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  • #61
    Originally posted by loleeg
    don't get me started on pot dudes have you been around someone that just smoked a bowl? have you been around someone that just had a whole bunch of alcohol? pot doen't affect peoepl much and isn't chemically addictive!!!

    sometimes values are people trying to see with a blindfolds!

    pot might not be addictive but when you use it often enough you no longer feel the high that you would usually feel b/c your body's used to it, that is why people turn to a more powerful drug like cocaine or heroine, and thats when the addiction if you can stop it at least at pot then that decreases the chances of more morons getting addicted to other drugs, losing their abilty to function properly, and then using up tax payers money to send them to "recovery" institutions

    goes the same for shouldnt even be considered a job, I dont care whether you legalize it or not, no one is going to be proud to say, "I'm a prostitute," when they are asked, "what do you do?" instead of saying that prostitution is okay and we should legally allow it, we should get these women off the streets and help them start a new life, that is if they havent already lost their life to drugs and alcohol, b/c then there probably is no hope left.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Anonymouse
      You could say that. Why?
      just making sure that it's your avatar speaking and not you..hehehe


      • #63
        No is one is proud to say "I'm a housemaid" or "I'm a cotton picker," either Inna. Doesn't mean these aren't jobs. I would imagine that expensive call girls are more than happy with their work. It's just a way to bring home money. A job was never meant to be a source of pride. You can take pride in doing it well, but I'm willing to bet 90% of the workforce would rather not be doing the jobs they are doing.


        • #64
          Originally posted by loleeg
          ... and marriage and kids isn't about sex it's about love!
          you think? mostly i hope so! sometimes it's about being stupid and making stupid choices about sex and getting stuck!! or worse yet having a lying deceitful girl trap the guy into marrying him by getting pregnant or getting off the pills or messin with the used condom..yeah!! s--- like that happens sadly!
          and...of course marriage and kids can happen out of expectations and probably even boredom..."uhhmmm i don't have a life, lemme get married for fun and make a couple of babies.." there are losers who think like that too..

          so you are being naive in this situation, ideally it should be love but a lot of times it ain't!!


          • #65
            i would be proud to be a housewife and stay home and raise my children!! it's definitely something to be proud of!! it's not that one is uneducated or lacks ambition, rather raising healthy families is as productive, if not more, to society as is workforce contribution...raising loved kids whose parents are there for them and spend time with them will develop healthy balanced adults in the future


            • #66
              Originally posted by loseyourname
              No is one is proud to say "I'm a housemaid" or "I'm a cotton picker," either Inna. Doesn't mean these aren't jobs. I would imagine that expensive call girls are more than happy with their work. It's just a way to bring home money. A job was never meant to be a source of pride. You can take pride in doing it well, but I'm willing to bet 90% of the workforce would rather not be doing the jobs they are doing.
              the first job my mom had when we moved to the US was working as a housemaid/nurse...and she was proud of the job Thank You very much, of course she would've been more prouder (is that a word??) if she had the job she had back in Baku..but nevertheless she was still proud.


              • #67
                Originally posted by hyebruin
                worse yet having a lying deceitful girl trap the guy into marrying him by getting pregnant or getting off the pills or messin with the used condom..yeah!! s--- like that happens sadly!
                Bruin, guys wouldn't have this problems if they thought with their brains, and not their little buddies. All guys want is sex, and no responsibilities. If a girl tricks them into marriage, then more power to them. Don't think anyone would do something like that if the guy showed he thought about the future, and not just sex.


                • #68
                  hyebruin: He said houseMAID, not wife.

                  Inna: Not sure how someone could be proud of that position. I mean, basically, here's a guy/gal telling you "not ONLY am I too good to clean my OWN bathrooms, I'm going to make YOU do it for me!" Yup! True honor, there.

                  ExtraHye: And exactly what type of a marriage is a girl who uses tactics like that expecting? If the guy can't committe to a girl, you're expecting to raise a family with that guy???


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Crimson Glow
                    hyebruin: He said houseMAID, not wife.

                    Inna: Not sure how someone could be proud of that position. I mean, basically, here's a guy/gal telling you "not ONLY am I too good to clean my OWN bathrooms, I'm going to make YOU do it for me!" Yup! True honor, there.

                    Yes she does have reason to be proud. She should be proud that she does not allow her arrogance to stand in the way of her family’s well being. She should be proud that she’s able to provide for her family. She’s not begging for money, nor is she waiting for someone’s pitiful generosity. Most importantly, she is not degrading herself in any way.

                    …and as far as prositution as a means for living. Bullsh!t! They can go scrub toilets, and they would have far more respect than having everyone screw them like they’re crap with no value, and be referred to as xxxxxes, and xxxxxs.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by spiral
                      …and as far as prositution as a means for living. Bullsh!t! They can go scrub toilets, and they would have far more respect than having everyone screw them like they’re crap with no value, and be referred to as xxxxxes, and xxxxxs.
                      Contrary to your opinion, most people look at someone who cleans toilets in the same respect as you're referring to prostitutes; Worthless. Not to mention, they'd probably be making way more as 5luts. So if you're going to degrade yourself (and yes, cleaning someone ELSES toilet is pretty degrading by most people's books), may as well make the most money doing it while you're at it.

