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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    Iranian Civilization

    Persians and Hollywood

    A Google Blog


    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      "Tehrani Phenotype": An Azeri Turk who has stolen the oil money from the natives of Iran and is driving the latest model Euoropean car in Tehran.

      Persians and Hollywood

      A Google Blog


      • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        and oslonor's streak of informativeness has.... run out!


        • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

          Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
          and oslonor's streak of informativeness has.... run out!
          Mr. Jgk3: That is not the right attitude. Now you should ask Mr. Lucin to address my response. Tell Mr. Lucin that you are not interested in any secret emails and he should post his response for the public so ALL ARMENIANS can see it.

          I will waite for Mr. Lucin to respond to my post.

          P.S. A lot of Azeri Turks looking people are walking in your streets in Armenia. When they are asked who they are? They respond that they are "Iranians". If anybody ask anymore questions about what is "Iranians" then they start screaming about "Pan-Turkism" and "Sun-Theory" and "Armenian Genocide"!!!!! Also "Long Live Armenia" and "Long Live Artaksh"!!!! The time for this kind of fraud is over!!!!!!!
          Last edited by oslonor; 09-18-2008, 03:35 PM.
          Persians and Hollywood

          A Google Blog


          • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

            I think the most you could teach me with your messages is to consider, that is if I was in Armenia and I came across an Iranian, to probe and see if he or she speaks Turkish and pass a judgment afterwards. Beyond this, what use is your message to us, even if you could convince us all that it's the truth?
            Last edited by jgk3; 09-18-2008, 05:21 PM.


            • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

              Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
              I think the most you could teach me with your messages is to consider, that is if I was in Armenia and I came across an Iranian, to probe and see if he or she speaks Turkish and pass a judgment afterwards. Beyond this, what use is your message to us, even if you could convince us all that it's the truth?
              So you are a liberal Armenian who will dump Armenians for Iranian Turks money!!!!

              Looking at other threads, It seems Azeri Turks are planning to call themselves "Kurds" and after learning a few words Armenian language they will declare themselves Armenians. I wonder how Armenia is going to look like!!!!!
              Last edited by oslonor; 09-18-2008, 06:12 PM.
              Persians and Hollywood

              A Google Blog


              • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                at this point... I have nothing left to say to you.


                • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  To be honest, I have read you a couple of times but I cannot figure out what the heck you are talking about. I don't get you. "Tehran, Azeri, Persian, Iranian, Khorasan"!? Your words are inarticulate, confusing and contridictory... I have no time to waste over your nonesense and entertain you.

                  Originally posted by oslonor View Post
                  That is a lie. Iran was actually called Khorasan for 1000 years.
                  Khorasan is/ has been a province. The largest of Iran by the way.

                  Persia is not an invention of Greeks or Foreigners. Persia, Pars, or Parsua comes from Old Persian language. Cyrus the Great says "I am a Persian, son of a Persian, of Aryan lineage". He does not say he is "Iranian".

                  Iranian is not used very much in Iran as it is a meaningless term. Iranian is used outside Iran to say I am an Iranian citizen. Within Iran nobody asks "are you Iranian?" That is a meaningless question. They ask are you Mazandarani, Gilani, Khorasani, Parsi, Kurd, Lur, Balooch etc. The region identifies the ethnicity.
                  It is not a meaningless term in Iran and it is being used frequently, in different contexts. You don't know this because you are not familiar with every day Persian. You do not even pronounce some Persian words correctly.

                  Nobody asks you are Irani?? Because everybody is and we know that. In any case, I was talking about the Persian language and the common usage of the word "Iranian" in it rather than "Persian". Two Iranians meet in France, they say in Farsi; "Shoma Irani hastid?" (Are you Iranian?) and not "Shoma 'Parsi' hastid"? (Are you Persian?)

                  What is funny is that Tehran is not associated with the natives. That is Tehran was an Azeri Turk village in 18 century. Nobody asks are you Tehrani, because Tehran is associated with Azeri Turks and not natives. Azeri Turks have recently started to talk about Tehran as if it is equal to other regions which have historical value. A Gilani goes back to the Parthian period. Same with Khorasani. They claim, Tehrani race, Tehrani ethnicity, Tehrani phenotype etc!!!!!! It is all laughed by the natives.

                  You should also note that denying the existence of Persians indicates the Genocide Agenda Azeri Turks have for the natives of Iran.

                  What is funny is the degree of your retardation...

                  Yes. Modern Tehran was a village a century (or a bit more) ago. Today over 90% of its inhabitants have come from other parts of Iran. But what's your point??

                  Nobody asks you are Tehrani? I can't figure out what you mean here. Tehranis have come from different provinces of Iran; Tabriz, Mazandaran, Gilan, Mashhad, Esfahan (like my parents). But the new generation does identify itself as Tehrani.

