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What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

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  • londontsi
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Seyran Ohanyan: Nagorno Karabakh cannot be part of Azerbaijan

    Armenian leadership will make every effort in achieving progress in the Nagorno Karabakh peaceful settlement in 2010, " RA Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan told students and faculty of Yerevan State University today.
    According to the minister, NKR cannot be part of Azerbaijan. "In this context, we raise three questions: the right of NKR people to self-determination should be respected, Nagorno Karabakh should have a land connection with Armenia and its security must be ensured by international guarantees," defense minister stressed.
    Karabakh-Azerbaijani conflict started in 1988. In response to peaceful demands of the Armenians of Karabakh, constituted 80 per cent of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region (Nagorny Karabakh), Azerbaijan had unleashed aggression against the peaceful population. As a result of the national-liberation war of 1991-1994 Nagorno Karabakh Republic was proclaimed. NKR Defense Army has also established a security zone around Nagorno Karabakh, including the 7 regions. On May 11, 1994, agreement was reached on the cease-fire (Bishkek Protocol). Currently, France, the United States and Russia, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are involved in the settlement of the conflict.

    Seyran Ohanian's definition of borders worrying.

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  • Federate
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Originally posted by ArmSurvival View Post
    I found a global railway information website, and look at their map of Azerbaijan:

    And read the text below the map, it refers to the Artsakh Republic.

    I quickly went to the "About" section and found that the maps were all provided by a man named Boris Chomenko, probably a Russian
    Wow, great find dude. I'm surprised not only at the map but the "Artsakh Republic" wording, though I am a little saddened to see that Armenia's map remains inaccurate. Also surprised the Azeris haven't stumbled on this already.

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  • ArmSurvival
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    I found a global railway information website, and look at their map of Azerbaijan:

    And read the text below the map, it refers to the Artsakh Republic.

    I quickly went to the "About" section and found that the maps were all provided by a man named Boris Chomenko, probably a Russian

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  • ashot24
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
    They're trying to cause trouble for RA by saying hey look they're claiming Artsakh, they're aggressors. That would be the drawback to Armenian govt. representatives claiming openly that Artsakh is part of Armenia before there's international recognition of its independence, right?
    That is, I believe, the main reason why the govt has never promoted the use of the map with the territories surrounding the not-so-former NKAO. The main reason for that lays on the fact that NKAO is the only territory with the capacity for pressing for a status, and the only territory which will see changes if the NK issue is ever to be resolved.

    And I also believe that the Azeris being behind this is a more likely theory, they have lots of experience cracking Armenian websites and seems that they like to check out every Armenians website looking for something to use on their propaganda, and as we know, if they find nothing...they create it...
    Last edited by ashot24; 01-23-2010, 03:26 PM.

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  • Federate
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Originally posted by Siggie View Post
    He who smelt it dealt it. I think it was the Azeris who hacked it. There's a lot of information on the site and they zeroed in on the change awfully quickly. [sarcasm ] It's almost as if... they knew where to look! [/sarcasm ]

    They're trying to cause trouble for RA by saying hey look they're claiming Artsakh, they're aggressors. That would be the drawback to Armenian govt. representatives claiming openly that Artsakh is part of Armenia before there's international recognition of its independence, right?
    Interesting analysis, it's definitely a possibility. Another possibility which seems less likely would be that Armenians hacked into it and corrected the map found on the President's website.

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  • Siggie
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    He who smelt it dealt it. I think it was the Azeris who hacked it. There's a lot of information on the site and they zeroed in on the change awfully quickly. [sarcasm ] It's almost as if... they knew where to look! [/sarcasm ]

    They're trying to cause trouble for RA by saying hey look they're claiming Artsakh, they're aggressors. That would be the drawback to Armenian govt. representatives claiming openly that Artsakh is part of Armenia before there's international recognition of its independence, right?

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  • Federate
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Some good news for you guys. It seems we are making a lot of headway in this map campaign against false borders of Armenia. The website of the President of Armenia has officially changed the map they use with the one of Armenia and Artsakh in full that was introduced to the web not so long ago! A great victory for us, cheers and enjoy this shot of the website. The website is

    *UPDATE: For some reason, they have currently switched back to the old erroneous map. Will keep you posted.

    *UPDATE 2: Hackers cracked RA President’s official website and made certain changes on it.

    Within several hours the problems were fixed and presently the website operates in normal mode, the head of computer services department of President’s administration Leonid Avetisyan informed According to him, currently it is under the tightened technical control, and investigation on the accident is carried out.

    Some Azerbaijani media spread information, that a new map with Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and liberated territories is available on the RA President’s website.

    An anonymous message with confession to an attack by hackers who do not disclose their nationality appeared on e-source.


    Last edited by Federate; 01-23-2010, 01:29 PM.

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  • Anoush
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    Here is another map for the Armenian world to use. This one is similar to the quoted map in this post but depicts NKR in its entirety and compares it to the old Azerbaijani administrative divisions that once existed in our new country.

    This one looks good Fed jan. Thanks.

    If we get hold of our Naxichevan again, that much better!

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  • Federate
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    From the Azerbaboonjan perspective
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in babooni rayon terms

    This post is to see what is under our control when taking into account the divisions/provinces (known as "rayons") of the baboon jungle.

    A look into their rayons in NKR territory. All rayons are numbered but what interests us is the southwestern portion. Nagorno-Karabakh is in green and ALL divisions shown on this map corresponds to baboon divisions (even though some of them coincide with some of our divisions). Only thing to note is the broken-lined divisions found in 26 and 56 which is divisions NKR has done within itself.

    3. Agdam (Ağdam): Majority of rayon now within NKR. Divided into three parts with the northern portion in Martakert, central in Askeran and southern in Martuni.

    14. Jabrayil (Cəbrayıl): Fully within NKR. Divided into two parts with the western portion in Kashatagh and eastern portion in Hadrut.

    18. Fizuli (Füzuli): Roughly half of rayon within NKR. Incorporated into Hadrut.

    26. Kalbajar (Kəlbəcər): Fully within NKR. Divided into two parts with the western portion in Shahumian and eastern in Martakert.

    28. Lachin (Laçın): Fully within NKR. In Kashatagh.

    42. Qubadli (Qubadlı): Fully within NKR. In Kashatagh.

    54. Shusha (Şuşa): Fully within NKR. Remains its own province (Shushi).

    55. Shusha city (Şuşa): Fully within NKR. Incorporated into Shushi province.

    56. Tartar (Tərtər): Roughly half of rayon within NKR. In Martakert.

    60. Khankendi city (Xankəndi): Fully within NKR. Remains its own province (Stepanakert) and capital of NKR.

    63. Khojali (Xocalı): Fully within NKR. Remains its own province (Askeran).

    64. Khojavend (Xocavənd): Majority within NKR. Divided into two province - Hadrut and Martuni.

    ** 21. Goranboy: Southern portion of rayon is claimed by NKR but remains under baboon control. Part of Shahumian province.
    Here is another map for the Armenian world to use. This one is similar to the quoted map in this post but depicts NKR in its entirety and compares it to the old Azerbaijani administrative divisions that once existed in our new country.

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  • ashot24
    Re: What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    ATLAS OF TRUE BORDERS: De-Facto Independent States
    Atlas that shows de-facto independent countries that do not appear in Google Earth. Included are Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Transnistria, Kosovo, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Somaliland, Puntland, Gaza Strip, Palestinian National Authority A Areas.

    Atlas of True Borders

    1. Download the archive
    2. Open it with Google Earth
    Last edited by ashot24; 12-01-2009, 01:08 PM.

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