Re: Regional geopolitics
Your point was, to put is in a childish language, for some fans here:
What is Russia doing with us and azerbaijan is quite normal behavior for any superpower, and as an example you gave the US behavior in two situations:
1- US/UK during WWII
2- Israel /Arab countries.
Yet again. in a childish language, you couldn’t have chosen more IRRELEVANT examples.
If you had used the organ you are afraid others would do wash,..... might be you would have find a more related example in Africa, or elsewhere in the ME? Let’s for say Iran/Irak war…. nevertheless, you did chose these 2 examples yourself.
1- First example is so absurd, it doesn’t need a discussion. Remember, in first part of WWII the US was not the strategic ally of the British Empire. It was a neutral nation, at least officially, even if Rossevelt was in heart and mind pro-brittish... you had natzi gatherings among german communities accross the US.
The US entered war after Pearl Harbor, that is 7 of Dec 1941, and a couple of days later, against III Reich & Mussolini, the day Hitler declared war against the US by launching a full U-Boat attack on the atlantic shores of the american continent.
So, in a very childish comparison, what the US gave to the III Reich, BEFORE the active alliance part, that is after 7 dec 1941, and declaration of War with Japan, to the III Reich is equivalent to Russia selling tires or oil lubricants to azerbaijan nowdays. After that date, the talk is useless..... Or on the other version, what Russia is giving to Baku today, would have corresponded to 30.000 B17 bombers the US would have given the III Reich….
So we said absurd.
2- The second example you took is the exact opposite, "conter argument" you could have chosen, provided you used your bright organ others like to wash.
Myself, I couldn’t have dreamed for us half the quality of the strategic alliance US/Israel. That kind of a strategic ally is just a dream, no one else ever reproduced, nowhere on this globe, in our days. If I am wrong, please correct me?
Nevertheless, since you were the one to chose that example, let’s have a look.
Not only the US did not sell 10% of what it offers free for most of the time to Israel to any Arab country, even allies of Israel (that is exact opposite what Russia behaves), but I know of not an example of a sale corresponding to a « knife" to anyone in hostile active operations against Israel.
Want it or not, you gave the exact conter behavior of russian « style » toward us.
So, your argument was, the sole arms dealer keeps the balance between the two sides, by making money, and not allowing war. (again, childish language for the fan of that art).
As long as there is only one dealer providing two sides (in our case Russia, in Israeli case the US), we should be happy, since small risk of war, we should worry if others come in. (once again, childish words, even if the logic too seems childish to me )
I say, quite the contrary: in that specific case You chose yourself, the balance is kept by the HUGE DISBALANCE of arms supplies.
Simply said: Exact opposite of what we have ++++
And sorry, I am not a specially obsessed by you, to make a reverse reading of your existant or inexistant posts, to analyse your opinion.
Once again, your opinion is of few interest. The question is the facts. FACTS. Facts you may use to make your assertions, opinions, affirmations, .....
I ask you facts.
But you just can’t post something that does not exist??
I defy you to prove me wrong, and I will be happy to admitt my error, and apologise (something you seem unable to)
Please feel the pain, and post us a second time that sensational information you may hold
For Mr Dovarishe Hakob:
My dear, when lacking arguments, propagandist tend to see in others their equivalent.
If you have something to say, or post, no matter russian propaganda: Pajalsta !
Second, Artashes didn't uncover or derail your imaginary propaganda... since I have highlighted myself the in red the name and quality of the pen. All the interest of the post was that... but it seems your haste to argue blinds your capacities lately...
Once again in a childish recap:
- The matter of the receptacles/Media was debated already widely. I do not see the need of a repeat, specially with same individuals, already matched. If ever new comers, please to go to the dedicated thread, and stop polluting this one (I would have never believed, I would say such a thing myself… but apparently never say never
- I am not responsible of the entire editorials of any receptacle/Media. I can answer only on what I repost, and even that does not mean I agree 100% of the content.... thinking that is just stupid. It would mean I am the author of all the articles myself..., I live in a dozen of countries, speak a dozen of languages, work 48h/day....simultaneously.....
I repeat, I post = I think the content of any interest.
I take the pain to write= my opinion. So, no matter if it does suit every person, (and of course it can't) I am responsible for only what I write.
I read every source available to me, and if you look well, I post a lot of russian propaganda too, when I consider it relevant. The point is, the same guys who are fans of russian propaganda, do not realize it is russian…., so well they are brainwashed. It is not my fault, if you are not informed or alert enough….
- So, I tend to read a lot, and do post what I think of any interest, to anybody interested and adult: that is able of using his mind, and able of analyzing for himself, making his own opinion, with the widest range of information panel. I myself learn a lot, by reading on matters I do not master or receive first hand information from some posts, on this same forum. I tend to think, others do the same, and do not necessarily interpret what is evident to me, unless I think of the necessity of highlight, on matters not always well known, even if I am wrong, and might be some or all readers do master, in which case sorry for bothering them.
