Armenians are a race,so are Greeks,Arabs,Kurds etc. But Turks are NOT a race.Anatolian Turk defines a nationality. Turks are a combination of MUSLİM people from all over the world . Turk contains, Hitit,Celt,Armenian,Greek, Persian,Arab,Slav,Turcic,Afghan even some African Black or far away Syberia's Yakut or American İndian bloods in herself/himself. Mixed with each other or pure,Armenian or Serbian, black or oriental ,dont matter, whoever can honestly call herself /himself a Turk is a Turk. This may be like being an American, except that a Turk must also be a Muslim unlike an American can freely believe into anything..--Though in these days ı am not so sure about musims there--
This was like that in the past and still like this today.So we can safely say that a Turk cant be racist since she/he dont have a particular race.
So if the problem is not racizm,DNA s, then why did Turks made an orginised genocide against Armenians?
When Balkan states regained their independence from Ottomans, they strongly used Orthodox Christian sprit to form a nationalist feelings against Ottomans. The rest of the muslim people in Anatolia was called simply muslims. They were certainly not racially Turks.They were all kinds of muslim people from all over everywhere,Arabs,Persians,Turcics,Slavs,converted Greeks,Armenians etc.
These people got together and started to fight against different Christian people. Because in the lost christian lands,this time they were unwanted, second class people.After living under muslim despotizm for hundreds of years,newly independent christians were definitly not nice to muslims.But also Arabs revolted at the same time and cooparated with the enemy of Muslims,while Arabs were origanal muslims themselves.
One time Barbaric,strong Ottomans were loosing everywhere. There were no more captured christian boys, Yeniçeri was fighting in the wars. Only poor and sick,hungry Anatolian Muslims were fighting and dying everywhere. From Algeria to Mekke,from Azerbeycan to Kırım, millions of young muslim boys died. No men left in the country.
Anatolian muslims with last afford decided to form a new nationality and called themselves TURK this time to seperate enemy Arabs from themselves.---among very different muslims,only Kurds did not accept assimilation under Turk umbrella--Later Turks tried to form a new kind of İslam to differ themselves from Arabs more, whom they hate for their support against the enemy.
Somehow a miracle happened and Anatolia became a Muslim Turks land.--very possibly with Russias hidden help --But heroic struggle from Turks point of view is also a reality.
An ordinary Turk dont feels a sorrow against what happened to Armenians. So many millions of Turks were killed by Christians everywhere and Anatolia were cleared from Christian germs.
From christians point of view, it was a disaster. Enemy Christians who were in Anatolia for thousands of years were unwanted,Greek,Assyrian or Armenian doesnt matter. Very orginised,state supported deportation if possible conversion to İslam and torture and murders started against all Christians. This torture still goes on today if not in mass killings level. There is a pscohological fight against christians. They cant be police,solder etc. simply they are not considered Turks.Christians are still not forgiven and still not wanted, though I must accept that situation is rather better comparing to past.
Today turks dont make 10 s of babies to send wars anymore.We can cry for our dead sons in the fights.We now have feelings.We now know that there are other things in life other than killing and dying for stupit things.We learned that the most important thing is humans life. we are matured as a society if not enough yet.
Many Turks are today quite aware of the injustice done to our brodhers, Armenians who suffered for a century.
I believe that Greeks and Armenians must be able to buy lands and do business in Turkey without visa and any difficulty.Borders must be opened.--and karabağ must some how solved.This is the great obstacle for turkey---- We must show the respect you deserve. Because you created very beautiful cultures for centuries.All the good buildings and everything was done by you people.actaually turkey needs you back here. This 21 st century must not be war century again. Time must come that we can solve all our problems with respect and love towards each other. Even if the governments order to make wars, we must disobey them. wars are not for ordinary people ,they are for the leaders who use us for their dirty dreams.
Armenians must also know that we Turks are not all evils. We are today normal people like anybody else. We try to survive in our small worlds.Our biggest problem is that we are under wahhabi islam invasion.--Do you see how our president,prime minister and all ministers wifes dress,and they dont shake hands with men.---
I believe all problems can be solved with love. Apologise will naturally come one day.
This was like that in the past and still like this today.So we can safely say that a Turk cant be racist since she/he dont have a particular race.
So if the problem is not racizm,DNA s, then why did Turks made an orginised genocide against Armenians?
When Balkan states regained their independence from Ottomans, they strongly used Orthodox Christian sprit to form a nationalist feelings against Ottomans. The rest of the muslim people in Anatolia was called simply muslims. They were certainly not racially Turks.They were all kinds of muslim people from all over everywhere,Arabs,Persians,Turcics,Slavs,converted Greeks,Armenians etc.
These people got together and started to fight against different Christian people. Because in the lost christian lands,this time they were unwanted, second class people.After living under muslim despotizm for hundreds of years,newly independent christians were definitly not nice to muslims.But also Arabs revolted at the same time and cooparated with the enemy of Muslims,while Arabs were origanal muslims themselves.
One time Barbaric,strong Ottomans were loosing everywhere. There were no more captured christian boys, Yeniçeri was fighting in the wars. Only poor and sick,hungry Anatolian Muslims were fighting and dying everywhere. From Algeria to Mekke,from Azerbeycan to Kırım, millions of young muslim boys died. No men left in the country.
Anatolian muslims with last afford decided to form a new nationality and called themselves TURK this time to seperate enemy Arabs from themselves.---among very different muslims,only Kurds did not accept assimilation under Turk umbrella--Later Turks tried to form a new kind of İslam to differ themselves from Arabs more, whom they hate for their support against the enemy.
Somehow a miracle happened and Anatolia became a Muslim Turks land.--very possibly with Russias hidden help --But heroic struggle from Turks point of view is also a reality.
An ordinary Turk dont feels a sorrow against what happened to Armenians. So many millions of Turks were killed by Christians everywhere and Anatolia were cleared from Christian germs.
From christians point of view, it was a disaster. Enemy Christians who were in Anatolia for thousands of years were unwanted,Greek,Assyrian or Armenian doesnt matter. Very orginised,state supported deportation if possible conversion to İslam and torture and murders started against all Christians. This torture still goes on today if not in mass killings level. There is a pscohological fight against christians. They cant be police,solder etc. simply they are not considered Turks.Christians are still not forgiven and still not wanted, though I must accept that situation is rather better comparing to past.
Today turks dont make 10 s of babies to send wars anymore.We can cry for our dead sons in the fights.We now have feelings.We now know that there are other things in life other than killing and dying for stupit things.We learned that the most important thing is humans life. we are matured as a society if not enough yet.
Many Turks are today quite aware of the injustice done to our brodhers, Armenians who suffered for a century.
I believe that Greeks and Armenians must be able to buy lands and do business in Turkey without visa and any difficulty.Borders must be opened.--and karabağ must some how solved.This is the great obstacle for turkey---- We must show the respect you deserve. Because you created very beautiful cultures for centuries.All the good buildings and everything was done by you people.actaually turkey needs you back here. This 21 st century must not be war century again. Time must come that we can solve all our problems with respect and love towards each other. Even if the governments order to make wars, we must disobey them. wars are not for ordinary people ,they are for the leaders who use us for their dirty dreams.
Armenians must also know that we Turks are not all evils. We are today normal people like anybody else. We try to survive in our small worlds.Our biggest problem is that we are under wahhabi islam invasion.--Do you see how our president,prime minister and all ministers wifes dress,and they dont shake hands with men.---
I believe all problems can be solved with love. Apologise will naturally come one day.