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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    oslonor, you still haven't dispelled my curiosity on why you post here and your Persian wife does not. Does she have better things to do, like do the cooking and cleaning in the house for you while you fight for her cause on cyberspace?


    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
      oslonor, you still haven't dispelled my curiosity on why you post here and your Persian wife does not. Does she have better things to do, like do the cooking and cleaning in the house for you while you fight for her cause on cyberspace?
      No. Actually my posts are written by her. I only post them as a security reason. I post from a different IP address from her own IP address.
      Persians and Hollywood

      A Google Blog


      • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        The Talysh Forum has posted my article.

        The Policy of Turkificatin of Iran
        The Turkification of Iran under the leadership of the former President Khatami and President Ahmadinejad has been carried under the banners of "Iranian Aryan Nationalism". The truth is these people represent the Azeri nationalism or the Azeri version of Pan Turkism and their base of support are Azeris. In their political campaign they always use Persian girls and they paint themselves as the inheritors of the Persian civilization.

        Azeri Pan Turkism talks about uniting the "Iranian" or "Iranic" people, whatever that means. But their true aims is to unite with The Republic of Azerbaijan and bring more Azeri turks into Iran in order to dominate Iran. Also it uses the "Iranian" cover and pretending to fight Anatolian Pan Turks. In reality Azeris are real turks and their Pan-Iranism is the same as their Pan-Turkism but adjusted for the political conditions in Iran.

        It also aims to export a form of "Pan-Turkish Islam" into Turkey in order to weaken its Anatolian rival. In these respects Azeri regime in Tehran is a copy of its ancestor, The Saffavids Azeri Turks in 16 century. Also due to historical reasons, The Azeri Turks do not try to impose the Azeri Turk language on Iran unlike their Anatolian counterparts. Azeri Turks try instead to impose Azeri turk culture on Iran and eliminate all other ethnic groups and replace them with Azeri Turks. These policies are promoted under the cover of Islam which is itself a cover for Azeri Turk culture.

        Such policies are implemented through polygamy, seeghah or temporary marriages (legal prostitution), Marriage Funds, setting up "Tourist Centers" in remote tribal areas, forcing people from rural areas to move into bigger cities, movement of the native population into Azeri Turk areas such as Tehran with economic and non-economic pressure and moving Azeri turks into other provinces under the pretext of looking for "Jobs" such as Khuzestan or Caspian sea provinces and imposing Azeri turks as civil servants on provincial states. Recent clashes in the Caspian region has exposed some of their policies to ordinary natives of Iran. See the Caspian clashes below.

        Azeri Turk policies are supported by xxxs who try to manufacture an "Aryan Iranian" history for Azeri Turks. In order to keep their "Iranian" cover the Azeri Turk ruling elite also suppresses ordinary Azeris who demand their language and ethnic rights. In summary Pan Turkism in Iran has a complete different form from Turkey. The main difference is Pan Turkism in Iran uses "Iranian" label and it uses religion to promote its policies. It does not use Azeri Turk language as it is not politically possible. It tries to impose its Azeri Turk culture on the natives of Iran.

        As ordinary Azeris in Azerbaijan are severly suppressed by Azeri Turk elite in Tehran, it has led to demands for ethnic and cultural rights by Azeris in Azerbaijan. In May 2006, Azeris held big demonstrations in Tabriz, Azrebaijan against Azeri ruling class in Tehran. See the video on the left sidebar on Azeri demonstrations in Tabriz.

        The policies of Turkification targets the Persian minority and tries to destroy the Persians as an ethnic minority and replace them with Azeri Turks. The policy is based in destroying the structure of Iranian population where Azeris live in separate and far away provinces from provinces where Persians live and tries to mix the Azeri population with Persian population. Azeri Turks are moved to Non-Turk provinces and Natives are moved to Azerbaijan.

        Most of their policies are a copy of anatolian Turks under Ottoman Empire in 16 century where they tried to become European turks by mixing with those European countries that they dominated such as Balkans. Azeri Turks are trying to do same thing today 400 years later using Persians and Afghan refugees or anybody else they can find to look European.

        This is the Azeri Turk agenda as described by an Azeri Turk:

        "By Turks I mean the invading nomads who pillaged this side of the Caspian after the 11th century A.D. They "conquered" the areas from the Caucasus to Asia Minor and forced their language and Turkic identity on the conquered, indigenous peoples through rape, harassment, genocide, taxes, janissary "recruitments", stealing of women as sex slaves, stealing of children, etc."

        Actually this is the agenda of Azeri Turks today but it is assigned it to the past. This was actually what the Ottoman turks did under ottoman empire.

