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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Elections in Armenia

    More aholes trying to start a fire where there is none.


    17:01, March 13, 2013

    "Dear Mr. President,

    I would like to express my concern about your congratulatory message
    to Serzh Sargsyan, the acting President of the Republic of Armenia,
    on his re-election. Your message came 12 days after the Presidential
    Election, which was marred with considerable election fraud. What I
    would like to ask you is: what changed between February 18 and March 2,
    to convince you that the official election results are reliable?

    Your note of congratulation came amid numerous reports on election
    fraud, including ballot stuffing, voter bribing, voting on behalf
    of emigres and deceased individuals, and multiple voting. The
    public outcry over these falsified official election results has
    escalated, with massive rallies held throughout Armenia and in
    other Armenian communities all around the world. Receipt of your
    congratulatory note also coincided with the day that OSCE/ODIHR
    revised its initial, generally positive assessment of the election,
    acknowledging the sensibility of public distrust in the official
    election results, and indicating facts that amount to election
    tampering. (For more details on the February 18, 2013 election
    fraud, please visit, and

    I have always had respect for your adherence to democratic values and
    rule of law. However, I believe that your congratulatory message to
    Serzh Sargsyan on March 2, 2013, was a disappointing departure from
    your core principles.

    Congratulations from such significant world powers as the United States
    simply legitimize election fraud and are being used by Serzh Sargsyan
    and the ruling elite to cement the travesty of their re-election
    as acceptable.

    On March 4, 2013, U.S.-born Raffi Hovannisian, the presidential
    runner-up according to the official election results, filed a petition
    with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, seeking to
    annul the official results of the February 18 presidential election
    and certify Raffi Hovannisian as President-elect.

    He declared a hunger strike on March 10, 2013, until either the
    Constitutional Court admits that the official election results were
    skewed in favor of Serzh Sargsyan or the latter admits to election
    fraud and steps down. Raffi Hovannisian has also declared he would
    concede to a runoff to confirm the validity of the outcome.

    Lack of response or refusal to withdraw your congratulations will
    result in my declaration of a hunger strike. I would humbly ask that
    you respect the vote and the will of the Armenian people and the
    independence of our Constitutional Court by retracting your untimely
    congratulations until the Armenian citizens themselves resolve the
    current political crisis.

    Most respectfully yours, Ara K. Manoogian
    ( )
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Elections in Armenia

      This is do these cry babies even qualify and get so much support is beyond me but hey, I don't live in Armenia so not my place to criticize to say.
      B0zkurt Hunter


      • Re: Elections in Armenia

        Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
        This is do these cry babies even qualify and get so much support is beyond me but hey, I don't live in Armenia so not my place to criticize to say.
        You are the shameful one. Armenia is in too xxxxed-up a state for you to want to live there - yet you seem to think you have the right to stop those who are socially aware and are sticking it out in order to try and better their country and fight against the forces that are destroying it. You sound like the sort of diaspora Armenian who is only interested in the amount of community dinners they can attend, in the knowledge that (if they attend enough of them, and grease the right palms with the right sort of donations, and don't rock the boat) eventually they too will have a dinner in their honour (and maybe even a shiney medal with their name on it).
        Plenipotentiary meow!


        • Re: Elections in Armenia

          Yeh ok Bell like Obama is gona take care of things in Armenia... There is nothing wrong with criticizing your government but this guy is doing a lot more then that. Armenia has enough foreign powers interfering with her as it is and the last thing we need is more foreign intervention. Nevermind the blockade, the threat of war, the world economic crisis.. lets just blame Serj for everything. I don't like the oligarch system either but i have about as much power to change that system as Serj does.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Elections in Armenia

            Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
            You are the shameful one. Armenia is in too xxxxed-up a state for you to want to live there - yet you seem to think you have the right to stop those who are socially aware and are sticking it out in order to try and better their country and fight against the forces that are destroying it. You sound like the sort of diaspora Armenian who is only interested in the amount of community dinners they can attend, in the knowledge that (if they attend enough of them, and grease the right palms with the right sort of donations, and don't rock the boat) eventually they too will have a dinner in their honour (and maybe even a shiney medal with their name on it).
            Not that I'm a big fan of bell
            But really that is a great point to raise
            If people in Armenia shouldn't be protesting, if everything in Armenia is so well, why don't all the people on this forum who criticize these people move to Armenia yourself? Is it not just a little bit hypocritical to tell people that they are not allowed to complain about their living standards, standards that you chose not to live in? Honestly, what is stopping all of you from moving to Armenia

            And don't tell me "why don't you move yourself", because I'm not the one deciding what the people in Armenia are allowed, and furthermore, I have a timetable of moving within three years
            Last edited by Mher; 03-15-2013, 10:33 AM.


            • Re: Elections in Armenia

              Not that I'm a big fan of bell
              But really that is a great point to raise
              What point did he raise that you have not been screaming over and over again in every post of yours? Not a fan ha? Bull! So long as we can knock Armenia down holding the hand of the Odar! it's all good!

