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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Russian Expo Arms 2008 to showcase 500 companies

    About 500 domestic and foreign arms manufacturers will participate in an international arms exhibition to be held in the Urals Region next month, a local government official said on Wednesday. Russian Expo Arms 2008 on July 9-12 is the sixth biannual arms exhibition held in the town of Nizhny Tagil, considered the home of Russia's weapons industry, and is organized by the Federal Agency for Industry and the government of the Sverdlovsk Region. "Delegations from 47 countries, including Austria, Canada, France, Ghana and Ukraine, will participate in the exhibition at the former Soviet target range Staratel as guests and potential buyers," said Viktor Koksharov, the head of the Sverdlovsk Region government. He said 170 defense industry enterprises in the Urals are responsible for the manufacture of 70% of Russia's conventional weaponry. Rosoboronexport, Russia's state arms exporter, said the exhibition would focus on the development of light armored vehicles, artillery and multi launch rocket systems (MLRS). "Among those are the Msta-S self-propelled howitzer and a unique tank support combat vehicle [Russian acronym BMPT]," said Igor Sevastyanov, Rosoboronexport's deputy general director. The BMPT, dubbed the Terminator, is built on the basis of the most mass-produced T-72 battle tank. The new combat vehicle features enhanced armor protection and is equipped with powerful armament capable of destroying anti-tank capable ground and air targets and infantry, while operating in a common battle formation. Its main armament consists of two 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannons, a coaxially-mounted 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun with an electromechanical drive, and four launchers with laser-guided Attack-T anti-tank missiles. Russia has almost doubled annual arms exports since 2000 to almost $5 billion last year, becoming the world's second-largest exporter of conventional arms after the United States. Rosoboronexport earlier said that the country could export weaponry worth about $7.5 billion in 2008. Russia exports weapons to about 80 countries. Among the key buyers of its weaponry are China, India, Algeria, Venezuela, Iran, Malaysia and Serbia.


    Russia to sell six multi launch rocket systems to Turkmenistan

    Turkmenistan has signed a $70 million contract with Russia to buy six Smerch multi launch rocket systems (MLRS), a Russian business daily said on Tuesday. Kommersant said that under the contract, the first major military-technical deal with Ashgabat in the past decade, the Smerch manufacturer, OAO Motovilikhinskiye Zavody, will deliver the first two systems before the end of this year and the other four next year. The manufacturer said it would also complete deliveries of Smerch systems to India in July under a $300 million contract. The plant previously supplied 30 Smerch systems to India, worth an estimated $450 million. The 300mm Smerch rocket has an effective range of 70-90km. One rocket cluster contains 72 submunitions, each weighing 2 kg. Its impact angle is strictly vertical: 90 degrees. A cone of such "meteorites" easily pierces the turrets and top shielding of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled gun mounts, and even tank transmission compartments where the armor is not thick.


    11 New Topol Missiles to Enter Service

    The Strategic Missile Forces will speed up the commissioning of Topol-M missiles and have 11 missile complexes at the ready by the end of the year. Two of them will be stationary, and the remaining missiles will be mobile, according to ARM-TASS, which cited chief of the missile forces Gen. Col. Nikolay Solovtsov. The stationary launch facilities will be located at the 60th Missile Division in Tatishchevo, Saratov Region. They will bring the total of stationary launch facilities to 50. Topol-M complexes are equipped with improved RS-2PM2 intercontinental ballistic missiles with split warheads that make them practically impossible to intercept. They have a range of 10,000 km. The mobile Topol-M launch facilities will be based on MZKT-79221 tractors equipped with 800-hp. diesel engines with a maximum speed of 45 km/h. and maximum travelling distance of 500 km.

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    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Georgia: Bowing to Russia in the Absence of Aid


      Georgia has begun working to mollify Russia by bowing on some key contentious issues between the two countries. The change is reportedly due to the realization within Georgia that the West will not be riding to Georgia’s rescue anytime soon.


