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Are Armenians white????

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  • Re: Are Armenians white????

    Oh, of course, Georgians, Azeris, Turks are all super white, but Armenians on the other hand, well they are black with a shade of brown. Does this satisfy everybody? Can we move on?
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • Re: Are Armenians white????

      Originally posted by Mos View Post
      Oh, of course, Georgians, Azeris, Turks are all super white, but Armenians on the other hand, well they are black with a shade of brown. Does this satisfy everybody? Can we move on?
      Yes! This taboo of not being white has been a fetish of ours for too long.


      • Re: Are Armenians white????

        Originally posted by Nare View Post
        As to Azeri propaganda, 20 years we didn't pay attention to their propaganda until they opened their fake" Khojalu genocide" museums in other countries and now we are on the brink of another war...
        It is not fake.....we xxxxed them up, however they have blown it out proportion and there were very few citizens who became victims. It was not Genocide, if anything some soldiers committed war crimes.

        War is hell
        B0zkurt Hunter


        • Re: Are Armenians white????

          Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
          Read the last page on this thread:

          You sir, joined this forum and have not discussed our history or culture whatsoever. You jumped the gun and are obsessed with genetics, and in a fashion that interprets parents having reproductive sex into some kind of black and white fantasy, where the white side is glorious.

          In Biology, there is no such thing as Europe, or state defined borders for that matter.

          Armenians prior to Islamic occupation were also quite prolific as a melting pot, assimilating subjugated non-Armenians living in lands that would some day become known as part and parcel of Armenia, but not until our church and our kings decreed them to be as such. And since most of this haplogroup business is encoded in us from migration periods from the pre-historic era, and not during the era where we started dancing around saying "We are Armenians, distinct from Assyrians and Iranians!", we quite naturally have similar genetics to people who come from those regions.

          Where this similarity of genetics ends between us and neighbouring peoples has less to do with "being white", whatever that means, and more to do with more recent major human migrations that did not affect Armenians as a whole in ways that might've affected our neighbours. And even still, within the Armenian population, there can be dramatic differences between genetic profiles, Syunik and Karabagh Armenians being quite distinct from your average Western Armo Joe (or rather, Hovsep) due to the relative infrequency of travel through those mountainous regions.

          I want to hammer this concept into your head, most of the land we call Armenia is situated at a major historic crossroads, and consequently experienced A LOT of warfare and trade on its lands. Merchants, soldiers and warlords from every era since such professions existed have all walked on our lands, and wherever they were stationed, the local population naturally interacted with them. We can't pinpoint the extent they did in every case, but what we do know is that for most Armenians, their genetics are not all that different from Anatolian or Azeri Turks, suggesting that this whole stock of people have pretty much been mixed already long before the world heard of the identities and flags we today cling to.

          Again, you chiefly identify "culture" with blood, appearance. You've been hanging around SFers too long, they too likely have no idea what their ethnic culture is, other than something to flaunt on an internet forum amongst a community that will cheer them on, or that they must do "e-battle" against in order to "prove their whiteness", or in the case of people who have no trouble doing so (like Scots and Germans, and unlike Armenians and Turks), to prove that their "race" (which is merely the result of men and women from localized communities having sex together and then a king conquering all these communities and giving it a name like "Romania", "Armenia", "England", etc...) is just kickass anyway.

          Really how did you end up calling "Nare" a "Sir? lol

          I didn't know there were special rules on this forum suggesting first I have to discuss history and culture and only then clarify with proofs genetic issues...

          I did mention that we have hosted many persecuted Christians from neighbouring areas which changes our genetics...for example we have assimilated Talysh,Udis but not to extent to loose ours, genetics researches prove our main blood is European R which migrated from our area to Europe. That is another proof Europe started in Armenian Highland...I guess that doesn't matter to you either. You can't prove your history if you take it separate from your genes.

          Assimilated minorities bring in their culture, it is absolutely natural process but it is killing ours. And if we pretend it is ours we will all end up with painted faces like Arabs or squating in every corner.

          Diaspora in majority is much whiter than Armenia proper which shows that diaspora is mostly minority free. Notice it was Diaspora mostly on receiving end, also another very important point is Diaspora has always been completely crime free unlike Armenia.

          Once again, while there are non whites among Armenians ( who are genetically not Armenians) the majority is white. And it is as important and integral part of Armenianess as our history and culture.