              If people in Armenia shouldn't be protesting
              How many are protesting 2? You don't like this number so you keep harping your point. It is the people of Armenia that had the vote, it is the people of Armenia that chose Serj, its only people like you who are constantly pushing your agenda, and now you want to twist it around and put it on someone else lap? Fat chance, you chose your footwear nice flip flops you are wearing enjoy the hypocritical bull no one is believing it besides the liberals who are in denial. Keep walking in LA with your slippers and smoking pot all day, just once in a while pop your head out and take a look around for a change!

              if everything in Armenia is so well, why don't all the people on this forum who criticize these people move to Armenia yourself?
              Again the liberal twist on reality! It is people like you who are unable to accept the Armenian peoples voice! It is flip flop wearing, pot smoking guys like you who support a Western poppet. Meanwhile our blockaded countrymen who are shot at by the baboons at will voted for what they believe is the best guy for them. Keep smokin! It is you who does not like the outcome of the vote!

              Keep smokin!

              Is it not just a little bit hypocritical to tell people that they are not allowed to complain about their living standards
              What people? The ones wearing sandals smoking pot?...LOL

              And don't tell me "why don't you move yourself", because I'm not the one deciding what the people in Armenia are allowed, and furthermore, I have a timetable of moving within three years
              Oh ok, so you don't live there nor does anyone else here complaining! You all are 9,000 miles away with your flip flops smoking pot talking sh!t against all reason. So answer this question what are all these Liberals not in Armenia talking so much sh!t for? Why are all the guys on this forum that complain about Armenian not in Armenia? Whats the matter too busy rolling bones?...LOL

              Last edited by Vahram; 03-15-2013, 02:00 PM.


              • Re: Elections in Armenia

                Originally posted by Vahram View Post
                What point did he raise that you have not been screaming over and over again in every post of yours? Not a fan ha? Bull! So long as we can knock Armenia down holding the hand of the Odar! it's all good!

                How many are protesting 2? You don't like this number so you keep harping your point. It is the people of Armenia that had the vote, it is the people of Armenia that chose Serj, its only people like you who are constantly pushing your agenda, and now you want to twist it around and put it on someone else lap? Fat chance, you chose your footwear nice flip flops you are wearing enjoy the hypocritical bull no one is believing it besides the liberals who are in denial. Keep walking in LA with your slippers and smoking pot all day, just once in a while pop your head out and take a look around for a change!

                Again the liberal twist on reality! It is people like you who are unable to accept the Armenian peoples voice! It is flip flop wearing, pot smoking guys like you who support a Western poppet. Meanwhile our blockaded countrymen who are shot at by the baboons at will voted for what they believe is the best guy for them. Keep smokin! It is you who does not like the outcome of the vote!

                Keep smokin!

                What people? The ones wearing sandals smoking pot?...LOL

                Oh ok, so you don't live there nor does anyone else here complaining! You all are 9,000 miles away with your flip flops smoking pot talking sh!t against all reason. So answer this question what are all these Liberals not in Armenia talking so much sh!t for? Why are all the guys on this forum that complain about Armenian not in Armenia? Whats the matter too busy rolling bones?...LOL

                Despite how much I lower the bar, the level of intelligence in your posts always manages to miss it.


                • Re: Elections in Armenia

                  Despite how much I lower the bar, the level of intelligence in your posts always manages to miss it.
                  That's because you are smoking too much Sh!t and can't handle reality! Hence that is why you keep smokin sh!t!

                  You could not answer anything back, so you faked another liberal truth dodger that you are and come up with a one liner to cover your loss! Don't think it is not obvious to all! However given all that I just said, I do give you credit for having a heart Mher you simply are misguided in your views. Otherwise you would have something more profound to answer back with besides a weak one liner that does not stand up to my "smartness"

                  Don't view this as some kind of victory for my point, please look at this as a defeat for us!

                  Getze Hayastan!
                  Last edited by Vahram; 03-15-2013, 05:24 PM.


                  • Re: Elections in Armenia

                    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
                    You are the shameful one. Armenia is in too xxxxed-up a state for you to want to live there - yet you seem to think you have the right to stop those who are socially aware and are sticking it out in order to try and better their country and fight against the forces that are destroying it. You sound like the sort of diaspora Armenian who is only interested in the amount of community dinners they can attend, in the knowledge that (if they attend enough of them, and grease the right palms with the right sort of donations, and don't rock the boat) eventually they too will have a dinner in their honour (and maybe even a shiney medal with their name on it).
                    At least some of us are honest about our opinions.....I don't live in Armenia so my opinion don't matter, like I said above, search this thread and you see all I have said is that I like Serj as president and never attacked the oppositions, however it is shameful for the loosing party to belittle themselves in such manner time after time. It would be better to accept defeat and try again next time. My reasons for not living in Armenia is none of your fcking business you little prick but I tell you this, it has nothing to do with the conditions in Armenia, but much to do with what you have been through, life's responsibility to your family....don't expect you to understand, someone who has not seen or experienced suffering, death, immigration, emotional devastation of loved ones and friends, then to make something out of nothing, no...nothing like the life of a confy spoiled puzzy cat fed like lion.
                    B0zkurt Hunter


                    • Re: Elections in Armenia

                      At least some of us are honest about our opinions.....I don't live in Armenia so my opinion don't matter,
                      You are talking to a proto Joo Englishmen who does not live in Armenia!

                      Your opinion vs his is like Gold vs. Cat Litter! And his words/deeds are more revealing then any condemnation from me!

                      You are the shameful one.
                      Just look at the words of the shameless!

                      To give credit to this as Cat Litter is being kind!
                      Last edited by Vahram; 03-15-2013, 09:03 PM.

