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  • Signals

    For men and women!

    What sort of signals do you send to someone to show them that you are interested. I am curious. What do you women do to show a guy that he should approach you? Guys, what do you do?

    Girls, what do you do when the guy is being totally clueless?

    Guys, would you go to a girl who didnt show you any visible signs of affection?

    When do any of you feel it is right to approach someone?

    And for the fun part: How do you handle rejection?

  • #2
    I take rejection as a compliment as them saving me the trouble of having to get to know them.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #3
      Me. When I see a woman that I am interested in, I look at her face. If she looks up, I keep eye contact for a few seconds, not stalker style though. If she looks away right away, I figure she is not interested or she is too shy to keep a little 3 second gaze. Either way, if I am feeling it, I approach with something to say. My verbal approach is very custom though. I dont use the same thing over and over. That isnt fun. Most of the time, the people I approach are very receptive, however there have been some that totally not interested in even being in the same place as me. LOL. I am sure every guy has had that experience (if they are the approaching type). Its cool, it happens, and I will admit that I have been rejected. (It is part of being a guy) When that happens, I just brush it off like it never happened, forget about it, and move on. And besides, when you are drunk, you can laugh at it too!

      I usually dont care if I get rejected. If I even think about that, I become nervous. I am pretty gung ho about it, and I think girls like the confidence. Its not a confidence really, its more like a "I dont care" type of attitude. Or maybe it is confidence. I dont know, and I dont care. As a guy, I figure "Out of 20 girls, at least one has to think I am some what cute" so I just go for it. Got nothing to lose.


      • #4
        Originally posted by surferarmo If she looks away right away, I figure she is not interested or she is too shy to keep a little 3 second gaze.
        Ever consider that maybe it was your pro-Bush t-shirt that turned her off?
        Achkerov kute.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Anonymouse Ever consider that maybe it was your pro-Bush t-shirt that turned her off?
          Ha ha. The like the bad liberatarian boys huh? The ones that want to over throw the govt. and start some anarchal revolution.

          Well, if you are straight, you might like "bush" too!


          • #6
            Seriously though, how does everyone else do this type of thing? I am especially interested in the women's point of view. I just want to know what you do. I am not looking for a critique of what I do. I was just opening up.


            • #7
              the few second eye contact works for me as well.
              i just love it when it works.
              I haven't really made any moves on guys I don't know though,
              so ummm
              I wouldn't know what feeling rejected is like.
              except for that, the beat of the music. lol
              okay this sounds cheesy, this has happened to me 3 times. basically, when you're at a place with loud music, and you're having fun with friends, taking a sip of your redbull vodka or whatever, and you're just feeling that music by sliiightly shaking your head (works best with house/trance music) and then you lock eyes with someone across the room, doing the SAME exact head movement. and then you smile and they smile back, hopefully lol, and then they do that head thing asking u WITHOUT saying a word if u wanna dance...
              i'm sure you know what i'm talkin about.
              I like NO TALK beginnings.
              they're spontaneous and fun.
              and once i'm on the dancefloor, if they ask what i'm doing later, I just walk away!


              • #8
                odd...odd... creature...


                • #9
                  If there are a few guys together and I'm talking to them with my friends, I'll say something to one guy like, 'hey you look like (fill in the blanks: whatever I feel like he looks like at the moment)', then turn to my guy of choice and say 'and you look like the guy who's going to make my breakfast tomorrow morning'

                  hahaha just kidding...

                  I guess if a guy is goes so far as to come up to me if I show him I'm interested by holding his gaze, smiling, whatever, I'm not quick to become disinterested unless a. he sounds REALLY stupid, or b. he uses some xxxxty ass line and looks like he spent a week practicing that in the mirror (I like cute lines, or stupid jokey one's but sometimes guys are all to serious when using these things and they just become annoying). Give me a break.

                  If a guy is being completely clueless I'll probably just tell him I'm waiting for my boyfriend. That works like a charm...

                  As for rejection, hm, usually guys like it when girls are gutsy enough to approach them or be totally blunt, so I guess it's not something I'd worry about, if it's some random person I don't know, I wouldn't really care I guess, but if I was into someone who was a friend or someone I liked that would smart, but you get over it, move on, next!
                  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                  • #10
                    yeah I do this a lot but its just me.....I make it sooo obvious when I like someone its not even funny.....I usually stare at the person, or somehow I tell my friends that I like this or that guy, and the next day the guy knows about it.....the first time i did this when I was in HS in 7th grade and I liked a guy in 9th grade, and the 9th grader knew about it somehow the next freakin
                    its funny, Im not really good at secretly signaling stuff......
                    But I would tell if a guy likes me from his looks at me......there is a difference between the look that my guy friend gives me and the look that someone who likes me yeah its not that hard for me.....