- It is common, that people, specially unilaterally brainwashed peoples, deprived of statehood, and thus of a national minded state propaganda, like ourselves, are uncomfortable with any information that shakes their certitudes.
Nevertheless, I think, we should read and learn the whole panel, on every matter we are interested in. ++++To each individual to make his mind.+++
Only totalitarian regimes tend to digest the analysis, and impose ONE and UNIQUE state of mind, depriving the individuals from that capacity. Lately the last argument of my dear Dovarishe Hakop freezes that level… "when he asked me to keep the omerta on russian role »…. (childish reinterpretation, since have no time to search for that specific quote)
Now, honestly speaking:
How many of you, did knew about what happened on 12-13 of June 1992 in Artsakh war? About the fact, that virtually all defeats were against russian forces, russian organized formations on the move with an order from the Kreml, (and not only mercenaries, widely labelled as by pro russian media) ,that most of our best known heroes in Artsakh war were killed by russian fired bullets or shells (granted they were 99.99% CCCP made)?
Do you remember the outraged reactions, in the beginning, when I began reminding that disturbing facts?
Well, this was news for this forum, even if unwelcomed for some.
But believe it or not, it was much more of a shock for those boys and populations who where the eyewithnesses… so never mind your psychological uncomfort.
But what was news for here, was, and will ever be a well known, non challenged fact, sad of course, yet a fact, anybody having been at least a day, in any parts of Martakert, Shahumyan, Hadrut, Pertatzor, Stepanakert, (that is ….95% of NKR), Voskepar, Noyemberyan, Ijevan, Armash, Surenavan, Nrnatzor, Akarag… (that is at lest 50% of active operations zone of RA/Raz) does know from first hand.
The truth is disturbing, yet it remains truth.
Same goes for the rest…
Sorry for the disruption I bring to brainwashed minds.
Yet I think, facts must be known, the same way I like to learn facts, even if very unpleasant and challenging to my own certitudes.
That’s how I do function, that’s how It happens that I change my mind …
The only thing I know, is that you never know everything.
So anybody able to post information, even if russian, turkish, chineese, kurdish…., that can possibly change my mind, is welcomed by me.
For myself, I will continue same style, and yet again sorry for disturbing your certitudes.
If not interested, no one forces you to read.
There are lot of threads, you can just switch to an other. For more fanatics, there is RT.
For the old bolsheviks, Sovetakan Hayastan is already history, but I think Pravda is still published : pajalsta !
PS: for the last point, I am not sure laugh, it is just presumption.
Your point was, to put is in a childish language, for some fans here:
What is Russia doing with us and azerbaijan is quite normal behavior for any superpower, and as an example you gave the US behavior in two situations:
1- US/UK during WWII
2- Israel /Arab countries.
Yet again. in a childish language, you couldn’t have chosen more IRRELEVANT examples.
If you had used the organ you are afraid others would do wash,..... might be you would have find a more related example in Africa, or elsewhere in the ME? Let’s for say Iran/Irak war…. nevertheless, you did chose these 2 examples yourself.
1- First example is so absurd, it doesn’t need a discussion. Remember, in first part of WWII the US was not the strategic ally of the British Empire. It was a neutral nation, at least officially, even if Rossevelt was in heart and mind pro-brittish... you had natzi gatherings among german communities accross the US.
The US entered war after Pearl Harbor, that is 7 of Dec 1941, and a couple of days later, against III Reich & Mussolini, the day Hitler declared war against the US by launching a full U-Boat attack on the atlantic shores of the american continent.
So, in a very childish comparison, what the US gave to the III Reich, BEFORE the active alliance part, that is after 7 dec 1941, and declaration of War with Japan, to the III Reich is equivalent to Russia selling tires or oil lubricants to azerbaijan nowdays. After that date, the talk is useless..... Or on the other version, what Russia is giving to Baku today, would have corresponded to 30.000 B17 bombers the US would have given the III Reich….
So we said absurd.
2- The second example you took is the exact opposite, "conter argument" you could have chosen, provided you used your bright organ others like to wash.
Myself, I couldn’t have dreamed for us half the quality of the strategic alliance US/Israel. That kind of a strategic ally is just a dream, no one else ever reproduced, nowhere on this globe, in our days. If I am wrong, please correct me?
Nevertheless, since you were the one to chose that example, let’s have a look.
Not only the US did not sell 10% of what it offers free for most of the time to Israel to any Arab country, even allies of Israel (that is exact opposite what Russia behaves), but I know of not an example of a sale corresponding to a « knife" to anyone in hostile active operations against Israel.
Want it or not, you gave the exact conter behavior of russian « style » toward us.
So, your argument was, the sole arms dealer keeps the balance between the two sides, by making money, and not allowing war. (again, childish language for the fan of that art).
As long as there is only one dealer providing two sides (in our case Russia, in Israeli case the US), we should be happy, since small risk of war, we should worry if others come in. (once again, childish words, even if the logic too seems childish to me )
I say, quite the contrary: in that specific case You chose yourself, the balance is kept by the HUGE DISBALANCE of arms supplies.
