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Armenian-Turkish Relations

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  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

    Gavur its not trying something just to be different its about finding something that works. Iiberal armenians have every right in the world to that land we just do not have the power to excersise that right for now. I demand to know why my posts were deleted! I neither offended anyone nor made racist statements so why the hell delete my posts?
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
      .... Iiberal armenians have every right in the world to that land we just do not have the power to excersise that right for now....
      You and others (as liberals) do have that right and it does contribute greatly but we need our Liberty secured first………..Armenians as a whole have been and continues to be in a state of emergency.
      B0zkurt Hunter


      • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

        Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
        Gavur its not trying something just to be different its about finding something that works. Iiberal armenians have every right in the world to that land we just do not have the power to excersise that right for now.
        Well the other side is covering their buts, why aren't we?

        The Turkish government are covering their arses big time and wer're helping them why???
        Last edited by Gavur; 09-23-2009, 04:34 PM.
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

          Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
          You and others (as liberals) do have that right and it does contribute greatly but we need our Liberty secured first………..Armenians as a whole have been and continues to be in a state of emergency.
          Not liberals bro hehe. I was responding to a post by a guy named iiberal which got deleted. The only way we can secure our liberty is by having a strong hayrenik for all armenians to live in, as long as we are weak and isolated we will not secure our liberty nor anything else.
          Gavur i did not understand your last post.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

            Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
            Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
            Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


            • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

              Originally posted by yukyuk
              you are just a bunch of american kids who have serious identy cririsis... you dont know anything about armenia... 30 million kurds and turks live in eastern part of turkey and this region is ours for 400 years.. you have no right to claim regions that even you dont live there for last 80 years...

              so get you facts be reasonable armenians are straving and only solution for them is to mak peace with turks.. you ll never get that reigion i mean it is very absurd.. how do you think that you ll get that region it would start worl war 3.. we dont claim greek or russian or bulgarian regions just because we lived there..

              i guess you people are amercanized and you are living too far away from facts.

              be reasonable and get your facts kids.
              Actually, the sad part is many of those "Turks" that live in eastern Turkey don't know they are really Armenian, they are the ones with an identity crisis. One day they will be un-turkifed and returned to their Armenian identity. Time is running out on the lies of your government.
              "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


              • Sarkisian To Seek Diaspora Support For Turkey Diplomacy

                Emil Danielyan, Karine Kalantarian
                President Serzh Sarkisian said on Thursday that he will tour major Armenian communities abroad early next month to explain and promote his far-reaching diplomatic overtures to Turkey which many in the Diaspora have been following with unease.

                Armenia -- President Serzh Sarkisian and Catholicos Garegin II meet on 24Sept., 2009

                President Serzh Sarkisian said on Thursday that he will tour major Armenian communities abroad early next month to explain and promote his far-reaching diplomatic overtures to Turkey which many in the Diaspora have been following with unease.

                Sarkisian made the announcement as he met with Catholicos Garegin II at the Echmiadzin headquarters of the Armenian Apostolic Church. He said he will start on October 1 a series of visits to Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Beirut and Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

                All of those cities and their surrounding areas have sizable ethnic Armenian populations. Sarkisian was quoted by his press service as telling Garegin that he wants to hear community leaders’ “views on the process of the normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations.”

                The supreme head of the Armenian Church welcomed the initiative. “The Diaspora is an important and inseparable part of our people and it is only right for our Diaspora sons … to be able to hear answers from you personally to questions preoccupying them,” Garegin said, according to the presidential press service. “Also, you will expose yourself to the thoughts, opinions and concerns of our Diaspora sons.”

                Some Diaspora leaders have expressed serious concern about key points of two Turkish-Armenian draft protocols envisaging the normalization of bilateral relations. They are particularly critical of the planned creation of a Turkish-Armenian panel of historians that would look into the 1915 mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

                Diaspora groups also object to another protocol clause that commits Armenia to recognizing its existing border with Turkey. They argue that it would preclude future Armenian territorial claims to areas in eastern Turkey that were populated by their ancestors until the 1915-1918 massacres.

                The Beirut-based Catholicos Aram I, the number two figure in the Armenian Church hierarchy, added his voice to those concerns in a letter to Sarkisian made public on Thursday. “The ongoing developments in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey have become a cause for serious concern in the Diaspora,” he wrote.

                Aram singled out the planned “sub-commission” of historians for criticism. He said its existence would make it easier for Ankara to deny that the slaughter of more than one million Ottoman Armenians was a genocide.

                Aram and Diaspora dioceses of the Armenian Church subordinated to him are reputedly close to the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), one of the most vocal critics of Sarkisian’s Turkish policy which is particularly influential in the Diaspora. Dashnaktsutyun’s organization in Armenia is now actively campaigning against the signing of the Turkish-Armenian agreements.

                The church’s main, Echmiadzin-based Catholicosate has rarely challenged Yerevan governments and will likely be more supportive of the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement. Garegin told Sarkisian that the church’s Supreme Spiritual Council will meet soon to discuss and formulate its position on the issue.

                The planned meetings will be part of “internal political consultations” which Ankara and Yerevan pledged to initiate before signing the controversial protocols by mid-October. Sarkisian described the intensifying debates on the matter as “very useful.”

                “Of course, they have some emotional manifestations and elements,” he told Garegin. “And it could not have been otherwise because a huge segment of our people are a generation of persons subjected to genocide. Besides, we have our shrines, our churches, our [medieval] capital and the remnants of many, many people’s ancestral homes across the [Turkish] border.”

                “I do realize this because often times I myself internally struggle with my emotions,” added Sarkisian.
                "All truth passes through three stages:
                First, it is ridiculed;
                Second, it is violently opposed; and
                Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                  Just got back from my month long deployment from work and got a chance to read all the posts here.

                  Well, all I got to say is that I thought the Turkish public is denial of their past, come to found out armenians are in a bigger denial even when we know the reality and what our enemy is capable of.

                  Unfvcking real. WAKE UP damn it, are you going to allow the Turks to dictate to us how our future must be. You do not know or understand the mentality of the Turkish military, never mind the Turkish public and their politicians……….they are nothing compared to our none denialist true enemy.

                  They still want our women, how do you like that. Wake the fvck up.

                  We shall give them nothing and will eventually take everything from them. Freedom
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • Re: Sarkisian To Seek Diaspora Support For Turkey Diplomacy

                    No leader should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen;

                    No leader should fight a battle simply out of pique.

                    But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being;

                    Nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.

                    Hence the enlightened leader is heedful,

                    And the good leader full of caution.

                    - Sun Tzu quotes
                    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                    • The Silver Lining Regarding the Protocols

                      Since all we do is grumble about implicit Turkish preconditions, Here I have made a simple suggestion which I believe will (for the first time and without much effort) give Armenia the opportunity to implicitly state our precondition that is the key to the solution of our problem/conflict with the Turks.

                      I have suggested that the statesmen of the RoA demand the removal of ONLY ONE WORD out of the protocols, namely the word “existing” from the phrase “Confirming the mutual recognition of the existing border between the two countries as defined by relevant treaties of international law” which will give us the brilliant once in a century chance to raise the issue of the Wilson arbitration that will lead to the solution of all Armenian-Turkish problems and make these protocols the most positive document in our hands since Sèvres.

                      I wish I could somehow get the attention of Armenian politicians or analysts. I hope the readers with the connections will see this worthy of bringing up in the relevant circles. I am sure if the Turks want to make us believe they do not have anything to hide and they are sure about the legality of the Kars treaty, they wouldn’t have to object to this suggestion.

