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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Originally posted by arabaliozian
    you think a benevolent dictator will solve all our problems?
    Did I claim that? No. But it did not stop you from assuming things and assigning me a claim I did not make.

    Originally posted by arabaliozian
    can you name a single benevolent dictator in our history or anyone else's?
    Julius Caesar, Katherine the Great, Fredrick the Great to name a few that come to mind. That all depends on subjectivity and on one's point of view on just how 'benevolent' they were.
    Achkerov kute.


    • Re: notes / comments

      Tuesday, August 08, 2006
      When an Armenian disagrees with you he is not satisfied with a simple counterargument; he also feels the need to let you know that he wouldn’t mind tearing off a piece of flesh from your body. Hence, Zarian’s dictum, “Armenians survive by cannibalizing one another.”
      Let others brag about Armenians being the first nation to convert to Christianity. I prefer to deal with facts even when – especially when – they happen to be against us. Because then and only then may we learn to deal with reality as opposed to voicing chauvinist crapola and recycling such nonsense as “it may take two or three generations for our problems to be solved.”
      Armenians excel in a certain and rare type of counterargument whose true intent is not to contradict but to be a carcinogenic agent.
      All pro-Palestinian arguments recycle mullah propaganda whose most irrefutable tenet is the reward of 78 virgins.
      I trust our televangelists more than their mullahs if only because even the most crooked televangelist – and there have been quite a few of them – has never dared to go as far promising a single virgin to sex-starved teenagers.
      A self-ASSessed Armenian genius will voice the argument of a certified mongoloid moron and see nothing inconsistent in it.


      • Re: notes / comments

        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        Did I claim that? No. But it did not stop you from assuming things and assigning me a claim I did not make.

        Julius Caesar, Katherine the Great, Fredrick the Great to name a few that come to mind. That all depends on subjectivity and on one's point of view on just how 'benevolent' they were.
        if you are against democracy, what are you?

        are you suggesting we should go back to monarchy when kings ruled by divine right? try to sell that to the French, or even to the afghans...
        to armenians? you may have better luck there...i guess.
        Last edited by arabaliozian; 08-08-2006, 09:42 AM.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Originally posted by arabaliozian
          if you are against democracy, what are you?

          are you suggesting we should go back to monarchy when kings ruled by divine right? try to sell that to the French, or even to the afghans...
          to armenians? you may have better luck there...i guess.
          Toppling monarchy and replacing it with "power of the people" has shown us that through history it has made things worse. However, I hate all governments.
          Last edited by Anonymouse; 08-08-2006, 10:03 AM.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Re: notes / comments

            More I read this thread more I realize that this thread belongs in the "Jokes and humor" section.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: notes / comments

              we all do this, but is it reasonable to insult?


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by jgk3
                we all do this, but is it reasonable to insult?
                Alot of Ara Baliozian's writings would be classed as insults.

                Obviously there are degrees of insults, the contexts and the subjective and perceptual effect which go into it.
                Achkerov kute.


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Wednesday, August 09, 2006
                  To be infatuated with one’s knowledge is as bad as to be infatuated with one’s ignorance. That’s because all knowledge is limited but ignorance is without limits, so that at all times and everywhere our ignorance far exceeds our knowledge.
                  The real god (if there is one) and our conception of him are two different beings that may not even be remotely connected with each other. I would go further and say that one may well be a contradiction of the other in so far as the unknown and unknowable may be said to be a contradiction of a figment of our imagination. When Nietzsche said, “god is dead,” he was referring to the figment rather than to the unknowable, about which no man is qualified to speak.
                  Victims are not the most objective judges of their victimizers.
                  Turks believe what their historians tell them because they hate the stigma of being identified as bloodthirsty Asiatic savages. Armenians believe what their own historians tell them because they hate to be identified as perennially divided and inept tribal dupes who allowed themselves to be manipulated by the double-talk of foreign politicians. In their efforts to appear better than they are, both Turks and Armenians lie to their own people and are believed because the uneducated and half-educated masses are no match for the cunning and sophistication of the bourgeoisie.
                  Even in countries where capitalism has buried communism and democracy has buried fascism there are people who miss the good old days when they could slaughter dissidents with impunity. I happen to be aware of their existence because some of them are my most faithful readers. Are they bloodthirsty savages or dupes? I will let you decide.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Originally posted by Anonymouse
                    Alot of Ara Baliozian's writings would be classed as insults. Obviously there are degrees of insults, the contexts and the subjective and perceptual effect which go into it.
                    Honestly, I love poetry and philosophy, although, more often than not, I find myself picking and choosing what is best for me. And, more often than not, I find myself reading between the lines. Obviously, literay works need to be placed in a proper perspective. Nonetheless, I love European, Russian and Greeks literature. I adore Charents and Paruri Sevak. I am great fan of Garegin Nzhteh's writings as well. Moreover, I have high regard towards intellectuals and thinkers.

                    Having said that, I see very little quality, if at all, in the work here done by this Ara character. His work all seem to be nothing but aloof and disconnect (ankap) babble. There is no substance, there is no essence, there is no depth, there is no beauty, there is no charcter - its all about his personal ego on paper. Moreover, it's quite easy to see that he has alot of disrespect towards Armenian heritage and alot of self-hate. I suggest you take his "notes and comment" with humor, because it does not have anything else to offer. His work will surely die with him, there is no doubt about that.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Originally posted by Armenian
                      Honestly, I love poetry and philosophy, although, more often than not, I find myself picking and choosing what is best for me. And, more often than not, I find myself reading between the lines. Obviously, literay works need to be placed in a proper perspective. Nonetheless, I love European, Russian and Greeks literature. I adore Charents and Paruri Sevak. I am great fan of Garegin Nzhteh's writings as well. Moreover, I have high regard towards intellectuals and thinkers.

                      Having said that, I see very little quality, if at all, in the work here done by this Ara character. His work all seem to be nothing but aloof and disconnect (ankap) babble. There is no substance, there is no essence, there is no depth, there is no beauty, there is no charcter - its all about his personal ego on paper. Moreover, it's quite easy to see that he has alot of disrespect towards Armenian heritage and alot of self-hate. I suggest you take his "notes and comment" with humor, because it does not have anything else to offer. His work will surely die with him, there is no doubt about that.
                      you flatter me with your comparisons.
                      the fact that you find my things wanting when compared to that of literary giants is praise enough. as for immortality, frankly the fact that i am allowed by my fellow armenians to live and die a natural death is good enough for me; any more than that would be pure greed on my part.
                      thanks again, my friend. / ara

