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  • #71
    First of all, I would like to thank my nationalist comrades who know better than slaughtering people (If ya want names 4 the ones who don't: Kurds, Armenians, Greeks, Germans, Jews etc.) The might you need is already embedded in your royal blood. (Quote: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk)

    To end this meanless argument, I would like to say a few words to our squirrel-like friend, Kharpert.

    First of all, the theory of Jews being slaughtered is not mine (I got it from an American website.). Although I believe that the Jews are a pain in the ass (c'mon everybody slaughtered 'em... they must have a reason), I also believe that you Armenians are meant to bite the finger that feed ya. BTW, if ya wanna have an argument 'bout it go to a synagogue and discuss it with another bloodthirsty mason. The website's address is: . Ur argument is none of ma business. P.S: The Ottomans didn't think of Anatolia as their homeland and they slaughtered the Azerbaijani (they didn't slaughter U, the Kurds did, if ya must know) like U mongrels. Therefore, even if they were the past rulers of the world, we believe that our only father is the Father Turk, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 'cause a brother never slaughters his own (the battle between Selim I and Togaman and the massacre of the Alevis by the Sunni Jannisaries under Suleyman the Jewish Servant. I offer my apologies, my Azerbaijani brothers. (Don't get me wrong, I am Sunni too.))

    I wonder why the Kurds are entering this website? To check if their bloodthirsty leader (Abdullah the baby-murderer) is OK? Don't worry, his majesty's food is personally delivered by the European slave, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. By the way, we Turks never forget the way we're treated. Once we get rid of this government, all of your bloodthirsty lords (who are continuing to murder more youthful brothers of ours) will be executed. We won't slaughter ur offsprings, we are not as bloothirsty as U are. BTW, admit that u are TURKS U FEEBLE INFIDELS! U have been tricked by the ones who tricked the Armenians, the bloodthirsty white IMPERIALISTS!!! Wake up or the ones who betrayed us will betray YOU! The Yankees aren't merciful at all, my brothers, wake up, be more like Ziya Gokalp!

    As for the Armenians... Did ya know that ur kins still live in Anatolia as a free people? They are being treated like we treat each other and even though I am defeding them, an average Turk wouldn't even call an Armenian "an Armenian" in a website. They, too, call themselves Turks and they are not ashamed of it!!! So if we slaughtered 'em, why R they still living in these lands and call themselves the name used by the ones who slaughtered them? Serious, If ya have an answer I'm more than willing to listen.

    As 4 Hellektor, (like da way U said it) you are a racist anti-Turkish son of a xxxxx! U R so narrow-minded, ya only quoted Ixtanbul (no offense, Ixtanbul). Is that the only message ya have read or can't ya answer others? Ixtanbul has pointed out the obvious like the rest of us... Maybe ya don't have time because you're releasing a fake book to prove that you're correct or something... If ya do release one, call me and I'll show U the pictures of the Turkish villages in Kars or I'll take U 2 Nahcivan, Azerbaijan to show U what UR heroes did to the Azerbaijani. Is that O.K with U, RACIST BASTARD?

    BTW, while U re sending a message, don't quote anything from Orhan "the traitor" Pamuk... He is a feeble author who loves to lick his master's feet (do they ask U to bring the paper, Orhan?... there's my little author... if U write against ur kin, I'll give u the Nobel Prize you always wanted.) The reason why he stays in Europe is the fact that he'll pee in his pants if he sees a rifle aimed at him. His name is red because it's the color of his underwear.

    As 4 us, Turks... It'll be foolish 4 U to challenge us. We have proofs, we are the legal owners of our lands (remember Loussane, fools!) and we have the courage to defend our nation at all costs. If UR ancestors were so courageous, they would have stayed in Anatolia and defended "their" lands... Face the truth, fools...

    P.S: TurQ ,the clash between the Azerbaijani and the Armenians wasn't a massacre, it was a battle between the proud Azerbaijani and the servants of Hincak.

