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The Vent Thread

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  • The Vent Thread

    I was reading my friends "Vent" thread on his message board, and he had a very long post just venting, and getting his thoughts out. I spent a few minutes writing a post, but then I realized the thread was closed, lol. So I didn't wanna throw it away, so I'm gonna post it in here. It might still make some sense even though it was sort of meant to him.

    Also, since I always vent, this thread is for everybody else, including myself, to just vent.

    Here's the post:

    "I can totally relate to what you're saying.

    I don't even wanna try talking to you about it, because I wouldn't know how to start.

    Lately, I've been going through a lot of stress myself. Days keep getting worse. Honestly, something good never comes along anymore. I just keep waking up and saying, "God, please, don't give me another horrible day." We all have our own share of problems in life. Sometimes I make threads on message boards, IM or call my friends, and try to tell them about my problems. People listen, yeah, but no one knows how you feel except YOU. People seem to care, but they just DON'T GET IT. Not even my family, people I struggle WITH. It's hard, but there's not much you can do.

    And this doesn't really have to do with you or anything, but honestly, I wish I never took this path with music. I'm not really deep into it right now, as far as CD's completed goes, but mentally, I'm too deep, you know? I just don't think I can quit. Sometimes I start thinking real, like, "What if I never get there?". You can't just say you will. You have to face reality. But then what? I fail? Yeah, I go to school, I'm trying to figure out something I'm good at to fall back on that, but I don't have a passion for anything else. I like singing, I want people to hear what I have to say - but then again, there's a million people JUST like me. So I've been dreaming this dream of being big and talking out to people through songs since I was 12, and now, all of a sudden, I gotta stop?

    Mike, I'm sorry, I'm venting now, and it's not towards you're xxxx. But if you don't mind, let me keep going.

    When you said you don't say things in front of people because it might hurt them, I TOTALLY agree. I don't know if this is how it is with you, but this is what I see. Let's say I have insecurities about my height. Which I do, but it doesn't really bother me anymore. It did back in middle school, though. I was short, and it was obvious, but even my CLOSE friends and even FAMILY, would make fun of me, or whatever. Bring it up at the randomest time, and when I was happy, it would put a frown on my face. Like, "Did you have to say that?" It hurts my feelings. The height issue doesn't bother me much anymore. I grew a little bit, I'm 5'8 now, and I don't care if I'm not 6 feet, the height xxxx doesn't bother me anymore. But a lot of other things do, and when friends and family poke fun at it, it hurts.

    Sometimes it's like, "xxxx. Just live YOUR life, and I'll live MINE." But all we do is vent, man. Most people don't listen. A lot do, but their advice is worthless because it doesn't help, even though they try.

    And I know this post doesn't do you any good, but when I was reading yours, I was relating, like you were talking to me. With everything going wrong these days, I had to post back and just vent myself a little bit."

  • #2
    Re: The Vent Thread

    Another thing I'd like to quickly vent about.

    My friends thread also mentioned how he hated the party lifestyle because it was nothing but a bunch of kids wasting their life. As much as I like to party, hang out, and do whatever I do - I agree.

    But this is how it is with me. I like to drink, ok? Most of you know that. But I never drank because I thought it was "cool". Growing up as an Armenian, I was always around alcohol. It was normal for me. Other people might see drinking to be as bad or worse than cigarettes or weed, but HONESTLY, I don't. My parents let me drink as long as I'm safe, I know my limit, and I don't drive. And I ALWAYS follow those rules. I've only thrown up from drinking twice. Once, about two years ago, when my friends and I got really drunk, which was our fault, I guess. And the other at my cousins sweet 16 a few months ago. Yeah, my family was there, and they were a little mad how I took it too far.

    But I don't like it when people look down on drinking. If we drink, and we're safe, just mind your own business. As far as smoking weed, man. I can tell you, I hate it. I thought it was "cool" back in the 10th grade, but I went through some serious changes, and I hate it right now. Cigarettes. I honestly believe they help relieve stress, even if it's for the few minutes you're smoking. Even if it's PROVEN it doesn't relieve stress, it feels like it. So whatever. The only reason I don't smoke is because I know my mom doesn't want me to. I admit it, I do sometimes, when I'm with certain people, but not much. I always respect my parents. They told me to never get an earing or tattoo, and even though I liked tattoo's as a kid, I've grown to hate them, JUST to respect my parents. Which is a good and bad thing, but that's besides the point.

    What I'm trying to say is, partying is okay in my eyes, sometimes. When I go to parties, I drink and I have fun. I keep it cool. But I see SO many little kids smoking and drinking just to be cool. The other night, my friend and I picked up these two girls who my friend knew. They were 15, and wanted us to buy cigarettes. They were also major potheads. They were acting like TOTAL idiots. I hate THAT shit.