                  And, yes the Ossetians call themselves 'Ironi' in their Iranian language. 'Ironi' or more precisely 'Iruni' is 'Irani' in informal Persian. What's with the surprise?
                  Last edited by Lucin; 09-19-2008, 02:01 AM.


                  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    Originally posted by Lucin View Post
                    Khorasan is/ has been a province. The largest of Iran by the way.

                    It is not a meaningless term in Iran and it is being used frequently, in different contexts. You don't know this because you are not familiar with every day Persian. You do not even pronounce some Persian words correctly.

                    Nobody asks you are Irani?? Because everybody is and we know that. In any case, I was talking about the Persian language and the common usage of the word "Iranian" in it rather than "Persian". Two Iranians meet in France, they say in Farsi; "Shoma Irani hastid?" (Are you Iranian?) and not "Shoma 'Parsi' hastid"? (Are you Persian?)

                    What is funny is the degree of your retardation...

                    Yes. Modern Tehran was a village a century (or a bit more) ago. Today over 90% of its inhabitants have come from other parts of Iran. But what's your point??

                    Nobody asks you are Tehrani? I can't figure out what you mean here. Tehranis have come from different provinces of Iran; Tabriz, Mazandaran, Gilan, Mashhad, Esfahan (like my parents). But the new generation does identify itself as Tehrani.

                    And, yes the Ossetians call themselves 'Ironi' in their Iranian language. 'Ironi' or more precisely 'Iruni' is 'Irani' in informal Persian. What's with the surprise?


                    Mr. Lucin: From your comments it is clear you are an Azeri Turk from Tehran. We will discuss that later. But Azeri Turks always claim some other ethnicity than their own. They claim they are Persians, Medes, Kurds, Albanian, Parthian, Armenian and recently even Greek. We represent a group of native Persian of Iran and our posts are written by them. They have a better knowledge of Iran and Persian language than you have who is a just recent migrant to Iran since 14th century.

                    The problem with your response is you have not answered any questions.

                    Our Qeustions are the following:
                    1. Was Khorasan the name of land of Iran before 15 century when Saffavid Azeri Turks adopted Iran?

                    Are there Persians in Iran?

                    Is Iranian an ethnicity?

                    According to what criteria Azeri Turks are "Iranian" in ethnicity? You claim that you are a relative of Ossetians, Afghans and Persians and Kurds???

                    About %70-%80 of Tehran are Azeri Turks. You can see that in foreign news coverage about Iran. The previous elite under the Shah who lived in Tehran has fled Iran.

                    Originally posted by Lucin View Post

                    It is not a meaningless term in Iran and it is being used frequently, in different contexts. You don't know this because you are not familiar with every day Persian. You do not even pronounce some Persian words correctly.
                    Can you tell us in what context "Iranian" is used and do you hear voices on this forum??? Your pronounciation sounds like an Azeri Turk trying to speak Persian language. It is very similar to Ahmadinejad.

                    Last edited by oslonor; 09-19-2008, 05:52 PM.
                    Persians and Hollywood

                    A Google Blog


                    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                      Originally posted by oslonor View Post

                      Mr. Lucin: From your comments it is clear you are an Azeri Turk from Tehran. We will discuss that later. But Azeri Turks always claim some other ethnicity than their own. They claim they are Persians, Medes, Kurds, Albanian, Parthian, Armenian and recently even Greek. We represent a group of native Persian of Iran and our posts are written by them. They have a better knowledge of Iran and Persian language than you have who is a just recent migrant to Iran since 14th century.

                      The problem with your response is you have not answered any questions.

                      Our Qeustions are the following:
                      1. Was Khorasan the name of land of Iran before 15 century when Saffavid Azeri Turks adopted Iran?

                      Are there Persians in Iran?

                      Is Iranian an ethnicity?

                      According to what criteria Azeri Turks are "Iranian" in ethnicity? You claim that you are a relative of Ossetians, Afghans and Persians and Kurds???

                      About %70-%80 of Tehran are Azeri Turks. You can see that in foreign news coverage about Iran. The previous elite under the Shah who lived in Tehran has fled Iran.

                      Can you tell us in what context "Iranian" is used and do you hear voices on this forum??? Your prononciation sounds like an Azeri Turk trying to speak Persian language. It is very similar to Ahmadinejad.

                      At this point, I have something to say again....

                      How are you not a Persian yourself if you know so knowledgeable about them (whether or not the vast content of criteria of Persian-ness vs Azeri-ness that you have in your head has any bearing on objective reality)? Is your wife missing hands to type on a keyboard and you are just her hands? What are you? Why do you talk so little about your own culture? Is it so shameful you needed to adopt that of your wife's?
                      Last edited by jgk3; 09-19-2008, 05:08 PM.

