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What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

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  • hipeter924
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Anoush View Post
    That's fine and dandy KanadaHye, however you must marry an Armenian beauty and have at least five(5)babies. Btw; and have all the fun you can have while having them.
    5 children, that's way too many. Surely you can make do with 2 or 3. Children can be little terrors sometimes.

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  • Anoush
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    No, economics is a hobby... I have a degree in mechanical engineering and I work with robotics and automation for the automotive industry. So I get an understanding of how the countries are interconnected just from working in global sized companies. The automobile did create the middle class.... so when Detroit falls, the middle class goes with it
    Very impressive KanadaHye, you're a smart fellow!

    Seriously though with your engineering know how perhaps one of these days you can go to RA, teach them your expertise in their universities to help them learn how it is thaught in Canada. Let them compare notes, right?

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Anoush View Post
    And what's your line of study KanadaHye? Is it economics perhaps?
    No, economics is a hobby... I have a degree in mechanical engineering and I work with robotics and automation for the automotive industry. So I get an understanding of how the countries are interconnected just from working in global sized companies. The automobile did create the middle class.... so when Detroit falls, the middle class goes with it

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  • Anoush
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    Wealth is relative... all everyone needs is a roof over their head, and a meal on the table, and you don't need to have people working 50-70hrs a week to achieve that!! Luxuries will come with time, but you have to start with the basics. South Korean's are still slaves, except their slave owners have changed to America..... that's what the 2 bombs that Japan ate were for.

    "There are growing signs that the world's 13th largest economy, the Republic of Korea, is among the most vulnerable to the global financial crisis. A senior Bank of Korea (BOK) official declared on December 2 that annualised growth for the fourth quarter would be less than 3 percent. Last month, Finance Minister Kang Man-soo optimistically promised growth of 4 percent in 2009.
    And what's your line of study KanadaHye? Is it economics perhaps?

    A man's got to do what a man's got to do...
    That's right KanadaHye... you got to.

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Icy View Post
    We need more diasporans to go back to Armenia, so the country can actually grow. Our country has so
    much potential, but we're not doing anything about it.

    I mean look at South Korea for an example, they we're under
    the control of Japanese for 45 years, they were slaves basically.
    Now look at South Korea now, it has basically maximised all of it's
    resources and is now ranked #8 richest country in the world.

    My point here is that, we've had a lot of horrible things happen
    to our country, and we should fight for our genocide recogniton,
    but also help our economy grow.

    Wealth is relative... all everyone needs is a roof over their head, and a meal on the table, and you don't need to have people working 50-70hrs a week to achieve that!! Luxuries will come with time, but you have to start with the basics. South Korean's are still slaves, except their slave owners have changed to America..... that's what the 2 bombs that Japan ate were for.

    "There are growing signs that the world's 13th largest economy, the Republic of Korea, is among the most vulnerable to the global financial crisis. A senior Bank of Korea (BOK) official declared on December 2 that annualised growth for the fourth quarter would be less than 3 percent. Last month, Finance Minister Kang Man-soo optimistically promised growth of 4 percent in 2009.

    The IMF, however, has already slashed its 2009 forecast for South Korea to just 2 percent and the fear is that it may enter negative growth next year for the first time since the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. On December 1, Samsung Securities predicted the economy would shrink by 0.2 percent in 2009, following in the steps of the US, Japan and Europe."

    Originally posted by Anoush View Post
    That's fine and dandy KanadaHye, however you must marry an Armenian beauty and have at least five(5)babies. Btw; and have all the fun you can have while having them.
    A man's got to do what a man's got to do...
    Last edited by KanadaHye; 05-23-2009, 04:48 PM.

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  • Anoush
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    I'd be packing my bags and moving tomorrow
    That's fine and dandy KanadaHye, however you must marry an Armenian beauty and have at least five(5)babies. Btw; and have all the fun you can have while having them.

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  • Icy
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    We need more diasporans to go back to Armenia, so
    the country can actually grow. Our country has so
    much potential, but we're not doing anything about it.

    I mean look at South Korea for an example, they we're under
    the control of Japanese for 45 years, they were slaves basically.
    Now look at South Korea now, it has basically maximised all of it's
    resources and is now ranked #8 richest country in the world.

