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Current Condition of Armenia

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  • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    Somewhere, someone went horribly wrong.
    I don't follow. Do you think it was too high or too low?
    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


    • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

      @ Mos

      Yeah but Forbes is very prestige. And the fact that the neocons are now against Armenia is also very very worrying. This means we stand no chance. Iranians are Muslims and they cant be trusted. Russians also cant be trusted they hate Armenians. Turks are against us thats obvious. Georgians are against us. And now America is against us. Is there hope for our republic? More I read stuff like this more hope I lose.


      • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

        Originally posted by Serjik View Post
        @ Mos

        Yeah but Forbes is very prestige. And the fact that the neocons are now against Armenia is also very very worrying. This means we stand no chance. Iranians are Muslims and they cant be trusted. Russians also cant be trusted they hate Armenians. Turks are against us thats obvious. Georgians are against us. And now America is against us. Is there hope for our republic? More I read stuff like this more hope I lose.
        Neo-cons have always been against Armenians from the start. Neo-cons are in bed with Turkey and Israel, and have thus always worked against Armenia's interests. America itself is not really pro-Armenian, if you ask me, the only reason they are not blatantly anti-Armenian is because of the large Armenian lobby there.

        There isn't a nation out there that we can always trust 100%, but I rather we take the risks. Russia has been a consistent and historical strategic partner with whom we have no choice really but to continue our relations. Iran may be a Muslims country, but the Government of Iran is also very against Azerbaijan, and they have proven to be a reliable partner, especially in economic sphere. There's a lot of potential in those relations. Georgia remains the main transport country for our economy, so we have to keep good relations with them, and balance those relations carefully with our alliance with Russia.
        Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
        "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


        • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

          @ Mos

          Yeah I hear what your saying. But I am still afraid that all of our neighbors are less than friendly. I dont think we can trust a Muslim Iran in the long run they will try to Muslimize us. I dont trust Russians because hate Armenians and they are trying to depopulate Armenia for hundreds of years. Georgians are famous backstabbers. Europeans dont seem to care about us. America does not need us. Turks are Turks. What's left? I think we are too small too poor too weak too disorganized to be able to resist to all this. Also most Armenians dont care about Armenia and unelected criminals are running the country. I sometimes think Armenia will not survive like this.


          • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

            Originally posted by Serjik View Post
            @ Mos

            Yeah I hear what your saying. But I am still afraid that all of our neighbors are less than friendly. I dont think we can trust a Muslim Iran in the long run they will try to Muslimize us. I dont trust Russians because hate Armenians and they are trying to depopulate Armenia for hundreds of years. Georgians are famous backstabbers. Europeans dont seem to care about us. America does not need us. Turks are Turks. What's left? I think we are too small too poor too weak too disorganized to be able to resist to all this. Also most Armenians dont care about Armenia and unelected criminals are running the country. I sometimes think Armenia will not survive like this.
            I guess the best thought you had is ... the other one.


            • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

              Armenia may be doing better than other countries, such as Sierra Leone(SL) for instance, but for example, say SL's economy increases by 15% and Arm's only increases by 2% that means SL's economy is currently doing better for that time period, even if they actually have less money


              • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

                Originally posted by ara87 View Post
                Armenia may be doing better than other countries, such as Sierra Leone(SL) for instance, but for example, say SL's economy increases by 15% and Arm's only increases by 2% that means SL's economy is currently doing better for that time period, even if they actually have less money
                Wrong! That is not even the methodology which the biased Forbes statistical analysts used. If they were to go by your standard than the US and the rest of the OECD would be behind SL as well.
                For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                • Re: Current Condition of Armenia

                  Do any of these economic "experts" take account that Armenia is blockaded on both sides and doesn't have resources such as oil or abundant natural gas, which is pretty much the economy of Azerbaijan.

                  Though admitatly a good portion of the economy is fuelled by the diaspora via investments and remittances. There is also growing IT sector in Armenia, though the work force remains expensive. Economic assessments need to be relative and take into account more than just black and white numbers.
                  Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                  "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by davidoga View Post
                    That is a defeatist attitude, and that kind of complacency is a danger to Armenia. The economy is not good by any stretch of the imagination. Investors are scared sh*tless of putting their money in Armenia because they know it will line the pockets of oligarchs. Are you satisfied with this? I'm assuming that you refer to the "government I want" in contrast to the one you want, which is currently in power. Do you like the fact that people like Gagik Tsarukyan are able to build mega-mansions in the middle of nowhere next to complete poverty. I can honestly tell you that the taxi drive by that place was my worst experience in Armenia.
                    Your attitude is dangerous to the very existence of Armenia. You visited Armenia once or twice saw some things and now you think you KNOW what is best? Who the heck are you to decide what it needs and does not need. Have you done business there? Stop parroting what you hear others saying. For all the bad experiences you may have heard of I can find countless others that show the exact opposite. And unlike you, I have family and friends in Armenia who are doing business with more or less the same issues they would face in the US.