      There has been a growing realization inside of Georgia — specifically within the Caucasian country’s government — that Georgian membership in NATO will not be happening anytime soon and that the West is not coming to the rescue in the face of aggressive Russian actions, according to Stratfor sources in Tbilisi. Since this reality — which seems to have dawned on the rest of the world some time ago — has begun sinking in, Tbilisi has been moving toward staving off Russian pushback on the pro-Western country by bowing on some key issues.

      Georgia’s hopes were dashed in April, when the country was not extended an invitation to join NATO mainly due to the efforts of France and Germany, which did not want to face Russian anger over the proposed membership of the former Soviet republics of Georgia and Ukraine. The issue will return to the table in December, when NATO holds another summit. Even so, the steam behind Georgia’s westward push seems to have run out, with most of its champions in the West turning a deaf ear to Tbilisi’s cries of supposed Russian aggressions.

      Georgia’s pleas for aid in the face of Russia’s moves are being disregarded mainly because the West and NATO cannot really get to the small country. Georgia is too far from Europe and folded too deeply in the Caucasus beneath Russia; and for the West or NATO to advance that far would be a serious move against Russia’s geopolitical position. The West — especially the United States — most likely will use the threat of folding Georgia into NATO against Russia again in the future, but the threat will not carry as much weight the next time around.

      This does not mean that Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili will not continue to strive to move his country Westward or to make anti-Russian remarks. But he has realized his Western goals are dead in the short term, and, therefore, Tbilisi needs to find its own means of staving off Russia’s push to control the former Soviet state.

      Two small gestures have attested to this reality. First, Tbilisi has ordered a new ambassador to Russia: former journalist Erosi Kicmarishvili. He has never worked in diplomatic services, but has served as Saakashvili’s public relations chief. Ever since the appointment, Kicmarishvili has been trumpeting great Georgian-Russian relations and friendship on both countries’ airwaves.

      Second, Georgia’s response to its secessionist region of Abkhazia has changed. Russian troops protect Abkhazia — a constant battleground between Tbilisi and Moscow. But in early June, Georgia announced it would cease its unmanned drone flights over Abkhazia as a “sign of good faith.” Moreover, the Georgian government has proposed the possibility of creating a post of vice president inside of Georgia that would go to an Abkhazian, a move that would allow Abkhazia a say in all Georgian legislation on Abkhazia, as well as over quite a bit of Georgian legislation. But Abkhazia does not seem interested in Georgia’s proposals, knowing it has the upper hand at the moment.

      Tbilisi has made similar proposals to Abkhazia and Russia in the past; but, this time, circumstances are different for Georgia, which knows it does not have any other options beyond reviving past propositions as it seeks to figure out how to coexist with a country it deeply despises. Meanwhile, Moscow will have to decide if it is content with simply seeing Tbilisi folding on issues it has trumpeted for the past few months — or if it is ready to take advantage of an isolated and deserted Georgia and continue seeking to squelch its neighbor’s pro-Western sentiments.

      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        MGIMO Center of Caucasus Researches: "If Russia quits Armenia, it will never be able to return to the South Caucasus again"

        The due opinion was voiced by Vladimir Zakharov, deputy chief of the MGIMO Center of Caucasus Researches on June 23. "Serzh Sargsyan meets not only with Dmitri Medvedev but also with Vladimir Putin and Boris Gryzlov and Sergey Mironov, who lead all branches of Russian powers. And everyone hopes that these meetings will aim at further closing in the positions of Russia and Armenia", noted expert. "It seems that during the visit of the Armenian president a number of economic and sociopolitical issues will also be considered. Most of them have been urgent for a long period of time-for example, a problem, connected with railroad. Armenia has long been economically isolated and undoubtedly this situation will be discussed. Naturally, it will be settled soon-such problems are not settled in one or two days. But definite agreements are expected in this field, about which we will hear in the near future", considers the analyst. According to the expert, one of the most vulnerable issues of bilateral relations is the further establishment of our strategic partnership, particularly, understanding of how Russia will further behave in Armenia. "Armenian political and business communities are already not homogenius and not all are positive about Russia. Also most consider that Armenia is in vain getting involved in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as it costs to much to the country. And, no matter if some of our politicians can take offense at me, I want to repeat that if Russia leaves Armenia, it will never be able to return to the South Caucasus again", noted Zakharov.


        Vafa Quluzade: "Russia will bother Azerbaijan with contacts with Karabakh revenging for our pro-Western orientation"

        - Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan Vasili Istratov openly recognized the fact of illegal conclusion of an agreement on cooperation of Russia with one of the cities in Nagorno Karabakh. Before that, the press published information hinting on Russian claims for two Azerbaijani villages, bordering Russia. What is behind it: incompetence of the Russian diplomat, if speaking about Istratov's statement or Russia's intention to develop "Georgian script" in the relation to Azerbaijan, trying to stake on separatism?

        - This proves that Russia will toughen its attitude towards Azerbaijan. Moscow is outraged by Azerbaijan's continuation of its Western orientation and strengthening of cooperation with NATO and Moscow feels that this will end in our country's accession to the alliance. Moreover, Russia is angry with Azerbaijan for agreeing to take part in the Nabucco gas pipe project, which is bypassing Russia. As you know, Russia offered Azerbaijan to give it all Azerbaijani gas, but Azerbaijan rejected the offer. The President of Turkmenistan, who refused to received head of Gazprom Miller, demonstrated that Ashkhabad and Baku will participate in this project of gas transportation bypassing Russia.

        - What about the coming visit of new president of Russia D.Medvedev to Azerbaijan on July 3-4, which is assessed by the head of the Azerbaijani state as an indicator of high level of relations between the two countries?

        - This is why Medvedev wants to visit Azerbaijan and after it Turkmenistan. Russians will try to demonstrate its negative attitude to Azerbaijan by using Nagorno Karabakh. They will establish cooperation between Karabakh and different cities of Russia, hold visit of officials an unofficial persons to Karabakh and threaten to Azerbaijan by repetition of the Kosovo variant and recognition of Nagorno Karabakh's independence. But I would say at once that Russia is not America. Russia will not be able to provide independence of Nagorno Karabakh, as Americans did for Kosovo, because Kosovo is striving for the European Union and NATO and gets aid of the strongest super state-the United States, while Russia itself is a developing country and it can not do anything for Armenia or Nagorno Karabakh.

        - But the relations between Azerbaijan and Russia are far from those, we currently observe between Moscow and Georgia. Why does Russia need new enemies by striving for recognition of the separatist regime in Nagorno Karabakh?

        - Russia will not do it. It will threaten to us, but it does not mean that it will recognize it. Moscow will try to stake on this factor and impose political pressure on the Azerbaijani leadership. But the Azerbaijani leadership is too self-confident.

        - So, nothing should be expected from the first meeting of the President of Azerbaijan and Armenia, held in Saint-Petersburg.

        - This meeting did not give any results, because both Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh are fully under Russia's dictate. I have once warned Russia that by rejecting to settle this conflict in 1994-1995, to withdraw Armenian armed forces from the occupied lands and return Azerbaijani refugees to their homes, Russia made a great mistake, as it will lose too much with Americans' appearance.


        Eldar Jahangirov: "Azerbaijan's return to the orbit of Russia domination is not too promising for us"

        - What do you expect from the official visit of President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev to Azerbaijan, scheduled for July 3-4?

        - Though Dmitri Medvedev can not be considered a newcomer in big politics - he is familiar with the post-Soviet area, hydrocarbon and energy specifics- he had been controlling Gazprom, was a permanent member of the Security Council, nevertheless his visit will be mostly of acquaintance. The main points of the agenda of Azerbaijani-Russian relations have already been designated by Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev: diversification of energy sources supplies to Europe, issues of pipeline, Turkmenistan's involvement, Russia's position in the OSCE Minsk Group. Georgian issues, xenophobia in Russia, issues of humanitarian and cultural exchange. Certainly, the visit will be interest and important but I would not expect key changes in Russia's position on issues concerning us.

        - How do you assess the current level of Azerbaijani-Russian relations?

        - The level of mutual dependence of our countries dictates high level of relations, consistency in positions. Following tensions in the Yeltsin's period, I would feature Azerbaijan-Russia relations as balanced, transparent and clear enough.

        - A simple analysis of economic and political potential of the South Caucasus countries shows that it is more useful for Russia to put a stake on Azerbaijan, not on Armenia. Why don't we observe it?

        - First of all, we should not forget that main trends of Russia's external policy established in the early 18th century in the times of Peter the Great. Eurasian orientation with two key directions on Iran and on the West is careful, in a sense jealous towards the West, interests in the Near East, principal interest in Ukraine, Belarus and Middle Asia, traditional support of pro-Russian minorities are main geopolitical "prizes" which Russia is fighting for. These directions have a doctrine strategic importance and are subjected to insignificant correction depending on the current situation- energy, Chechnya, election cycle in Russia. Second: is Azerbaijan interested in it? I am sure that Azerbaijan's return to the orbit of Russian domination is not too promising for us. Our country has everything for becoming a key actor in the region and consistent defending of its national interests.

        - How do you assess results of external policy, conducted by Azerbaijan within the past five years?

        - The external policy makes us optimistic, especially in the past 3-4 years. I consider that the turning point for our diplomacy was toughening position and principal change of the approach-previously we were defending ourselves, but now we are actively attacking. I hope the lack of real professionals is a temporary shortage of the Azerbaijani diplomacy. Certainly, there are professionals, but they are not sufficient for all areas. In this aspect, I consider consolidation and efficiency of various foreign nongovernmental organizations and movements to be a gratifying fact. Youth communities are active in the key directions: Western Europe, the United States and Russia. The role of such associations is great. I would especially like to note the activity of youth organizations in California-the most pro-Armenian state. As for results of the external policy, despite our traditional maximalistic approach, according to which if Karabakh is not hours, no results can be spoken of, there are results and there are evident even for Armenians. Here, I would like to remind that the position of a conflicting country is assessed for three key criteria: official position, established and voiced on the state level, position of experts and public opinion. Thus, on all the three criteria, the game is targeting the Armenian goals.

        - Can you speak in details: which steps should Azerbaijan take for the world society to take pro-Azerbaijani stance in case of resumption of hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh?

        - Well, first of all, even if the world society does not take the pro-Azerbaijani position, but will adhere to common sense, logics and international law, it would be enough for us. Unfortunately, international relations today are too far from the principles of justice and logics. I would like to draw your attention to an important detail-the politicians are growing younger throughout the world. If earlier the age "older than 60" was considered the flourishing age, today the people at the age of 40-50 are on the pick of the political career. The "chieftains" are being replaced by armchair technocrats. I think this specifies a number of features of work, which should be taken into account. The politics has become more dynamic, inertia has reduced in the process. Technologies of political lobbying and influence have been through the past 2-3 decades. Talented specialists appeared in these sphere. These technologies should be assimilated, effectively applied and experienced specialists should be attracted. As for actions, which would allow minimizing pressure in case of hostilities, this is a multi-plan work. It is necessary to attain approval of documents with necessary formulations in the international instances, work from open tributes and corridors and form just position of observers. I think the main burden should be as follows: "you had everything to avert the war, but you left us no choice". Position of western politicians mostly depends on public opinion. Therefore, we should cooperate with the leaderships of main world mass medias and separate key influential journalists. This is a huge, expensive work, requiring filigree technique of talks and attraction of experienced specialists. But this work should have been conducted beginning from "yesterday".


        Khazar Ibrahim: “Russia should state to Armenia that aggressive policy is unacceptable”

        “Everybody knows that there is close military cooperation between Russia and Armenia. The main factor is that whether aggressor is supported or not”, Khazar Ibrahim, Spokesman for Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said, APA reports. Asked whether Armenian President and Defense Minister’s visits to Russia are of supporting character of Moscow to aggressive country or not, he answered: “We have stated to Russia many times that they should take into account their commitments in their policy. This is duty of Russia to mediate in the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict as one of the co-chairs of OSCE MG. Moscow should take this factor into account in the relations with Yerevan and state to Armenia that its aggressive policy is unacceptable and call the country for constructive dialogue”, he said.


        Baku calls on Russia “to stop rendering military assistance to Armenia”

        Baku called on Russia “to stop rendering military assistance to Armenia.” “Russia and Armenia are cooperating within the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). It’s not a secret. But the fact is that Russia renders military assistance to an aggressor,” said Khazar Ibrahim, spokesman for the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. He also called on Russia “to be more impartial in the Karabakh process and not to forget about its mediating mission in the OSCE Minsk Group, Azeri media reports say.

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        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Venezuela hails 'strategic partnership' with Russia

          Relations between Venezuela and Russia have developed into a strategic partnership, the country's vice president said Friday. Venezuelan Vice President Ramon Carrizales was in Moscow at the end of a three-day official visit during which he met with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov and other government officials. "Russia has become our trusted partner and proved it at various international meetings and through cooperative efforts in various international organizations," Carrizales told a news conference in Moscow. "I would say relations between our countries are strategic," he said. "We share exceptionally close ties." The two countries have been prioritizing cooperation in the energy and mining sectors. Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, the country's largest independent oil producer LUKoil, Russian-British joint oil venture TNK-BP, aluminum giant RusAl and a number of other companies are active in the Venezuelan market. Oil-rich Venezuela is also a major purchaser of Russian weapons and hardware. In 2005-2006, Venezuela ordered weaponry from Russia worth $3.4 billion, including 24 Su-30MK2V Flanker fighters, Tor-M1 air defense missile systems, Mi-17B multi-role helicopters, Mi-35 Hind E attack helicopters and Mi-26 Halo heavy transport helicopters. However, Carrizales said military-technical cooperation between the two countries was not a priority, and Venezuela used military equipment purchased in Russia not only for defense but also to fight drug-trafficking and to deal with consequences of natural disasters. He dismissed allegations made by some Western politicians and analysts that Venezuela had entered an arms race in pursuit of aggressive goals. "We have a sovereign right to ensure the defense of our country and to strengthen our national security. But we are not an aggressor nation," he said.


          Venezuela's Chavez may visit Russia in late July

          Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez may pay an official visit to Russia in late July, the country's vice president said Thursday. Venezuelan Vice-President Ramon Carrizales is in Moscow on an official and met Thursday with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov. "The exact date of the visit has not been confirmed yet, but it may take place at the end of July," Carrizales said. Zhukov said Venezuela remains Russia's most important partner in Latin America. The two countries have been prioritizing cooperation in the energy and mining sectors. Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, the country's largest independent oil producer LUKoil, Russian-British joint oil venture TNK-BP, aluminum giant RusAl and a number of other companies are active in the Venezuelan market. Oil-rich Venezuela is also a major purchaser of Russian weapons and hardware. In 2005-2006, Venezuela ordered weaponry from Russia worth $3.4 billion, including 24 Su-30MK2V Flanker fighters, Tor-M1 air defense missile systems, Mi-17B multi-role helicopters, Mi-35 Hind E attack helicopters and Mi-26 Halo heavy transport helicopters. However, Carrizales said military and technical cooperation between the two countries was not a priority, and denied some Russian media speculations that Venezuela was interested in buying Russian submarines. "Our countries are developing wide-ranging cooperation - in the energy, food and industrial sectors," he said. "Statements about Venezuela's intention to buy a definite number of [Russian] submarines are pure fantasy."

          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            The thread is open again. I have significantly cleaned it up.

            Feel free to post, but be warned, the value of this thread is informational, and any personal attacks that derail the coherence, fabric and essence of this thread earns you an automatic ban.

            Here are examples:

            If someone posts something you disagree with, the proper response is not, "You are so ignorant and dumb, you don't even know what you're talking about" or "You're an asswipe and an idiot if you believe that," or "Skinhead."

            This applies to all posters. The slightest personal attack = automatic ban. We are trying to preserve the coherence and information in this thread, not engage in worthless personal attacks and character assassinations that take away from the value of the thread.

            This is a fair warning.

            Achkerov kute.


            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              Anonymouse, so where is my post about tourism?


              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                It's there. Look more carefully. The sequence of the posts has changed I suppose when I deleted a bunch.
                Achkerov kute.


                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Originally posted by Armenian View Post

                  Turkmenistan has signed a $70 million contract with Russia to buy six Smerch multi launch rocket systems (MLRS), a Russian business daily said on Tuesday. Kommersant said that under the contract, the first major military-technical deal with Ashgabat in the past decade, the Smerch manufacturer, OAO Motovilikhinskiye Zavody, will deliver the first two systems before the end of this year and the other four next year. The manufacturer said it would also complete deliveries of Smerch systems to India in July under a $300 million contract. The plant previously supplied 30 Smerch systems to India, worth an estimated $450 million. The 300mm Smerch rocket has an effective range of 70-90km. One rocket cluster contains 72 submunitions, each weighing 2 kg. Its impact angle is strictly vertical: 90 degrees. A cone of such "meteorites" easily pierces the turrets and top shielding of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled gun mounts, and even tank transmission compartments where the armor is not thick.

                  So each Smerch coasts about 11.6 million? Hmm I think those are smerches in the June 26s azeri parade, isnt it? Where did they get such a modern and expensive weapon?

                  The other one is SS-23 Spider 9K714 OKA which was once Russia's front line nuclear rocket launcher. Who knows what warheads they use?

                  And some kind of BTR?? What upgrade is it?

                  If really interested, this is the youtube link that I shot the pictures from

                  Military parade devoted to 90th anniversary of Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

                  P.s I would really like to hear some comments about their recent parade.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Eric; 07-03-2008, 12:03 PM.


                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    Armenia should first recognize Karabakh’s independence, Russian expert says

                    Armenia’s position is that Karabakh should be independent, a Russian expert said. “It’s another matter whether NK will join Armenia as a confederation or function as an independent state,” said Mikhail Alexandrov, head of the Caucasus department at the Institute of CIS studies. As a matter of fact, we have a similar situation as in case in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, according to him. “The Karabakh problem, against the West’s wishes, will not be resolved, since Serzh Sargsyan will stand firmly in defense of national interests of the Armenian people. Watching Russia’s position on Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Armenia will urge Russia to smooth its position on Karabakh. However, Russia expects Armenia to be the first to recognize independence of Nagorno Karabakh,” Alexandrov said.


                    President of Armenia: "Nagorno Karabakh problem can not have a solution, envisioning degradation of the present status of Nagorno Karabakh people"

                    "People of Nagorno Karabakh has won its right for independence and Nagorno Karabakh problem can not have a solution, envisioning degradation of present status of Nagorno Karabakh people", said President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan during the meeting with Armenian community of Russia, which took place in the framework of official visit of the President to Moscow on June 23. Serzh Sargsyan told the community representatives that during the meeting with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev the sides agreed to continue talks in the framework of the document, which includes all basic principles of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "Nagorno Karabakh has never been part of Azerbaijan. It was transferred to the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan by illegal decision of the party body, explaining that this step will help spread ideas of October revolution and communism in the Islamic East", noted Serzh Sargsyan.


                    Russia’s Foreign Minister: Nagorno Karabakh conflict has no military solution

                    Baku. Lachin Sultanova-APA. “Nagorno Karabakh conflict has no military solution,” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after meting with his Armenian counterpart Edward Nalbandian in Moscow, APA reports. Lavrov said it is the position of Minsk Group co-chairs and underlined that if both sides demonstrate political will, the problem can be solved soon. “The main thing is that concrete negotiations are being held for the settlement of the conflict, the sides have intentions to discuss the unsolved issues and the Minsk Group co-chairs are resolute to help the sides,” he said. The Minister also said that the mediators understand the intention of foreign players to help the process. Sergey Lavrov expressed his confidence that the reached agreements will contribute to the settlement.