          For example this is France community, by the logic of mixing they should be Turk/Arab,etc looking people since they are from Western Armenia but most suspicious looking people are actually from Armenia proper where last centuries by the same logic we should have been mixed with Russians...

          Ethiopian Armenian community which by the same mixing logic should look like Turkish and black...

          Last edited by Nare; 01-31-2011, 05:04 PM.


          • Re: Are Armenians white????

            Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
            It is not fake.....we xxxxed them up, however they have blown it out proportion and there were very few citizens who became victims. It was not Genocide, if anything some soldiers committed war crimes.

            War is hell

            Which again brings us to the proof that "Khojalu genocide" is fake...

            But if some soldiers committed war crimes how Azeris ended up with the pictures of the victims? Why is their photographer killed?


            • Re: Are Armenians white????

              Originally posted by Nare View Post
              Which again brings us to the proof that "Khojalu genocide" is fake...

              But if some soldiers committed war crimes how Azeris ended up with the pictures of the victims? Why is their photographer killed?
              Because Azeris are a bunch of cry babies.....the photobrapher was killed because he found out (on his second visit) that the State ordered the mutilation of their own civilian dead bodies to make us look bad and gain more support as they were loosing, he was going to report it.

              That happened a day after the same photographer had already been to the same area and seen the same victims. Armenian forces were no where near the area at that point which is well known.
              B0zkurt Hunter


              • Re: Are Armenians white????

                Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                Because Azeris are a bunch of cry babies.....the photobrapher was killed because he found out (on his second visit) that the State ordered the mutilation of their own civilian dead bodies to make us look bad and gain more support as they were loosing, he was going to report it.

                That happened a day after the same photographer had already been to the same area and seen the same victims. Armenian forces were no where near the area at that point which is well known.
                Well, that's exactly what I am trying to say, if some of our soldiers killed some victims on the pictures Azeri photographer could not have been able to take any pic. ,neither they could have taken any video...

                I know victims were killed not in Khojalu but near Aghdam which was fully controlled by Azeris by the time...

                Btw, there is a video on YT taken the same year where some of civilians who survived tell that Azeris evacuated Azeris from Khojalu but left them and they were I think he said Talysh, one of indigenos people of so called Azerbaijan...

                Armenians gave them free corridor ...


                • Re: Are Armenians white????

                  Originally posted by Nare View Post
                  And no need to pretend we as Armenians are above all these discussions. We are under huge anti-Armenian propaganda which denies our history, our culture, our genetics. denying genetics is a part of the same propaganda. Why do you think Georgian and Azeri propaganda machine claims we are not natives to the land ( but from India lol)? Because if we are not natives then we are denied the rights on our Artsakh and our Javakhk...
                  Wait do you mean we are not from India?

                  Welcome to the forum Nare should check out Federate's thread "Armenia and the information War" then you really be pissed (excuse the French).
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • Re: Are Armenians white????

                    Why do I get the feeling that you are not full Armenian, that is good you fight for the Armenian cause, but if you come here to deny Armenian genetics you can leave, because we aren't here to exclude those who don't fit the majority, we are simply trying to clarify that Armenians are genetically of the same stock of (European/White/Aryan/Indo-European) Whatever you want to call it. What did you think your semitic or something? I mean our history only says we are descendants of Japheth, we have claimed that forever, and you are fighting this enlightenment? This is a serious issue, and from your response I can tell that you think that it has made a difference so instead of creating internal conflict we should unify to help each other. No one cares that your grandmother was Assyrian, we aren't here to point that out. Were here for the majority, Armenia is not a place where we are liberal and minorities have more rights and opress the majority, no we are not and I refuse to accept that ideology, and your are indirectly inferring that through your argument. Call us biased, call us racists, call us what you want, but let me tell you something, Genetics and Culture are directly interlinked through language and environment. Now use your Armenian brain to draw some conclusions so I don't have to keep writing extensive posts about this topic.
                    Last edited by bakothegreat; 01-31-2011, 06:21 PM.


                    • Re: Are Armenians white????

                      Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                      Wait do you mean we are not from India?

                      Welcome to the forum Nare should check out Federate's thread "Armenia and the information War" then you really be pissed (excuse the French).
                      Armenians did not migrate into the Armenian Highlands from India as Georgian and Azeri propoganda would have you believe. We are native to the land and settled their first, after the flood, or whatever you believe regardless were native to the land.

