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Tolerance in Armenia

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  • #51
    Re: Tolerance in Armenia

    Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
    That is untrue.

    In fact, there is no conclusive evidence for either argument. All the evidence suggests that homosexuality is both genetic as well as environmentally influenced (which explains homosexuality in prisons).

    In fact, several years ago there was a study done by a USC sociologist tracking same-sex parents. The obvious motive of the study was of course political, in that it set out to prove that same-sex parenting is absolutely normal. The results, however, indicated that children of same-sex parents were on average far more likely to "experiment" with those of the same sex. Of course, this was played down and swept under the rug like all things.
    True homosexuality either genetic or prenatal. People can be made to do anything under extremely unusual stress, like prison, including but not limited to homosexual behavior. But I would bet that no more than ten percent -- the approximate percentage of homosexuals in a random population -- (but most likely less) of the prisoners would continue to desire homosexual contact after leaving prison, and that is because they are not homosexuals.

    If one has the ability to view a person of the same gender in a sexual manner under more or less normal circumstances that person has a genetic or prenatally developed component in their make-up that allows for it. There doesn't need to be scientific data to support it because it cannot be any other way. A heterosexual does not choose to be heterosexual and cannot choose to be homosexual. If someone desires homosexual activity they necessarily have that predisposition. Nobody chooses desires and it would take unusual stress to divert a person's natural desires.

    I don't see how experimentation plays a roll in the topic. Seems rather meaningless to me. Especially since there isn't a study that can show what the natural rate of experimentation would be among humans free of anti-gay societal pressures.

    Brain scans have provided the most compelling evidence yet that being gay or straight is a biologically fixed trait

    Uncovered Kinsey Report data show homosexual members have hetero ones by a head.

    Just a quick search.
    Last edited by Stark Evade; 08-24-2008, 05:22 PM.


    • #52
      Re: Tolerance in Armenia

      Originally posted by ara87 View Post
      So I've read some articles that on things like interracial marriage, and homosexuality, that say while Armenia isn't back in the dark ages, that we are some what intolerant, and that many Armenians would disapprove of an interracial marriage especially when the "odar" is black, and when it is an Armenian woman marrying outside the race, and that while homosexuality is decriminalized, it's majorly frowned upon so much that on the news or some TV program they said "unfortunately the # of homosexuals are rising." For a people who were victims of persecution through ignorance and intolerance, we sure seem to be ignorant and intolerant
      I think our first priority should be to marry another Armenian decent person. If someone of another race makes you happy go ahead.

      I heard this one weird thing that happened in my friends school(Glendale High School). This Armenian girl got caught giving a blow job to a black dude. The bad part is.. her dad was the first person to spot her. Lol

      And about the gay's, I wanna know why you guy's hate them. I have no problem with gay people, unless they try to touch me or stuff like that.


      • #53
        Re: Tolerance in Armenia

        I dont hate gays, just there lifestyle
        Why did God make men & women?
        Positive vibes, positive taught


        • #54
          Re: Tolerance in Armenia

          Originally posted by PepsiAddict View Post
          Why did God make men & women?


          • #55
            Re: Tolerance in Armenia

            man+women=new life

            man + man
            women + women
            = Extinction


            • #56
              Re: Tolerance in Armenia

              Originally posted by Dice View Post
              man+women=new life

              man + man
              women + women
              = Extinction

              Homosexuality occurs at a fixed percentage rate. It doesn't spread. So these cute, meaningless little equations can be disregarded. (Actually they can be disregarded simply for their origin; one needs nothing else, really.) Stupidity on the other hand can have grave consequences.


              • #57
                Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                And all the neo-liberals came out of the woodwork to spread their multi culturalist crap. Please do all of us a favor and stop calling yourselves "Armenian", and please don't ever go to Armenia because you will be in for a very rude awakening when natives hear what comes out of your pie holes.

                Race mixing, homosexuality is all genetic (nothing wrong with it), atheism. Wow, so this is what happens to a sizable chunk of 2nd-3rd generation Armenian-Americans, or the many boshas claiming to be Armenian in LA.
                For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                • #58
                  Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                  Originally posted by Dice View Post
                  man+women=new life

                  man + man
                  women + women
                  = Extinction
                  barren man/woman+non barren man/woman= no new life


                  Man+Woman both non barren but just don't want kids?

                  anyways what if homosexuality is God or evolutions way to stop the world from over populating? I know he said be fruitful and multiply, but i don't think he meant to engulf the world, were approaching 7 billion only .4 billion away, i don't think we need to worry about extinction, human population used to be much, much lower and we were fine then too
                  Last edited by ara87; 08-27-2008, 06:26 PM.


                  • #59
                    Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                    why did God allow man to invent condoms? The view that God is the master of our lives and was literal about his intentions for humans in the Bible just doesn't hold.


                    • #60
                      Re: Tolerance in Armenia

                      Hate to bump this up, but the entire idea of tolerances is vile at best right now. In 50-100 years things will change adversely. All this liberal bashing is really funny considering none of the Armenians I've met are actually conservative. Libertarians at best. There are liberals who hate other races or people of different sexual orientation. There are religious people who don't mind gay people. The fine lines between everything have been blurred to the point where they've become indistinguishable to all.

                      Edit: Damn, I'm so sorry for bumping this thread. I only just saw this:

                      Last edited by Dingo; 03-01-2009, 05:03 PM.

