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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Ադրբեջանցիները սպանել են հադրութցի երիտասարդին

      Ադրբեջանական բանակի առաջապահ ուժերը շփման գծի տարբեր ուղղություններում շարունակում են պարբերաբար խախտել հրադադարի պահպանման ռեժիմը: Միայն վերջին երկու օրերի ընթացքում հակառակորդը տարբեր տրամաչափի զինատեսակներից ՊԲ դիրքերը գնդակոծել է ավելի քան 400 անգամ, որի արդյունքում հայկական կողմը ունեցել է կորուստ:

      Մայիսի 11-ին ղարաբաղա-ադրբեջանական հակամարտ զորքերի շփման գոտու հարավարևելյան սահմանահատվածում տրակտորով աշխատելիս, հակառակորդի կողմից ժամը 18:05-ի սահմանում արձակված գնդակից գլխի շրջանում ստանալով հրազենային մահացու վիրավորում` Հադրութի քաղաքացիական հիվանդանոց տեղափոխվելու ճանապարհին ժամը 19:20-ին մահացել է Հադրութի շրջանի Քյուրաթաղ գյուղի բնակիչ, 1978թ. ծնված Արայիկ Նելսոնի Բալասանյանը: Միջադեպի հետ կապված մանրամասները ճշտվում են:

      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by londontsi View Post
        How about targeting ground tracking station.
        Once GPS coordinates obtained target either with GPS guided missiles or special forces.

        Any experts who think if impracticable?
        No expert here but I can tell that hitting ground stations ain't gonna help:

        There isn’t much difference between Military or commercial communication satellites. Apparently this one will stay in a geosynchronous orbit (which means it will orbits at the speed of earth rotation, the satellite will be seen stationary in the Azeri sky from a ground observer).
        Armenia should track its orbit closely, however nobody can guarantee that it will not be used for military purposes. Let Ex-Im Bank release the details of this contract to us or Armenia will consider (should consider) this French satellite as a legitimate target.

        The US military, for example, uses commercial communications satellites to control and get data from unmanned drones, and for secure military cell phone networks. And a country that has its own satellite, even a commercial one, could provide advantage to its military, said an Air Force officer who spoke to on condition of anonymity. “You're guaranteed access, you're guaranteed communications,” the officer said.
        B0zkurt Hunter


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Azerbaijan has those
          Just wait till sept 21...


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by ArmeniaR1 View Post
            Just wait till sept 21...
            What happens in sept???


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Azerbaijanis, once again violating the ceasefire, killing a civilian Armenian
              PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijani armed forces continue to periodically break the ceasefire and fired at the position of the NKR Defense Army of the various types of weapons. Only in the last two days in the direction of the Karabakh position was made more than 400 shots.
              May 11 at the south-easterly direction, the contact line at 18.05 was fatally shot in the head tractor driver from the village Kyuratag Hadrut region Araik Nelsonovich Balasanyan, born in 1978. He was taken to hospital Hadrut, where he died at 19.20. Details of the incident to be confirmed, the press service of the NKR.

              / /


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by edojan View Post
                What happens in sept???
                Military parade of RA


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
                  Azerbaijanis, once again violating the ceasefire, killing a civilian Armenian
                  PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijani armed forces continue to periodically break the ceasefire and fired at the position of the NKR Defense Army of the various types of weapons. Only in the last two days in the direction of the Karabakh position was made more than 400 shots.
                  May 11 at the south-easterly direction, the contact line at 18.05 was fatally shot in the head tractor driver from the village Kyuratag Hadrut region Araik Nelsonovich Balasanyan, born in 1978. He was taken to hospital Hadrut, where he died at 19.20. Details of the incident to be confirmed, the press service of the NKR.

                  / /
                  Our news sources deny it , but i know they are lying. Few days ago sniper division send letter saying hey will start shooting civilians because of recent shooting of a kid in the head. this is Bullxxxx i feel bad for civil people....


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by umid123 View Post
                    Our news sources deny it , but i know they are lying. Few days ago sniper division send letter saying hey will start shooting civilians because of recent shooting of a kid in the head. this is Bullxxxx i feel bad for civil people....
                    ur full of xxxx kids don't get targeted by Armenian Snipers!


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      umid123 your full of sheet! List when you first posted you said you were not here to fight with anyone. Why don't you leave now while the going is good! Don't let the door hit you in the ars.