    As I always say:
    "The happy one is the one who says 'I am a Turk!' "
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
    [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="4"]The Young Kemalist[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]


    • #72
      I was summarizing HOvik/Zara. He was saying Azeris were*transered* peacefully because they pose security concern(as if it is a normal), but Azeris barbarically massacred Armenians. Classic innocent Armenian, barbaric Turk scenario. I was critisizing that.

      Kemalist I must comment also that I dont share your views about Ottomans, especially your view about Sultan Suleyman.

      Originally posted by The Kemalist
      As 4 us, Turks... It'll be foolish 4 U to challenge us. We have proofs, we are the legal owners of our lands (remember Loussane, fools!) and we have the courage to defend our nation at all costs. If UR ancestors were so courageous, they would have stayed in Anatolia and defended "their" lands... Face the truth, fools...

      P.S: TurQ ,the clash between the Azerbaijani and the Armenians wasn't a massacre, it was a battle between the proud Azerbaijani and the servants of Hincak.

      As I always say:
      "The happy one is the one who says 'I am a Turk!' "
      Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


      • #73
        The Kemalist,
        Originally posted by The Kemalist on Jews
        (c'mon everybody slaughtered 'em... they must have a reason)
        Congratulations, from the very beginning you have given everyone the impression that you are a racist xxxxxxx!

        Kurds are not Turkish. Turkish Armenians call themselves Bolsahye and are as proud of being Armenian as any other. And if you don't understand why Armenians still live in Istanbul, you have obviously not studied any of the history behind the Armenian Genocide. Obviously, if you're afraid of Orhan Pamuk, a Turk and author, you're a censorship-supporting coward. And there are plenty of Turkish intellectuals like him, such as Ragip Zarakolu, Ali Ertem, Taner Akçam and Halil Berktay.

        Every other Turk on this forum must be absolutely embarrased as to what you're posting. Here's a tip: Learn to spell, read a history book, think before you speak, and calm down or get the xxxx out of here. People who act like complete twats often end up banned on these forums.


        • #74

          I must admit I'm pretty clueless about this Azeri deportation from Yerevan. I'm interested in your account or any news articles, documents, or stories about the Azeri deportation. I'd curious to know under what circumstances this deportation occured, how many were deported, and how many, if any, were killed.


          • #75
            Originally posted by TurQ
            I was summarizing HOvik/Zara. He was saying Azeris were*transered* peacefully because they pose security concern(as if it is a normal), but Azeris barbarically massacred Armenians. Classic innocent Armenian, barbaric Turk scenario. I was critisizing that.
            TurQ, before making yourself look more ignorant just answer one question with a simple multiple choice answer:

            In the "Karabagh" conflict, who attacked the other first?

            A. Azerbaijan
            B. Armenia


            • #76
              Karabag was fought over since 1918s. When the cold war ended and Soviet states began to get loose, the Armenians looked for ways to recapture the lost Karabag.
              DOnt tell me that it is because of the Azeri mis-treatment. It is not the real reason you know it very well. Your words just prove this about KArabag and NAhjivan is a historic mistake, and they had to be *fixed*. It is not the mis-treatment issue. If they had been treated like kings do you think they would agree to stay in Azerbeyjan? Do you think the KArabag bandits who are pretty much influensive in Armenian politics(KOcharyan himself one of them) would ever agree be part of Azerbeyjan? Same theater is being played in Georgia, and you think we are blind not to see what's going on in Caucusia? This goes back to 1915, same scenario wsa played in Van, it is said they are defending themselves thats why they *liberated* city of Van in april 1915, and declared as the *Eternal Capital * of Armenia. What a defense, right before the Russian invasion the city is cleared off the TUrks and Kurds(and Armenians say they left by themselves, may be the rest commited suicide).

              It is not who started first, it is not a multiple choice problem. It was and still is strugle to control land, you and I know this very well, and it now lingers to Georgia. Let's be honest here it is not the mis-treatment thing, and if you would like to talk about mis-treatment you should also talk about the Azeris who were mis-treated by Armenians in Armenia. There's no need to play the innocent victim role.

