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Genocide of the Serbs

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  • Genocide of the Serbs

    As a Serbian-American and a reader of this forum over the years, I have felt a strong sense of kinship and sympathy with the Armenian people, largely due to remarkable parallels in our history, of medieval glory and Ottoman defeat, of a lost Jerusalem, of displacement, and most tragically, of genocide.

    I have posted this thread for two reasons: 1.) to acquaint the public with a little-known genocide, but one highly relevant to politics and modern history; 2.) to acquaint the public with the attitudes of the Roman Catholic church (i.e. Vatican) towards Orthodox Christians, and how this is a warning against ecumenism of the Armenian Church and other churches of the east with Rome.

    The genocide of Croatian and Bosnian Serbs began in 1941 and ended in 1945. It coincided with Hitler's invasion of Yugoslavia, and the setting up of a puppet state called the Independent State of Croatia over the territory of what is today Croatia, Bosnia, and part of northern Serbia. This state was rabidly nationalistic, clerico-fascist, and it's main target of extermination were the Orthodox Serbs. Other victims of the genocide were Jews and Roma (Gypsies). The main party responsible were the dreaded Ustase. Bosnian Muslims were enthusiastic participants and collaborators in the genocide, with very many members of the Ustase being Muslim, as well as two SS divisions (SS Kama and SS Handzar). The Roman Catholic church was intimately involved, with very many priests and nuns participating in mass murder and actually running the death camps, including the death camp of Jasenovac. In total, about 750,000 Serbs were exterminated in Croatia and Bosnia and another 250,000 were forcibly converted to Roman Catholicism (otherwise they, too, would be exterminated). The main killing site was the death camp complex of Jasenovac, but people were killed in many other camps (there were a total of 80, of which about 7 or 8 camps involved mass killings), people were killed in village massacres, thrown into the Adriatic sea, thrown into caverns and caves and karstic sinkholes, or simply dumped into the rivers of Croatia and Bosnia. I would remind that these horrors were not the acts of German Nazis, but of Croatian and Muslim Ustase and other fascists. The extermination methods were so brutal, so vicious, that even Germans and Italians expressed shock and horror and Italian fascists did much to save the lives of Serbs and Jews from Ustase.

    I have posted three YouTube video collections on this; they are well worth watching but they are graphic and horrifying. The first is about the genocide itself. The second is about the main extermination camp of Jasenovac. The third is about the extermination of children (including the use of camps specifically designed for killing and forced conversions of children, the only case of child-specific concentration camps in history).

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they concealed from you for decades, playing the vital role ...

    Part 3 of 6: horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they c...

    Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they concealed from you for decades, playing the vital role ...

    Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they concealed from you for decades, playing the vital role ...

    Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they concealed from you for decades, playing the vital role ...

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

  • #2
    Re: Genocide of the Serbs

    Interesting videos, I knew that the Serbs also have suffered numerous genocides, your people share the same faith as ours. I have a good Serbian friend and we often discuss such things. Why is it our peoples have suffered such tragedies? In contradiction to other nations, we are not imperialistic and are not expansion driven. We are old nations who just want to live in peace and prosper, which unfortunately is not possible surrounded by barbaric nations who thrive on blood.

    We should never trust other peoples, who have fooled our nations numerous times. The Republic of Serbian Krajina should be one of our examples why we should never trust our lands towards others who do not care for it (Artsakh, Nagorno-Karabakh). The difficulties do not end for Serbia (and for Armenia), as Kosovo was the next step in the destruction of your nation. It will not end here, as Serbia is striving towards being a EU country which means that Serbia shall never have a free own will again, as it will become the slave of European nations interests.

    In my opinion, a strong Russia is our last hope (even though Russians and Serbians do not necceserily like each other), against Western imperialism.
    Last edited by Tigranakert; 05-22-2010, 02:55 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Genocide of the Serbs

      Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
      I knew that the Serbs also have suffered numerous genocides...
      Then you are in the minority of Armenians.

      I remember being very disapointed that many Armenians (not wanting to miss the chance to go on in public about the Armenian Genocide) were agitating about how Kossovo must be invaded because the Kossovo Albanians were being massacred by Serbs just like the Turks massacred Armenians and history would repeat itself unless NATO acted to prevent a genocide.

