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  • #61
    Re: Genocide??..

    Originally posted by alpixoid View Post
    Oh yes I am going to be around because even if you guys think that we are the bad guys we are not..I mean how can you judge a person because his or her grand-grand-grand-grand..father did such horrible things..I think that only thing we should care about is religion and nothing else but i kinda get mad when someone swears a man who saved me from racisicsm and slavery...And even if we are muslim and you are christian I dont think that is not a problem we couldn't solve..20 countries have accepted that there is a genocide but others didn't..I am not saying that there is a genocide or not I don't think about that since there is not very strong proofs that says there is a genocide or there is not..Well that is not my point I mean you killed a lot of us and we killed a lot of you it's time we all should forget about it and live in peace.There is nothing we can do to change the past..But you should understand that Turkey is a very respected country in the world and our politicians said there was no genocide for so long if they change their mind now they will look like idiots..So hate our politicians not us..A lot of us understand that your schools teaches to hate us(probably)and tells there is a genocide but our schools tells that there wasn't..Both sides are kind of brainwashed but when i first saw this forum there were so much insults to turkish people i couldn't resist to ask you why so much?..We dont make fun of you here and there are treads that Turkish people yells you and you yell back that is kind of attitude that is not going to take us anywhere..Shortly if there was a genocide I am sorry my grand-grand..whatever killed your grand-grand-..But the thing i expect is a sorry too(not from you guys you did not say anything but the guy said that he will enjoy crapping on Ataturk's grave that really hurted)I mean you killed us in Bosnia-Herseqovina and places like there and we killed you but when I say we and you that is not us..That was so many years ago but like I said hate the government not us they are the ones who doesnt apologize if there really was a genocide and probably Tayyip Erdoğan and Abdullah Gül would know if there was or wasn't its just like the xxxs wont apologize to christians for the death of Jesus and you should demand them to apologize if Muhammed was killed by christians or xxxs we would've demand it and thanks for the threads they really helped..
    If our nations are to be friends, it is the responsibility of Turkish citizens to recognize the genocide. Otherwise, our "friendship" would just lead to history will repeat itself.

    This is not a matter of hatred, but of mutual understanding of what formed our respective nations in this modern era, the extreme disregard for the human lives of "giaours (gavurs)" or "raya", leading to their extermination from the the Ottoman empire in order to fulfill the creation of a modern, secular, Turkish republic, who's dogma is ethnic homogeneity that has room for only a single race called "Turk" within their realm, resulting in assimilatory racism amongst Muslims, and genocide against Christians (even if they try to mask these intentions by "tolerating" and flattering non-Turks in certain regions of their nation such as Istanbul).

    I understand that this is largely political, but in order for the politics to work, the citizens must also be engaged into the scheme, and Turks, like any nationally represented ethnic group, are very much involved in the Turkey's geopolitical and inter-ethnic relations.

    We don't mind talking to Turks about other topics at all, but when it comes to the genocide, we will not seek dialogue if it means we have to compromise our position in order to "become friends with our neighbours".

    Please note that we'd rather fight to resist the isolation of the Armenian nation than to become "friends with all our loving neighbours", and thus, are quite satisfied with the present status quo.
    Last edited by jgk3; 08-19-2009, 03:44 AM.


    • #62
      Re: Genocide

      Armenian Genocide Survivor and Eyewitness Accounts

      By the way I heard the horror stories from both of my grandmother and my grandfather and both of them were the only survivors in their families.
      My grandfather was from "Beilan"
      My grandmother was from "Bityas"

      Last edited by Yedtarts; 08-19-2009, 03:48 AM.


