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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Mos
    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    I will trust Russia and EU over the Muslim world any day. Remember, the reason were were massacred in early 1900s was because we were Christian. If we were Muslim we would have been spared. And you look at throughout history, our biggest enemies have been Muslim powers who have tried to subjugate us and oppress us. Thankfully our Church has been able to sustain our Armenian identity, language, culture throughout our turbulent history. But given our history, we should never fully trust the Muslim world, we can do business with them, but should never go as far as to trust them.

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  • Tigranakert
    Re: Keep Armenia isolated, George Friedman

    I totally agree with the writer of this article. In my opinion, our political alliance should be with the Russian Federation, yet at the same time taking over the good (as there are also many, many bad) European values and implying them in our Republic.
    Last edited by Tigranakert; 11-25-2010, 10:47 AM.

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  • Tigranakert
    Keep Armenia isolated, George Friedman

    Keep Armenia isolated, George Friedman

    Arye Gut, an Israeli-xxxish "expert in international law" thinks that the only way Baku can solve its Armenian problem is to wage war against it (see corresponding article below). Not surprisingly, George Friedman, the xxxish founder of a well known American think tank is also reported to have recently claimed that the only way the Armenian-Turkish dialogue would be successful is - if Russian troops leave Armenia. It was also reported that Friedman suggested to Ankara that it should stop putting pressure on Armenia over Nagorno Karabakh and instead work on convincing Yerevan to rid itself of its Russian military presence. In other words, according to this Turkophile, Armenia needs to be made to deal with Turkey alone - without Moscow looking over Yerevan's shoulder or watching its back.

    The Anglo-American-Zionist political order's historic wet dream has been to weaken, contain and/or isolate Russia. They want to continue their age-long agenda of pushing Russians out of the strategic Caucasus. Having found common ground with regional Turks, Azeris and Georgians, the above mentioned global order has been seeking to psychically, politically and economically isolate Armenia; a geostrategic agenda they have been actively pursuing for the past twenty years, during which time they have been hoping for the capitulation of Yerevan. Therefore, although George Friedman's intentions, ideas and/or suggestions here are very alarming, they are nothing new for those of us who understand the mindsets of these vile people. I have been warning Armenians about these types of serious geopolitical matters for many years now. I have been warning Armenians about the Anglo-American-Zionist political order's global intentions. I having been warning Armenians about the serious dangers associated with driving Russians out of the Caucasus in general and out of Armenia in particular. Turks, xxxs and Westerners alike (including some of our nation's self-destructive peasantry) have been trying very hard to break Armenia away from Russia's orbit. How wonderful it would have been for these bloodthirsty demons if only Armenia was made to pull out from under Russia's protective umbrella and find itself fully at their mercy.

    Too bad for them, despite their best efforts, despite the best efforts of our nation's self-destructive peasantry, the exact opposite has in fact occurred. Not only does Yerevan enjoy growing relations with Moscow today, Armenia's military alliance with the Russian Federation has more-or-less become institutionalized. In other words, no amount of bribe money or blackmail could now be used against Armenian officials by those seeking to lure Yerevan way from Moscow.

    As the Christian Orthodox nation of Serbia (Europe's last pro-Russian bastion) was mercilessly bombed into submission (under the viciously false pretext that Serbia was committing ethnic cleansing against Albanians), as Kosovo was brutally torn away from Serbia by a conglomeration of Western (as well as Zionist and Turkish) powers and handed over to Islamic criminals with reported ties to Al Qaeda, ten years ago Serbia's sad plight plainly revealed to us all the true nature and character of the West. The illegal occupation of northern Cyprus by Turkey revealed to the world community the true face of the West over thirty-five years ago. The near invasion of Armenia by Turkish forces in the early 1990s (which was thwarted only as a result of Russian intervention) was proof that in certain power centers in the West - Armenia remains an insignificant and disposable nation.

    Nevertheless, taking into consideration his ethnicity, George Friedman's Turkophilic, anti-Armenian and Russophobic sentiments are natural and quite self-explanatory. By telling Turks to forget about Nagorno Karabakh for now and just concentrate on getting rid of Russian forces from Armenia, he is essentially telling Turks - first get Russians out of Armenia then you can have your way with Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

    Friedman's reported comments do not require further elaboration on my part for they are self-evident. However, I will say this: Turkey, with its huge population and economy as well as its powerful NATO and Israeli armed military, is fully capable of swallowing Armenia whole - in a heartbeat. They don't even have to fire a single shot in anger. In a relatively short period of time, Ankara could once again turn Armenia into its eastern most province - simply by its powerful economy. As I have been saying for a long time now, the fundamental reason why Ankara is trying very hard not to open its border crossing with Armenia - is their instinctual fear of the Russian Bear's growing presence in Armenia and in the Caucasus. Having acquired Armenia's most important national assets, thus securing Armenia's long-term allegiance, Moscow now feels confident enough to allow Yerevan to play ball in the region. Moscow is seeking to drive an "Armenian wedge" between Ankara, NATO and Baku. As a result of its growing political stature in the region, Armenia has become the regional platform Moscow is using to project its power into Turkey and beyond.

