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Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

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  • hipeter924
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    Unlike this forum, which is full of male Armenians talking about what females want, what they should want, what they should not want, what they should do, and what they should not do, and with threats from the "Superior Armenian" caste that if they don't follow the rules set by them, Armenia is heading to extinction.
    Well a lot of women in post-soviet states (from Russia to the Caucasus) find western nations pretty difficult to resist, it isn't so much a desire to stop 'being Armenian' but rather to get opportunities that simply don't exist in Armenia for women. Guessing a lot of Armenians in general like to live in Turkey over Armenia, as it is more western influenced. The problem for Armenia is that when Armenians travel they don't always return, this 'brain drain' is also a problem even for highly developed nations with small populations. New Zealand for example loses people to Australia, the US and Europe.

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    O yes i am goin to tie all this to the topic by now saying that most of my classes are now overwhelmingly filled with women much more so than yes this should do
    Unlike this forum, which is full of male Armenians talking about what females want, what they should want, what they should not want, what they should do, and what they should not do, and with threats from the "Superior Armenian" caste that if they don't follow the rules set by them, Armenia is heading to extinction.
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-06-2014, 09:04 AM.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Ok i see how you tied this to the subject of this thread. In all honesty though i have become a firm believer that the whole left and right thing is ridiculous. Its simply a ploy to find yet another way to divide society against itself. It is true like it said in that thread hagopn that capitalism does not work for humanity. We basically live in the world Nozik describes in his book which is hailed as the conservative response to liberalism blah blah blah..I teach economics and i can tell you with certainty that this is not now nor ever a black and white-yes or no-take it or leave it issue. What it is and what it should be is a mosaic of free market and public interest intertwined to best serve humanity. The true nature of goods determines if they need to be regulated or left alone. The answers to all the important questions are really quite clear and obvious but they do not suite the ruling class thus they devide society any way they can to keep the conversation about everything but what really matters. Lets talk about gay rights and abortion while disregarding healthcare and gross inequality...O yes i am goin to tie all this to the topic by now saying that most of my classes are now overwhelmingly filled with women much more so than yes this should do

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  • hagopn
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    LOL, Content about this is too much http://michiganconservatives.wordpre...reet-protests/

    There are "lists of demands" that are rejected as frauds by some of the OWS bloggers. There are others who have direct tweets, such as the one above, clearly showing the Occupy folks identified with actual marxist groups, this one in Berkeley (what a surprise.)

    In essence, there are all colors of these folks, different forms of socialists/leftists, some are outright marxists, others are even devout Stalinists(!).

    On Facebook a couple of years ago I ran across an entire mob of young university students, Armenians, mainly from Canada, but who had extremist peers in California as well. The new slogan used very frequently by these kids is "Marxism hasn't had the chance to be implemented correctly. The USSR was actually a Stalinist corruption. Had Lenin lived" etc, yev ayln, yev ayln.

    Needless to say, xxxo-the-clown obviously hasn't heard of UC Berkeley, Occidental College (affectionately known as "Oxy") (right next town to me), both hotbeds of absolutely radical leftist weirdos of every flavor imaginable.

    It was at Occidental College that I met for the first time a radical feminist Armenian who "refused to marry because of the obedience vow," and I had no choice but to reassure her that no woman is obedient in any marriage-- She eventually bought it, it seems, as she did finally marry (with an Armenian by the way. Yippie!)

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  • hagopn
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Haykakan, here's another article that shows the influence of leftist thought and specifically explores the prevalence of marxist residue or outright marxist rhetoric in US politics

    Here a conservative blog has made the connection

    Of course, conservatives will be dismissed by the leftist immediately with the accusation of bias prior to even exposure to the content.

    Below Rubin, the author of "What Went Wrong: Analyzing How the Left Hijacked Liberalism and the Democratic Party", talks about the fate of the original leftist/marxist movements from the 1960s, its adherents, and the effects and aftereffects.

    Here's another interesting article:

    There is no doubt that the "individualist" that really leads to totalitarian Statism is dangerous nonsense that is rooted in such leftist double-speak. It has gotten to the point where every single Christian based value system is ridiculed in one form or another including the family unit, and the State is being given more power. That is in fact what Marxists advocate.

    I am indeed "obsessed" with this topic. it is the central problem we face as a nationality, since nationalism is despised and is constantly deconstructed and discredited, of course with false arguments. Marriage as an institution is ridiculed increasingly so. Nationality is completely invalidated by these false arguments and has been rendered a "non-entity, a mere set of imaginary tales and myths."

    The xxxo-the-clown above is absolutely the template for a typical leftist Manchurian Candidate who is under the illusion that he is a "liberal."
    Last edited by hagopn; 02-05-2014, 05:28 PM.

