oils, about how they both propose big fat lusty claims of things they want to implement or ought to do, and mention numbers, statistics, promises and dates such as 2075. Neither candidate has offered much in substance or honesty, yet the voters make themselves believe that 'no politician is honest', yet are their biggest and most hoplessly dependent supporters. In an age where personal responsiblity and intellectual freedom are bankrupt, and dependency on political systems is at an all time high, you will see voters rationalize how 'politicians lie' and are a 'necessary evil', and while acknowledging that, they go on to vote for these same people, in essence tying themselves to this vice which they are aware of. What does that tell you about the hopelessly bleak state of what we call 'ethics' in the age of voter self-esteem? It doesn't matter much, so long as 'your guy' wins, thereby reaffirming your voter self-esteem. As a voter reads this, they might even attempt to rationalize that as some witty humor and offer a "" in response, usually indicating their utter lack of principle, integrity and reason. As I sit here listening to how Bush and Kerry are talking about religion and 'faith" and "love thy neighbor", I can't help but realize how all their actions as politicians are the exactly opposite of what they preach. Kerry may say "integrity, integrity, integrity" all he wants, yet that is exactly what he will never have, except in the delusional minds of voters. As Bush makes pompous claims about "promoting life" he is doing the exact opposite in Iraq.
The great economist, and political philosopher F. A. Hayek logically demolished the notion of the modern state and centrally controlled systems. His main point was that no government bureaucrat could ever effectively make decisions for other people because it is impossible to process all of the information that goes into other people's decision-making, yet if you pay attention to the debates the candidates are attempting to do just that. No Roman in 125 AD thought that one day Rome would be swept off the face of the earth, and loftily proclaimed futures and promises and visions of years to come. Bolshevism claimed that it would bring an earthly utopia for all eternity, not far from 'a thousand year Reich' of what Hitler spoke, and not far from Kerry or Bush talking about "dreams" and "journies" and "2075" or "2050" or what other date they may talk about. Just as no one predicted Rome would one day fall to do it's internal exhaustion of trying to control variables that only become complex over time, just like the inability of the Soviet Union to try to control the many complex variables that only increase over time, the United States itself is walking down the same path, sadly. All systems become complex over time, and as the second law of thermodynamics gives insight into our world, and how all systems move toward disorder and chaos, due to more complexities, and yet when we try to continue in the same path of controlling these complexities, it only proves deleterious. The average Roman wouldn't believe one day their system would collapse, just like my parents never envisioned a world without the Soviet Union. America's turn is slowly coming, if continued on the present path.
People don't seem to learn how all attempts at trying to control have resulted in unsatisfactory results when one person sought to make decisions for others, even when supposedly acting with their best interests at heart. There will always be those among us, like the shape shifting politicians in the form of Kerries and Bushes, Skull and Bonesmen or Hilary Clintons, who wish to manipulate our lives and always, we are assured, for our benefit rather than for the joy they take in the exercise, but the results are seldom pretty and never what the manipulators intended. Yet people do not seem to be attuned to their strongest gift, and that is their ability to think. Is logic and reason really that far off from people? Is it simply a lack of reason and principle when someone states that "Government is a necessary evil", or "All politicians lie", yet goes on to support this system? Is it simply a willingness to 'be a part of the circues' such as voting blocs, and voter self-esteem? The belief that you can make things better by the same system which thrives on our fears and our dark sides, is illusory at best. Many people claim that they are of the persuasion to 'live and let live', yet they do not act what they preach, and not necessarily consciously. It's almost as if it is a dissociative state of being. Surely no voter wants to be associated ( at least consciously ) with murder, oppression, theft, but they are, indirectly and unconsciously, because politics is just that, since it mobilizes our fears and dark sides into that one destructive force. Perhaps before we try to tell other people what to do, whether at home or abroad, we should instead try to hold up an ethic, instead of the ballot or the stupid pins people wear after voting that says "I voted", which to me indicates something more like a mind control chip, except it is not under the skin or implanted in the brain, it is out there for all rational people to distinguish themselves from the sheep.Achkerov kute.
