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  • #41
    Originally posted by TheSwineherd
    Dude, if they aren't getting paid, that isn't prostitution. That's rape.
    It is rape, but its nevertheless called prostitution

    to be accurate to prostitute onself doesnt neccasarly mean that you CHOOSE to do it youself, many are often forced to prostitute themselves.
    Last edited by Tres Bien; 05-05-2004, 05:09 AM.


    • #42
      prostitution should be legal so it wil be clean and we can get tax money and cuz no one can tell someone else what to do with thier own bodies./


      • #43
        Originally posted by loleeg
        prostitution should be legal so it wil be clean and we can get tax money and cuz no one can tell someone else what to do with thier own bodies./
        And enrich the bourgeois ruling elite and the State? YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE PROLETARIAT!!!!!!!!!
        Achkerov kute.


        • #44
          Loleeg, it' would make it worse for the girls who are forced into prostitition if we make it legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #45
            How? Sounds to me like legalizing it would drive the illegal pimps out of business and thus no more forcing.
            this post = teh win.


            • #46
              how about not viewing if as a 'career option?' last time i checked with the bureau of labor statistics prostitute was NOT a job title!!

              just what we need more h--- and crackheads (with the MJ legalization efforts)...whatever happened to morality and values?

              i would never bring children into this filthy world if society does not have the brains and the common sense to realize right from wrong!!

              i'm hopeful in most states and countries this is NOT the case!!


              • #47
                Originally posted by Tres Bien
                Loleeg, it' would make it worse for the girls who are forced into prostitition if we make it legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                yea dude goverment regulated stuff with labor laws and mouse taxes are here to stay so we should get it from where we can.they will always end up in smoeones pocket but there will still be more for the poeple.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by hyebruin
                  how about not viewing if as a 'career option?' last time i checked with the bureau of labor statistics prostitute was NOT a job title!!

                  just what we need more h--- and crackheads (with the MJ legalization efforts)...whatever happened to morality and values?

                  i would never bring children into this filthy world if society does not have the brains and the common sense to realize right from wrong!!

                  i'm hopeful in most states and countries this is NOT the case!!
                  ur bein naive here because it's going to happen anyway and it might as well be clean.making it ilegal hasn't got us anywhere because they go to jail for a few days and theyre outt and doin it again

                  don't get me started on pot dudes have you been around someone that just smoked a bowl? have you been around someone that just had a whole bunch of alcohol? pot doen't affect peoepl much and isn't chemically addictive!!!

                  sometimes values are people trying to see with a blindfolds!


                  • #49
                    Hyebruin i agree with you. Yeah, the large number of girls are actually FORCED into prostitution. Im talking about the huge number of girls that are sold and taken and forced (as they are so poor) to sell themselves. if you think its a JOB for most of this girls, you need a reality check.


                    • #50
                      tb: just because you make prostitution ilegal doesn't mean that there won' be laws! u can't have a 13yo bartender either! forcing young girls can still be ilegal! and u gotta think who would go to an ilegal wh0rehouse if you can go to a legal one???