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  • hagopn
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally Posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    Wasn't he called "The Armenian"? He felt himself more superior to even the average "Superior Armenian" (meaning the types who like to pontificate about how Armenians should behave in order to be "true" Armenians, and how Armenia is heading towards extinction if they don't), so he made himself into the Singular Armenian. Then he left, or was banned, or retired to a cave in Afghanistan.
    Here we have a political agitator and rabble-rouser who is seeking out weak points in characters in order to distract from the valid arguments those characters bring to the table that do not suit his needs. In fact, he often invents character traits from his book of magic. I would suggest he engages in selling used automobiles. He would be excellent at it.

    Nah i disagree. I read his writings they are mainly aimed at the strategic/political situation Armenia faces and what it should do in this regard. He is knowledgeable and cares deeply about Armenia and her people. I do not remember him actin superior but some of his writings had hints of racial superiority which i think is destructive to any ones credibility. There is a difference between being proud of your people and culture vs being a racist/superior person. I am afraid the line between these two is breached too often by many Armenians but this is hardly a "Armenian issue" because it exists in every society.
    Here we have a balanced reply. Indeed, his prejudices are only slightly relevant in at best a narrow set of subjects. Otherwise, arguments and ideas brought to the table by this poster were very cogent and valid. I remember his posts.
    Last edited by hagopn; 02-05-2014, 04:14 PM.

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  • hagopn
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Aaahhh yes the teabaggers i happen to like some of them like Jessy Ventura but alas the inept halfwitts like Palin ruined it for them. I actually disagree with the economic theories of this clout but hmm where should we continue this conversation which is beginning to sound a like like the conversations i had with a guy called Armenian and i do believe you and i have delved into these topics before - i believe it was in the government thread a while back.
    We did talk about it in government. We didn't have much chance to hear the Tea Baggers, at least unfiltered by the Mass Media out to Bag them. What I have heard at the beginning of the movement was a call for less government, accountability for the Fed, and so on. After watching the bailout fiasco, accountability of the Fed became something of a hot topic, something which I agree with. Some of it was much too libertarian in character for my taste, such as the complete elimination of any social safety nets including subsidized medical care for the disabled and elderly - which they insist the private charity system would do better in - and so on.

    Anyway, conservatives are the actual liberals, and there was an author who observed and wrote about this phenomenon. I think it was entitled "How The Left Hijacked Liberalism."

    It does have bearing on social engineering, since all of the power is in the hands of the statist Left under the rubric of Liberalism.

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  • hagopn
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    Hagopn's strange "Marxist" obsession makes a change from the usual. Usually here, when an argument is lost, the looser resorts to crying "Turk, Turk!" - with Hagopn it is "Marxist, Marxist!"

    He checks under his bed for Reds every night.

    Probably the early stages of the Occupy movement in America also originated with those concerned with environmental issues, but its concept, I bet, originated online: filling Habbo Hotel with cunningly-arranged, large-haired, dark-skinned gentlemen and similar delights. The pool was not closed due to Marxism.

    Cartoon from 2001-2002 period.

    When Steve Sim above loses an argument, he declares that the other party lost the argument. He then argues the points he lost with ridicule. Sim has yet to prove that Marxists are Dinosaurs, aside from his anecdotal opinions such as "the French chef who cooks for decrepit marxist philosphers" and so on.

    This is indeed not a challenge. I wish there was a more challenging muse, but this is not one of them. This fellow is not even interesting anymore.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    Wasn't he called "The Armenian"? He felt himself more superior to even the average "Superior Armenian" (meaning the types who like to pontificate about how Armenians should behave in order to be "true" Armenians, and how Armenia is heading towards extinction if they don't), so he made himself into the Singular Armenian. Then he left, or was banned, or retired to a cave in Afghanistan.
    Nah i disagree. I read his writings they are mainly aimed at the strategic/political situation Armenia faces and what it should do in this regard. He is knowledgeable and cares deeply about Armenia and her people. I do not remember him actin superior but some of his writings had hints of racial superiority which i think is destructive to any ones credibility. There is a difference between being proud of your people and culture vs being a racist/superior person. I am afraid the line between these two is breached too often by many Armenians but this is hardly a "Armenian issue" because it exists in every society.

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Armenian with a not-Armenian girl

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    a guy called Armenian
    Wasn't he called "The Armenian"? He felt himself more superior to even the average "Superior Armenian" (by "Superior Armenian" I mean the types who like to pontificate about how Armenians should behave in order to be "true" Armenians, and how Armenia is heading towards extinction if all Armenians don't follow that advice) - so he made himself the Singular Armenian. Then he left, or was banned, or retired to a cave in Afghanistan.
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-05-2014, 02:01 PM.

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