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  • #51
    Re: Genocide

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    Alpixoid, every kind of neutral and reliable source you need is found on the Internet. Let me scratch the surface here and ask you what you think of Raphael Lemkin? In case you do not know who he is, he is the man who invented the word 'genocide'. What prompted him to invent the word were his studies on the Armenian Genocide!

    I mean if that's not enough, the International Association of Genocide Scholars unanimously recognise the events as a genocide. Everything you need can be found here
    Like I said I am ambivalent about this..There are really strong proofs that it happened and there are strong proofs that it didnt happened..By the way yes I know Raphael Lemkin even if he hated us I think his works were good at least what he believed forced him to hate us..It is a ironic twist that only seven people attended his funeral..


    • #52
      Re: Genocide??..

      Originally posted by Siggie View Post
      If we get angry with the people and don't reserve it for the government it is because they do exactly what you did; come here and start repeating things as if they are facts. You never asked for information or to understand what happened. You came here and pretended to be Armenian, said we're haters, and restated lies perpetuated by your government like a parrot incapable of independent thought and research.
      İf you were teached for 14 years to believe there was no genocide even if you dont want it you will believe there was no genocide..I did ask for information if you look my previous messages and only reason I pretended to be an Armenian because when I read the turkish people's posts here they are just empty fight words and pretending to be an Armenian was the way to learn something but then i realized that would be just lying and I didnt said you are all haters but like the guy said that when you beat us he will enjoy using Ataturk'S grave as a toilet...And even if you dont think I didnt do any independent research I did and found German research I am open to anything but it needs to be proved obviously and everybody here can think independent and heres some questions I am asking you if you dont believe that I am not searching for information:
      1-Why Armenia has rejected Turkey's offer for an independent historical commision investigation?
      2-Why you want us the Turkish Government to apologize what The Ottoman Empire did in 1915?


      • #53
        Re: Genocide

        Originally posted by Pazooki View Post
        What's that supposed to mean?

        So your going to blame Armenia for Armenian soldiers in the Russian army?

        That is just stupid.

        It's like me blaming Turkey for the holocaust because there was Turkish soldiers in the German army.
        See I am not blaming Armenia for Armenian soldiers in the Russian army but you are all blaming Turkey for Turkish soldiers in the Ottoman army...The Ottoman Empire has collapsed we are a new country we are not The Ottoman Empire..


        • #54
          Re: Genocide??..

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Correct, this is called realpolitik.

          Another thing, just because a country does not recognise the AG as genocide does not mean it automatically denies it. I'm sure a country like Botswana does not deny the AG happened
          Yes that is kinda true..But the Ottoman Empire did genocide if they did we are not The Ottoman Empire..


          • #55
            Re: Genocide??..

            Originally posted by Federate View Post
            You see, even if there were Armenians in the Russian Empire's army, why wouldn't there have been? Russian Armenia was a subject of the Russian Empire like Ottoman Armenia was a subject of the Ottoman Empire and both empires conscripted soldiers. The Battle of Sarikamish, initiated by the Ottoman Empire, took place with an Ottoman attack on the Russian Empire's Caucasus portion. Guess which country is located there... On the contrary, Armenians had all the right to be in the Russian army at the time and were merely defending their lands. Of course none of this even creates a feeble excuse for committing a genocide.
            And we were in the German army protecting their lands...


            • #56
              Re: Genocide??..

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              They can’t loose something they don’t have……but in Turkish politics and the negetive effects on them I agree with this (but it is leverage, not honor that can be lost).

              You know alpixoid, I personally could care less if Turkey or the Turkish people recognize the AG other than a political advantage for the Armenians……..but hey, that is just me.
              Don’t worry about it, you sound very young. Read what was suggested to you by others if you wanna learn but be careful what you say in school, you might get in trouble.
              Actually we are very respected when syria didnt give us PKK leader apo we took it anyway and usa confirmed that we are a super-power and after erdoğan bawled out israel leader peres he called an apologized and see we are very respected dont say insulting stuff about us and more than %75 of people in Turkey including me are ambivalent about AG and that just seems very confusing yes I am kinda young I am studying at Marmara College in İstanbul if you count that as young and we are open-minded about AG so dont worry I wont get in trouble...


              • #57
                Re: Genocide

                Originally posted by Anoush View Post
                alpixoid, same as Eddo said, your country morally looks very bad in-front of the whole world because when denying the Armenian Genocide committed by turkey and turkey alone, they are continuing the Genocide, as the last phase of the Genocide is denial.

                Also, your country is always looking to get into the European Union. And why do you think the European Union doesn't want turkey to get in it? Because turkey had a very belligerent past and the Europeans are always fledgling the red flag in-front of turkey's eyes. Meaning, the Armenian Genocide is the most important factor that Europe doesn't want turkey to be part of their union, and naturally Europeans knowing the real facts, they are letting turkey know that they should do reparations to Armenia and Armenians. That's the reason why Erdogun went to Armenia to play AS IF political reconciliation with Armenia and the football diplomacy to show to the Europeans that they are trying. But turkey failed again as they pushed their agendas time and time again to pass the illegal Kars Treaty, overlooking the legalized Sevres Treaty and the Wilson Arbitration.