Simply said: Exact opposite of what we have ++++
And sorry, I am not a specially obsessed by you, to make a reverse reading of your existant or inexistant posts, to analyse your opinion.
Once again, your opinion is of few interest. The question is the facts. FACTS. Facts you may use to make your assertions, opinions, affirmations, .....
I ask you facts.
But you just can’t post something that does not exist??
I defy you to prove me wrong, and I will be happy to admitt my error, and apologise (something you seem unable to)
Please feel the pain, and post us a second time that sensational information you may hold

For Mr Dovarishe Hakob:

My dear, when lacking arguments, propagandist tend to see in others their equivalent.
If you have something to say, or post, no matter russian propaganda: Pajalsta !
Second, Artashes didn't uncover or derail your imaginary propaganda... since I have highlighted myself the in red the name and quality of the pen. All the interest of the post was that... but it seems your haste to argue blinds your capacities lately...
Once again in a childish recap:
- The matter of the receptacles/Media was debated already widely. I do not see the need of a repeat, specially with same individuals, already matched. If ever new comers, please to go to the dedicated thread, and stop polluting this one (I would have never believed, I would say such a thing myself… but apparently never say never

- I am not responsible of the entire editorials of any receptacle/Media. I can answer only on what I repost, and even that does not mean I agree 100% of the content.... thinking that is just stupid. It would mean I am the author of all the articles myself..., I live in a dozen of countries, speak a dozen of languages, work 48h/day....simultaneously.....
I repeat, I post = I think the content of any interest.
I take the pain to write= my opinion. So, no matter if it does suit every person, (and of course it can't) I am responsible for only what I write.
I read every source available to me, and if you look well, I post a lot of russian propaganda too, when I consider it relevant. The point is, the same guys who are fans of russian propaganda, do not realize it is russian…., so well they are brainwashed. It is not my fault, if you are not informed or alert enough….
- So, I tend to read a lot, and do post what I think of any interest, to anybody interested and adult: that is able of using his mind, and able of analyzing for himself, making his own opinion, with the widest range of information panel. I myself learn a lot, by reading on matters I do not master or receive first hand information from some posts, on this same forum. I tend to think, others do the same, and do not necessarily interpret what is evident to me, unless I think of the necessity of highlight, on matters not always well known, even if I am wrong, and might be some or all readers do master, in which case sorry for bothering them.
- It is common, that people, specially unilaterally brainwashed peoples, deprived of statehood, and thus of a national minded state propaganda, like ourselves, are uncomfortable with any information that shakes their certitudes.
Nevertheless, I think, we should read and learn the whole panel, on every matter we are interested in. ++++To each individual to make his mind.+++
Only totalitarian regimes tend to digest the analysis, and impose ONE and UNIQUE state of mind, depriving the individuals from that capacity. Lately the last argument of my dear Dovarishe Hakop freezes that level… "when he asked me to keep the omerta on russian role »…. (childish reinterpretation, since have no time to search for that specific quote)
Now, honestly speaking:
How many of you, did knew about what happened on 12-13 of June 1992 in Artsakh war? About the fact, that virtually all defeats were against russian forces, russian organized formations on the move with an order from the Kreml, (and not only mercenaries, widely labelled as by pro russian media) ,that most of our best known heroes in Artsakh war were killed by russian fired bullets or shells (granted they were 99.99% CCCP made)?
Do you remember the outraged reactions, in the beginning, when I began reminding that disturbing facts?
Well, this was news for this forum, even if unwelcomed for some.
But believe it or not, it was much more of a shock for those boys and populations who where the eyewithnesses… so never mind your psychological uncomfort.
But what was news for here, was, and will ever be a well known, non challenged fact, sad of course, yet a fact, anybody having been at least a day, in any parts of Martakert, Shahumyan, Hadrut, Pertatzor, Stepanakert, (that is ….95% of NKR), Voskepar, Noyemberyan, Ijevan, Armash, Surenavan, Nrnatzor, Akarag… (that is at lest 50% of active operations zone of RA/Raz) does know from first hand.
The truth is disturbing, yet it remains truth.
Same goes for the rest…
Sorry for the disruption I bring to brainwashed minds.
Yet I think, facts must be known, the same way I like to learn facts, even if very unpleasant and challenging to my own certitudes.
That’s how I do function, that’s how It happens that I change my mind …
The only thing I know, is that you never know everything.
So anybody able to post information, even if russian, turkish, chineese, kurdish…., that can possibly change my mind, is welcomed by me.
For myself, I will continue same style, and yet again sorry for disturbing your certitudes.
If not interested, no one forces you to read.
There are lot of threads, you can just switch to an other. For more fanatics, there is RT.
For the old bolsheviks, Sovetakan Hayastan is already history, but I think Pravda is still published : pajalsta !
PS: for the last point, I am not sure laugh, it is just presumption.