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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
    Hey freaky,

    When are you going to grow some spine, come out of that closet of yours and openly declare that you hate Artsakhtsis? If you do it then at least it will give you some sort of credibility.
    They are the ones who put difference between them selfs and hayastansis. Do you have any xxxxing idea how many 18-19-20 year olds from different regions of hayastan were killed in Artsakh while they were serving their country during 1998, 99, 2000 etc. There was no War, peaceful times. But for some reason people were getting killed and blaming it on suicide. Trank hayi hashiv chen, chen exel u chen el lini.

    Since the day they took over they have been selling our nation. They sold weapons to Chechens, all kinds of equipment to Iran, i bet they even had business with turks.

    And now they are fighting against our people.

    God help our people.
    Last edited by Fedayeen; 03-03-2008, 01:13 AM.


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      Originally posted by Fedayeen View Post
      They are the ones who put difference between them selfs and hayastansis. Do you have any xxxxing idea how many 18-19-20 year olds from different regions of hayastan were killed in Artsakh while they were serving their country during 1998, 99, 2000 etc. There was no War, peaceful times. But for some reason people were getting killed and blaming it on suicide. Trank hayi hashiv chen, chen exel u chen el lini.

      Since the day they took over they have been selling our nation. They sold weapons to Chechens, all kinds of equipment to Iran, i bet they even had business with turks.

      And now they are fighting against our people.

      God help our people.
      Show the proof about the BS your talking about. And what is so bad about selling things to Iran and the chechens to make money please tell me what is bad about it. Iran is Armenias ally and the chechens are a part of Russia.


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

        Originally posted by Fedayeen View Post
        Do you have any xxxxing idea how many 18-19-20 year olds from different regions of hayastan were killed in Artsakh while they were serving their country during 1998, 99, 2000 etc.
        There is not a single army in the world that never had a casuality during peace time. Armenian army is no different and unfortunately we had our share of soldiers being killed by other solders, suicides being committed, etc, etc. Needless to say it's unacceptable. But there is no magic cure for this, however everything should be done to improve the situation.

        You are a deserter who ran away, or at best a someone who was smuggled out of the country by his parents long before he was due to serve in the army. And now you preaching us about our army?

        The rest of your post is such an absurd it doesn’t even deserve a reply!


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          Originally posted by Azad View Post
          Armenian, I think you misunderstood my point. In no way I would support Western political influence on Armenia. I personally think we do not even have enough Russian involvement in Armenia and do believe that Armenia will not survive a day without Russia. The point I was making that it is hight time to move to a new generation of politicians that are more refined and sophisticated that the ones with a cigarette in their hands.

          Kocharyan was an excellent President and definitely Sargsyan would have been my first choice from the candidates, except I do not view it as a progression from Kocharyan to Sargsyan. I think it is time to move to a new generation or refined politicians.
          Thank you Azad (I can't even call you Levon anymore I'm so upset). I agree with you. We need time to create 'ideal' politicians (does it even exists?). These things, however, don't just happen overnight especially in a place like the Caucasus. The comment about Kocharyan and Sargsyan was very well put.

          Note: Regarding the BS concepts of democracy and free elections. In my opinion, Armenia is a nation today that has just expressed much more "democracy" and "free elections" than any of the major Western powers, including US, Britain, Germany and France.

          Armenia is stuck between two very drastic approaches in politics. Do you think an equivalent of a Levon Petrosian in Western nations could get far? By equivalent I mean, a man that will try to place a given nation on a drastic different course.

          Ask yourself: What would happen to an American politicians if he/she ran on the following platform: abandoning Israel; abandoning oil Arab producing states in the Mideast; effectively shutting down the Mexican border; brining the troops home from Japan, Korea, Europe, Iraq and other places; giving Kosovo back to Serbia; wanting friendly relations with Cuba and Russia; locking up corrupt corporate executives in the oil industry and arms industry; etc...

          What do you think will happen to this politician? The answer is obvious if you understand the mechanism of politics and economy. And the funny part is, a large portion of population here in America may even support such a politician. Why don't they bring the troops in Iraq home? Why don't they provide free eduction and heath care to all citizens? Why don't they close off the border with Mexico? Why don't they abandon Arabs and Israelis to their fates? Why don't they stop antagonizing Russia? The answer is, regardless of what the "people" want, those things I mentioned do not serve the national interest of the nation. So, what happed to a real democracy?

          The fact of the matter is there are no free and fair elections in the US. Elections in the US is merely a two ring circus. Democrat, Republican - they are the same shit, different asshole.

          However, America has not had the masses running amok and blowing things up in the streets because the standard of living here is still very high. Incidentally, the standard of living here is high because the political/financial elite do not take into concideration the sentiments of the masses...
          Last edited by Armenian; 03-03-2008, 09:11 AM.
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            Forget California Armenians they are mostly petty street whores. And low lives like board members Artsakh, Fedayeen, Freaky are the off-springs of these petty street whores. Forget about listening to their petty BS, all of their information is based on gossip and hearsay. Screw these people and have no regret doing so because they are an embarrassment for us all. They are a longterm threat to the security of the Armenian nation. I want to see Levon and his team dead. I want to see their supporters ridiculed and shunned. I am already breaking off my ties with anyone I find in my surroundings that has supported the treasonous pornik, including a close friend. Call, fax or email the Armenian embassy in the US and express your support for the authorities. What has happened was a historic shame. This Levon cancer 'has' to be eradicated.



