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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    You can call it whatever you like mr armanen-i dont realy care. The fact is that those kids that were born to a armenian and a black parent are half armenian but the biggots will most likely alienate them to the point of them wanting nothing to do with us. There is plenty of examples in the forums here where armenians refuse to accept their own people based on religion to. Remember the article about the hemshi armenians and the discussion of relocating them to Armenia? Well there were posters here who refused to welcome these people because their ancestors were forced to convert to islam. If this is not enough evidence of how religion creates artificial devides for you then perhaps you should look at historical facts like the fact that the adoptation of christyanity by the armenian people has been accompanied by the decline of the destruction of the armenian kingdoms and the armenian state. The task of finding exemples of bigotry in these forums and among our people is unfortunately far too easy. I do agree that attracting diasporans to come to the homeland is one of the important things Armenia needs to do but its hands are pretty tied concerning this matter because of the difficult economic situation the country is in. Armenia is a dependent state that has very little actual power so diasporans are not going to be flocking there anytime soon. So where does this leave our little country if the biggots have their way? Well lets see now-people in armenia are leaving, diasporans are not gona fall for the return to homeland bit again since they got screwd the last time this happened, biggots are not going to welcome any immegrants... . Well you do not need a genius to see that this leads to a state that lacks people who will defend it and make it function. The writing is on the wall but biggotry prevents you from seeing it. Biggotry also prevents people from seeng the solutions to the problem to. Even if Armenia had a stable economy most diasporans would hardly be on the next flight to hayastan because they feel just fine where they are. There is a great rift between most diasporans and armenia and its natives. This rift is why i have been promoting the frequent visitation by young diasporans to Armenia. Unlesss we turn emigration into immigration our state is doomed along with our culture. The diasporans can try to maintain a facade of being armenian for a while but without a homeland it will be a meanigless excersize hell bent on preserving instead of naturaly evolving. Armenian culture evolved into what it is today it was not some kind of a preset condition. Focusing on preservation ommits this important evolutionary part which makes culture great. Diversity is hardly a threat to Armenia which is one of the most homogenous countries on earth but biggotry is a mortal enemy which prevents real problems from being acknowledged let alone solved.
    The issue here is preventing such kids from being born - preventing such interracial marriages to occur in the first place in our country because we definitely don't need blacks in Armenia. As I said before, once the seeds have been put in, you will only have growth after that unless it is stopped. For example, there have been an increasing amount of Iranian-Armenian marriages, where the Armenian woman converted to Islam, and the children grew up as Muslims. We simply do not need such demographic trends in our country and this disgusting trend simply needs to be stopped.

    Next, you are wrong on the emigration/immigration. It's not the early 90s any-more, Armenia's emigration rate has been steadily decreasing and thankfully the demographics are becoming more normal. That being said, our demographics are still fragile, but we are not in a desperate situation, and there's no need to throw off this demographics with allow such people to live and breed in our country? Would it be all right if one day you woke up and saw in Armenia half black people walking, mosques scattered all over the capital, and Armenian women wearing Hijabs? Well that is the state that Europe is in, and it's becoming late to rescue Western Europe from this multicultural hell-hole. It's a shame because they once had a strong, reputable Christian national character.

