Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
“This was more than just a presidential election. This was a very important test for us – a test for the political maturity of our people and independence. We have demonstrated that nobody can impose anything on us. We have shown that our people are capable of telling the difference between the desire for novelty and progress, and political provocations that press for only one goal: to destroy Russia. Today our people have proven that such scenarios are not going to work in our country,” Putin said.
I wish for the day to come Armenians will be politically mature enough.
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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Good to see Putin back. A Russian patriot and friend of Armenians.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
The great king of Eurasia is back!
....and his enemies worldwide are taking note. Amidst the literally thousands of misleading or downright nasty news coverage of Vladimir Putin's presidential bid by the Western press, the three articles following the Russia Today report were found to be somewhat of an exception. Despite their standard Western style political spin and negativity, the news reports from ArmeniaNow, New York Times and BBC reluctantly admitted the not so convenient obvious. ArmeniaNow reluctantly states that Russian-Armenians will be supporting Putin en-mass. Despite all the snide comments and political spin, the New York Times reluctantly admits that Putin enjoys grassroots support inside Russia. And while desperately trying to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the voting process and Putin's real popularity amongst Russian's, BBC nevertheless admits that exist polls indicated an astounding 60% percent of the votes went to Putin.
When I looked at Putin's eyes, I saw tears for his nation -
Teary-eyed Putin addresses 110,000 crowd near Kremlin:
Last edited by Tigranakert; 03-04-2012, 04:19 PM.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Сухопутные войска России в 2012 году получат более двух тысяч единиц различной военной бронетехники. По словам главкома Сухопутными войсками Александра Постникова, военные должны получить бронетранспортеры БТР-82А, специальные бронированные пожарные машины, ремонтно-эвакуационные машины и бронеавтомобили.
Commander of the Army described the receipt of equipment in 2012
Land Forces of Russia in 2012 will receive more than two thousand units of various military armored vehicles. This, according to RIA Novosti , said Commander of Land Forces , Alexander Postnikov . He said the military should get the BTR-82A, special armored fire trucks, recovery vehicles and armored cars. To date, said Postnikov, an overhaul of the BTR-80 and T-72.
Earlier it was reported that last year the troops were put over ten thousand units of armored vehicles and automotive equipment, as well as about two thousand units of vehicles of communication. In particular, the forces of radiation, chemical and biological defense got heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A and reconnaissance vehicles Rahm-6. In engineering units were assigned new tug-boats and motor truck cranes. The military also had 30 multiple launch rocket systems "Tornado-G."
In mid-February 2012 the Chief of General Staff of Russian Armed Forces Nikolai Makarov said the Defense Ministry for five years, suspended the purchase of armored vehicles for the Army, relegating this period designers to develop new types of military equipment. Later, Vice-Premier of Russia , Dmitry Rogozin , who oversees the military-industrial complex, announced that the purchase of equipment will be continued in the volumes of the planned state program of armaments.
February 19, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in his article "Russian newspaper", wrote that the 2020 Russian forces, among others, will be about two thousand self-propelled artillery systems and tools, and more than 17,000 vehicles and 2,3 thousand tanks .
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Armenia, Russia must have common border:
Saakashvili Says Whoever Opposes Azerbaijan is Georgia’s Enemy:
Russia Cannot Afford to Lose Armenia:
Erdogan’s visit to Moscow casts no shadow on Armenia-Russia partnership:
Political unrest nearing Russia's southern border:
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
The Ministry of Defence bought 92 Su-34 bomber
The Russian Defense Ministry has concluded with the "dry" contract to supply 92 frontline bombers Su-34, according to RIA Novosti . The agreement signed by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and CEO of "Sukhoi" Igor Ozar. All of the ordered planes to be delivered before the end of the military department in 2020.
According to Serdyukov, who leads the "Interfax" , concluded the contract was one of the largest agreements for the supply of combat aircraft, under state armaments program for 2011-2020. "Its implementation will soon largely replace the standing armed with front bombers Su-24", - said Minister of Defence. According to a source of "Interfax", the value of the transaction would amount to about one hundred billion rubles.
In view of the new order the Russian Defense Ministry is to get 124 Su-34 bomber. The first 32 of these aircraft were bought by Russian Ministry of Defense in 2008. Earlier it was reported that before 2015 the Russian Air Force must include in its composition of 70 Su-34. In August 2011 Russian Air Force Commander Alexander Zelin said that the military intended to purchase 120 new bombers, of which five will be formed squadrons of 24 aircraft each.
