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Tolerance in Armenia

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  • #11
    Re: Tolerance in Armenia

    Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
    Quoted for truth.

    Although I will say that I hate homosexuals from NAMBLA.
    That's not really homosexuality though, more like pedophilia.


    • #12
      Re: Tolerance in Armenia

      But they are homosexuals.

      Anyway, the focus of this thread is tolerance in Armenia. With that said, I don't think blind tolerance is preferred as that is just as bad as blind hate.

      However, society has a vested interest in proscribing certain behaviors that are socially deviant, such as homosexuality.

      However, there are places in the world that are far more horrific places to be if one is a homosexual, so harping on Armenia isn't warranted when compared to places like, say, Iran.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #13
        Re: Tolerance in Armenia

        ye it shouldnt be accepted but we're not muslims; we don't kill people just because they differ from our idea of what's right and wrong, armenians have a more advanced method, it's called bichin'!

        ...those xxxxin gays! :P


        • #14
          Re: Tolerance in Armenia

          Well, I hope gays get the message that Armenia is intolerant for gays, so they can take their carnivals and festivals or orgy parties to somewhere else. Maybe to Misha’s country? I’m sure they are welcomed there.


          • #15
            Re: Tolerance in Armenia

            Originally posted by Dice View Post

            ...and more armenian women are going with black american guys. (pissing on the old cultural values imported from armenia by the armenian comunity) I think White guys like Americans, Russians or British etc are generally accepted in Armenia for marriages.

            As for the gay thing...yep that is messed up anyway so it's good that people still look down on that sick xxxx in Armenia because thats what xxxxs up society - the natural man and women roles become reversed and women suddenly have all the power and there's no values anymore. I don't think that's happening in Armenia anytime soon.
            Well if they raise the kids armenian what does it matter if thier half black? a majority of diasopra armenians don't even speak armenian or know armenian history. Also why do people make less of a deal if an armenian guy marries outside the race?

            As for the gay thing, i don't really count myself as a christian so it doesn't matter to me, even if i was i don't see how you could call it a sin, since every other grave sin from the o.t. has basically been thrown out. but how can you say it messes up society? i get that, that nambla thing is evil, but their are straight pedophile too. And how does homosexuality give women power? just cause a guy likes to get it on w/ another guy doesn't mean he's gonna let a woman boss him around (i.e. evilly ambitious gay men in the corporate world).

            And also i don't believe women should completely overpower men, but it sounds like you'd have a problem if the C.E.O of a company you worked at for example was female even. I don't see whats wrong with having women = to men.

            Anyways there's my rebuttal/rant thing


            • #16
              Re: Tolerance in Armenia

              tell me this, why is the actual manifestation of homosexuality unheard of in tibet? Why is it so remote and distant from their world that they come up with a myth like "If you eat pork, you are a homosexual" because obviously they had to go for a stretch in order to pin the property of homosexuality on something that actually exists in their world?

              Perhaps it has something to do with their polyandrous traditions? hmmm?

              Very very exotic and distant from any marital systems we are used to... But it seems like second nature in that part of the world. So Aray, doesn't this kind of suggest that people from different regions, with different traditions, use their own biases, whether derived from spiritual practice or from a series of informal laws, are free to make their own suppositions on what is right and wrong in their society?

              But hey, maybe I'm wrong about all this, so why don't we go b itch about gay rights in Tibet, they seem mighty intolerant there! So intolerant that gayness by our standards can't even manifest itself amongst the locals there!


              • #17
                Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                so do we have a half-black, gay, feminist man here? if so...your life is a mess buddy, and if so seriously you are the representation of all sacred morals/values/traditions turned on their head and shat on.

                How does homosexuality in men give women power? By feminising the men and masculinising the women.

                IT'S PACIFYING GUYS INTO WEAK LITTLE xxxxxES AND GUYS THINK THIS IS THE WAY TO BE. Where are the true alpha-males these days, they are defintely a minority in the USA(only criminals, bodybuilders, n people who see the matrix), most men in the USA are little cowards who have no balls and are SCARED yea thats right scared to be men and express themselves like men because it's becoming the social norm for women to have more say in their lives...NOW THE WOMEN ARE THE CHOOSERS IN THE USA(and because of this they are also the choosers in absoultely everything in their lives). The women choose the men...the men don't choose the women...they drool over them and hope to get some xxxxx by becoming their friend...or become gay and get some action straight away lol. It's a female run society..on the whole they got more power unless you man up and fulfill your role as a man.

                In Armenia the men are still the choosers and the women know their place.

                It is 100% fact that homosexuality is messing up the man/women roles in society. so lets make sure it doesn't spread in Armenia.


                • #18
                  Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                  Originally posted by Dice View Post
                  so do we have a half-black, gay, feminist man here? if so...your life is a mess buddy, and if so seriously you are the representation of all sacred morals/values/traditions turned on their head and shat on.

                  How does homosexuality in men give women power? By feminising the men and masculinising the women.

                  It's a female run society..on the whole they got more power unless you man up and fulfill your role as a man.

                  In Armenia the men are still the choosers and the women know their place.

                  It is 100% fact that homosexuality is messing up the man/women roles in society. so lets make sure it doesn't spread in Armenia.
                  1. Where do you get your sacred morals from?

                  2.If you were a true alpha male you wouldn't be worried about competing against women.

                  3. While yes i admit there are effeminate gay men and butch lesbians that would authenticate you remark on role reversal, there's plenty of Gay men that are more masculine than many straight men, all those pro sports players across the globe that come out after retiring and plenty of girly lipstick lesbians to also disprove it

                  4. If you do choose to get married one day, find a girl from some small town in the Armenia or the middle east, because is sounds likes all you want in a woman is someone to wait on you hand and foot and have dinner ready when you come home and be a doormat to you.

                  F.Y.I. if names have anything to do with personality you should marry a girl named hinezant


                  • #19
                    Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                    interraccial marriage in armenia? you got to be kidding me? Just thinking of an interracial marriage between an armenian makes me sick. Armenians should remain pure and marry other armenians, that is a must!! How would you like to raise a child with armenian values and have it go marry another race or nationality. Look at US its like a soup of every race and nationality mixed into one. Its mixed enough that people with armenian last names might not even know they are armenian or not have any knowledge of the language or not be armenian orthodox. Homosexuality in Armenia? I wont even go there...
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • #20
                      Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                      Okay, let's settle down folks. This subject simmers our passions but let's keep in mind we want to stay cordial and less emotional because that's the road that leads to insults and insults lead to thread derailments and that leads me to give warnings and so on and so forth.
                      Achkerov kute.

