6:34 PM ET Alexander Litvinenko's Murder And Putin
The Guardian is focusing on Putin's possible knowledge of plans to kill former KGB agent and Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko. The paper reports:
Litvinenko was killed in November of 2006 from an overdose of polonium-210 in England. His death and the subsequent British attempts at extraditing the man they suspected was responsible resulted in strained U.K.-Russian relations.
5:20 PM ET WikiLeaks: Russia 'Highly Centralized, Occasionally Brutal'
In the latest round of cables, WikiLeaks looks at Russia and Vladimir Putin, Russia's high profile president and former prime minister. Although there have been overtures towards warmer relations between Russia and the U.S., the cables show that the U.S. has a cynical view of the former Soviet Union and its leaders. According to the New York Times:
Relations between the two nations have been under some strain recently. This week, Russian Prime Minister Medvedev warned of a possible upcoming arms race if Russia and the West cannot come to an agreement on a missile defense shield. Today, Putin bluntly stated that U.S. failure to ratify a new nuclear agreement known as the START treaty would be "dumb."
The Guardian is focusing on Putin's possible knowledge of plans to kill former KGB agent and Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko. The paper reports:
Daniel Fried, the assistant secretary of state, questioned whether "rogue elements" in Russia's security services could have carried out the hit without Putin's direct approval.
A scenario where the Kremlin was unaware of the Litvinenko plot was far-fetched "given Putin's attention to detail", Fried said. The Russians were behaving with "increasing self-confidence to the point of arrogance", he told the French, arguing for a tougher stance towards Moscow.
A scenario where the Kremlin was unaware of the Litvinenko plot was far-fetched "given Putin's attention to detail", Fried said. The Russians were behaving with "increasing self-confidence to the point of arrogance", he told the French, arguing for a tougher stance towards Moscow.
5:20 PM ET WikiLeaks: Russia 'Highly Centralized, Occasionally Brutal'
In the latest round of cables, WikiLeaks looks at Russia and Vladimir Putin, Russia's high profile president and former prime minister. Although there have been overtures towards warmer relations between Russia and the U.S., the cables show that the U.S. has a cynical view of the former Soviet Union and its leaders. According to the New York Times:
The cables portray Mr. Putin as enjoying supremacy over all other Russian public figures, yet undermined by the very nature of the post-Soviet country he helped build.
Even a man with his formidable will and intellect is shown beholden to intractable larger forces, including an inefficient economy and an unmanageable bureaucracy that often ignores his edicts.
In language candid and bald, the cables reveal an assessment of Mr. Putin’s Russia as highly centralized, occasionally brutal and all but irretrievably cynical and corrupt. The Kremlin, by this description, lies at the center of a constellation of official and quasi-official rackets.
Even a man with his formidable will and intellect is shown beholden to intractable larger forces, including an inefficient economy and an unmanageable bureaucracy that often ignores his edicts.
In language candid and bald, the cables reveal an assessment of Mr. Putin’s Russia as highly centralized, occasionally brutal and all but irretrievably cynical and corrupt. The Kremlin, by this description, lies at the center of a constellation of official and quasi-official rackets.
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