              Originally posted by Hovik
              TurQ, before making yourself look more ignorant just answer one question with a simple multiple choice answer:

              In the "Karabagh" conflict, who attacked the other first?

              A. Azerbaijan
              B. Armenia


              • #77
                Azeris used to live in Armenia, there was a considerable Azeri community used to live in Yerevan up until mid 80s. I know one Azeri, from there. He was a Russian soldier during WW-II. Then escaped from the red army and came as a refugee to US. I'll try to find English resouces on this about the Azeri population in Yerevan and Armenia, as I understand their size was around 200,000 before mid 80s

                Originally posted by Kharpert

                I must admit I'm pretty clueless about this Azeri deportation from Yerevan. I'm interested in your account or any news articles, documents, or stories about the Azeri deportation. I'd curious to know under what circumstances this deportation occured, how many were deported, and how many, if any, were killed.


                • #78

                  As a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, especially within the period from 1988 to 1994, ethnic minorities on both sides have been subject frequently to societal and governmental discrimination and intimidation, often accompanied by violence intended to drive them from the country. Almost all ethnic Azeris living in Armenia in 1988--approximately 185,000 persons--fled to Azerbaijan. Of the 400,000 ethnic Armenians then living in Azerbaijan, 330,000 fled and gained refugee status in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. As of November, Armenian officials stated that the number of ethnic-Armenians in the country during the year was 264,332. The Government and the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) do not provide numbers or any other information on refugees in Nagorno-Karabakh

                  Originally posted by Kharpert

                  I must admit I'm pretty clueless about this Azeri deportation from Yerevan. I'm interested in your account or any news articles, documents, or stories about the Azeri deportation. I'd curious to know under what circumstances this deportation occured, how many were deported, and how many, if any, were killed.


                  • #79

                    As the Soviet Union weakened and fell, old historic animosities resurfaced in some of the Union’s republics. Beginning in 1988, Armenia encouraged the ethnic Armenian majority in the Azerbaijan autonomous district of Nagorno-Karabagh to seek independence and then join with Armenia.

                    In 1992, Armenian troops invaded Nagorno-Karabagh with the help of Russian army units. They expelled all Azeri residents and destroyed towns, villages and infrastructure. They then took over the surrounding provinces, and expelled all Azeri residents.

                    In an interview, Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov, the most senior government official responsible for refugees, shared his recollections on the war with Armenia, the refugees’ situation, and his worries about declining international aid.

                    The Deputy Prime Minister:

                    "The Armenians claim that the conflict is an ethnic conflict. It is not - it is historical.

                    "At the end of the Russian-Persian war in 1828, the political status of Armenians in Persia (present day Iran) was not good. Because of certain pressures, the Czar invited the Persian Armenians to live in two areas of Azerbaijan, Erivan (now Yerivan, the capital of Armenia) and the mountainous, picturesque area of Karabagh.

                    WWII veteran longs for
                    ancestral lands.

                    Refugee child ponders future.

                    Laundry day in the polluted river.

                    Shepard’s dugout houses refugee family for nine years.
                    "And from that time onward, the huge Armenian Diaspora has been trying its best to link this Armenian-populated area to Armenia.

                    Armenians seize lands, expel Azeris with Soviet complicity
                    "Altogether, the Armenian hunger for ever more land led them to deport Azerbaijanis from certain areas during four different times in the 20th Century - in 1905, 1918-20, 1948-50, and in 1988.

                    Originally posted by Kharpert

                    I must admit I'm pretty clueless about this Azeri deportation from Yerevan. I'm interested in your account or any news articles, documents, or stories about the Azeri deportation. I'd curious to know under what circumstances this deportation occured, how many were deported, and how many, if any, were killed.


                    • #80

                      A balanced academic study published in Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Summer 1997, especially read pages 4-5-6-7.

                      Originally posted by Kharpert

                      I must admit I'm pretty clueless about this Azeri deportation from Yerevan. I'm interested in your account or any news articles, documents, or stories about the Azeri deportation. I'd curious to know under what circumstances this deportation occured, how many were deported, and how many, if any, were killed.