                    Some more Russian companies’ websites show Nagorno Karabakh as independent state

                    Baku. Zaur nurmammadov-APA. APA Information Agency continues to find out the companies showing Azerbaijan’s Nagorno Karabakh region, as an independent state, or a part of Armenia. The website of Russia’s “Rosfoto” photo bank showed Nagorno Karabakh as a part of Armenia. “This is the most ancient monastery in Nagorno Karabakh that is a part of Armenia” is written under the photo of one of the temples of Dadivank monastery. Besides, STREAM internet project, which is engaged in taking, publishing and keeping the photos, also showed Nagorno Karabakh as an independent state. Photos of Azerbaijan’s occupied territory Nagorno Karabakh have been posted on the website. One of them is the photo of the building knocked down during Karabakh war “This building is located in the center of Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno Karabakh Republic. A part of the building was knocked down as a result of attack of Azerbaijani aviation, but the façade of the building is being restored” is written under the photo. Nagorno Karabakh is shown as an independent state on the website of Russia’s Zolotaya Korona company producing flags and pennons

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                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Spy vs Spy: is East-West espionage on the rise?

                      Spy vs Spy: is East-West espionage on the rise?:

                      There are new fears that espionage between East and West is on the increase, despite the end of the Cold War. Former foes continue to accuse one another of spying, with Britain's intelligence service, MI5, recently announcing it needs extra resources to keep an eye on the operations of Russia and China. The James Bond film “From Russia with love” hit the screens in the 1960s, and it seems that the idea that the Soviet Union - and subsequently Russia - was a heady mix of beautiful women and espionage has never faded. Almost half a century later, the country that produced the world’s most famous fictional spy, agent 007 - seems to be all too keen on looking for signs of espionage everywhere - and Russia remains a favorite target.

                      MI5 recently announced it needed extra resources to keep an eye on Moscow’s operations. Jonathan Evans, the intelligence service’s Director-General, said: “Despite the Cold War ending nearly two decades ago, my service is still expending resources to defend the UK against unreconstructed attempts by Russia, China and others, to spy on us.” However some experts say the murky world of espionage is hard to assess. Professor Anthony Glees, Director of the Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies at Brunel University, said: “The question of Russian hostile intelligence work against the UK comes into the category of things we know we don’t know. So we know there is a problem, we don’t know exactly how big it is.” With Russia restored to the world stage, Britain seems intent on bringing back old stereotypes, and suggests the world follows suit.

                      A recent article in the Economist calls on the European Union to introduce a healthy dose of paranoia when it comes to protecting its classified information. “Who else other than Russia?” it asks, while discussing its “increasingly energetic espionage efforts”. But as British Labour MP Derek Wyatt said: “It’s a comment, there are no actual facts attached to that. I can’t really believe it, to be honest. Everyone now takes protection. Everyone is more sensitive now about back up and protection. They may not scream or shout about it but they probably wouldn’t want you to know, would they?” So how real is the threat from Russia and its computer geniuses, believed to be hacking into the world’s most protected secrets? The answer is at best unclear.

                      ”When we start asking ourselves what countries are involved - there are great deal of references in the press of who is responsible. Only when you start to investigate and drill down and instead of the picture becoming clearer, it becomes murkier,” said Professor Peter Sommer, computer crime and industrial espionage expert at the London School of Economics. The professor is convinced that in the world of modern communications, especially in cyber space, it’s almost impossible to track anyone down. It seems many experts agree: there's nothing new in countries spying on each other. It’s just a question of who points the finger first. A former officer with the Russian intelligence service, Mikhail Lyubimov, says that there’re likely to be more stories on Russian espionage in the future.

                      “There are two ways of making a spy scandal. One is a classic, an honest way, when you arrest a spy, some foreign agent, make a trial. It is completely legal, the press is informed. And the spy gets, say, 30 or 40 years. And there is another, not a classic, but I would say very modern way, you just expel people Soviet or Russian, and this is all. You say that he is connected with foreign intelligence. Another way which is used by intelligent services many times a year is of course articles like the one we were discussing now. It sounds very scandalous, but simply it is completely with no proof,” he said.