      • #63
        Originally posted by alpixoid View Post
        Actually we are very respected when syria didnt give us PKK leader apo we took it anyway and usa confirmed that we are a super-power and after erdoğan bawled out israel leader peres he called an apologized and see we are very respected dont say insulting stuff about us and more than %75 of people in Turkey including me are ambivalent about AG and that just seems very confusing yes I am kinda young I am studying at Marmara College in İstanbul if you count that as young and we are open-minded about AG so dont worry I wont get in trouble...
        You really think Turkey earns respect by insulting the leader of Israel when they don’t give a rats ass about the Palestinians and then, apologizing for it. You forgot to mention Turkey calling China’s actions as "without a doubt Genocide". That must have got your leaders a lot of respect in Turkish mind ha.

        If your in college then you are an adult………….let me guess, your lack of education is Turkish.

        Originally posted by Jos View Post
        Her parents told her, and she told your parents, and your parents told you and on on.....

        Have you ever played a game called Chinese whispers? Passing second information more often than not confirms the unreliability of human recollection.
        Jos, I suggest you start keeping good records because when your grand grand son tells his kids how Armenians liberated their lands back, they may not believe it.
        B0zkurt Hunter


        • #64
          Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
          If our nations are to be friends, it is the responsibility of Turkish citizens to recognize the genocide. Otherwise, our "friendship" would just lead to history will repeat itself.

          This is not a matter of hatred, but of mutual understanding of what formed our respective nations in this modern era, the extreme disregard for the human lives of "giaours (gavurs)" or "raya", leading to their extermination from the the Ottoman empire in order to fulfill the creation of a modern, secular, Turkish republic, who's dogma is ethnic homogeneity that has room for only a single race called "Turk" within their realm, resulting in assimilatory racism amongst Muslims, and genocide against Christians (even if they try to mask these intentions by "tolerating" and flattering non-Turks in certain regions of their nation such as Istanbul).

          I understand that this is largely political, but in order for the politics to work, the citizens must also be engaged into the scheme, and Turks, like any nationally represented ethnic group, are very much involved in the Turkey's geopolitical and inter-ethnic relations.

          We don't mind talking to Turks about other topics at all, but when it comes to the genocide, we will not seek dialogue if it means we have to compromise our position in order to "become friends with our neighbours".

          Please note that we'd rather fight to resist the isolation of the Armenian nation than to become "friends with all our loving neighbours", and thus, are quite satisfied with the present status quo.
          Well most of our citizens accepted that there was a genocide but there are things that seems confusing like Armenia refuse Turkey's offer for an independent historical commission investigation..I didnt understand why you did that?

          Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
          You really think Turkey earns respect by insulting the leader of Israel when they don’t give a rats ass about the Palestinians and then, apologizing for it. You forgot to mention Turkey calling China’s actions as "without a doubt Genocide". That must have got your leaders a lot of respect in Turkish mind ha.

          If your in college then you are an adult………….let me guess, your lack of education is Turkish.
          Erdoğan did that to get vote that didnt earn any respecy but when Peles called to apologize,that earned respect and China's actions are genocide but they stopped killing people in there...It doesn't matter what our leaders say,what matters is when they say something people do what they say...That earns respect..

          Originally posted by Eddo211
          Jos, I suggest you start keeping good records because when your grand grand son tells his kids how Armenians liberated their lands back, they may not believe it.
          Well I am answering people nice but when someone says we will take over your country...xxxx off


          • #65
            Re: Genocide??..

            Originally posted by alpixoid
            Well I am answering people nice but when someone says we will take over your country...xxxx off
            You are not answering anybody here. You are just making a fool of yourself when you come here with them tired old Turkish broken record crap and you think you can get respect here, or maybe you want to hear some Armenian agree with you so you can have a false sense of a clear conscious…..wrong Forum Turk.
            Know this, I will never ever forget or forgive, those that mean I hate you? No, but not everything is same, you should know that. The more your country continues on this denialist path living a life of lies the worse the payback will be, especially for you Turkish people.
            B0zkurt Hunter


            • #66
              Re: Genocide??..