    We have to solely emphasise Armenian immigration to Armenia - and we have to work to solidify our national character. In my view, we need to be more like Israel when it comes to our diaspora, meaning we should make it very easy for patriotic Armenians to immigrate to Armenia, and not have to have them go through bureaucratic loops in order to achieve it. We should in turn invest in economic projects to create more jobs and bring back some of our migrants in Russia.
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
      You can call it whatever you like mr armanen-i dont realy care. The fact is that those kids that were born to a armenian and a black parent are half armenian but the biggots will most likely alienate them to the point of them wanting nothing to do with us. There is plenty of examples in the forums here where armenians refuse to accept their own people based on religion to. Remember the article about the hemshi armenians and the discussion of relocating them to Armenia? Well there were posters here who refused to welcome these people because their ancestors were forced to convert to islam. If this is not enough evidence of how religion creates artificial devides for you then perhaps you should look at historical facts like the fact that the adoptation of christyanity by the armenian people has been accompanied by the decline of the destruction of the armenian kingdoms and the armenian state. The task of finding exemples of bigotry in these forums and among our people is unfortunately far too easy. I do agree that attracting diasporans to come to the homeland is one of the important things Armenia needs to do but its hands are pretty tied concerning this matter because of the difficult economic situation the country is in. Armenia is a dependent state that has very little actual power so diasporans are not going to be flocking there anytime soon. So where does this leave our little country if the biggots have their way? Well lets see now-people in armenia are leaving, diasporans are not gona fall for the return to homeland bit again since they got screwd the last time this happened, biggots are not going to welcome any immegrants... . Well you do not need a genius to see that this leads to a state that lacks people who will defend it and make it function. The writing is on the wall but biggotry prevents you from seeing it. Biggotry also prevents people from seeng the solutions to the problem to. Even if Armenia had a stable economy most diasporans would hardly be on the next flight to hayastan because they feel just fine where they are. There is a great rift between most diasporans and armenia and its natives. This rift is why i have been promoting the frequent visitation by young diasporans to Armenia. Unlesss we turn emigration into immigration our state is doomed along with our culture. The diasporans can try to maintain a facade of being armenian for a while but without a homeland it will be a meanigless excersize hell bent on preserving instead of naturaly evolving. Armenian culture evolved into what it is today it was not some kind of a preset condition. Focusing on preservation ommits this important evolutionary part which makes culture great. Diversity is hardly a threat to Armenia which is one of the most homogenous countries on earth but biggotry is a mortal enemy which prevents real problems from being acknowledged let alone solved.
      Nationalism is about homogeneity (cultural and/or ethnic makes little difference). Armenians were Armenian in the Ottoman Empire and they were without a nation. The problem arises when Armenians identify themselves with a particular nation/state rather then their ethnic background. It's nationality that causes racism and division. Racism meaning that you think someone is less human and doesn't deserve to be treated fairly due to their race/ethnicity. America for example is diverse but seeded deeply with racism due to the historical Anglo-Saxon/African divide and of course the slavery. Diversity is great if you're trying to achieve a highly active economy since different cultures will bring different economic interests and needs. The downside to it all is that birds of a feather flock together so naturally people who have similarities will tend to associate themselves with a particular group.

      An Armenian whose one parent was black yet grew up with their Armenian culture intact will feel Armenian regardless of whether or not they look Armenian. In the Middle Eastern areas, children in mixed marriages are usually exposed to both cultures since both parents are actively involved with raising their children. Mixed marriages in North America tend to result in a culturally confused offspring due to the forces of assimilation that are problematic in addition to the different cultural backgrounds of the parents. The parents themselves are also vulnerable to assimilation which makes the individual even more lost.
      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


      • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        An Armenian whose one parent was black yet grew up with their Armenian culture intact will feel Armenian regardless of whether or not they look Armenian
        Please give any example of this actually happening.
        In the Middle Eastern areas, children in mixed marriages are usually exposed to both cultures since both parents are actively involved with raising their children.
        Where did u get this from? Since when are both parents actively involved in raising their children in the middle east?
        The example you give with armenians in the ottoman empire is a poor one because unlike the diasporans today the armenians there were living on their historical lands and in armenians villages, cities and towns thus their culture was active and despite the hardships of foreighn rule the culture was evolving because it was being used on a daily bases vs here in the diaspora where most of us see fellow armenians only when we go to church.
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
          An Armenian whose one parent was black yet grew up with their Armenian culture intact will feel Armenian regardless of whether or not they look Armenian
          Please give any example of this actually happening.
          You want pictures or should I drive him over to your house? lol He's not African American black... more like Egyptian black.

          Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
          Where did u get this from? Since when are both parents actively involved in raising their children in the middle east?
          Since a lot of middle eastern countries were pretty socialist and fathers had more rule over their kids. You have to keep in mind that successful fathers in America usually traveled frequently and weren't around while the middle east was/is more family owned business oriented (non-corporate).
          Last edited by KanadaHye; 06-21-2011, 11:24 AM.
          "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


          • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
            You can call it whatever you like mr armanen-i dont realy care. The fact is that those kids that were born to a armenian and a black parent are half armenian but the biggots will most likely alienate them to the point of them wanting nothing to do with us. There is plenty of examples in the forums here where armenians refuse to accept their own people based on religion to. Remember the article about the hemshi armenians and the discussion of relocating them to Armenia? Well there were posters here who refused to welcome these people because their ancestors were forced to convert to islam. If this is not enough evidence of how religion creates artificial devides for you then perhaps you should look at historical facts like the fact that the adoptation of christyanity by the armenian people has been accompanied by the decline of the destruction of the armenian kingdoms and the armenian state. The task of finding exemples of bigotry in these forums and among our people is unfortunately far too easy. I do agree that attracting diasporans to come to the homeland is one of the important things Armenia needs to do but its hands are pretty tied concerning this matter because of the difficult economic situation the country is in. Armenia is a dependent state that has very little actual power so diasporans are not going to be flocking there anytime soon. So where does this leave our little country if the biggots have their way? Well lets see now-people in armenia are leaving, diasporans are not gona fall for the return to homeland bit again since they got screwd the last time this happened, biggots are not going to welcome any immegrants... . Well you do not need a genius to see that this leads to a state that lacks people who will defend it and make it function. The writing is on the wall but biggotry prevents you from seeing it. Biggotry also prevents people from seeng the solutions to the problem to. Even if Armenia had a stable economy most diasporans would hardly be on the next flight to hayastan because they feel just fine where they are. There is a great rift between most diasporans and armenia and its natives. This rift is why i have been promoting the frequent visitation by young diasporans to Armenia. Unlesss we turn emigration into immigration our state is doomed along with our culture. The diasporans can try to maintain a facade of being armenian for a while but without a homeland it will be a meanigless excersize hell bent on preserving instead of naturaly evolving. Armenian culture evolved into what it is today it was not some kind of a preset condition. Focusing on preservation ommits this important evolutionary part which makes culture great. Diversity is hardly a threat to Armenia which is one of the most homogenous countries on earth but biggotry is a mortal enemy which prevents real problems from being acknowledged let alone solved.

            It is useless talking to someone who is as brainwashed as you when it comes to these issues. Mongoloids and Negroids didn't create Armenian culture and they sure as hell are not going to preserve it. Culture is the most important factor but ethnicity is very important as well, and in fact it is the ethnic group that first gave rise to the culture. Culture just didn't spring from the ground and then an ethnic group clung onto it.

            The Hamshen issue is somewhat complicated because you have to not only help them find a suitable place to live in but you have to consider how 'muslim' they are. From what I know, most Hamshen are not really muslims, and not really Christians. I think it would be feasible to turn them back to Christianity, and I suspect efforts would be made to do so. I don't buy the multi-cultural bs that diversity = strength. Not in the nation-state at least.
            For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
            to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



            • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
              Nationalism is about homogeneity (cultural and/or ethnic makes little difference).
              Depends on what form of nationalism you are talking about. Ethnic nationalism cares about the ethnicity just as much if not more so than the culture. Civic nationalism is the one which promotes the culture only, a good example of this is nationalism in countries that are not a traditionaly mono-ethnic state. So Brazil and US fall into the category of civic nationalism, while countries like Greece and Armenia would fall into ethnic nationalism.
              For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
              to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



              • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                Nowhere does it say that those who created a culture are the only ones who are able to maintain it. If this was true culture would not exist. It is the ability to be passed down generations and introduced to and accepted by new groups of people that grows, spreads and maintains culture. Seeing things for what they are is not being brainwashed it is called being a realist. Finding a place to live for the Hamshens is hardly an issue in a depopulated state plus you have all that empty land in Kharabagh to. Perhaps instead of trying to convert them into chrystianity we should welcome them as they are "our brothers and sisters". As for the black guy Kanada proclaims is fitting in well with armenians i would ask you this, would you or do you know of other armenian families that would be willing to give their daughter to a black armenian? There was a example posted earlier in a article about a black guy who married a armenian and moved to armenia and how his life was being ruined by biggots there. Many here would open their arms if the immigrant was european or russian yet asiatic or black is forbidden hell even iranians are being herassed by posters here. Culture is meant to evolve it is not meant to be preserved like a fossile. Sharing our culture with others will give it the opportunity to grow and evolve. So long as we are racist and closed minded we cannot expect growth but will see nothing but dependence and decay. People who do not accept their own brothers and sisters because they were forced into living a different way a couple of generations ago are not going to be growing and evolving into anything good nor sustainable anytime soon. It is time people took their heads out of their rear quarters and said hello to the person standing next to them. I am not promoting multiculturalism but i am for accaptance of fellow man. If we are to preserve our state we are going to need to be tolorant and welcoming so that our nation will grow.
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                  As for the black guy Kanada proclaims is fitting in well with armenians i would ask you this, would you or do you know of other armenian families that would be willing to give their daughter to a black armenian? There was a example posted earlier in a article about a black guy who married a armenian and moved to armenia and how his life was being ruined by biggots there.
                  Funny you mention this but he's engaged to be married to a germak Armenian girl. If you knew the guy you would see that he is indeed Armenian. It's not the same as an Armenian girl marrying an African American and bringing him into the Armenian community.
                  "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    It's a waste of time trying to show the light to an uber liberal like haykakan. He has been brainwashed to think that culture is something that can just be adopted by anyone and indeed continue to function in a similar way as its creators intended. Wrong!
                    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                      Nowhere does it say that those who created a culture are the only ones who are able to maintain it. If this was true culture would not exist. It is the ability to be passed down generations and introduced to and accepted by new groups of people that grows, spreads and maintains culture. Seeing things for what they are is not being brainwashed it is called being a realist. Finding a place to live for the Hamshens is hardly an issue in a depopulated state plus you have all that empty land in Kharabagh to. Perhaps instead of trying to convert them into chrystianity we should welcome them as they are "our brothers and sisters". As for the black guy Kanada proclaims is fitting in well with armenians i would ask you this, would you or do you know of other armenian families that would be willing to give their daughter to a black armenian? There was a example posted earlier in a article about a black guy who married a armenian and moved to armenia and how his life was being ruined by biggots there. Many here would open their arms if the immigrant was european or russian yet asiatic or black is forbidden hell even iranians are being herassed by posters here. Culture is meant to evolve it is not meant to be preserved like a fossile. Sharing our culture with others will give it the opportunity to grow and evolve. So long as we are racist and closed minded we cannot expect growth but will see nothing but dependence and decay. People who do not accept their own brothers and sisters because they were forced into living a different way a couple of generations ago are not going to be growing and evolving into anything good nor sustainable anytime soon. It is time people took their heads out of their rear quarters and said hello to the person standing next to them. I am not promoting multiculturalism but i am for accaptance of fellow man. If we are to preserve our state we are going to need to be tolorant and welcoming so that our nation will grow.
                      Our culture shouldn't be forced to evolve because of immigrants, esp be forced to evolve backwards as I doubt Africans will help bring in a "cultural renaissance" into Armenia. We can grow, but we don't need to bring our value down to blacks and other religions in order to achieve that. We have to grow as an Armenian nation, using the Armenians of the world to fortify our country and culture. We will destroy our state and national character by letting immigrants, especially from backward places with backward cultures, infiltrate our society. That is not growth that is a death sentence to our country - we should work hard to instead have Armenian immigrants come to Armenia - we need to stay unified.

                      As I've said before, with that in mind, we need to also work to prevent the Western assimilation and thus second "silent" Genocide of Armenians - of course promoted by the deadly ideals of multiculturalism. We need to spread this message, break the taboo, inform people, and prevent, what is termed, the "White Genocide".
                      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."