Originally posted by AnonymouseIt's funny how the candidates speak with tongues in twos, larded with saintly oils, about how they both propose big fat lusty claims of things they want to implement or ought to do, and mention numbers, statistics, promises and dates such as 2075. Neither candidate has offered much in substance or honesty, yet the voters make themselves believe that 'no politician is honest', yet are their biggest and most hoplessly dependent supporters. In an age where personal responsiblity and intellectual freedom are bankrupt, and dependency on political systems is at an all time high, you will see voters rationalize how 'politicians lie' and are a 'necessary evil', and while acknowledging that, they go on to vote for these same people, in essence tying themselves to this vice which they are aware of. What does that tell you about the hopelessly bleak state of what we call 'ethics' in the age of voter self-esteem? It doesn't matter much, so long as 'your guy' wins, thereby reaffirming your voter self-esteem. As a voter reads this, they might even attempt to rationalize that as some witty humor and offer a "" in response, usually indicating their utter lack of principle, integrity and reason. As I sit here listening to how Bush and Kerry are talking about religion and 'faith" and "love thy neighbor", I can't help but realize how all their actions as politicians are the exactly opposite of what they preach. Kerry may say "integrity, integrity, integrity" all he wants, yet that is exactly what he will never have, except in the delusional minds of voters. As Bush makes pompous claims about "promoting life" he is doing the exact opposite in Iraq.
The great economist, and political philosopher F. A. Hayek logically demolished the notion of the modern state and centrally controlled systems. His main point was that no government bureaucrat could ever effectively make decisions for other people because it is impossible to process all of the information that goes into other people's decision-making, yet if you pay attention to the debates the candidates are attempting to do just that. No Roman in 125 AD thought that one day Rome would be swept off the face of the earth, and loftily proclaimed futures and promises and visions of years to come. Bolshevism claimed that it would bring an earthly utopia for all eternity, not far from 'a thousand year Reich' of what Hitler spoke, and not far from Kerry or Bush talking about "dreams" and "journies" and "2075" or "2050" or what other date they may talk about. Just as no one predicted Rome would one day fall to do it's internal exhaustion of trying to control variables that only become complex over time, just like the inability of the Soviet Union to try to control the many complex variables that only increase over time, the United States itself is walking down the same path, sadly. All systems become complex over time, and as the second law of thermodynamics gives insight into our world, and how all systems move toward disorder and chaos, due to more complexities, and yet when we try to continue in the same path of controlling these complexities, it only proves deleterious. The average Roman wouldn't believe one day their system would collapse, just like my parents never envisioned a world without the Soviet Union. America's turn is slowly coming, if continued on the present path.
People don't seem to learn how all attempts at trying to control have resulted in unsatisfactory results when one person sought to make decisions for others, even when supposedly acting with their best interests at heart. There will always be those among us, like the shape shifting politicians in the form of Kerries and Bushes, Skull and Bonesmen or Hilary Clintons, who wish to manipulate our lives and always, we are assured, for our benefit rather than for the joy they take in the exercise, but the results are seldom pretty and never what the manipulators intended. Yet people do not seem to be attuned to their strongest gift, and that is their ability to think. Is logic and reason really that far off from people? Is it simply a lack of reason and principle when someone states that "Government is a necessary evil", or "All politicians lie", yet goes on to support this system? Is it simply a willingness to 'be a part of the circues' such as voting blocs, and voter self-esteem? The belief that you can make things better by the same system which thrives on our fears and our dark sides, is illusory at best. Many people claim that they are of the persuasion to 'live and let live', yet they do not act what they preach, and not necessarily consciously. It's almost as if it is a dissociative state of being. Surely no voter wants to be associated ( at least consciously ) with murder, oppression, theft, but they are, indirectly and unconsciously, because politics is just that, since it mobilizes our fears and dark sides into that one destructive force. Perhaps before we try to tell other people what to do, whether at home or abroad, we should instead try to hold up an ethic, instead of the ballot or the stupid pins people wear after voting that says "I voted", which to me indicates something more like a mind control chip, except it is not under the skin or implanted in the brain, it is out there for all rational people to distinguish themselves from the sheep.How do you hurt a masochist?
-By leaving him alone.Forever.
Originally posted by gevoI just think you say you dont care, yet you care and talk to much. :PAchkerov kute.
Originally posted by gauchohmmm
please DO tell!
why did you watch the debate if you don't care about democracy and the presidential elections??
Originally posted by gauchoon the other hand... HOW AWESOME WAS KERRY TONIGHT????
I was lucky enough to watch it with a buncha students... and OH MY GOD have we cracked up more than a dozen times....
too bad Bush isn't here, otherwise I'd REALLY wanna hear another one of his sentences starting with "education......" lllllllllllol
is he NOT getting it???
megha asdoodzo.Achkerov kute.