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War in The Middle East

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  • Re: War in The Middle East

    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    Even if it is, so what? It doesn't even need to do that, since modern insurgencies and fourth generation warfare, terrorists, guerrillas and insurgents are already not from State organized armies but rather from the rank and file of the ordinary people. Therefore, regardless of whether they make a conscious effort or not to blend in, they are part of that and thus make it harder for state armies to identify them and part of this problem is seen both by America and Israel in their respective war zones.
    Hezbollah's armed wing uses military uniforms does it not?


    • Re: War in The Middle East

      One thing that no one has mentioned is the environmental devastation caused by the IAF bombing of fuel tanks/depots, the beaches look like a tanker has sunk offshore!


      • Re: War in The Middle East

        Originally posted by D3ADSY
        Hezbollah's armed wing uses military uniforms does it not?
        Mostly but not all the time.
        Achkerov kute.


        • Re: War in The Middle East

          The Shame Of Being An American

          By Paul Craig Roberts

          Dr. Roberts [send him mail] [[email protected]] is Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute [] He is a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, former contributing editor for National Review, and was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

          Gentle reader, do you know that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing in southern Lebanon? Israel has ordered all the villagers to clear out. Israel then destroys their homes and murders the fleeing villagers. That way there is no one to come back and nothing to which to return, making it easier for Israel to grab the territory, just as Israel has been stealing Palestine from the Palestinians.

          Do you know that one-third of the Lebanese civilians murdered by Israel's attacks on civilian residential districts are children? That is the report from Jan Egeland, the emergency relief coordinator for the UN. He says it is impossible for help to reach the wounded and those buried in rubble, because Israeli air strikes have blown up all the bridges and roads. Considering how often (almost always) Israel misses Hezbollah targets and hits civilian ones, one might think that Israeli fire is being guided by US satellites and US military GPS. Don't be surprised at US complicity. Why would the puppet be any less evil than the puppet master?

          Of course, you don't know these things, because the US print and TV media do not report them.

          Because Bush is so proud of himself, you do know that he has blocked every effort to stop the Israeli slaughter of Lebanese civilians. Bush has told the UN "NO." Bush has told the European Union "NO." Bush has told the pro-American Lebanese prime minister "NO." Twice. Bush is very proud of his firmness. He is enjoying Israel's rampage and wishes he could do the same thing in Iraq.

          Does it make you a Proud American that "your" president gave Israel the green light to drop bombs on convoys of villagers fleeing from Israeli shelling, on residential neighborhoods in the capital of Beirut and throughout Lebanon, on hospitals, on power plants, on food production and storage, on ports, on civilian airports, on bridges, on roads, on every piece of infrastructure on which civilized life depends? Are you a Proud American? Or are you an Israeli puppet?

          On July 20, "your" House of Representatives voted 410-8 in favor of Israel's massive war crimes in Lebanon. Not content with making every American complicit in war crimes, "your" House of Representatives, according to the Associated Press, also "condemns enemies of the xxxish state."

          Who are the "enemies of the xxxish state"?

          They are the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by the xxxish state, whose homes and olive groves have been destroyed by the xxxish state, whose children have been shot down in the streets by the xxxish state, whose women have been abused by the xxxish state. They are Palestinians who have been walled off into ghettos, who cannot reach their farm lands or medical care or schools, who cannot drive on roads through Palestine that have been constructed for Israelis only. They are Palestinians whose ancient towns have been invaded by militant Zionist "settlers" under the protection of the Israeli army who beat and persecute the Palestinians and drive them out of their towns. They are Palestinians who cannot allow their children outside their homes because they will be murdered by Israeli "settlers."

          The Palestinians who confront Israeli evil are called "terrorists." When Bush forced free elections on Palestine, the people voted for Hamas. Hamas is the organization that has stood up to Israel. This means, of course, that Hamas is evil, anti-Semitic, un-American and terrorist. The US and Israel responded by cutting off all funds to the new government. Democracy is permitted only if it produces the results Bush and Israel want.

          Israelis never practice terror. Only those who are in Israel's way are terrorists.

          Another enemy of the xxxish state is Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a militia of Shi'ite Muslims created in 1982 when Israel first invaded Lebanon. During this invasion the great moral xxxish state arranged for the murder of refugees in refugee camps. The result of Israel's atrocities was Hezbollah, which fought the Israeli Army, defeated it, and drove it out of Lebanon. Today Hezbollah not only defends southern Lebanon but also provides social services such as orphanages and medical care.

          To cut to the chase, the enemies of the xxxish state are any Muslim country not ruled by an American puppet friendly to Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the oil emirates have sided with Israel against their own kind, because they are dependent either on American money or on American protection from their own people. Sooner or later these totally corrupt governments that do not represent the people they rule will be overthrown. It is only a matter of time.

          Indeed Bush and Israel may be hastening the process in their frantic effort to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran. Both governments have more popular support than Bush has, but the White House Moron doesn't know this. The Moron thinks Syria and Iran will be "cakewalks" like Iraq, where ten proud divisions of the US military are tied down by a few lightly armed insurgents.

          If you are still a Proud American, consider that your pride is doing nothing good for Israel or for America.

          On July 20 when "your" House of Representatives, following "your" US Senate, passed the resolution in support of Israel's war crimes, the most powerful lobby in Washington, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), quickly got out a press release proclaiming "The American people overwhelming support Israel's war on terrorism and understand that we must stand by our closest ally in this time of crisis."

          The truth is that Israel created the crisis by invading a country with a pro-American government. The truth is that the American people do not support Israel's war crimes, as the CNN quick poll results make clear and as was made clear by callers into C-Span.

          Despite the Israeli spin on news provided by US "reporting," a majority of Americans do not approve of Israeli atrocities against Lebanese civilians. Hezbollah is located in southern Lebanon. If Israel is targeting Hezbollah, why are Israeli bombs falling on northern Lebanon? Why are they falling on Beirut? Why are they falling on civilian airports? On schools and hospitals?

          Now we arrive at the main point. When the US Senate and House of Representatives pass resolutions in support of Israeli war crimes and condemn those who resist Israeli aggression, the Senate and House confirm Osama bin Laden's propaganda that America stands with Israel against the Arab and Muslim world.

          Indeed, Israel, which has one of the world's largest per capita incomes, is the largest recipient of US foreign aid. Many believe that much of this "aid" comes back to AIPAC, which uses it to elect "our" representatives in Congress.

          This perception is no favor to Israel, whose population is declining, as the smart ones have seen the writing on the wall and have been leaving. Israel is surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims who are being turned into enemies of Israel by Israel's actions and inhumane policies.

          The hope in the Muslim world has always been that the United States would intervene in behalf of compromise and make Israel realize that Israel cannot steal Palestine and turn every Palestinian into a refugee.

          This has been the hope of the Arab world. This is the reason our puppets have not been overthrown. This hope is the reason America still had some prestige in the Arab world.

          The House of Representatives resolution, bought and paid for by AIPAC money, is the final nail in the coffin of American prestige in the Middle East. It shows that America is, indeed, Israel's puppet, just as Osama bin Laden says, and as a majority of Muslims believe.

          With hope and diplomacy dead, henceforth America and Israel have only tooth and claw. The vaunted Israeli army could not defeat a rag tag militia in southern Lebanon. The vaunted US military cannot defeat a rag tag, lightly armed insurgency drawn from a minority of the population in Iraq, insurgents, moreover, who are mainly engaged in civil war against the Shi'ite majority.

          What will the US and its puppet master do? Both are too full of hubris and paranoia to admit their terrible mistakes. Israel and the US will either destroy from the air the civilian infrastructure of Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Iran so that civilized life becomes impossible for Muslims, or the US and Israel will use nuclear weapons to intimidate Muslims into acquiescence to Israel's desires.

          Muslim genocide in one form or another is the professed goal of the neoconservatives who have total control over the Bush administration. Neocon godfather Norman Podhoretz has called for World War IV (in neocon thinking WW III was the Cold War) to overthrow Islam in the Middle East, deracinate the Islamic religion and turn it into a formalized, secular ritual.

          Rumsfeld's neocon Pentagon has drafted new US war doctrine that permits pre-emptive nuclear attack on non-nuclear states.

          Neocon David Horowitz says that by slaughtering Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, "Israel is doing the work of the rest of the civilized world," thus equating war criminals with civilized men.

          Neocon Larry Kudlow says that "Israel is doing the Lord's work" by murdering Lebanese, a claim that should give pause to Israel's Christian evangelical supporters. Where does the Lord Jesus say, "go forth and murder your neighbors so that you may steal their lands"?