            Emergency Order Empties Armenian Capital’s Streets

            Tanks blocked central streets in the capital of this tiny mountain country on Sunday, a day after Armenian authorities clashed with demonstrators in a violent confrontation that left at least eight people dead and more than 130 wounded. The government imposed a state of emergency, and for the first time since a contested Feb. 19 presidential election, the streets and central squares of this ancient city were empty of the crowds of protesters. Any attempt at demonstrating “will immediately result in adequate and strict reaction by the armed forces,” Gen. Seyran Ohanyan, Armenia’s top military commander, said in a statement. Levon Ter-Petrossian, the opposition leader who has led the crowds, and whose failed candidacy was the reason for the protests, said that he would not encourage his supporters to defy the curfew, and that the government had won by closing down his only outlet to the public.

            “They’re happy with themselves,” said Mr. Ter-Petrossian, speaking to reporters in his 1930s mansion on the edge of Yerevan. “They got what they wanted.”

            Lines of military police officers moved in on the demonstration late Saturday night, firing rubber balls and tear gas canisters, and shooting bullets into the air. It was not clear how many of the deaths were caused by bullet wounds. Mr. Ter-Petrossian blamed the Armenian government for what he described as a “slaughter.” Seven civilians were killed and only one security officer, according to the Foreign Ministry. Of the 131 injuries, 72 were police officers and 59 were civilians, Agence France-Presse reported, citing the Health Ministry. The casualties prompted statements of concern by the State Department, the European Union and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

            It was clear by early afternoon Saturday that after 10 days of peaceful protests, the demonstrators, who had been beaten by police officers in the morning, were spoiling for a fight. Men were yanking bricks out of sidewalks, barricading streets with city buses, and assembling gasoline bombs. By evening, a four-or-five-block area had become an encampment run by agitated young men wielding metal poles and bricks. Even before police officers moved in, a group of protesters set fire to a police jeep after it bumped into a woman, and when a fire truck arrived to put out the blaze, someone pitched a rock through its windshield. Mr. Ter-Petrossian accused the government of sneaking provocateurs into the crowd. “It’s their people,” he said. But he acknowledged that some of his supporters might have joined in. Looters who dragged cognac, cakes, fruit and even food scales from the Yerevan City grocery store on Saturday seemed to strongly support him.

            “I’m fighting for honesty,” said a man in his 50s, holding a stolen beer in one hand and a lemon in the other. “Levon Ter-Petrossian is for the people.”

            Fifteen people were arrested. The emergency decree dealt a particularly paralyzing blow to the opposition because local television stations, controlled by Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan and President Robert Kocharian, virtually ignored the daily rallies, which often drew tens of thousands of protesters. “Losing the square means losing the connection to the people,” Mr. Ter-Petrossian said. “Now they have taken this away from us.” According to the emergency decree, local news media are barred from disseminating information given by any source other than the government. CNN segments about Armenia were clipped from television programming, and many Web sites were closed. Only journalists from foreign news organizations could attend Mr. Ter-Petrossian’s briefing.

            Mr. Ter-Petrossian’s state-financed security detail had orders not to allow him out of his house, but Armenia’s foreign minister said he was free to leave if he agreed to forgo the security. Armenian authorities have used violence against political opposition several times over the past 13 years. In 1995, for example, during Mr. Ter-Petrossian’s tenure as president, at least one opposition figure died in police custody after his political party was shut down, according to Human Rights Watch. On Sunday afternoon, city workers swept shards of glass and towed burned shells of cars off central streets, still sticky from looted food and gasoline fires, as passers-by came to gape at the damage. “It’s shameful,” said a 27-year-old economist surveying the wreckage. “They did it for themselves. Not for the people.”

            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

              RIA Novosti -Relative calm in Armenia. Video:
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                Ask yourself: What would happen to an American politicians if he/she ran on the following platform: abandoning Israel; abandoning oil Arab producing states in the Mideast; effectively shutting down the Mexican border; brining the troops home from Japan, Korea, Europe, Iraq and other places; giving Kosovo back to Serbia; wanting friendly relations with Cuba and Russia; locking up corrupt corporate executives in the oil industry and arms industry; etc...
                Sound like Ron Paul...look how well he's doing


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  Originally posted by Artsakh
                  Indeed. I particularly enjoyed the professionalism he displayed when beating the s-h-i-t out of a member of your ARF party.
                  Yes, a-hole, Pavel deserved the beating. Pavel was even scolded by the ARF for his drunken rants against the military leadership in Artsakh which resulted in the unusual anger expressed by Ohanian. You are a filthy disgrace. You and your f-ed up fags in LA are a low level maggots serving Turkish interest. Your tools are gossip, slander, lies and deceit. Btw, I 'was' an ARF member when you were still shitting your pants. I left the party because I had problems with certain aspects of their approach in politics. I remain a follower of the party's stated ideology. The fact of the mater is, you porniks in California have show your low caliber...
                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    Originally posted by Artsakh
                    Pavel was "Scolded" by the ARF? care to cite any proof? in actuality, what happened was:
                    A-hole, I was there with some close ARF comrades in Stepanakert when it happened. The ARF scolded Pavel for his irresponsibility. Now, run-off and play with some fecal matter...
                    Last edited by Armenian; 03-04-2008, 08:31 PM.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      Armenian, you are a myopic sophomore. Personally, I prefer imperfect democracy over impeccable tryanny.
                      Last edited by freakyfreaky; 03-03-2008, 01:18 PM.
                      Between childhood, boyhood,
                      & manhood (maturity) there
                      should be sharp lines drawn w/
                      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                      stories, songs & judgements

                      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22