    My point here is that, we've had a lot of horrible things happen
    to our country, and we should fight for our genocide recogniton,
    but also help our economy grow.

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Anoush View Post
    Thanks Eddo for the news. I also like Hovanessian's idea for opening a corridor instead of the borders. Now I hope they go ahead and implement all these good ideas.

    One more thing: If the government would give every family who'd have at least 5 children $250,000.
    I'd be packing my bags and moving tomorrow

    Don't people who have "connections" get through the border anyways? This would mostly benefit the regular folks who would travel between Gyumri and Kars right? Perhaps Armenia might get some cheap construction workers out of the deal.

    Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
    I think the greatest aid is to have great knowledge and purpose in our work for the good of Armenians, so that they too may find wisdom and growth by partaking in it. This also makes money the most helpful, the best raised and spent.
    I agree, the governments have put money up as a barrier against success. Everything we need comes from the land, everything we build comes from our own mind, body and soul.
    Last edited by KanadaHye; 05-23-2009, 03:24 PM.

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  • Anoush
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Thanks Eddo for the news. I also like Hovanessian's idea for opening a corridor instead of the borders. Now I hope they go ahead and implement all these good ideas.

    One more thing: If the government would give every family who'd have at least 5 children $250,000.
    Last edited by Anoush; 05-23-2009, 02:53 PM.

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  • Eddo211
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Armenian officials must do all it can to increase funding for resettlements on our liberated lands and to show Turkey and international communities our seriousness in solidifying our foothold.

    This should be a no freaking brainer especially after so many Armenians are willing to go back and many others willing to start a new life there.
    I am not saying Armenians should do like the Israeli settlers who not only take no crap from their own Gov………..some who carry guns aim shoot then ask questions while they expand like wildfire.

    I like Hovanessian’s idea of opening a Turkish corridor instead opening the borders completely.

    See article bellow:

    Hovanessian Stresses Urgency of Resettling Liberated Territories
    By Asbarez Staff on May 21st, 2009 and filed under Armenia, Featured Story, Karabakh, News, Top Stories.

    ARF Parliamentary Faction leader Vahan Hovannesian
    YEREVAN (Yerkir)—The urgency to resettle the liberated territories surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic was a topic of heated discussion Thursday during a weekly parliamentary roundtable with Armenia’s Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan.

    Discussion on the issue began when Vahan Hovanessian, the leader of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation’s parliamentary bloc, asked the Prime Minister about the status of resettlement efforts in the liberated territories. Hovanessian emphasized that the absence of Armenian residents in that area was “widening the appetites of Turkey and Azerbaijan” as talks to normalize relations with Ankara continue.

    In response, Sargsyan reiterated the oft-repeated position of the Armenian authorities that Turkey-Armenia discussions were advancing without preconditions.
    Sargsyan, however, said that any agreement would require the parliament’s approval before being implemented. “This process is going to be a public one,” he said, referring to the “roadmap” agreement. “We will defend our principles.”
    “Naturally, we have to be more active and we can never forget the Genocide issue and other matters related to the Armenian Cause,” added Sargsyan.

    The prime minister insisted that Karabakh will always be an important priority in Armenia’s economic, foreign and domestic policies and as a result the economic development of Karabakh will always be part of Armenia’s governmental programs.
    “The development of all facets of [life] Karabakh should be accelerated, in order to create more enhanced living and growth conditions,” said Sargsyan, adding that the resettlement issue was a constant topic of discussion with the Karabakh president and prime minister.

    Hovenessian expressed hope that the prime minister’s statements would become reality in the near future. He also suggested the government adopt two approaches to the Armenia-Turkey process, namely for Yerevan to insist that instead of discussing a possible opening of the border, Armenia should discuss offering a corridor to Turkey, since when discussing the border issue, Turkey always considers the current borders.

    Hovanessian also emphasized the importance of a timeline in these talks, citing the president’s own statements that this process cannot last for years.
    “How long is this process going to last? Until the soccer match? Or, do we have to wait for Erdogan to make an announcement in Yerevan that they have preconditions, which is the Karabakh issue,” said Hovanessian.

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