    People ask me why I'm against weed, but I'm for alcohol. Weed is "natural", it's all in your head, it doesn't harm you. Why am I against it? Because the people who smoke weed act like fucking IDIOTS and are worthless in life. All they do is lay around, ask people if they have "5 on it", to go out and smoke. Then, they act stupid, say they have the munchies, eat, and pass out. When I drink, I get drunk. It's not in anybody's head, I'm drunk. I laugh, I have fun. I then sleep, or just hang around until my buzz is gone. Done, that's it. But people who smoke weed, and not ALL act like idiots, but most of the people I see, do - are stupid. Even my cousin. He smokes too much. Acts like a real idiot sometimes. He already dropped out of his college, to go to another college, which is total bullshit. I don't want to get into that right now, but basically, he's messing around with life.

    So, please. Quit asking me about this weed issue. Not you, the Armenian Club members, but people in LIFE. I wish I could call my ex and tell her this now, but I won't. I lost her the first time because of weed. We broke up because I was into it. And now, we're not on a good basis because of HER being in weed. I just hope she matures, and comes to a realization like I did.

    And also, here's a quick vent, which another night, will turn to a full-page vent: People, stop stereotyping. Just because I rap, doesn't mean ANYTHING. I don't think I'm gangster, or thug, or ANYTHING. Man, that's partially why I wanna quit. Because people think just because I'm a rapper, I act like one. No, I don't dress or talk like it. I am ME. I dress a little too preppy, if anything. I talk a little too "white", if anything. I barely listen to rap. I hate it when I say something and people say, "Fo sho, homie. Yeah, dawg.", as if they're making fun of me. Ugh. Growwwwwwwwww up, people.


    • #3
      Re: The Vent Thread

      As far as that rapper stereotype goes, I forgot to mention what happened today. Some girl IMed me and asked who I was, apparently, she had forgotten. I said my name and she asked which Armen I was. Well, people know me as One-Way, so I just said, "Armen, One-Way."

      She replied back with, "You think you're a rapper?" I asked what that was supposed to mean and she said, "Do you rap?" I told her I did, and I could tell she was like, "Oh. He's a rapper." - you know, in that weird tone, like, "He thinks he's a rapper. He thinks he's a gangster."

      People don't see me for ME. When people hear I'm a rapper, they stray away. Girls go from, "Hey, you're cute." to "Oh, good luck on your music." I'm SICK of that. That's why I can't find a girl. It's like, man, I'm a person too. I have a life. Music is what I do to express myself. But I have a life. If you think I'm cute, put my music aside, tell me. If you think I'm interesting, talk to me. Stop acting like I'm a "rapper". Seriously. It's why I wanna quit. One of the MAIN reasons why. I want people to look at me like a normal person. I wanna live a normal life. I wanna go to school, get a real job, and live a real life. Not chase a dream, and be stereotyped my whole life. That bothers me.

      I used to always tell people I rapped. I was like, "I'm One-Way. Go check out my website, listen to my music!" Now I never say it. I'll let others bring it up, but I never do. Once I do, people make that stereotype and zone you out.


      • #4
        Re: The Vent Thread

        I like reading about the adventures of One-Way. That girl that IMed you is definitely an oaf by the way.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #5
          Re: The Vent Thread

          I agree.


          • #6
            Re: The Vent Thread

            Originally posted by One-Way
            I agree.
            Quoted for truth.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #7
              Re: The Vent Thread

              People are like that... if you quit, they may stop using that stereotype, but they'll find something else. I know you didn't want a psych lesson as an answer, but people categorize things. That's how we help make sense of a complex world. Of course there's a good and bad ways of doing that and for a variety of different reasons people don't always take the time to collect enough info to form an accurate impression. They use the couple pieces of info (usually what they can see) rely on stereotypes to fill in the rest and form an impression very quickly.

              It's best to ignore that sh*t I guess. What's also kind of fun is to do it back to them so they can see what they're doing.

              Btw, the weed smoking idiots you're talking about were probably idiots to begin with.
              [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
              -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


              • #8
                Re: The Vent Thread

                Originally posted by Siggie
                People are like that... if you quit, they may stop using that stereotype, but they'll find something else. I know you didn't want a psych lesson as an answer, but people categorize things. That's how we help make sense of a complex world. Of course there's a good and bad ways of doing that and for a variety of different reasons people don't always take the time to collect enough info to form an accurate impression. They use the couple pieces of info (usually what they can see) rely on stereotypes to fill in the rest and form an impression very quickly.
                I know why people stereotype. It's just that it gets annoying. I know a lot of people, who for no reason, put the person in front of down. I never say something that will hurt the person I'm with, because I know I wouldn't want that to happen to me. And if someone is talking about a subject which makes someone else feel bad, I always change the subject or do something so that ONE person won't feel bad. Because I wish people would do that for ME sometimes.

                Originally posted by Siggie
                Btw, the weed smoking idiots you're talking about were probably idiots to begin with.
                Not all of them.


                • #9
                  Re: The Vent Thread



                  • #10
                    Re: The Vent Thread

                    Oh look! A vent!

                    Achkerov kute.