                      Russia Says 300 Spies Caught In Last 4 Years

                      MOSCOW (RIA Novosti ) - The head of Russia's Federal Security Service told a popular weekly that the FSB had identified over 300 foreign spies over the past four years. "More than 270 actively operating agents and 70 foreign intelligence recruits, including 35 Russians, have been exposed since 2003," Argumenty i Fakty quoted Nikolai Patrushev as saying. He said that 14 agents and 33 recruits have been caught this year alone. Patrushev said six Russians were caught in an attempt to transfer state secrets to foreign countries, and have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Retired Colonel Valentin Shabaxturov was given a 12-year sentence this year for treason and espionage. The court proved he had actively cooperated with foreign intelligence for seven years, from 1999 to 2006, and revealed state secrets to them. Igor Arsentyev, a lieutenant colonel in the reserves, was sentenced to nine years in prison on the same charges in September. Patrushev said another person is facing court proceedings, and that an investigation is underway into three other cases. He said the United States and Britain actively used the secret services of Poland, Georgia and Baltic states against Russia. "This concerns a wide spectrum - from staff composition and budget allocations to strategic guidance and organization of joint operations," Patrushev said. He also said some Georgian secret agents use their connections with the criminal underworld for their operations, and to stage various acts of provocation. According to Patrushev, British intelligence is particularly active against Russia, in its attempts to influence the country's domestic political developments.


                      Russian, Chinese Spies Saturate U.S., Britain

                      By Jim Kouri, 12 April 2006

                      The legendary MI5 British counterintelligence service is said to be deeply concerned over an increase in spying by Russian and Chinese operatives in the United Kingdom. The United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation has similar concerns with Russian and Chinese agents infiltrating the U.S. military-industrial complex, sometimes in violation of American immigration laws. Although intelligence experts aren't certain how widespread the problem is, they believe the espionage is rampant and a serious consequence of the global economy. MI5 suspects upwards of 15 foreign intelligence services are working within the UK and are a threat to the United Kingdom's interests, and the primary focus of their counterespionage efforts are the Chinese and Russians. Using many of the same methods the Japanese used in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, the Chinese are interested in any and all information that may give them a leg up in the competitive global economy. In spite of repeated warnings to businesses, companies in the UK and U.S. continue to hire Chinese workers without conducting thorough background investigations including verifying previous employment or immigration status.

                      Chinese government officials and businessmen are proven aggressive in their attempts to find out everything about how Western companies operate and how they are structured. It is old-fashioned human intelligence gathering -- it's thousands of years old and it works. Taking a page out of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War," they believe intelligence operations will give them the victory they seek, whether in terms of military prowess or industrial success. Using stealth tactics such as sending visiting delegations of Chinese businessmen, the spies are able to penetrate what little security companies employ to thwart theft of information. One British firm eager to develop its business with China recently invited a delegation to visit its UK factory, according to The Guardian. The Chinese authorities sent a delegation, but only a few of them turned up. The rest were believed to have traveled around Britain inviting themselves to defense and research establishments. Again, they were able to penetrate the security measures in place at these facilities.

                      According to several business leaders in the UK, if a British company creates a fuss about visitors who fail to turn up, the Chinese threaten to cancel the company's license to trade. As with the Japanese spies in the U.S., the Chinese spies are specifically interested in scientific and high-tech developments. Their economy is said to be booming while at the same time there is a serious shortage in information technology and modern processing, manufacturing and design skills. MI5 is also concerned over the loyalties of Chinese who are UK citizens. Intelligence officers claim these workers may have mixed loyalties and strong ties to China. In Britain, the Chinese and Russians appear to focus on high-tech production, such as security and surveillance systems, conventional weapons systems, and especially dual use equipment -- materials that can be used by the private sector or by the military.

                      The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also alarmed about the impact of foreign spies within the United States, especially Chinese and Russian operatives. As with businesses in the United Kingdom, American companies seem to pay little attention to corporate espionage, putting most of their security budget into protection against terrorist attacks. The FBI are suspicious of Russia, Iran, and North Korea but have focused mostly on the Chinese. The feds estimate that the are over 2,600 Chinese front companies in the U.S. U.S. and UK security experts believe that when nations such as China and Russia saw the speed and effectiveness with which the U.S. conducted the Iraq invasion, they decided widespread espionage operations were necessary to keep up with the world's sole superpower.
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