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Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

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  • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

    Originally posted by exfo View Post
    I seems that you also have no honour and continue will post garbage to me like Sip. Anyway, you two loser I dont read your insults or any of your posts. Whatever you will be as lower as you can.
    I think you lost it all... Seriously...its not even funny anymore...


    • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

      Good, finally we agreed that:
      1. ASALA is a terrorist organisation
      2. There is no freedom of speech at Switzerland and France about 1915.
      3. You are not Turkish, you are Cypriot.
      4. Turks are X
      5. Exfo is X


      • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

        Originally posted by exfo View Post
        Good, finally we agreed that:
        1. ASALA is a terrorist organisation
        2. There is no freedom of speech at Switzerland and France about 1915.
        3. You are not Turkish, you are Cypriot.
        4. Turks are X
        5. Exfo is X
        1. YES> killing innocents should be considered as terrorism
        2. YES> but more "free" than Turkey
        3. YES> no doubt
        4. YES> and x= animal or x= human
        5. YES and x= pig
        6. YES to I am bored of Exfo
        7. NO to "turkish nationalism"
        8. NO to "propoganda"
        9. NO to "posting replies to Exfo"


        • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

          Originally posted by gizzy View Post
          1. YES> killing innocents should be considered as terrorism
          2. YES> but more "free" than Turkey
          3. YES> no doubt
          4. YES> and x= animal or x= human
          5. YES and x= pig
          6. YES to I am bored of Exfo
          7. NO to "turkish nationalism"
          8. NO to "propoganda"
          9. NO to "posting replies to Exfo"
          Good, with your this reply, you can go to the trash can. You will enjoy there with Sip and Gunner.
          p.s.: Sorry but you are Turkish, maybe you can consult to a psychologist for your identity problems. It is an interesting case that how can a person ashamed of her identity. It only show you miserable.
          p.s.2: You look so European and civilised as a "Cypriot" Dont change your identity to "Turkish"
          Or you can try being "American" like Gunner, it sounds cool
          Last edited by exfo; 05-29-2007, 08:24 AM.


          • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

            Originally posted by exfo View Post
            Good, with your this reply, you can go to the trash can. You will enjoy there with Sip and Gunner.
            p.s.: Sorry but you are Turkish, maybe you can consult to a psychologist for your identity problems. It is an interesting case that how can a person ashamed of her identity. It only show you miserable.
            p.s.2: You look so European and civilised as a "Cypriot" Dont change your identity to "Turkish"
            Or you can try being "American" like Gunner, it sounds cool
            ? what are you doing? turkish nationalism? do you want me to have flag of turkey as my avatar? do you also want azeries to sing your "national anthem"? Do you want TAXIM? do you think cyprus belongs to Turkey? Do you consider Cypriot culture same as the general Turkey culture? Are you praud of your army and your government and their "great" success everywhere? Do you think you are a real "turk"? The real turks are in asia and your so called "turkish culture" in seen as "arabic culture" by Kazakis, Turmens etc. Even azeries are fed up with your "turkish nationalism". You dont have respect to under cultures and you have prooved it many times with your posts. You think my people go to mosque!? NO... You think we give money to the "bride"s side!? NO... You think my people kiss the feet of the army and the hodjas!? NO... etc... Do you get what I am saying? NO, coz you r in the pig mode.
            Last edited by gizzy; 05-29-2007, 09:03 AM.


            • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

              Originally posted by gizzy View Post
              I think you lost it all...
              When did he "have it"?
              this post = teh win.


              • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

                If you still dont understand what I am saying exfo, then please read some posts of Vagharshapat. He is doing real "intellectual" discussions and he perfectly reflects many of my thoughts. Unlike me, he has brilliant discussion skills. I think sometimes I cannot express myself clear enough and leave open doors for you to understand the things I say "the way you want to understand"! Please have a look at his posts then you will understand the reason of my reactions towards some of your posts.


                • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?


                  Save your breath... Exefo is a X.

                  No point in discussing anything with him...

                  According to exefo
                  If you say something insightful about Turkey and its government then you are automatically an obsessed with turkishness, and you need help.

                  If you say you don't know something... then you are a fool.

                  "ok be a fool, and play with 3 monkies, you are not american capish?"

                  I am an Armenian by blood and heart...and an American citizen.

                  You're the one that's not turkish.... learning to speak english, talking to Armenians, shame on you exfo..... why must you deny your heritage... you're spitting on Kemal's grave... shame shame shame....

                  hehe, i'm funny.


                  • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

                    Originally posted by Gunner14 View Post

                    Save your breath... Exefo is a X.
                    Yes Gizzy, saver your breath. I am too much "asiatic" for you. You can live your "european way of life" imitation with Sip and Gunner since you are at the same league with them. I am pig and thats all you can say. Poor you.


                    • Re: Is it wrong to date Turkish Cypriot people?

                      And dont post any more garbage to me. You are as low as Sip and Gunner for me now. Bye.

