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What are you first?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ckBejug
    Oh come on people with these responses! (Sorry to single you out, studdy, you're not the only one...)

    When someone comes up to you and asks 'what are you' do you really says I am a HUMAN BEING or I am a WOMAN. Seriously if someone said that to me I'd say 'thank you captain obvious' or the more colorful 'no sh!t Sherlock!' and probably move on without hearing the rest of what they had to say!
    By saying that "I am a woman first", it doesn't mean that it's my response to every person who walks up to me. Also, when the hell would a person come to you and actually ask you, "What are you?" LOL If you get that alot, then you should get a plastic surgeon IMMEDIATELY. The point of this thread, I think, was to identify our most important aspects.


    • #32
      Originally posted by HyeJinx1984
      Yuro, you're not Armenian first. I'm not attacking you or saying you're not proud to be an Armenian or anything like that... but your simply not an Armenian first. No one who has advocated marrying a non-armenian is armenian first. Being Armenian first means you could look God in the eye and say that you don't love him best.

      I know it feels like I'm picking on you a lot recently which kinda sucks cause I actually do like you, lol, you're just making a lot of oppertuinities for it...
      Identifying yourself as Armenian first DOES NOT mean you could look God in the eye and say that you don't love him best. What does one thing have to do with the other?? The fact that I might love God and live my life as a moral Christian, whether or not I go to Church all the time, mind you, does not mean I am required to identify myself as a Christian above all else. Beign Christian is not first and foremost who we are as people. Each person in here, as you can already see, has their own personal identifier. One thing that stands, to themselves, above all else. It does not mean that this one thing is any more or less important than anything else they identify with!
      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


      • #33
        Originally posted by HyeJinx1984
        Yuro, you're not Armenian first. I'm not attacking you or saying you're not proud to be an Armenian or anything like that... but your simply not an Armenian first. No one who has advocated marrying a non-armenian is armenian first. Being Armenian first means you could look God in the eye and say that you don't love him best.

        I know it feels like I'm picking on you a lot recently which kinda sucks cause I actually do like you, lol, you're just making a lot of oppertuinities for it...
        You could honestly tell me that you would look God in the "face" and say that you don't love him best? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL This was the sickest comment that you've ever made.


        • #34
          Hmm.. looks like this thread turned into a "also, what are you second, third and fourth" one as well s'cool, I'm down, let's see...

          1) Armenian (redundant, but the list wouldn't be complete)
          2) Creator
          3) Human
          5) Psychotic
          "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


          • #35
            Originally posted by violette829
            By saying that "I am a woman first", it doesn't mean that it's my response to every person who walks up to me. Also, when the hell would a person come to you and actually ask you, "What are you?" LOL If you get that alot, then you should get a plastic surgeon IMMEDIATELY. The point of this thread, I think, was to identify our most important aspects.
            I already answered that question and it has nothing whatsoever to do with looks. I had that exact question asked of me and I had to make an essay out of it. ha, ha. Even if the point of the thread is to identify an important aspect I fail to see how someone, when defining himself (even if they are just thinking about themselves and not answering a question for someone else) would say 'I am a human' as an identifier. It seems like such a part of ourselves that is identical to everyone else, why would one identify as that above other things that might make them unique?
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


            • #36
              Originally posted by violette829
              You could honestly tell me that you would look God in the "face" and say that you don't love him best? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL This was the sickest comment that you've ever made.
              I don't know if it's the SICKEST one I've made... remember that time I responded to that hermapodite with "*walks up holding a pair of scissors in one hand and a needle and thread in the other* It's time to choose..."

              Yes, the comment I made is an exageration... Armenian need to learn to think in the abstract as well as the logical. You know what I meant. But the fact of that matter still stands, someone willing to marry a non armenian is NOT Armenian FIRST, pure and simple. He maybe Armenian a close second, maybe third, but the fact of the matter is something, whatever it, comes before his responsibility to breed (I know, horrible word to use) a happy, sucssful Armenian family.. so that they can breed a sucessful happy armenian family, and so on and so forth...

              and before someone says "you can raise your kids to be Armenian even when you have a spouse of a different race" true... but then you are either, a) teaching them to be more one than the other which to me is insulting to the other race cause I wouldn't want that done to us, and b) they are proud of both heritages but can't FFULLY Identify with either because they are in fact mixed or C) the most common "well mom and dad married mixed, so I will too!" and then generation after generation out breeding with other races completely destroy whatever armenianess was in that blood. Sad, true, and irrefutable...
              Last edited by HyeJinx1984; 12-03-2004, 01:06 PM.
              "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


              • #37
                Originally posted by ckBejug
                I already answered that question and it has nothing whatsoever to do with looks. I had that exact question asked of me and I had to make an essay out of it. ha, ha. Even if the point of the thread is to identify an important aspect I fail to see how someone, when defining himself (even if they are just thinking about themselves and not answering a question for someone else) would say 'I am a human' as an identifier. It seems like such a part of ourselves that is identical to everyone else, why would one identify as that above other things that might make them unique?

                There is a difference between saying, "I am human" because it doesn't set you apart from anyone. When you say, "I am a woman first", that statement is so concentrated with meaning and depth, that only a person who identifies would understand it. It's not just a simple, yes I'm a girl. It's a declaration of who you are.


                • #38
                  the whole "I'm human" part is plain stupid...and I'm a girl/boy is not that useful too..I mean, we can see if the person with whom we are talking to are boys or girls...

                  Unless we are talking to a big dirty hairy bear-woman, it's not worth mentioning your gender.


                  • #39
                    Hmm... perhaps you didn't really get what I meant !EEK... when I said "what are you first" I guess I was getting at which issues/agenda to you try to further first. If someone says they're a Woman first that means they identify with being a woman most and are most interested in topics that have to do with being a woman specifically, where as someone who say's they're a businesman first would worry about money and stuff before anything else, and I'm hopeing people who are spouting this "I'm armenian first" stuff mean that before anything else, issues affected Armenians are of the utmost importance to them.
                    "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by HyeJinx1984
                      Hmm... perhaps you didn't really get what I meant !EEK... when I said "what are you first" I guess I was getting at which issues/agenda to you try to further first. If someone says they're a Woman first that means they identify with being a woman most and are most interested in topics that have to do with being a woman specifically, where as someone who say's they're a businesman first would worry about money and stuff before anything else, and I'm hopeing people who are spouting this "I'm armenian first" stuff mean that before anything else, issues affected Armenians are of the utmost importance to them.
                      Raaaaaawwr I got what you meant but I was acting more rationalisticly...

                      SO you are saying you are armenian first? Do you always say that to everyone or you adapt you "What are you first" to kinds of people ( girlfriend, teacher, busines partners,...)?

