First of all, I would like to thank my nationalist comrades who know better than slaughtering people (If ya want names 4 the ones who don't: Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Germans, Jews etc.) The might you need is already embedded in your royal blood. (Quote: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk)
To end this meanless argument, I would like to say a few words to our squirrel-like friend, Kharpert.
First of all, the theory of Jews being slaughtered is not mine (I got it from an American website.). Although I believe that the Jews are a pain in the ass (c'mon everybody slaughtered 'em... they must have a reason), I also believe that you Armenians are meant to bite the finger that feed ya. BTW, if ya wanna have an argument 'bout it go to a synagogue and discuss it with another bloodthirsty mason. The website's address is: . Ur argument is none of ma business. P.S: The Ottomans didn't think of Anatolia as their homeland and they slaughtered the Azerbaijani (they didn't slaughter U, the Kurds did, if ya must know) like U mongrels. Therefore, even if they were the past rulers of the world, we believe that our only father is the Father Turk, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 'cause a brother never slaughters his own (the battle between Selim I and Togaman and the massacre of the Alevis by the Sunni Jannisaries under Suleyman the Jewish Servant. I offer my apologies, my Azerbaijani brothers. (Don't get me wrong, I am Sunni too.))
I wonder why the Kurds are entering this website? To check if their bloodthirsty leader (Abdullah the baby-murderer) is OK? Don't worry, his majesty's food is personally delivered by the European slave, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. By the way, we Turks never forget the way we're treated. Once we get rid of this government, all of your bloodthirsty lords (who are continuing to murder more youthful brothers of ours) will be executed. We won't slaughter ur offsprings, we are not as bloothirsty as U are. BTW, admit that u are TURKS U FEEBLE INFIDELS! U have been tricked by the ones who tricked the Armenians, the bloodthirsty white IMPERIALISTS!!! Wake up or the ones who betrayed us will betray YOU! The Yankees aren't merciful at all, my brothers, wake up, be more like Ziya Gokalp!
As for the Armenians... Did ya know that ur kins still live in Anatolia as a free people? They are being treated like we treat each other and even though I am defeding them, an average Turk wouldn't even call an Armenian "an Armenian" in a website. They, too, call themselves Turks and they are not ashamed of it!!! So if we slaughtered 'em, why R they still living in these lands and call themselves the name used by the ones who slaughtered them? Serious, If ya have an answer I'm more than willing to listen.
As 4 Hellektor, (like da way U said it) you are a racist anti-Turkish son of a xxxxx! U R so narrow-minded, ya only quoted Ixtanbul (no offense, Ixtanbul). Is that the only message ya have read or can't ya answer others? Ixtanbul has pointed out the obvious like the rest of us... Maybe ya don't have time because you're releasing a fake book to prove that you're correct or something... If ya do release one, call me and I'll show U the pictures of the Turkish villages in Kars or I'll take U 2 Nahcivan, Azerbaijan to show U what UR heroes did to the Azerbaijani. Is that O.K with U, RACIST BASTARD?
BTW, while U re sending a message, don't quote anything from Orhan "the traitor" Pamuk... He is a feeble author who loves to lick his master's feet (do they ask U to bring the paper, Orhan?... there's my little author... if U write against ur kin, I'll give u the Nobel Prize you always wanted.) The reason why he stays in Europe is the fact that he'll pee in his pants if he sees a rifle aimed at him. His name is red because it's the color of his underwear.
As 4 us, Turks... It'll be foolish 4 U to challenge us. We have proofs, we are the legal owners of our lands (remember Loussane, fools!) and we have the courage to defend our nation at all costs. If UR ancestors were so courageous, they would have stayed in Anatolia and defended "their" lands... Face the truth, fools...
P.S: TurQ ,the clash between the Azerbaijani and the Armenians wasn't a massacre, it was a battle between the proud Azerbaijani and the servants of Hincak.
As I always say:
"The happy one is the one who says 'I am a Turk!' "
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
To end this meanless argument, I would like to say a few words to our squirrel-like friend, Kharpert.
First of all, the theory of Jews being slaughtered is not mine (I got it from an American website.). Although I believe that the Jews are a pain in the ass (c'mon everybody slaughtered 'em... they must have a reason), I also believe that you Armenians are meant to bite the finger that feed ya. BTW, if ya wanna have an argument 'bout it go to a synagogue and discuss it with another bloodthirsty mason. The website's address is: . Ur argument is none of ma business. P.S: The Ottomans didn't think of Anatolia as their homeland and they slaughtered the Azerbaijani (they didn't slaughter U, the Kurds did, if ya must know) like U mongrels. Therefore, even if they were the past rulers of the world, we believe that our only father is the Father Turk, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 'cause a brother never slaughters his own (the battle between Selim I and Togaman and the massacre of the Alevis by the Sunni Jannisaries under Suleyman the Jewish Servant. I offer my apologies, my Azerbaijani brothers. (Don't get me wrong, I am Sunni too.))
I wonder why the Kurds are entering this website? To check if their bloodthirsty leader (Abdullah the baby-murderer) is OK? Don't worry, his majesty's food is personally delivered by the European slave, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. By the way, we Turks never forget the way we're treated. Once we get rid of this government, all of your bloodthirsty lords (who are continuing to murder more youthful brothers of ours) will be executed. We won't slaughter ur offsprings, we are not as bloothirsty as U are. BTW, admit that u are TURKS U FEEBLE INFIDELS! U have been tricked by the ones who tricked the Armenians, the bloodthirsty white IMPERIALISTS!!! Wake up or the ones who betrayed us will betray YOU! The Yankees aren't merciful at all, my brothers, wake up, be more like Ziya Gokalp!
As for the Armenians... Did ya know that ur kins still live in Anatolia as a free people? They are being treated like we treat each other and even though I am defeding them, an average Turk wouldn't even call an Armenian "an Armenian" in a website. They, too, call themselves Turks and they are not ashamed of it!!! So if we slaughtered 'em, why R they still living in these lands and call themselves the name used by the ones who slaughtered them? Serious, If ya have an answer I'm more than willing to listen.
As 4 Hellektor, (like da way U said it) you are a racist anti-Turkish son of a xxxxx! U R so narrow-minded, ya only quoted Ixtanbul (no offense, Ixtanbul). Is that the only message ya have read or can't ya answer others? Ixtanbul has pointed out the obvious like the rest of us... Maybe ya don't have time because you're releasing a fake book to prove that you're correct or something... If ya do release one, call me and I'll show U the pictures of the Turkish villages in Kars or I'll take U 2 Nahcivan, Azerbaijan to show U what UR heroes did to the Azerbaijani. Is that O.K with U, RACIST BASTARD?
BTW, while U re sending a message, don't quote anything from Orhan "the traitor" Pamuk... He is a feeble author who loves to lick his master's feet (do they ask U to bring the paper, Orhan?... there's my little author... if U write against ur kin, I'll give u the Nobel Prize you always wanted.) The reason why he stays in Europe is the fact that he'll pee in his pants if he sees a rifle aimed at him. His name is red because it's the color of his underwear.
As 4 us, Turks... It'll be foolish 4 U to challenge us. We have proofs, we are the legal owners of our lands (remember Loussane, fools!) and we have the courage to defend our nation at all costs. If UR ancestors were so courageous, they would have stayed in Anatolia and defended "their" lands... Face the truth, fools...
P.S: TurQ ,the clash between the Azerbaijani and the Armenians wasn't a massacre, it was a battle between the proud Azerbaijani and the servants of Hincak.
As I always say:
"The happy one is the one who says 'I am a Turk!' "
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk