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Your Sex Life

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  • #81
    Originally posted by anileve WOWWOW Armel, you got me all oozy here! Looky what we have here a serious Casanova. I can see now pieces of broken hearts covering the asphalt streets of California, Sanitation furious with this endless work of sweeping the streets, and there is one person responsible for this, one person who is as crafted with his words as he is with his hands. With which he weaves a web of seduction and romance, how can he be stopped? Has he found that someone who will tame his playful nature and save the hearts from breaking? Will the women finally find rest? Armel – The Man, The Wonder, The Love Criminal!

    But seriously dude, that is freaking beautiful!!! Do we have ourselves forum sweethearts? ooooooooo
    Ani jan, don't always believe every sweet word you read is true. Our forum friend arvest is just VERY good with words. Remember what mr. arvest said....

    Originally posted by Arvestaked Hmm.
    I'm here to be someone I'm not.
    I'm am not here to be myself.
    Originally posted by anileve If I may say, it sounded too close to the truth, so forgive us for not reading your humor.
    All that stuff he said, it's true of course. I AM that wonderrrful. lol. Speaking of which, I would really love to meet some people on this forum, just to see what percentage of their posts and the way they come off online is made up bullxxxx, and what lies behind the facade. As well to show that I am whatever you have seen, and read, so far.

    P.S. All of you who melted so easily after the 'love letter' (I don't blame you, I melted for a second too- the melty feeling indeed came back for a second- I ate it up, even though I knew the history behind the post and it's haha funny joke-y ness), did you forget to read the subject line of the post? It was 'Sorry... This was crafted... Not flow of consciousness...' key word.............. crafted =) and quite good for a laugh. (Although, truth be told, I'd love to have someone see such qualities in me....) but, alas, except for some specifics about my picture, it was a mass letter, and the underlined name could just as easily have read Joseph, or Violette.... You understand?
    Last edited by ckBejug; 12-23-2003, 05:09 PM.
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


    • #82
      Re: Re: Sorry... This was crafted... Not flow of consciousness...

      [i]I'm telling you, the second I meet someone (I mean someone REAL) who is SO articulate as you were in that 'letter', where even in the joking vein you manage to pull off articulation the likes of which I have yet to see in guys, I will truly spend the rest of my life trying to make his life as pleasurable, lovely, happy, exciting, enchanting, and wonderful as his presence will make mine. and that's a promise I intend to keep, with pleasure!! [/B]
      That's all it takes, huh? Proper articulation? Have girls really given up to that extent?


      • #83
        Re: Re: Re: Sorry... This was crafted... Not flow of consciousness...

        Originally posted by loseyourname That's all it takes, huh? Proper articulation? Have girls really given up to that extent?
        I don't know why that should be called 'giving up'. But I guess you're too used to being judged on account of what you see in the mirror and the label on your jeans?? What a pity we're so used to such shallow judgement. I'd rather an articulate man because I assume behind such articulation lies a brain and, wow, wittyness, smarts, intelligence... Ever heard of those? They make even the every day plane Jane, or I guess I should say plain John, a hottie in my eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'd rather behold someone I can have a conversation with. Someone who captures my attention because he holds my interest more than just because his butt is nice. As always... Beauty fades but dumb is forever. You see?
        Last edited by ckBejug; 12-23-2003, 07:12 PM.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #84
          Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry... This was crafted... Not flow of consciousness...

          Originally posted by ckBejug I don't know why that should be called 'giving up'. But I guess you're too used to being judged on account of what you see in the mirror and the label on your jeans?? What a pity we're so used to such shallow judgement. I'd rather an articulate man because I assume behind such articulation lies a brain and, wow, wittyness, smarts, intelligence... Ever heard of those? They make even the every day plane Jane, or I guess I should say plain John, a hottie in my eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'd rather behold someone I can have a conversation with. Someone who captures my attention because he holds my interest more than just because his butt is nice. As always... Beauty fades but dumb is forever. You see?

          Wise words spoken by a GENIUS!! CK jan, it's not easy for people, especially men, to understand the value of the mind. This is whyyyyy most Armenian relatives always say, "Why don't u have a bf yet? Hurry up..ur eggs are dying"..They fail to see that the quality of men has diminished to the point where ur just satisfied with a man who can spell right!!!! This is sad, but it's true! I know there are many girls out there who aren't what u might call smart....but I guess since I'm a girl, I tend to be more judgmental when it comes to the opposite sex......The thing is, we're not even asking for much. I know u and I are both ANTI-GOLDDIGGER>....we're both beautiful...we're both intelligent...funny, nice, Eh....the list goes on and on and WHAT THE FLOCK IS THE PROBLEM? Student raises hand..."I know Mrs. Violette...." MEN ARE SCARED OF COMMITMENT, WE'RE NOT...THEY WANT SEX, WE DON'T WANT IT WITHOUT A COMMITMENT...THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND, WE GET FRUSTRATED, THENNNNNNNN WE'RE KNOWN AS xxxxxES.

          Ahhh like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives.....Michael Horton 1988


          • #85
            Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry... This was crafted... Not flow of consciousness...