      Just like xxxs say they say there is only one holocaust, and nothing else compares to it, Armenians conveniently forget that, after Armenia, the nation that lost the most % of its population in WW1 was Serbia. And the nation that lost the most % of its population in WW2 was, yes, Serbia again.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • #4
        Re: Genocide of the Serbs

        That is the biggest bullxxxx I have heared in recent times. I have never met even one Armenian who supported the muslims in historic Serbian territory of Kosovo. As you are bell-the-cat, it is your role to always be negative.

        Armenians people support Serbs and Serbs support Armenians, we have very good relationships, it is just politics that ''divides'' us.

        I have never met any Armenian who mentioned there was only one holocaust, I think you read to much Azeri/Turkish news (or maybe there is something wrong mentally).


        • #5
          Re: Genocide of the Serbs

          All armenians in greece is against the kosovo albanians...greeks also..


          • #6
            Re: Genocide of the Serbs


            Thanks for the thread and interesting links.

            The Serbian people have indeed suffered a lot. Armenians and Serbs understand each other very well.

            I am certain that if our people stay strong, we will prevail at the end.


            • #7
              Re: Genocide of the Serbs

              Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
              That is the biggest bullxxxx I have heared in recent times. I have never met even one Armenian who supported the muslims in historic Serbian territory of Kosovo. As you are bell-the-cat, it is your role to always be negative.

              Armenians people support Serbs and Serbs support Armenians, we have very good relationships, it is just politics that ''divides'' us.

              I have never met any Armenian who mentioned there was only one holocaust, I think you read to much Azeri/Turkish news (or maybe there is something wrong mentally).
              No country or person wants the support of "Armenian people" like you (i.e. racist religious bigots).

              If anyone is wondering why Armenian issues are treated with contempt internationally, it is because Armenians like Tigranakert are allowed to take the stage and present their stupid views. "Armenians people support Serbs and Serbs support Armenians" - what a cretin you are if you think that is called "support". That and your "Armenians don't support Muslims" is the equivalent of the knee-jerk "support" that Islamists give to genocidal countries like Sudan for no other reson than they are Islamic countries. The world shows contempt for those who give such unqualified support and contempt for those who would accept such support. Serbs are sensible enough and European enough to tell you where to stick your poisonous "support", it is the worst, most negative, most damaging sort of support.
              Last edited by bell-the-cat; 05-26-2010, 06:37 PM.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #8
                Re: Genocide of the Serbs

                Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
                No country or person wants the support of "Armenian people" like you (i.e. racist religious bigots).

                If anyone is wondering why Armenian issues are treated with contempt internationally, it is because Armenians like Tigranakert are allowed to take the stage and present their stupid views. "Armenians people support Serbs and Serbs support Armenians" - what a cretin you are if you think that is called "support". That and your "Armenians don't support Muslims" is the equivalent of the knee-jerk "support" that Islamists give to genocidal countries like Sudan for no other reson than they are Islamic countries. The world shows contempt for those who give such unqualified support and contempt for those who would accept such support. Serbs are sensible enough and European enough to tell you where to stick your poisonous "support", it is the worst, most negative, most damaging sort of support.
                It is because of Armenians like you (Levon Ter Petrosyan) and other traitors that we stand where we stand today.

                Armenians in the Netherlands coorprate with the Serbian political and student organizations.They join us to commemorate the Armenian genocide, some Serbs even went to Artsakh to fight with us. Furthurmore, I know a lot of Armenians who go to Serbia (and I will be going too soon), who get treated very well when they say they are Armenian.

                They were, are and will remain our brothers. And what? We do not support the genocidal muslims in Kosovo, but I do support ''muslims'' in Iran and Syria. You are the one who can not read.

                That and your "Armenians don't support Muslims" is the equivalent of the knee-jerk "support" that Islamists give to genocidal countries like Sudan for no other reson than they are Islamic countries.
                You remind me of Azeris. They take one small part of a phrase and then they talk bullxxxx around it. I said Armenians do not support the muslims of Kosovo, and you only took the ''Armenians don't support muslims''. Haha, you Aliyev. You should go and work for

                Serbs are European enough? What is your definition of ''European''? Europe (and the West) were the main cause they lost a bunch of land and they know themselves know it. Their nation and culture can not be compared to those of the West.