          The complicity of the American public in these heinous crimes will damn America for all time in history.
          Al-aaynnou-bil-aayn, wall-sinnou-bil-sinn, wa-al-badi azlamm !
          العين بالعين والسن بالسن، والبادي اظلم


          • Re: War in The Middle East

            Two questions have been occupying my mind since the beginning of this devastating war, if someone who is aware of political issues could answer them, I’d be thankful.

            -Why hezbollah (God bless them all) doesn’t attack Telaviv (in case u filter it, we’ll call it the satanic city), can they launch such an attack at all?

            -Does Lebanon have an army, if so, why they don’t interfere?

            Thanks in advance.


            • Re: War in The Middle East

              Originally posted by ARK
              Two questions have been occupying my mind since the beginning of this devastating war, if someone who is aware of political issues could answer them, I’d be thankful.

              -Why hezbollah (God bless them all) doesn’t attack Telaviv (in case u filter it, we’ll call it the satanic city), can they launch such an attack at all?

              -Does Lebanon have an army, if so, why they don’t interfere?

              Thanks in advance.
              israel is to strong.....i hope that the israelis send as many moslems as possible out of lebanon so the christian community gets even stronger...


              • Re: War in The Middle East

                Originally posted by Nemesis
                Qanna was an example of j-e-wish mentality.

                "Go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and" (1 Sam. 15:3).

                Yesha Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents

                The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that "according to J-ewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy."

                All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians," the statement said. (Efrat Weiss)

                (07.30.06, 17:37) ynet news

                The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that "according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy." All of the discussions on Christian morality ar

                That is so true, no one can deny that fact cos we r seeing that right now and,it is not sth that can be hidden. To your sayings , I’d like to add a quote, as u might know General deGaulle (one of the few french politicians who dared to raise his voice at the so-called “chosen people”,and as a consequence he was wiped off the politics!) in a statement he described the j-e-w-s as arrogant, domineering and so self-confident. The poor man was telling the truth but so few people believed him. By seeing the violence in Lebanon these adjectives become more and more concrete to me .
                Last edited by ARK; 08-01-2006, 07:38 AM.


                • Re: War in The Middle East

                  They can send a missile to central Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. A few days ago they sent one that reached a village in the outskirts of Tel Aviv...

                  The Lebanese army probably doesn't interfer, because if it does, Israel won't hesitate to attack Central and Northern Lebanon, and all parts of Beirut.

                  israel is to strong.....i hope that the israelis send as many moslems as possible out of lebanon so the christian community gets even stronger...
                  The Israelis aren't sending Muslims out of Lebanon. They are displacing them into other parts of Lebanon, most notably Christian areas. If this war prolonges, the Shiites will permanantly occupy houses of central and northern (Christian and Sunni) Lebanon and the exclusively Christian character of some of those areas would be lost. The defense of Southern Lebanon and the resumption of normal life is in the interests of all Lebanese. Unless someone wants to bring back the Civil War mentality, of course...

                  D3ADSY, It is true that Nasrallah speaks Armenian. Bourj Hammoud wasn't populated by a lot of Shiites. It was overwhelmingly Armenian, especially during the years before the civil war (during Nasrallah's childhood). Thus, it is inevitable that young Nasrallah spoke Armenian.

                  He is also politically close with Armenians now, and also during the Civil war.


                  • Re: War in The Middle East

                    Originally posted by Quarteria
                    I have been listening to him less. BECAUSE of these posts and other sources, I cannot believe him as much as I once did. I just wanted you to know what they are saying (just in case you didn't). I also wanted to let you all know (not that I wanted to be the Chicken Little of this thread) what Washington is alledgedly planning. As soon as I heard Turkey may be heart sank.

                    Armenian, I really do pay attention to what you say and consider it thouroughly. You have helped me in a lot of ways in seeing as how the United States is in the world.
                    Quarteria, I hope you were listening to that lunatic called Sean Hanittiy today. He had on his show a Minnesota professor who claimes that the US Government was behind the September 11 events and also believes that Israel is a terrorist state. I hoped you hear the interview, the professor basically whiped his butt with the idiot Sean.

                    I suggest you all here hear the interview as well.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: War in The Middle East

                      Originally posted by Fedayeen
                      "hezbollah is stationing around civilians, SO THAT THE ISRAELIS WILL ATTACK THEM AND CAUSE CIVILIAN DEATH, it makes israel look bad and helps hezbollah's cause." I can't find any info on this, but is this true?
                      Its a half truth.
                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

