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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Elections in Armenia

    Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
    You do realize that the rail link won't be operational before a minimum 10 years, at best.... since not even the definit plan is validated.
    It's at the stage of studies yet...
    Only a very strong will, and endless financial and material means would make it faster. (The kind of wich the red army or the wehrmacht possessed)
    None is present to day, and frankly speaking, the lack of haste is more on our side... (I do not justify this, I think is silly, but things being what they are...)

    Just to compare with, look the time necessary for a much simpler link, between Tiflis and Kars, with big financial means available, and the political will of 2 states, one of wich at least very determined and organised...
    It will take a longtime because the longer it takes, the more money the criminals can make. I can't see any other reason for this unneeded railway to Iran other than lining the pockets of the corrupt.

    Or maybe it is a masterful Azeri plan to bankrupt Armenia ... first give lots of money (which Azerbaijan has plenty of) to Georgia to build their own unneeded railway to Kars ... then con Armenia into thinking this stupid Tibilisi-Kars railway is of strategic importance and so requires an equivalent strategic response by Armenia in the form of building their own unneeded new railway.
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-19-2013, 05:56 AM.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • Re: Elections in Armenia

      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
      Those dodgy characters were there before Serj and will be there after Serj. These characters are a natural part of capitalism America had Rockafeller we got Dodi Gago-America had J.P. Morgan we got Rubo. As for the Shaakashvily types going extinct - well i wouldn't count on it. There will always be someone looking to profit at the expense of his people.
      So the new excuse given by stinky Armenians for not washing is no longer that the Georgians smell even worse (since they aren't so smelly now, after they elected to install indoor plumbing) but that some long-dead Americans were even smellier.
      Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-19-2013, 05:38 AM.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • Re: Elections in Armenia

        Feb 18 2013

        Serzh Sargsyan has been elected for a second 5-year term in office as
        Armenia's President, according to exit polls after election day Monday.

        The surveys show that the incumbent has gathered some 58% of the vote,
        against main contender, former Foreign Minister Raffi Hovannisian,
        who got some 32%.

        If the outcome of the election is in line with the exit polls, that
        would mean that Sargsyan is re-elected at the first round.
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Elections in Armenia

          Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
          So the new excuse given by stinky Armenians for not washing is no longer that the Georgians smell even worse (since they aren't so smelly now, after they elected to install indoor plumbing) but that some long-dead Americans were even smellier.
          Its not an excuse-but it is the reality of capitalism. Perhaps you prefer i use Donald Trumph as a more time/relevant example? I am quite sick of ignorent people saying bs like o look countries like Norway have it all right with capitalism and democracy working togather blah blah blah..Like they overlook glaring facts that Norway has a huge golden egg in the north sea in the form of oil. I do not mind comparing things as long as you compare apples with apples and not apples with oranges. Btw im not so stincky today-pipes are not frozen.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Elections in Armenia

            Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
            Serzh Sargsyan has been elected for a second 5-year term in office as
            Armenia's President, according to exit polls after election day Monday.

            The surveys show that the incumbent has gathered some 58% of the vote,
            against main contender, former Foreign Minister Raffi Hovannisian,
            who got some 32%.
            That's no indoor plumbing for Armenia for at least another 5 years.
            Plenipotentiary meow!


            • Re: Elections in Armenia

              Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
              Its not an excuse-but it is the reality of capitalism. Perhaps you prefer i use Donald Trumph as a more time/relevant example? I am quite sick of ignorent people saying bs like o look countries like Norway have it all right with capitalism and democracy working togather blah blah blah..Like they overlook glaring facts that Norway has a huge golden egg in the north sea in the form of oil. I do not mind comparing things as long as you compare apples with apples and not apples with oranges. Btw im not so stincky today-pipes are not frozen.
              But it IS an excuse. An excuse to avoid fixing something that is in your power to fix on the grounds that some other country allegedly has the same problem that it hasn't fixed or has some some other even worse problem that it hasn't fixed.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • Re: Elections in Armenia

                Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
                It IS an excuse. An excuse to avoid fixing something that is in your power to fix on the grounds that some other country allegedly has the same problem that it hasn't fixed or has some some other even worse problem that it hasn't fixed.
                I never said we should avoid fixing anything. What i am saying is that Armenia has problems just like any other country and it has much fewer resources then most other countries to deal with these problems. Other countries are not blockaded nor do they face genocidal maniacs which outnumber them 1000/1. The oligarchy system in Armenia is perhaps less refines but is very much like the bs systems all over the world in countries that use the capitalist system. The USA is being run by oligarchs which take the form of powerful special interest groups. I am for changing things its just that you have to realize what needs changing. Taking out a Dodi Gago is not going to do anyone any good, putting Rubo in jail is not going to accomplish anything becaus so long as the capitalist system stays - another dodi gago will pop up and another rubo will appear. In this regard i am perhaps for much bigger change then you think. Another thing to consider is the alternatives that are available. If not Serj then who? Look at what Serj did in 5 years and compare it with what the other leaders did. Now take that and compare it with lets say Raffi who has not done much of anything anywhere nor has he shown glipses of hope of doing anything anywhere. If there is a better candidate then i am all ears but..
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Elections in Armenia

                  But it IS an excuse. An excuse to avoid fixing something that is in your power to fix on the grounds that some other country allegedly has the same problem that it hasn't fixed or has some some other even worse problem that it hasn't fixed
                  I think part of the problem is you give us far too much credit at times, without realizing the facts. For a country to be this battle ridden simply does not exist in human history. From Genocide till now and even before. From earthquakes to blockades and a ruined economic system left over not just by the USSR but compounded by war and quake. Landlocked with crazy people all around. With all this and a short 20 year history of modern life. Instead of measuring what has already been measured you are holding us to some mythical standard of power that is just establishing itself. You will see, but not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow what an Armenian is capable of. Under these existing conditions it is a miracle we are still alive. Artsakh the battle that was never supposed to be won, was won, with muskets and 4 Armo's. You will see the day after tomorrow more of her potential, for now you are being premature.

                  It will take a longtime because the longer it takes, the more money the criminals can make. I can't see any other reason for this unneeded railway to Iran other than lining the pockets of the corrupt.

                  Or maybe it is a masterful Azeri plan to bankrupt Armenia ... first give lots of money (which Azerbaijan has plenty of) to Georgia to build their own unneeded railway to Kars ... then con Armenia into thinking this stupid Tibilisi-Kars railway is of strategic importance and so requires an equivalent strategic response by Armenia in the form of building their own unneeded new railway.
                  You give the baboon too much credit for something that China, Russia and Iran are backing. I don't think you understand what this means, nor have you studied how China plays. This is the beginning of the new silk road, and this is a game changer. These are the facts on the ground, but again we will elect to ignore this for a mythical Armenians who are up to no good far too much credit on either end of the spectrum. One section of this railroad has already been extended, no one cares about the money made making the railroad everyone has their eyes on the prize, the goods that will flow freely on the new Silk Road. The last time the silk road was in play the Mongols and toorks managed to destroy this historic land bridge amongst nations. The Dragon has awakened, time to understand these facts, and the Dragon has not forgotten her old Friends! She fully realizes that the Armenia was an integral part of the silk road and has great value. Unlike your Western brothers, too busy with Orange this and spring that revolution to ever keep their eye on something constructive.
                  Last edited by Vahram; 02-19-2013, 08:04 PM.


                  • Re: Elections in Armenia

                    So Serjik goes for second term. I watch peopl's comments online and a funny thing. Whoever voted for opposition is adamant that election was a froud. But in that, those people are just about third of interviewed. About 2/3 is saying that they expected Serj to win. Sort of in line with election result ratios ha?
                    A few days ago there were some clips of "reports" of vote byings. But those were rather like UFO reporting. Cameras showing empty streets and some people informing about seing withnesses. But no actual evidence.
                    Am I missing something here?
                    Are we growing up yet?


                    • Re: Elections in Armenia

                      A few days ago there were some clips of "reports" of vote byings. But those were rather like UFO reporting. Cameras showing empty streets and some people informing about seing withnesses. But no actual evidence.
                      Am I missing something here?
                      Some here will use anything, even a UFO to bad mouth Armenia, it's just a habit of theirs. They think with all the Orange and meatball revolutions that by talking Sh!t they are going to get a cheap victory and put a Western clown in place. Not going to happen, but some here are willing to go the distance, the best thing is that we have a new president and they did not get what they wanted..LOL

                      Are we growing up yet?
                      Nope never! The minute they say you are grown up they will be defeated. So they will try again, as if they are not blue in the face! Give Armenia another 10 years, and watch them turn from blue, to purple to orange, finally a real color revolution...ROTFLMAO