        Azeri Turks are trying to carry out this agenda today but assign to the past. Azeri Turks claim that they look like "Persians" and it is not possible to tell them apart. Also Azeri Turks promote the propoganda about "Persians are mixed with Arabs" to claim that Azeri turks are "Persians who are mixed with Arabs!!!". Also Azeri Turks claim that Turks are mongols therefore Azeri Turks are not Turks but are "Caucasian Iranians". All this propoganda is to confuse people and provide a cover for Azeri Turks to present themselves as "Iranians". See Iran: Aryanism to Pan-Turkism for details.

        The reality is that Azeri Turks have murdered most of the inhabitants of the western region of Iran in connection with the migration of Oghuz Turks between 11 century and 15 century A.D. Azeri Turks also murdered millions of Zoarastrians in Iran in connection with imposing their Shia Islam on Iran. Millions of Kurds were exiled from Azerbaijan region to North-east Iran. Those Kurds still live there today.

        And Azeri Turks are sorry the agenda for the Turkification of Iran did not happen in the past. That is why they are trying to carry it out today. Azeris are planning to use natives of Iran for "Aryanization of Azeri Turks". As Mr. Ben Madadi explains in "Azeris are looking for Jobs and that is why they are migrating to other parts of Iran on a massive scale!!!" "Azeris are migrating to Gilan, Mazandaran, Kurdistan, Luristan and even Baluchistan". Mr. Madadi expresses his satisfcation that "Azeris are going to be aryanized by the natives of Iran and the number of Azeris will go down"!!!! In reality this is ethnic cleansing of the natives of Iran and it is called The Policy of the Turkification of Iran.

        The representative of Azeri turks on American Forums talk freely about improving Azeri race by using other ethnic groups, and ethnic cleansing of undesirable minorities. This is when they call anybody who questions their agenda for "Nazist" or "racist" or "Azeri hatred for personal reasons". xxxs who run most of these forums will ban anybody who even dares to post a simple picture of an Azeri Turk.

        To explain what is the Azeri regime in Tehran one have to compare them to the Nazi Germany. The Azeris nationalist have dropped the banner of Islam a long time ago. They are replacing Islam with Pan-Turkism and "Islamic Nationalism". Their Pan-Turkism is labeled Pan-Iranism. They have invented something called the "Iranian race".

        For Azeri Turks "Iranian race" is a mixture of Turks, Persians, Mongols, and Arabs and Africans. They call all citizens of Iran as members of the "Iranian Race". Anybody question their policy and state that they are not turks and identify his ethnic affiliation in Iran such as Kurds, Lurs, Persians, Baluchs etc, Azeris will claim that there are no such people in Iran and everybody is mixed up with Azeri Turks!!!!! Azeri Turk sponsors in US have also made genetic charts showing all "Iranians are Turks".

        Azeri regime has moved Hazara afghan refugees who have mongolian orign into Khorasan, and now Azeri Turks call Persians in Khorasan for Turks!!!!

        Unlike the Nazi Germany which believed in the superiority of German Race, the ruling Azeri regime in Tehran believes in the inferiority of the Azeri Turkish race. This is nazism in reverse. So they believe that to improve the Azeri race they mix Azeris with Persians and other natives of Iran such as Kurds. One of their special targets are Kurds and Persians which they force to move to Tehran. They officially call this agenda for "The Aryanization of Azeri Turks into Aryans".

        The policy of "Aryanization of Azeri Turks" includes moving non-turk Afghan refugees into Azeri Turks areas such as Tehran and moving Hazaras Afghan who are mongolian in origin into Persian areas such as Khorasan. It also includes forcing Persians to move to Tehran for economic reasons and moving even more Azeris from Azerbaijan into Tehran. The air pollution created in Tehran by such policies has resulted in closing schools and businesses due to excessive Air pollution in Tehran. Add to this that Azeris are culturally and ethnically very different from both Persians and Afghans and Azeris have never been Zoarastrians and do not share the old inhabitants of Persia's culture and civilization.

        The consequence of these policies is the formation of an alien Azeri Turk dominant culture in Tehran and which is similar to the culture of big cities in Latin American countries with a high rate of crime. Many afghans have stated that Iran is culturally as alien to Afghans as Pakistanis are and they do not recognize any common cultural bonds between Afghans and Iranians(Azeri Turks). At the same time other Afghan refugees who have crossed into Khorasan province have stated according to United Nation reports that they did not notice they are in foreign country when they did live in Khorasan where the real Persians live and they felt at home.

        "Aryanization of Azeri Turks into Aryans" accomplishes another objective set by the foreign backers of these Azeris Turks. That is to separate contemporary Iran from its past heritage. They are already arguing that there is no more Persia and Iranians are a different race from the people of the ancient Persia. There are many reports about history publishers in Western Countries are eliminating Persian Empire from their history books. And their evidence will be that you can not show any more Persians and all Iranians are Azeri Turks.

