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Recent Influx of Immigration

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  • Originally posted by Darorinag Race has a lot to do with it because they judge by the name and the looks of the person. So even if I have a Chinese passport, I would not be able to immigrate to Canada from China. But if you are an Indian who has British citzenship, you will have no problem getting in. I've spent some time on immigration mailing lists, and I've heard enough stories to know what I'm talking about. If it didn't have anything to do with race, why reserve quotas according to race? They divide it by countries, sure, but obviously, Asians are given priority in the quota system. And arguably, it's not all that related to country/population size. Why not Russia? The hierarchy of priorities is as follows: 1) Skilled chinese 2) unskilled chinese 3) skilled indian 4) unskilled indian 5) skilled Asians 5) unskilled Asians 5) skilled Persians 6) unskilled Persians 7) skilled somalis 8) unskilled somalis 9) skilled jamaicans 10) unskilled jamaicans 11) skilled Africans 12) unskilled Africans 12) skilled Europeans 13) unskilled Europeans.

    It is prioritised by race if you note the clusters. Take a look at the data (top 10 source countries) I provided in previous pages of this thread.
    That paragraph was not necessary. If you base the immigration laws by nationality (a.k.a. citizenship) then the fine lines of race and culture do not matter. "Person 'A' is a citizen of India; we have let in too many Indians. Person 'B' is a citizen of Austria; we can let him/her in."


    • Immigration is about personal identity, not citizenship. A white person who has been in India for generations would not have the SAME chance to get his immigration accepted as the INDIAN does.

      we have let in too many Indians.
      Yes, too many Indians. Not "too many citizens of India", but "too many Indians", and that is exactly what they refer to by that - race, not what colour your passport is or what language it's written in.

      An example of that, a lot of Armenians have been able to immigrate to USA from Syria, even following 9/11. Syrians (Arab) have been unable to, even CHRISTIAN Syrians.


      • Originally posted by Darorinag Yes, too many Indians. Not "too many citizens of India
        You are making semantical arguements. By saying "too many Indians" I meant citizens of India and that was clear in my arguement. I say it is too bad if that person is white and is a citizen of India. That is his problem and not one for the country. Debating the fine lines of race and culture for the one guy, who I can safely say is a rarity, is ridiculous. You write as if allowing immigration is a legal obligation. Well it is not; it is, in a sense, charity.


        • they dont ask you what you identify yourself as. they just look at the citizenship. you think they have enough time to check up everyone background and see what race their mother and father are, whether they are documented as such....


          • Originally posted by TigranJamharian they dont ask you what you identify yourself as. they just look at the citizenship. you think they have enough time to check up everyone background and see what race their mother and father are, whether they are documented as such....
            They ask what your race/ethnicity is.. in the application. makes it easier for them, doesn't it? certainly a time-saver.

            I say it is too bad if that person is white and is a citizen of India. That is his problem and not one for the country.
            oh wow... how about THAt for one-sided immigration.. this is what I'm talking about, folks. A non-Indian in India is treated that way, but an Indian in Canada is not, and if he is, it's horribly racist... If a White person goes to India and lives there, he's the "evil coloniser", but if the Indians come to Canada in HUGE numbers (i'm talking about hundreds of thousands), it's called immigration. How about THAT for irony?

            Not all citizens of India are Indians. If you say "Indian" you are referring to the race/ethnicity, not the citizenship, just like you do in the case of Armenians.


            • Originally posted by Darorinag oh wow... how about THAt for one-sided immigration.. this is what I'm talking about, folks. A non-Indian in India is treated that way, but an Indian in Canada is not, and if he is, it's horribly racist... If a White person goes to India and lives there, he's the "evil coloniser", but if the Indians come to Canada in HUGE numbers (i'm talking about hundreds of thousands), it's called immigration. How about THAT for irony?
              On the contrary, basing immigration on nationality is the opposite of racist because race is not considered. You threw in a bunch of stuff in there that is not actually adressing my point. For example, how a person is viewed in another country. If I am the United States, I do not care how native Indians view a resident German. If that German becomes a citizen of India and then tries to get a residency here he should be calculated statistically as Indian. Bottom line: there should be immigration quotas based on nationality, we throw out illegals when we can, and shoot the ones that try to get in illegally at the border. Everything will be neat and tidy.

              Originally posted by Darorinag Not all citizens of India are Indians. If you say "Indian" you are referring to the race/ethnicity, not the citizenship, just like you do in the case of Armenians.
              Like I said, it does not matter what you think it means. That is a matter of semantics and has nothing to do with my point so leave it out. It is a matter of context. If you keep making stupid arguments this is going to get boring even quicker than it is.


              • Like I said, it does not matter what you think it means. That is a matter of semantics and has nothing to do with my point so leave it out. It is a matter of context. If you keep making stupid arguments this is going to get boring even quicker than it is.
                Address my point. Do you or do you not call all Armenians regardless of where they live Armenians? Do you call an Armenian living in the Netherlands, a Dutchman, for example? There is a difference between Dutch as ethnicity and Dutch as nationality. Armenians are Armenians wherever they go. Germans are Germans wherever they go, because they carry their personal and cultural identity with them, along with their racial features. No matter how many years one has spent in India, one is NOT Indian, except on paper. Immigration addresses more than just papers. It is a value judgement, not just some paperwork. It is a judgement based on racial balance in the target country (i.e. USA or Canada). It does not matter if the German is Indian, he's not going to get in as an Indian citizen. If he's going to get in, he's going to get in because he is German. That is the truth. Your theory might be all nice and non-problematic, but I am talking about facts and reality here, it is not what is being practised. It's the same for university admissions, especially in the UK, they ask you what your racial background is. They have forms that you fill out to give you special treatment if you're a woman, or from a previously British colony, or a "visible minority," which is also avaiable here in Canada.