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              You are not answering anybody here. You are just making a fool of yourself when you come here with them tired old Turkish broken record crap and you think you can get respect here, or maybe you want to hear some Armenian agree with you so you can have a false sense of a clear conscious…..wrong Forum Turk.
              Know this, I will never ever forget or forgive, those that mean I hate you? No, but not everything is same, you should know that. The more your country continues on this denialist path living a life of lies the worse the payback will be, especially for you Turkish people.
              Why the hell would I want respect here and believe me I have clear conscious than you do and by calling me Turk you are making a compliment I want my government to aplogize but they wont but if you think youll ever get your payback you are wrong..definetly wrong but all I wanted is peace around the world as Ataturk says..I dont hate Armenians even if you hate me but you should forgive and forget because history is history and it cannot be changed..You should move and you will see moving on is going to make everything better..


              • #67
                Re: Genocide??..

                Originally posted by Jos View Post
                Her parents told her, and she told your parents, and your parents told you and on on.....

                Have you ever played a game called Chinese whispers? Passing second information more often than not confirms the unreliability of human recollection.
                Apparently, thats the case with the Armenian Genocide and your people. You are all pawns in a game of politics.


                • #68
                  Re: Genocide

                  Originally posted by alpixoid View Post
                  Well most of our citizens accepted that there was a genocide but there are things that seems confusing like Armenia refuse Turkey's offer for an independent historical commission investigation..I didnt understand why you did that?
                  I was not aware that most Turks recognized the Armenian genocide, but rather, some story about a civil war where supposedly a few hundred thousand Armenians "sided with the Russians" and massacred countless Turks out of revenge and national aspirations even though supposedly before this disaster in Turkish-Armenian relations roughly 100 years ago, we were "friends" and Armenians were "well treated". Therefore, according to this story, as traitors we deserved what we got and Turks and their republic are not to blame for any crime of genocide.

                  I was not aware that you all recognize that your government and your republic are part of the same line of descent of a national agenda to wipe out every demographically significant ethnic group that is not Turkish within your boundaries. What your republic accomplished with the Armenians in their 7 villayets, is now the end goal of a political attempt to devour (repress and assimilate) the Kurdish ethnic identity into oblivion.

                  So I will not judge from mere words the progress your nation has made in becoming a friendly nation, I will start to believe your claims of openness when your nation starts addressing the needs of minority ethnic groups within its realm. Since there are no Armenians left in Anatolia for you to prove your goodwill on, I advise that you work on your relations with the Kurds in providing them with language freedoms and social care to start, and afterwards, demographically proportional representation in the government. If you can do this, then perhaps Turkey would treat all its citizens on a basis of equality regardless of race or religion. Perhaps then, we Armenians might open up to the prospect of actually trusting your government instead of viewing it as one that has historically repressed non-Turkish elements to death.
                  Last edited by jgk3; 08-19-2009, 07:36 AM.


                  • #69
                    Re: Genocide??..

                    Originally posted by alpixoid View Post
                    Why the hell would I want respect here and believe me I have clear conscious than you do and by calling me Turk you are making a compliment I want my government to aplogize but they wont but if you think youll ever get your payback you are wrong..definetly wrong but all I wanted is peace around the world as Ataturk says..I dont hate Armenians even if you hate me but you should forgive and forget because history is history and it cannot be changed..You should move and you will see moving on is going to make everything better..
                    We're never going to forgive and forget. As long as you approach us with this type of attitude we will never forget. Like I said before, I don't hate Turks unless you deny the Genocide.


                    • #70
                      Re: Genocide

                      Originally posted by alpixoid View Post
                      Well most of our citizens accepted that there was a genocide but there are things that seems confusing like Armenia refuse Turkey's offer for an independent historical commission investigation..I didnt understand why you did that?
                      Well if most of your citizens accepted it why don't they stand up and force the government to accept it as well? I doubt the government would kill each and everyone of you, or are you just running your mouth to see where you will get with your points on this forum?

