Re: hi!! symphatic friends
If listening to the BBC and CNN is your way of becoming informed, than I can see why you're opinion on the above matters are skewed toward an idealized and sanitized version of turkey. I suggest you branch out a little on your news sources.
BTW, you talk of compromise concerning Karabakh...I presume your mean "turkish compromise" which would require Armenia to cede Karabakh, Kelbajar and even Megri. In return Armenia would reap the benefits of mercy from the benevolent turkish nation
Anyway... "If this is realized,we will see the day of reckoning(the end of the world
I dont need branch out little...because CNN and BBC are impartial channels.actually you knocked my socks off,especially about comprimise:Some politic expers point out that armenia is obliged to reach an agreement,because azerbaijan is strengthening its financial situation and armenia is the state of total crash.I dont know the armenian economy exactly as you.If you illuminate about it,Ill be thankful to you..these are nonsense thoughts If armenia cedes karabagh,armenia reap the benefit of mercy form turkey.its very irrelevant sentence in reply to my message.I think this is deliberate remark.I must punch holes in your argument,first of all I meant the day of reckoning If we lose constantinepol(istanbul)....WE DONT NEED COVER MULTITUDE OF SINS TOO we opened all the archive concerning musnt mince your words,turkey is a regional power with russia,and can influence politics very easily in this the way I couldnt receive a reply message about turkey"s economic and military situation.I proved them by always want to point the finger at turkey for its hostility and its belligerent treatment towards neighbouring countries especially armenia.If ataturk knows it he would roll over in his grave.
BTW tell me ani what means?and smyrna?
If listening to the BBC and CNN is your way of becoming informed, than I can see why you're opinion on the above matters are skewed toward an idealized and sanitized version of turkey. I suggest you branch out a little on your news sources.
BTW, you talk of compromise concerning Karabakh...I presume your mean "turkish compromise" which would require Armenia to cede Karabakh, Kelbajar and even Megri. In return Armenia would reap the benefits of mercy from the benevolent turkish nation

Anyway... "If this is realized,we will see the day of reckoning(the end of the world
I dont need branch out little...because CNN and BBC are impartial channels.actually you knocked my socks off,especially about comprimise:Some politic expers point out that armenia is obliged to reach an agreement,because azerbaijan is strengthening its financial situation and armenia is the state of total crash.I dont know the armenian economy exactly as you.If you illuminate about it,Ill be thankful to you..these are nonsense thoughts If armenia cedes karabagh,armenia reap the benefit of mercy form turkey.its very irrelevant sentence in reply to my message.I think this is deliberate remark.I must punch holes in your argument,first of all I meant the day of reckoning If we lose constantinepol(istanbul)....WE DONT NEED COVER MULTITUDE OF SINS TOO we opened all the archive concerning musnt mince your words,turkey is a regional power with russia,and can influence politics very easily in this the way I couldnt receive a reply message about turkey"s economic and military situation.I proved them by always want to point the finger at turkey for its hostility and its belligerent treatment towards neighbouring countries especially armenia.If ataturk knows it he would roll over in his grave.
BTW tell me ani what means?and smyrna?