                Racial affirmative action in immigration is certainly there. My stepdad's friend (who used to be a customs & immigration officer) knows the ins and outs of the immigration system and what takes place. I do not believe just anyone, but someone who has worked there and been an insider knows better than those who haven't. She can even (and I know this is not-so-legal, but then again, the immigration system is not fair anyway) shift your application to the top of the huge list......


                • Originally posted by Darorinag Address my point. Do you or do you not call all Armenians regardless of where they live Armenians? Do you call an Armenian living in the Netherlands, a Dutchman, for example? There is a difference between Dutch as ethnicity and Dutch as nationality. Armenians are Armenians wherever they go. Germans are Germans wherever they go, because they carry their personal and cultural identity with them, along with their racial features. No matter how many years one has spent in India, one is NOT Indian, except on paper. Immigration addresses more than just papers. It is a value judgement, not just some paperwork. It is a judgement based on racial balance in the target country (i.e. USA or Canada). It does not matter if the German is Indian, he's not going to get in as an Indian citizen. If he's going to get in, he's going to get in because he is German. That is the truth. Your theory might be all nice and non-problematic, but I am talking about facts and reality here, it is not what is being practised. It's the same for university admissions, especially in the UK, they ask you what your racial background is. They have forms that you fill out to give you special treatment if you're a woman, or from a previously British colony, or a "visible minority," which is also avaiable here in Canada.

                  Racial affirmative action in immigration is certainly there. My stepdad's friend (who used to be a customs & immigration officer) knows the ins and outs of the immigration system and what takes place. I do not believe just anyone, but someone who has worked there and been an insider knows better than those who haven't. She can even (and I know this is not-so-legal, but then again, the immigration system is not fair anyway) shift your application to the top of the huge list......
                  First of all you should have said "e.g." instead of "i.e."

                  Those paragraphs were cute but you seem to be missing something: I am not talking about what is currently being practiced but what I feel could be practiced.


                  • how the fukk did we get 5 pages of this with me missing them all within a night...damnit

                    Anyway, who is the state to deny a human being of the right to a better life?

                    If you were in Iran, would you not want to move to a better country? Yes you would, and who is the government to stop you having a better life?

                    And dont talk to me about lack of jobs, because you as an IMMIGRANT who has EMIGRATED are STEALING Canadians jobs....

                    Look for stats on how many immigrants go abroad with diplomas in their hands. The vast vast majority. Now get your heaad out of your arse, fascist scum, there are 3,000,000 Armenian Diasporans from immigrants and your attacking them, and their rights to live a better life. Reactionary scum like you deserve a bashing


                    • First of all you should have said "e.g." instead of "i.e."
                      What a cheap shot... I was referring to i.e. because I was using USA and Canada as my main examples.

                      I am not talking about what is currently being practiced but what I feel could be practiced.
                      We are talking about the RECENT (not FUTURE) influx of immigrants.

                      Anyway, who is the state to deny a human being of the right to a better life?
                      Hmm, why doesn't that apply to an Englishman wanting to live in Pakistan, for example? He'd be blown to pieces in less than a month of his stay, because he's the "scum coloniser." Whereas the same Pakis, when the time comes and it suits their needs, protest against immigration policies (despite the fact that a lot of Pakis are brought into Canada - not sure about USA)..... Of course, you're gonna say, what would you do in Pakistan? But your question is about "better life", and who are you to judge what "better life" means for me?

                      If you were in Iran, would you not want to move to a better country? Yes you would, and who is the government to stop you having a better life?
                      "Better life" depends on who's looking at it. My definition of better life might not be the same as your definition of better life. My definition of better life might be to go and live in Iran. Who is the government to stop me from having a better life then?

                      you as an IMMIGRANT who has EMIGRATED are STEALING Canadians jobs....
                      First of all, I am not an immigrant. That's your assumption #1. I am also not employed. That's your assumption #2. I also pay my tuition fees without receiving any government or university financial aid. That was your assumption #3. My tax money goes into the pockets of illegals on welfare. That was your assumption #4, that I benefit from tax money - I don't, never have, and probably never will.

                      Now get your heaad out of your arse, fascist scum, there are 3,000,000 Armenian Diasporans from immigrants and your attacking them, and their rights to live a better life. Reactionary scum like you deserve a bashing
                      I am not bashing all immigrants. I am bashing undeserving immigrants. When you're receiving benefits, you should give something in return. Nothing is free. There are rights and responsibilities/duties. If you can't fulfull your responsibilities, you can't expect to receive your rights.

                      Immigration is not a right. It is a privilege. So when demanding free immigration, you are not only demanding your rights without fulfilling your responsibilities, but you're also demanding privileges.
                      Last edited by Darorinag; 03-13-2004, 10:12 AM.