                Turkey along with "azerbaijan" are also pushing for Nagorno-Karapagh Artsakh lands that Stalin simply gave it away to the "azeris" to please attaturk and we only fought back to the "azeri" genocidal pogroms from 1988-1992 and we won the war, still Erdogan and the "azeris" are pushing and pushing to take over those lands or most of these lands to simply steal and own them, even though we won the war. What turkey and "azerbaijan" really want is to take over all of Armenia and Nagorno-Karapagh. To either kill all the Armenians or send them away so that turkey and "azerbaijan" can realize their idiotic wet dreams of pan-turism.

                Armenia MUST NOT accept any friendship from turkey when a HUGE GENOCIDE issue is hanging over turkey as they continue to deny it. Turkey MUST accept the Genocide and MUST adhere to the Wilson Arbitration. Meaning to give our lands back to the owners - that is to us Armenians, the real landlords of the land - !!!!!
                The main reason wh eu doesnt want us is the kurt problem we are solving nowadays but ag is a big reason too.Most of our people started to accept the ag but our government may never apologize.But our prime-ministers seem to be getting along very well.And if our people get along there will be no reason for us to fight.Actually I dont care about azeris and our borders opened again.You seem to be right till the end what Turkey shall and will never do is to give away our country because if we wanted our lands back all asia and europe should be taken back but one thing I can assure you is that you are very wrong to think that we want to take all over Armenia that is your land but I dont know what Azerbaijan thinks and actually I dont give a crap what Azerbaijan thinks..


                • #58
                  Re: Genocide

                  Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
                  Relocations dose it ring any bells?
                  And no Kurd nor Turk will have the right to vote.Other minority's will vote,the country will have similar struction of an federation,so the benefits of people will be protected.
                  Examples u can take from USA.

                  I have already a ticket for u just in case.



                  • #59
                    Re: Genocide

                    The numbers are tools in the hands of genocide masterminds,they burned archives they carefully planted the hole operation before they put in start there plans.Armenians in some citys were the majority, villages with Armenians.
                    Very often Turkish people ask as why turkish and armenian historians don't sit down and talk about armenian genocide.The answer is that the act of such is another trick of denial.
                    To make it more simple for u,this means that turkish historians like to review past events that has been recorded and try to change the facts,wile in same time make the armenians and all the other countries that confirmed past historic events to deny it.

                    For me its an insult trying to change the past that its cannot be changed.

                    I cannot recall any killings of consuls of yours before the 1915,and if so the consuls that u refer were people that planned the genocide and put in trial with a sentence of death.

                    Also u obviously don't know of Armenian history u refer of Great Alexander conquering armenia,i don't know from were did u get that,there were no empire that could conquer hole armenia every time 1 part of it would be free, Persians did not conquer with army nor the Safavids,u could add Bizantium even then half of the military leaders or the Emperors were Armenians.
                    My ancestors did well so no turk or any other foreigner can question my history that is thousand years older than yours.


                    • #60
                      Re: Genocide

                      Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
                      The numbers are tools in the hands of genocide masterminds,they burned archives they carefully planted the hole operation before they put in start there plans.Armenians in some citys were the majority, villages with Armenians.
                      Very often Turkish people ask as why turkish and armenian historians don't sit down and talk about armenian genocide.The answer is that the act of such is another trick of denial.
                      To make it more simple for u,this means that turkish historians like to review past events that has been recorded and try to change the facts,wile in same time make the armenians and all the other countries that confirmed past historic events to deny it.

                      For me its an insult trying to change the past that its cannot be changed.

                      I cannot recall any killings of consuls of yours before the 1915,and if so the consuls that u refer were people that planned the genocide and put in trial with a sentence of death.

                      Also u obviously don't know of Armenian history u refer of Great Alexander conquering armenia,i don't know from were did u get that,there were no empire that could conquer hole armenia every time 1 part of it would be free, Persians did not conquer with army nor the Safavids,u could add Bizantium even then half of the military leaders or the Emperors were Armenians.
                      My ancestors did well so no turk or any other foreigner can question my history that is thousand years older than yours.
                      Well in some citys and villages turks are majority in germany and kurds are majority in here it doesnt mean if you are in majority in one or two cities and villages you have it all!!And yes some historians does make it up to change the past but not just in here.There are historians like that in every country who wants too make their country look great..And I dont mean consuls from 1915 I mean the consuls in 1990s and 2000s..By the way I think it is an insult to try to change the past..In the Ottoman Empire Armenians had jobs in government and schools also they had like all the rights except joining the military..