    Nevertheless, I guess it will require the daylight bombing of Yerevan by the Israel air force to make our hopelessly naive and gullible people realize that when it comes down to serious political matters, Israel/xxxs will continue remaining one of Armenia's main opponents. Despite their overt hostility to everything and anything Armenian, we still have our peasantry hopeful that organized xxxry will begin viewing Armenians favorably now as a result of their recent problems with Turks.

    Wake up Armenians! Turks and xxxs are of the same mold. What Turkey is in Asia Minor, Israel is in the Levant. It is an undisputed fact that during the First World War, western xxxry, in tandem with Turkish-xxxs in the Ottoman Empire, were deeply involved in the encouragement and the organization of the brutal genocide we Armenians suffered. It was the xxxish led/inspired Bolshevik monster that rained unprecedented death and destruction upon all the Christian populations of the former Russian Empire and mutilated portions of Armenia that had managed to survive the genocide. xxxs today continue being the number one obstacle standing in the way of international recognition of our genocide. The only place on earth where Armenian church property is in constant danger of confiscation and Armenian clergy are regularly spat upon and physically abused is in the Zionist state of Israel. Israel uses Turkish air space to train its air force. Israeli and Turkish arms industries are intimately connected. Israel continues arming, supporting and even encouraging Azerbaijan against Armenia. Turkey satisfies Israel's crucial drinking water needs. Israeli-Turkish bilateral trade is immense. Israel continues to receive a majority of its oil and gas shipments via Turkey. And Istanbul continues to be one of the most favorite vacation destinations for xxxry worldwide.

    Although there have been some lingering problems between Tel Aviv and Ankara as of late, for the foreseeable future, the two genocidal states of Israel and Turkey will continue needing each other. As a matter of fact, xxxs need Turkey much more than Turks need Israel. Despite Turkey's growing Islamization and despite the covert support Israel has been rendering Iraqi Kurds recently, representatives of organized xxxry and the Zionist state will continue pandering to Turkey for many years to come. Armenians will one day (perhaps when it's too damn late) realize that hatred of Armenians by traditional Judaism is historical (stretching back to biblical times) and it supersedes their internal/brotherly problems with Turks.

    Finally, and thank God, the article at the very bottom of this page is good evidence that Armenia's survival instincts are still functioning quite well. Even though policy makers in the West had given "Armenia-friendly" France the task of luring Armenia away from Russia's orbit around the time when the Soviet Union was collapsing (similar to how Azerbaijan was entrusted to Britain and Georgia was entrusted to Germany), even though the anti-Russian propaganda of the Anglo-American-Zionist global order permeates the Armenian world today, a vast majority of Armenians in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh (the Armenian diaspora is another story) remain uninfected by the globalist virus. Surprisingly, even the younger generation in Armenia continues viewing Russia very positively. As a matter of fact, according to the survey, even while the younger generation in Armenia prefers an alliance with the Russian Federation - they still prefer European values. What's being expressed here by younger Armenians is a clear sign of political maturity and sophistication. Interestingly, the survey also reported that 78% of Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh are of the mindset that Russia supports them in their struggle against Azerbaijan.

    Anyway, I have said this a million times already and I will say it another million times until every single Armenian understands it - No Russia in the Caucasus means no Armenia in the Caucasus.


    A blog about the rise of Russia, Russian-Armenian relations and Eurasian geopolitics
    Last edited by Tigranakert; 11-25-2010, 11:10 AM.

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  • Muhaha
    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Turkey is turning eastward, Iran is getting stronger, azeris are getting stronger, the west is looking twords the caucuses and the russians are filling it with military hardware. This is potentialy a very exposive situation. Should a major war erupt here it could easily spread into something bigger.
    It's very easy to see the onset of WW3 by looking at the situation isn't it? So many world powers ascending down onto a small strip of land. Maybe it's for an orgy.

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  • Mos
    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    We just never get a break do we? Turkey-Iran-Azerbaijan alliance is very viable in my eyes. Maybe even Russia.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Turkey is turning eastward, Iran is getting stronger, azeris are getting stronger, the west is looking twords the caucuses and the russians are filling it with military hardware. This is potentialy a very exposive situation. Should a major war erupt here it could easily spread into something bigger.