                What support can Armenia give? We are so small that even the important things we can not decide on ourselves. For me it is important (and the best support we can give, unfortunately) that the Armenian people know the truth about Serbian history, the genocides they have suffered and the lands that have been stolen from them (just like in our case), and can get along well.

                Furthermore, the Armenian Defense Ministry closely cooperates with the Serbian Defense Ministry (we have bought a lot of weapons from them).

                Serbian - Armenian relations are good and developing, don't cry, tiny cat!
                Last edited by Tigranakert; 05-27-2010, 03:25 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Genocide of the Serbs

                  A possible example of an Armenian parasitically using events in Yugoslavia to publicise the Armenian genocide? See

                  ...Katharine Derderian’s 2005 “Common Fate, Different Experience: Gender-Specific Aspects of the Armenian Genocide, 1915-17” also discuss this aspect. The problem with Derderian’s article is that it takes a model that was based on the Bosnian Genocide and applies it to the Armenian Genocide.
                  And here is another, from the time of NATO's invasion of Kosovo, that completely dispells Tigranakert's "I have never met even one Armenian who supported the muslims in historic Serbian territory of Kosovo" comment. Not only has the Armenian writer of that article decded to completely ignore the history of Serbia and how closely it has resembled that of Armenia, but he has decided in a unprincipled way to accept as truth the NATO invented "genocide" in Kosovo for no other reason than to publicise the Armenian Genocide.

                  It might be an appropriate time to question these two about what they consider genocide to be, since everything that is happening in Kosovo has echoes back to 1915 (eg. the emptying of Serb prisons for troops), but on a far smaller scale. The pictures that have swamped our television screens could almost be colour images of the non-existent footage of th e Armenian Genocide. The British press has compared the Kosovo Crisis to the Holocaust, when a far more appropriate comparison would be with the Armenian Genocide. Two of the major features of the Holocaust were the beauracracy and mechanisation of the process of extermination. This feature is absent from Serbian actions, and as the unique lobby are always quick to assert (when it suits them), it was also absent from the Turk perpetrated Armenian Genocide. However the press, with it's limited knowledge of the history of the Armenian Genocide have had to rely on letters from historians such as Christopher Walker to be made aware of this fact. When papers such as The Telegraph and the Mail on Sunday have spoken of the Armenian case, which both have recently, it has been either partly or wholly erroneous.

                  In 1999 we are seeing once more that the world does learn from history. Genocide accelerates when the perpetrator state is attacked, as was the case during the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide. Slobodan Milosovic has had the conditions created for him that enabled the Nazis and the Turks to accelerate their own genocidal policies. NATO seems to have been unaware and unprepared for a repeated response from the Serbian regime.
                  Last edited by bell-the-cat; 05-27-2010, 03:02 PM.
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • #10
                    Re: Genocide of the Serbs

                    Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
                    Interesting videos, I knew that the Serbs also have suffered numerous genocides, your people share the same faith as ours. I have a good Serbian friend and we often discuss such things. Why is it our peoples have suffered such tragedies? In contradiction to other nations, we are not imperialistic and are not expansion driven. We are old nations who just want to live in peace and prosper, which unfortunately is not possible surrounded by barbaric nations who thrive on blood.

                    We should never trust other peoples, who have fooled our nations numerous times. The Republic of Serbian Krajina should be one of our examples why we should never trust our lands towards others who do not care for it (Artsakh, Nagorno-Karabakh). The difficulties do not end for Serbia (and for Armenia), as Kosovo was the next step in the destruction of your nation. It will not end here, as Serbia is striving towards being a EU country which means that Serbia shall never have a free own will again, as it will become the slave of European nations interests.

                    In my opinion, a strong Russia is our last hope (even though Russians and Serbians do not necceserily like each other), against Western imperialism.
                    This is a key point. The Armenians, nor any other nation, should ever trust the UN/NATO/"international community" to save them from persecution and expulsion. They must defend themselves. Krajina in 1995 was abandoned by the UN and by Serbia and the Croats managed to drive all 250,000 people out in just 2 weeks.