        добавлено через 3 минуты
        Also there are plans to flood the ancient archeological sites in Fars or Pars province such as Pasargard palace and others by a new dam construction. This is similar to the destruction of Buddist statues in Afghanistan by Taliban. Recently Azeri Turk regime in Tehran have decided to open "Tourist Centers" in Lorestan and Bakhtiary of all places in south west Iran. These areas are the centers of Persian Civilization since ancient times and there is nothing to see for tourist except Lor and Bakhtiary tribes who live in this area. Azeri Turks are going to use these ancient tribes for "Aryanization of Azeri Turks" and also spreading prostitution to these areas.

        Another scheme in Turkification policy of Iran is the "reform of the Persian language". That is to convert Persian into "Irani" language. Azeri Turks have already produced texts in "Irani" language that is not intelligable to Persians or Afghans. The purpose to to disconnect different ethnic groups in Iran so that they do not have a common Persian language and also disconnect Persians from Afghans. This "Irani" language is going to be taught in schools in Iran.

        Also Azeris have set up several "Azeri Aryan Front Organizations" to promote their "Pan-Azeri Aryan" ideology. Note that Azeris are in no way related to Aryans and do not even look European and they speak a non indo-European language associated with Altai-Uralic languages. But Azeris claims to be the whitest and purest Aryans and they are related to Germans and Swedes.

        Эмэ толъшонимон! Дэмэ толъши гэп бъжэнэн!!!
        Последний раз редактировалось Jango, 16.05.2008 в 12:14. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
        Persians and Hollywood

        A Google Blog


        • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

          Originally posted by oslonor View Post
          No. Actually my posts are written by her. I only post them as a security reason. I post from a different IP address from her own IP address.
          security reason? What kind of danger does she face?


          • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

            Some Guy named VG2000 on another forum posted two pictures of insects and stated they are Persians and Azeris.

            Quote VG2000:
            "Both are small and like to crawl around, but in the end, they will both be stepped on by US boots........... Mr. VG2000 Posted two insect pictures."

            This was my response to VG2000:

            Mr. VG2000 makes a very good point. I will explain what is he saying. Mr. VG2000 is saying that US is against both Persians and Azeris. And both Persians and Azeris should unite under the leadership of President Ahmadinejad who is a leader of "oppressed Moslems" and fight US. He is trying to redefine the issues as one between "US" versus "Iranians".

            Sorry that is not the case Mr. VG2000. The regime in Iran has two factions. A Pan Turk faction led by Ahmadinejad-Khatami. The other faction is based on the natives of Iran. The Pan Turks call themselves "Iranians" and call the other faction for "Moslems".

            The US supports the Pan Turk faction of Ahmadinejad-Khatami and wants to remove the native faction from the regime. The US is trying to start an Orange Revolution similar to Ukraine and Kyrgistan and other places removing the natives from the state. The Orange Revolution targets the Persian areas such Mashhad, Pars Province, Lurestan and Caspian region.

            Mr. VG2000 is an ashkenazi xxx and supports Ahmadinejad. He correctly describes the Ashkenazi xxxs as "Wannabe European" insects with inferiority complex.

            Mr. VG2000 Picture

            Ahmadinejad and his xxxish bosses.

            Last edited by oslonor; 07-03-2008, 02:20 PM.
            Persians and Hollywood

            A Google Blog


            • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

              Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
              security reason? What kind of danger does she face?
              There was a train derailment near Glendale California which killed more than 100 people. Many US papers pointed out the suspicious conditions surrounding this train crash. They questioned the version provided by the police that a suicide person had parked his car on the rails.

              I think Armenians should investigate the case as many Armenians were killed in this train crash. This happened more than a year ago.
              Persians and Hollywood

              A Google Blog


              • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                Is Ahmedinejad Washington's man?

                July 11 2008 at 6:03 AM

                The OPEC and individual states have never "officially" acknowledged it, but according to most experts, "peak oil" has already been reached, and from now on, there will be more demand but less production; hence the ever-growing oil prices.

                The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not "to bring democracy to an undemocratic country" (there are many other countries, especially in Africa, which fit this definition) but to seize the world's second largest known oil reserves (after those of Saudi Arabia, which are already under U.S. control.)

                Ever since Iran has nationalized its oil and natural gas (at the expense of BP) the country has been facing problems. The Iran-Iraq War didn't come out of nothing (Saddam was Washington's hitman against Iran) and the pressure on the country continues (it will probably continue until British and American oil companies will regain access to Iran's oil reserves, at the expense of France (Total-Fina-Elf) which currently markets Iranian oil to the world, since 1979.)