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    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Further the the article I wrote a few posts ago, the picture below sums it all up:

    Here they are, in this photo taken in one of the new bases in Abkhazia, one can the latest Russian tank (T-90), the latest infantry carrier (BMP-3) and the latest self-propelled artillery (MSTA-S).
    During the 08.08.08 war, the 58th Army based in the Caucasus had nothing better than the older T-72, BMP-2 and Akaccia. Some units were even using hopelessly obsolete T-62 tanks and BMP-1 Infantry fighting vehicles.

    Huge difference.


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    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Russia Deploys S-300 Missile Systems in Abkhazia

    Russia announced Wednesday that it has moved a sophisticated anti-aircraft missile system into the republic of Abkhazia, the independence of which Russia recognized in 2008, shortly after the Caucasian war.
    The deployment of the S-300s drew immediate protest from Georgia. The Foreign Ministry called it an "extremely dangerous and provocative step that presents a threat not only to the Black Sea region but to European security as a whole."

    The U.S. State Department, however, said the missile deployment was old news, The Associated Press reports.

    The French Foreign Ministry has said the deployment of Russian S-300 air defense systems in the former Georgian republic of Abkhazia undermines stability in the region.

    Russian Air Force head Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin said on Wednesday S-300 systems had been placed in Abkhazia to protect the airspace of Abkhazia and the other former Georgian republic of South Ossetia. He did not say how many S-300s had been deployed, RIA Novosti say.


    In the fall of 2008, Russia integrated the newly independent republics into its own air defense network. It deployed several S-300 battalions in Abkhazia. Do not be fooled, these air defense missiles are not to counter any air threats from Georgia. The Georgian Air Force is in the process of being dismantled and the handful of remaining of Su-25 warplanes are being offered for sale. The Georgian air arm will from now on consist of helicopters only, they will be attached to the army. These S-300 are to provide cover for Russian troops in case of any larger scale conflict with some more capable foes. Take a map and look at how much air coverage these batteries based in Abkhazia, Gyumri (Armenia) and elsewhere in the Caucasus can provide.


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    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Newest Warplanes to be Deployed within Striking range of Caucasus

    The Su-34 is the latest fighter-bomber that is just now entering squadron service with the Russian Air Force. And guess were they are basing the first squadron: at Voronezh, 500 km south of Moscow. From there, this plane can fly to anywhere in the Caucasus and surrounding areas, drop its heavy load of smart bombs and precision missiles and return to base without having to do a single mid-air refueling. Nice location the Russians have chosen for the first squadron. Again it is not in the North-West facing the might of NATO, not in the East against any possible threats from China or Japan and not in South Siberia positioned to cover the volatile hotspots of the Central Asian Republics.


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    Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Russia's Caucasus is Priority for Mi-28N Deliveries

    Yesterday Rostov Helicopter Plant (‘Rosvertol’) General Director Boris Slyusar said the Russian Armed Forces are the priority for Mi-28N ‘Night Hunter’ deliveries, despite what he claims are many profitable offers from abroad. According to ITAR-TASS, he said:

    “We have many requests for the Mi-28N, but the RF Defense Ministry still doesn’t have these systems in sufficient quantity, and we will take its interests into account first.”

    Slyusar didn’t give the number of Mi-28N helicopters in Russian forces, but he said the North Caucasus Military District (NCMD) has about 20 ‘Night Hunters,’ and there will be more. He added:

    “Our task is to create in the district’s [NCMD's] troops in 2011 two groupings of Mi-28N.”

    Who knows what he means by groupings. Squadrons? A second squadron or two additional squadrons? The information on the number of Mi-28N delivered is unclear and contradictory. In late 2009, Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov rather dubiously claimed Russia had already procured 27.

    In May, a ‘Rosvertol’ marketing official said Russia would receive two squadrons of Mi-28N helicopters before 2011. She said two Mi-28N went to the pilot training center at Torzhok in early 2008, and ten more — apparently for the NCMD’s Budennovsk-based 487th Helicopter Regiment — were delivered in 2009. In mid-2009, ‘Helicopters of Russia’ General Director Andrey Shibitov also told Interfaks-AVN the Russian military had 12 Mi-28N helicopters.

    So the question still stands: a second squadron of maybe 10 helicopters, or two additional squadrons? One thing’s certain, this goal’s been pushed from 2010 to 2011.

    ‘Rosvertol’ General Director Slyusar indicated his company sold 10 billion rubles of products in 2009, and this year sales are more than 15 billion rubles. Receipts from domestic and export sales are about equal. By 2015, the company has an ambitious goal of $1 billion in sales. Slyusar says the company is moving on this plan with modernization, equipment purchases, and people.


    The Mi-28 NightHunter is the replacement of the famous Mi-24 Krokodil (Hind). During 2009, the first operational squadron of these modern and very capable helicopters was based not near Moscow or St. Petersburg, not in the Far East, not in central Asia…but right at Buddenovsk in the Caucasus.

    Last edited by ZORAVAR; 11-21-2010, 12:39 PM.

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