                    As for Tsarukyan, the people of Abovyan like him a lot because he takes good care of them and their city. In a sense this is similar to the Middle Ages when Armenian nakharars ruled over regions. And while I dislike that set up, I am not going to call for a revolution, especially since revolutions never make the problems better, they make it worse and the people that take over are no better than the previous regime.

                    Yes, I am aware that our nation is blockaded on both sides and yet we survive. So? Does that mean that we should be patting ourselves on the back for the rest of our existence?

                    Why can't I want a revolution and genocide recognition? The two are not mutually exclusive. As a matter of fact, I'll be interning at ANCA this summer, so I can actually work towards those goals. And going to Armenia to vote is exactly the problem! Anyone who takes office will first have the blessing of the oligarchy, meaning that nothing will change. Like Stalin said, people who vote decide nothing, but people who count votes decide everything. There needs to be a "non-democratic" revolution in which a true nationalist comes to power.
                    You ought to consider what excuses other nations have for being in a poor state, countries that are much larger than Armenia, have larger populations, natural resources, are not at war nor under an economic blockade. What is their excuse? The more you study people and societies the more you realize that nations are successful or not based not only on the geography, which is important, but also do to the internal values of the said nation and culture. The progress you and the rest of us wish to see will occur when Armenians better themselves from the inside first and educate themselves about living the good life. What Armenia needs is political and social evolution, not a western funded revolution.

                    And don't get me started on the ARF, their death as a nationalist party came last month when they revealed what they stand for now: gay rights (whatever that means) instead of Armenian nationalism. Dro rolled over in his grave.
                    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                      You want Russia just to give everything to Armenians for free or very low cost? They may consider it if they were to see Armenians become politically mature, and not flirting with the West or those morons who claim Russia is not an ally, etc. Armenian pilots receive their training from Russians, are you aware of that?

                      First, you are assuming Armenian forces would march to baku. Marching to baku would be a political act rather than a military necessity. And if Russia were to give the green light, Armenia would ask them for air cover if it thought it needed it. Are you familiar with an alliance system? Russia would help out its ally, and the pilot would follow orders, that is what he is trained to do. What you are talking about are emotions, that is another story.
                      Second, what does it matter what others will say, the bottom line will be that Armenia severely dominated azerbaijan, to the point that its soldiers marched all the way to baku. The taking of a capital city is the ultimate humiliation, and again, is a political act.
                      Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                      Your attitude is dangerous to the very existence of Armenia. You visited Armenia once or twice saw some things and now you think you KNOW what is best? Who the heck are you to decide what it needs and does not need. Have you done business there? Stop parroting what you hear others saying. For all the bad experiences you may have heard of I can find countless others that show the exact opposite. And unlike you, I have family and friends in Armenia who are doing business with more or less the same issues they would face in the US.

                      As for Tsarukyan, the people of Abovyan like him a lot because he takes good care of them and their city. In a sense this is similar to the Middle Ages when Armenian nakharars ruled over regions. And while I dislike that set up, I am not going to call for a revolution, especially since revolutions never make the problems better, they make it worse and the people that take over are no better than the previous regime.

                      You ought to consider what excuses other nations have for being in a poor state, countries that are much larger than Armenia, have larger populations, natural resources, are not at war nor under an economic blockade. What is their excuse? The more you study people and societies the more you realize that nations are successful or not based not only on the geography, which is important, but also do to the internal values of the said nation and culture. The progress you and the rest of us wish to see will occur when Armenians better themselves from the inside first and educate themselves about living the good life. What Armenia needs is political and social evolution, not a western funded revolution.

                      And don't get me started on the ARF, their death as a nationalist party came last month when they revealed what they stand for now: gay rights (whatever that means) instead of Armenian nationalism. Dro rolled over in his grave.
                      I have lived in Armenia for several years. Please do not assume things that you have no idea about. I KNOW that corruption is rampant in Armenia. I KNOW that investors are scared. Please don't say otherwise, you know that I'm right.

                      How can you possibly respect Tsarukyan. I'm sure that he funds Abovyan, but that does not change the fact that he is a criminal. Building a megamansion when people are in poverty is unacceptable. Why are you willing to settle for people like him? This idea that oligarchs are beneficial for Armenia is grossly misguided.

                      As far as I understand in your next response. We are arguing the same thing. It's not the geography that is impeding Armenia, it's the corruption.

                      You and Vahram seem to be having the same problem: I have NEVER advocated for Western backed revolution. When I said to follow the Georgian model, I meant for Armenia to adopt a nationalist doctrine and kick out the oligarchs that have been stealing from Armenia for 20 years.

                      I don't know why you are lecturing me on the ARF...