            Originally posted by violette829 They fail to see that the quality of men has diminished to the point where ur just satisfied with a man who can spell right!!!! This is sad, but it's true! I know there are many girls out there who aren't what u might call smart....but I guess since I'm a girl, I tend to be more judgmental when it comes to the opposite sex......The thing is, we're not even asking for much. I know u and I are both ANTI-GOLDDIGGER>....we're both beautiful...we're both intelligent...funny, nice, Eh....the list goes on and on and WHAT THE FLOCK IS THE PROBLEM? Student raises hand..."I know Mrs. Violette...." MEN ARE SCARED OF COMMITMENT, WE'RE NOT...THEY WANT SEX, WE DON'T WANT IT WITHOUT A COMMITMENT...THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND, WE GET FRUSTRATED, THENNNNNNNN WE'RE KNOWN AS xxxxxES.
            You know what though, there are plenty of quality guys out there, I just don't understand what the heck they're waiting for. Oh wait, I do actually. You know this whole mentality that guys have that their sex life is just going to die after they get married so they better have as much sex as they possibly can before they are tied down to one girl for the rest of their life? I think it's killing their brain cells, all that sex. I'm telling you it's going to suck SO bad if I end up with some guy who was convinced in his 20's that his sex life was going to die after he got married so he had as much sex as possible and got sick of it so once he gets married he only wants to have sex like once in a while. Also, is it just me or does anyone else find it highly offensive that marriage should be seen in such a bad light by guys? I suppose when they are young and stupid it's ok if they have complaints about the ball and chain that is marriage, but for goodness sake, there are some intelligent guys out there who seem to think getting married is going to be the end of their happiness or somethig. This offends me, to think that someone can make such a judgement about what it would be like to be married. I tend to take things personally and hell, i've been living with me for the past 21 years, I've had no problem with it, so why should you?? hehe.

            Guys are stupid too to be scared of commitment. Who said that just because we're girls we want to make such a big leap right away?! Some of us like to have fun within the boundaries of something that is a tad MORE than the regular friends with benefits casual no feelings non-relationship. Is that SO bad? Things have an added level of being good when feelings are involved. But try telling that to a guy and you'd think you said lets get married. Silly boys.

            Yeah Viol, really I think we've said all that we can say on the subject. Basically it all boils down to the fact that most girls suck and most guys suck and so make damn sure you get things right when you meet one who doesn't suck. Oh yeah and don't assume that because most guys and girls suck that the next one you meet that seems to be all you want and then some is some xxxxxxx in disguise, because that would just kill things from the get-go. Anyway in the meanwhile to fend off boredom, do this...

            If you are interested in shady religious fanaticism, the arts, the Louvre, Da Vinci, a little murder, the secret symbolism in art, and mathematical code like PHI and the Fibonacci Sequence I suggest you run out and get the book The Da Vinci Code . I think it is SO SO SO SO good and I am only on page 95....
            Last edited by ckBejug; 12-24-2003, 09:26 AM.
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


            • #86
              you know what my favorite line is?
              "feelings? yes , I do have feelings for you, but ones that I would like to IGNORE at this point of my life"
              ck and viol , as much as I disagree with girls in a lot of things. When it comes to guys' being F%^&* up scared of commitment is waaay out of control.
              something no psychology teacher has ever been able to explain.
              something no book talks about reasonably.
              and yet another reason I wish I was living in the 1600s.

              I think SEX has been in the picture so much, that soon I'm gonna start hating it. (before even having it)
              SEX is totally the reason of lots of the myseries of life.
              I mean with all these cheating and break up stories because of sex...
              *deep sigh*
              that's it!
              I've decided!
              SEX sucks.


              • #87
                Originally posted by jahannam no
                you know what my favorite line is?
                "feelings? yes , I do have feelings for you, but ones that I would like to IGNORE at this point of my life"
                ck and viol , as much as I disagree with girls in a lot of things. When it comes to guys' being F%^&* up scared of commitment is waaay out of control.
                something no psychology teacher has ever been able to explain.
                something no book talks about reasonably.
                and yet another reason I wish I was living in the 1600s.

                I think SEX has been in the picture so much, that soon I'm gonna start hating it. (before even having it)
                SEX is totally the reason of lots of the myseries of life.
                I mean with all these cheating and break up stories because of sex...
                *deep sigh*
                that's it!
                I've decided!
                SEX sucks.
                lol. jahannamig, good one =)
                The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                • #88
                  Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry... This was crafted... Not flow of consciousness...

                  Originally posted by ckBejug I'm telling you it's going to suck SO bad if I end up with some guy who was convinced in his 20's that his sex life was going to die after he got married so he had as much sex as possible and got sick of it so once he gets married he only wants to have sex like once in a while.
                  Trust me CK you have nothing to worry about. You can put your mind at ease. Some guys might have "too" much sex, but when they get married and love you they will not get sick of having sex with you AS LONG AS the sex is good. There has to be good physical chemistry and you have to spice things up every once in a while. But it is impossible for a guy to supposedly have too much sex and later when he gets married to be sick of it already and not want to have sex with you.


                  • #89
                    take control of your mind??
                    you ARE your mind... what r u sayin??
                    who said that?
                    where did you get that "signature"??


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by jahannam take control of your mind??
                      you ARE your mind... what r u sayin??
                      who said that?
                      where did you get that "signature"??
                      You're too drunk right now to understand it . I didn't get it from anywhere, I wrote it.