Currently in service with the Russian Air Force are 12 Su-34. Manufacture of aircraft engaged in Novosibirsk Aviation Association Chkalov. It is expected that in 2012 the Russian Air Force will receive ten Su-34 bombers, all these will be transferred to the Western Military District.Министерство обороны России заключило с компанией "Сухой" контракт на поставку 92 фронтовых бомбардировщиков Су-34. Соглашение подписано министром обороны России Анатолием Сердюковым и генеральным директором "Сухого" Игорем Озаром. Все заказанные самолеты должны быть поставлены военному ведомству до конца 2020 года.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
Baku Demands Moscow Pay $300 Mln for Radar Lease – Media
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Defense Ministry bought two dozen deck MiG-29 fighters
The Russian Defense Ministry has concluded with Aircraft Corporation "MiG" contract to supply 24 deck fighters MiG-29K/KUB, reports "Interfax" . The contract was signed by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and Chief Executive "MiG" Sergei Korotkov. Under the agreement, the Russian Defense Ministry will receive 20 MiG-29K and four MiG-29KUB in 2012-2015.
The contract to supply 24 fighter MiG-29K/KUB originally planned to be signed in 2011 under the state defense order, but in August last year it was decided to postpone the purchase of aircraft at a later date. For some reason it was decided to buy planes later, unspecified. As expected, all bought by the Ministry of Defense MiG-29K/KUB will be assigned to 279 th shipboard air regiment of the Russian Navy, which is based on the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov".
Later, the agency ITAR-TASS news agency reported, citing a source in the General Staff of the Russian Navy, the new deck will replace the outdated MiG-29K/KUB Su-33 to 2015. Currently, the Fleet Air Arm, "Admiral Kuznetsov" consists of ten Su-33 and two Su-25UTG. These aircraft will be written off as the development of the resource. Earlier it was reported that the life of the Su-33, which expires in 2015, may be extended until 2025.
MiG-29K - multi-role fighter, which can be based on aircraft carriers with a displacement of 28,000 tons. The aircraft is capable of speeds up to 2.2 thousand kilometers per hour and fly at up to 1.5 thousand kilometers. The MiG-29K fighters armed with 30-millimeter cannon, and has seven points of suspension for control and anti-anti-radar missiles, rockets, air-to-air bombs and corrected. Serial production of aircraft is carried out in March 2008.
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Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
Baku Demands Moscow Pay $300 Mln for Radar Lease – Media
Azerbaijan has demanded Russia pay $300 million instead of the previously agreed $7 million for the lease of a Soviet-era anti-missile radar in the Azeri town of Gabala, the Kommersant daily reported on Wednesday, quoting sources in the Russian foreign and defense ministries.
Russia has been in talks with Azerbaijan to extend its lease of the radar, which it has operated in line with a 2002 deal, until 2025. The current agreement is due to expire on December 24.
Russia had expected to finalize talks by June this year, because a new agreement has to be signed at least six month before the existing one expires, the newspaper said. But the talks have been strained since the Azeri authorities asked Moscow to pay almost 43 times more for the lease than it used to, the report said.
“This sum of money is unreasonably large,” the paper quoted a Defense Ministry source as saying. “We will push for it to be significantly lowered. We still hope to reach an agreement.”
Another high-ranking source told the paper that Russia may stop operating the radar “if Baku does not limit its financial appetite.”
According to the report, Foreign Ministry officials have described the Azeri demands as “agenda-driven.”
Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia would continue talks with Azerbaijan on the radar station lease.
"Talks on the Gabala radar continue. The first round was very constructive. We will soon agree with our Azerbaijani colleagues on the date when the Russian delegation will head for Azerbaijan to continue the talks,” the deputy defense minister said.
The deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, Alexander Khramchikhin, said the end of the Gabala radar lease will do no “principle damage” to Russia’s defense capabilities.
“As far as I know, a radar in Armavir is about to be completed. It will cover this area,” the expert said.
The Voronezh-class radar in Armavir in the Black Sea area is currently operating in a test mode. Such radars are a serious breakthrough compared to the previous generation radars of the Dnepr and Daryal class. The Gabala is a Daryal class radar.
“In my opinion, we don’t need it [the Gabala station] at all, it only encourages extortion by Azerbaijan,” Khramchikhin added.
On Monday, Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev called for a Russian air base in the country to be closed, accusing Moscow of failing to pay the $15 million debt for its lease and saying neither Russia nor Kyrgyzstan needed the base.
Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov promised later in the day to repay the debt by the end of February.
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