                At this point, Ahmedinejad is doing everything possible to prepare the grounds for justifying a U.S. attack (to be possibly followed a few years later by an invasion, as in the case of Iraq) against Iran. He keeps yelling about "annihilating Israel", he poses in front of weapons-grade uranium enrichment facilities, he orders the test-firing of long range ballistic missiles (and makes them public rather than keeping the test as a secret); in short, he "fuels" the U.S. propaganda to demonize Iran.

                I wouldn't be surprised if Ahmedinejad turns out to be Washington's man.

                Persians and Hollywood

                A Google Blog


                • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  Originally posted by oslonor
                  He keeps yelling about "annihilating Israel"

                  He never said that, and never implied it. If your wife is Persian, she probably knows Farsi, so she should know better. Every professor of Farsi has said that Ahmadinejad basically said "Zionism will be erased from the pages of history". When people were talking about getting rid of communism, they weren't implying that we wipe Russia off the map, or that we annihilate the Russian people. Its the same thing here. Stop recycling proven lies.

                  Originally posted by oslonor
                  he orders the test-firing of long range ballistic missiles (and makes them public rather than keeping the test as a secret); in short, he "fuels" the U.S. propaganda to demonize Iran

                  If thats how you want to interpret it, then fine. Are you (or your wife) completely ignorant of the daily threats of destruction that Iran is facing from the U.S. and Israel? Are you forgetting the fact that all of Iran's neighbors except for Turkmenistan and Armenia have U.S. army bases? Are you forgetting that the Persian gulf is flooded with U.S. aircraft carriers? Do you read the news and notice the daily threats coming out of Israel? The missle test was a response to these threats, to show that Iran is ready for whatever the U.S. and Israel throw at them.

                  Plus, you're actually implying that Iran can test a long-range missle without being picked up by U.S. satellites.

                  Originally posted by oslonor
                  There was a train derailment near Glendale California which killed more than 100 people. Many US papers pointed out the suspicious conditions surrounding this train crash. They questioned the version provided by the police that a suicide person had parked his car on the rails.

                  I think Armenians should investigate the case as many Armenians were killed in this train crash. This happened more than a year ago.

                  I remember that case. It was a Hispanic guy. So your theory is that Pan-Turks are hiring depressed Mexicans to carry out suicide attacks in Glendale?


                  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    Originally posted by ArmSurvival View Post
                    He never said that, and never implied it. If your wife is Persian, she probably knows Farsi, so she should know better. Every professor of Farsi has said that Ahmadinejad basically said "Zionism will be erased from the pages of history". When people were talking about getting rid of communism, they weren't implying that we wipe Russia off the map, or that we annihilate the Russian people. Its the same thing here. Stop recycling proven lies.

                    If thats how you want to interpret it, then fine. Are you (or your wife) completely ignorant of the daily threats of destruction that Iran is facing from the U.S. and Israel? Are you forgetting the fact that all of Iran's neighbors except for Turkmenistan and Armenia have U.S. army bases? Are you forgetting that the Persian gulf is flooded with U.S. aircraft carriers? Do you read the news and notice the daily threats coming out of Israel? The missle test was a response to these threats, to show that Iran is ready for whatever the U.S. and Israel throw at them.

                    Plus, you're actually implying that Iran can test a long-range missle without being picked up by U.S. satellites.

                    I remember that case. It was a Hispanic guy. So your theory is that Pan-Turks are hiring depressed Mexicans to carry out suicide attacks in Glendale?
                    Your mistake is that you think in terms of Iranian Nation and Iranian Race fighting US. There are no such things in Iran. Read the post above you carefully.

                    I have no theory on Glendale.
                    Persians and Hollywood

                    A Google Blog


                    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                      Saddam was also Washington's man, but as soon as he attempted to grab the oil fields of Kuwait (which are under British and American control) he was quickly demonized and eventually put to the garbage disposal.

                      The oil mafia is the biggest mafia in the world, and currently controls the U.S. government, including the Oval Office. The attacks of September 11, 2001, may or may not be orchestrated by the oil mafia and the Neo-Cons who want a "new world order", but the oil mafia clearly took advantage of the situation for invading Iraq and seizing that country's oil reserves, as "peak oil" had become evident.

                      Now the same oil mafia has turned its eyes on Iran's oil and natural gas reserves.

                      Can Ahmedinejad be the "insider" in this case, i.e. the Saddam of Iran?
                      Last edited by oslonor; 07-11-2008, 08:59 PM.
                      Persians and Hollywood

                      A Google Blog

