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Azeris in Iran

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  • Azeris in Iran

    What is your opinion regarding the Azerbaijani-Turk population of Iran? Unofficial sources say that over 50% of Iran is Azeri. Most of them live right on the border with Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the region know as Iranian Azerbaijan. In case of US attack on Iran, Azerbaijan may attack, Turkey may attack, and with an internal Azerbaijani rebellion, the whole region might fall into Turkish hands and Armenia will be surrounded by a sea of Turks. I don't think that the USA wants the Turks to be this power, but it sure as hell doesn't want Iran to be a nuclear power. How do you access possible outcomes should the US, god forbid, attack Iran? What will be the consequences for Armenia? How should the Armenians play their cards?
    Անտարբեր Մի Եղիր Հայ Ազգի Համար, Վերկաց Գերեզմանից ԱՆԴՐԱՆԻԿ ՓԱ ՇԱ

  • #2
    any thoughts?anybody?
    Անտարբեր Մի Եղիր Հայ Ազգի Համար, Վերկաց Գերեզմանից ԱՆԴՐԱՆԻԿ ՓԱ ՇԱ


    • #3
      Azeris within Iran are Iranians - culturally and genetically.

      Azeris within Azerbaijan are a mix of Tatars, Iranians and native Caucasians. Iranian Azeris do not consider the Azerbaijanis to their north their kin. There is not much similarity between Iranian Azeris and their neighbors to the north.

      However, during the 90's the Turkish secret services did try to spread propaganda that the Iranian Azeris were ethnic Turks. Needless to say, it was an utter failure. As of today, there is no *Turkic* danger within Iran. Nonetheless, there is a small risk that a Turko-American propaganda might creat problems within the future. Therefore, this issue needs to be closely monitored.

      The Islamic State of Iran is perhaps Armenia's most stable strategic partner within the region today. Historically, Iran has been an effective enemy of Turks, it remains so today. Moreover, today Iran is the only power within the region that can effectively oppose the anti-Armenian Zionist State of Israel and a *neoconservative* Washington.

      Due to the peculiar geo-strategic conditions within Eurasia, I believe that this strong Armeno-Iranian relations, along with the Russian Federation, will last quite some time.

      Its quite refreshing to see that you have dropped your *Dashnak* obsession.
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • #4
        Azeris for 24% of the total Iranian population of approximately 70 million. Persians for only 51% of the population of their own country.

        The Azeris of Iran aren't like Azerbaijanis. Azerbaijan uses a modified version of latin but the Azeris of Iran use the arabic alphabet. I've heard that they do not hate Armenians as much as Azerbaijanis do. They probably have a different mentality. iAfter all, some Armenians live in the Azeri provinces of Iran.

        I don't think any of these minorities will have a chance for independance. I'm sure they won't support the American invasion either. Just look at the Kurds. They supported America in exchange for Kurdistan, but the US would rather see Iraq united. I'm sure it will be the same in Iran, if the US succeeds, or course.

        And if you look at this map: (apparently all these ethnic groups are ''culturally related'')
        It shows us that the Azerbaijani provinces of Iran are separated from Turkey by Kurdish inhabited region. If Turks turn back to their old pan-turanist racist ideologies, the Kurds, the Iranians, and WE won't remain silent.

        btw some Turks say that Azeris are more related to Iranians, because Azeris are Shiite (like Persians) and Turks are Sunni.

        Oh, and Sibel Edmonds is an Iranian Azeri.
        Last edited by Dave; 08-10-2005, 03:30 PM.


        • #5
          Azeris are ethnically Iranian but speak a turkic language. Iran is mindful of the Turkish influence and has part of its national agenda to 'Persify' the Azeris.


          • #6
            As for me.... I dont really care what the azeris of Iran genetically are but one thing that is for sure they dont consider themselves turks at all if you meet an azeri from Iran and call him a Turk he will be extremely offended ..they are 100% Iranian and Azerbajan is only the name of their province ..many Armenians also live in Azerbajan province and are not hated at all.. In my opinion the danger coming from Azerbajan province is as great as the danger coming from Mashad province which is extremely close to 0%


            • #7
              Iran Can Blow Up Azerbaijan From Within


              • #8
                Originally posted by Red Brigade
                Red, decided to stay a little longer, did ya?
                Apres, enker communist!!! Lenin papin shat hpart a keznov.

                Don't know much about what Iraninan Azeris are like? But isn't the church of Sourb Tadevos in Iranian Azerbaijan the one that was renovated just recently with the help of Iranian government.

                I just pray US doesn't attack Iran. Because, Armenia would be faced with an impossible decision. If we support US, we'd loose any future support among Iranian people. If we don't support US (considering US would ask us for something), then we get even more marginalized in the US military and financial aid to Caucusus. So, let's hope and pray US doesn't act stupid.


                • #9
                  Shnorhakalem enker jan.


                  • #10
                    First off, my question was hypotetical, "IF" the US attacks Iran. I am convinced that the US cannot, and will not attack Iran because it simply does not have the resources and man power. To do so would definately mean to reinstitute the draft.

                    Secondly, I do not compeletly share the view that Azeris in Iran are totally "persianized". After all, they are their own people and to state that they have no national consciousness whatsoever is totally naieve. Clashes between Armenians and Azeris within Iran over the past years attest to the fact that Anti-Armenian blood flows through the veins of the Azeris, be it the ones in Iran, Azerbaijan, or anywhere else-- You can take the Turk out of mongolia, but you can't take mongolia out of the Turk.
                    Last edited by Andranik; 08-11-2005, 03:58 PM.
                    Անտարբեր Մի Եղիր Հայ Ազգի Համար, Վերկաց Գերեզմանից ԱՆԴՐԱՆԻԿ ՓԱ ՇԱ

