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hi!! symphatic friends

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  • #51
    Re: hi!! symphatic friends


    If listening to the BBC and CNN is your way of becoming informed, than I can see why you're opinion on the above matters are skewed toward an idealized and sanitized version of turkey. I suggest you branch out a little on your news sources.
    BTW, you talk of compromise concerning Karabakh...I presume your mean "turkish compromise" which would require Armenia to cede Karabakh, Kelbajar and even Megri. In return Armenia would reap the benefits of mercy from the benevolent turkish nation !
    Anyway... "If this is realized,we will see the day of reckoning(the end of the world

    I dont need branch out little...because CNN and BBC are impartial channels.actually you knocked my socks off,especially about comprimise:Some politic expers point out that armenia is obliged to reach an agreement,because azerbaijan is strengthening its financial situation and armenia is the state of total crash.I dont know the armenian economy exactly as you.If you illuminate about it,Ill be thankful to you..these are nonsense thoughts If armenia cedes karabagh,armenia reap the benefit of mercy form turkey.its very irrelevant sentence in reply to my message.I think this is deliberate remark.I must punch holes in your argument,first of all I meant the day of reckoning If we lose constantinepol(istanbul)....WE DONT NEED COVER MULTITUDE OF SINS TOO we opened all the archive concerning musnt mince your words,turkey is a regional power with russia,and can influence politics very easily in this the way I couldnt receive a reply message about turkey"s economic and military situation.I proved them by always want to point the finger at turkey for its hostility and its belligerent treatment towards neighbouring countries especially armenia.If ataturk knows it he would roll over in his grave.
    BTW tell me ani what means?and smyrna?


    • #52
      Re: hi!! symphatic friends

      [QUOTE=skhara]Yeah you certainly are no fortune teller. I am sure Greeks thought they would dwell and occupy the city they themselves built, forever. In fact, for as long as they did it must have seemed like it.

      You've got traditional enemies on all sides. Nothing is "forever".

      It was ravaged in the early 1900s, but then the turks went bye-bye.

      yes I agree with you wholeheartedly,but these are impossible intentions and hopes.we dashed these hopes.traditional enemy is a good phrase.but this is our destiny....


      • #53
        Re: hi!! symphatic friends

        Originally posted by crusader1492
        Future map of Europe


        We only have our dreams when everything else is xxxx.

        What can I say.


        • #54
          Re: hi!! symphatic friends

          Originally posted by EMRE
          parthiapride,the kurds own less than quarter.we wiped all the kurds out in istanbul first,when they acted extremely.we did it a few years ago by means of mafia and secret service.but I can assure you that 80 percent of kurds are patriotic turks,only 20 percent(whom are supported by european union,syria,iran,armenia and america)traitors.why do you instigate hostile feelings between turks and kurds in you know the structure of population well in anatolia?parthiapride????

          This was in 86,
          20 years ago.


          • #55
            Re: hi!! symphatic friends


            • #56
              Re: hi!! symphatic friends

              Originally posted by Ari
              Mia: Don't you hate that?
              Vincent: What?
              Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullxxxx in order to be comfortable?
              Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
              Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the f* up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.

              Vincent: Can I have a sip of that? I'd like to know what a five-dollar shake tastes like.
              Mia: Be my guest. You can use my straw, I don't have kooties.
              Vincent: Yeah, but maybe I do.
              Mia: Kooties I can handle.
              Vincent: Goddamn! That's a pretty f*n' good milk shake.

              Mia: Told ya.

              Vincent: I don't know if it's worth five dollars, but it's pretty f*n' good.

              ...Mia: But when you scamps get together, you're worse than a sewing circle.
              Last edited by Anahita; 04-19-2006, 05:57 PM.


              • #57
                Re: hi!! symphatic friends

                Originally posted by EMRE
                I think this cure is the best remedy for you!!!!!
                I'm sorry. I didn't understand your joke.

                Originally posted by Anahita
                Genocide deniers have a policically-imposed/learned severe mental illness. They are a sad, sad, people. I try not to hate them, though. Only a few are actually 'evil.' I think most are just ill. Education and love are the 'cure' for this illness, I think.
                "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
                Matthew 5.43-48


                "Hatreds never cease through hatred in this world; through love alone they cease." This is an eternal law. Buddhism. Dhammapada 3-5


                "My Lord! Others have fallen back in showing compassion to their benefactors as you have shown compassion even to your malefactors. All this is unparalleled."

                Jainism. Vitaragastava 14.5


                "Of the adage, Only a good man knows how to like people, knows how to dislike them, Confucius said, "He whose heart is in the smallest degree set upon Goodness will dislike no one."

                Confucianism. Analects 4.3-4


                "The sage has no fixed [personal] ideas.
                He regards the people's ideas as his own.
                I treat those who are good with goodness,
                And I also treat those who are not good with goodness.
                Thus goodness is attained.

                I am honest with those who are honest,
                And I am also honest with those who are dishonest.
                Thus honesty is attained."

                Taoism. Tao Te Ching 49
                Last edited by Anahita; 04-19-2006, 06:21 PM.


                • #58
                  Re: hi!! symphatic friends

                  The kurds look like the strawberry juice I spilled on my kitchen floor.


                  • #59
                    Re: hi!! symphatic friends

                    Originally posted by EMRE
                    ...but I can assure you that 80 percent of kurds are patriotic turks...
                    It's amazing how one can pull assurances out of his rear end. Saying Kurds are "patriotic turks" is like saying hamburgers are dog turds.
                    Last edited by Sip; 04-19-2006, 08:17 PM.
                    this post = teh win.


                    • #60
                      Re: hi!! symphatic friends


                      patriotic dog turds.

