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Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

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  • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

    Well, the flow of information on the ADL controversy has been reduced to a trickle but the broader philosophical discussion on the Armenian genocide issue continues and is mostly controlled by Israeli Pro-Turkish activist and a Turkish contributor and the Turkish contributors appear much more rational and realistic. The Israeli activist is citing to other internet cites.


    In the whole realpolitik arena re: American J-ewish lobby enforcing policy consistent with J-ewish safety primarily, two great questions remain unanswered:

    What value does the U.S. J-ewish lobby place on Iranian J-ewish lives when it demonizes Ahmadenijad as Hitler through major media channels for having a Holocaust symposium?

    What value does the lobby have on Armenian J-ews when Lebanese Armenians are displaced b/c of indiscriminate bombing of Lebanon by Israel during the Summer of 2006 for two Israeli soldiers and must move to Armenia?


    And the great story that has not really been reported on is how American foreign policy in Iraq (which may have been molded through the influence of the U.S. J-ewish lobby) actually marginaled christian minorities in Iraq requiring them to flee? Some of these Christians were likely ancestors of genocide survivors who were forcibly marched out of Turkey into the Middle East.


    Another interesting question is why does the pro-Holocaust recognition lobby believe that the Holocaust should be recognized at the political level but the Armenian genocide should not?


    Didn't Hitler and the Nazi ruling party identify J-ews as a source of Germany's economic woes before it was decided to round em up like cattle and ship them to their death?


    And, finally, too bad we have such strong relations with Turkey that they are infringing into Northern Iraq and inciting hostilities with Iraqi kurds. The kurds at least are relatively capable

    You know why weapons of mass destruction cannot be found in Iraq because the U.S. supplied a lot of them to Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. Funny how know one talks about WMDs anymore. Doh!!!


    Now, for the evening's press ticker:

    (Israeli newspaper publishes article detailing a bad summer for Holocaust commemoration; cites several examples - Russia, Berlin, Budapest, Poland, the Vatican - cemetery tombstone desecrations worldwide -in Israel, government set reparations at 83 shekels/mo. and the government identified ancestors of victims, refugees and those thought fought against Germany - Holocaust survivors for the political purpose of the ruling party and refused Darfur refugees contrary to the actions of J-ewish organizations internationally - esp. U.S. - who are at forefront of political and public relations for genocide survivors in Darfur; points out Israel's lack of sensitivity on Armenian genocde to preserve relations with Turkey and uniqueness of Holocaust and points to J-ewish author that wrote the 40 days of Musa Dagh of pre-Holocaust example of sensitivity to Armenian tragedy; all in all a very harsh critique of Israel re: what Dershowitz would call its "cognitive dissonance")

    Breaking news about Satellite from The Jerusalem Post. Read the latest updates on Satellite including articles, videos, opinions and more.

    (Israeli newspaper publishes terribly flawed and misguided opinion of former adviser to Turkish embassy and Pro-Israeli activist re: What xxxs should do about Turkey and Armenia; cites to his own literary and internet achievements re: pro-Israeli activities to bolster his credibility; understands why Turkey and Turks deny the Armenian genocide; attributes the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Muslims and thousands of J-ews to Armenians; opines that Israel and U.S. J-ews must tread lightly concerning claims of genocide b/c Armenians are spreading rumors that J-ews organized the 1915 events - that Armenians massacred 2.5 Armenian muslims between 1914-1920 - Armenians massacring 3000 Azeri mountain j-ews in 1918 - and Armenians massacring hundreds of Azeri muslims in 1992; claims that both sides have tales and denials; concludes that U.S. and J-ews should encourage both sides to conduct examination objectively of those events as this is when nations mature)

    Didn't seem like this was the path Germany was given to resolve the Holocaust. The rules always seem to change when its in the favor of protecting the Holocaust's uniqueness. Seems to be an important tenet of Zionism. We are entitled, they are not.

    (Journal of Turkish Strategy Thinktank publishes opinion piece promoting new dialogue on genocide issue; claims tha ADL controversy highlights that Turkey needs to come clean b/c Turkish J-ews writing to U.S. J-ewish lobby regarding the resolution jeopardizing their safety is not glowing testimonial of Turkish democratic maturity; opines that Turkey and the public fail to recognize that the genocide battle has already been lost in the West partly b/c Turkey's unrelenting position has left them looking like an uncompromising,authoritarian state that has created a taboo; basically, blames Turkey for the loss on the issue in U.S. and concludes that Turkey should apologize indicating that territorial and financial compensation are out the question)

    (Same journal publishes different opinion piece by same contributor above re: life after the Armenian resolution; opines that public opinion in D.C. is that it is a foregone conclusion that Congress will recognize the genocide and as such Turkish US relations shall require damage control and crisis management; resolution is wholly about US domestic policy and little to do with shaky Turkish American relations recenty related to Turkey's tepid support of Bush administration in Middle East; Turkey is to blame for the death of the genocide issue for stifling 'free' debate on the issue and lack of organized, educated Turkish-American lobby)
    Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-03-2007, 07:07 PM.
    Between childhood, boyhood,
    & manhood (maturity) there
    should be sharp lines drawn w/
    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
    stories, songs & judgements

    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


    • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

      Stay up-to-date with the latest news, stories and headlines in Boston, MA from Wicked Local.

      (Waltham, MA. newspaper publishes article reporting that Newton, MA has not disbanded ADL's NO PLACE FOR HATE program just yet but has placed demands on ADL that must be met in order for program to continue; so far ADL has met 2 of the 3 conditions; the last condition is that ADL must endorse U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide)

      (Boston Globe's letters to the editor included comments from David Boyajian, Bruce Fein [Pro-Turkish lobbyist], an Armenian in Canada and a historian; compare the Mr. Fein's letter with the historians and you will likely conclude that the American J-ewish lobby's suggestion that Armenians and Turks sit down and have an objective scholarly examination is merely a ruse without any substantial justification)

      Structure CMS™ provides enterprise level power for users with entry level skills. Our best of breed CMS has a simple, highly intuitive suite of tools that gives you complete command of your web properties.

      (Conservative magazine's website publishes article includes metaphor to 9/11 and concludes that in the same fashion appeasing terrorists only emboldens them, the ADL, mainstream media and U.S. government officials should not appease Turkey in their reluctance to acknowledge the Armenian genocide)

      (Internet magazine republishes article above)

      (Armenian newssource reports that Armenian lobby in Europe has uncovered that EU progress report on Turkey does not include Armenian genocide and that lobby members shall meet with European parliamentarians and Dutch politicians this month to discuss including the Armenian genocide issue in the report before it is released in October)

      Turkish Daily News: Explore the latest Turkish news, including Turkey news, politics, political updates, and current affairs. Council of Foreign Ministers of Turkic States Organization Convened - 17:59

      (Turkish newspaper publishes article discussing agenda of new Turkish president which among other things claims that the government's foreign policy shall not change re: genocide denial, relations with the U.S. re: Armenian genocide, Northern Iraq and Iran and opening up the Armenian border)

      Turkish Daily News: Explore the latest Turkish news, including Turkey news, politics, political updates, and current affairs. Council of Foreign Ministers of Turkic States Organization Convened - 17:59

      (Same newspaper publishes article re: recently published book detailing American J-ewish lobby's influence on American foreign policy, details how book provides in-depth analysis of Turkish-American relations, Israeli support for Turkey on the issue of the so-called genocide bill and the war on Iraq; suggests Turkish FM obtain book and read it; states that while the lobbying activities of other groups can be discussed the lobbying activities of American J-ewish lobby cannot be b/c of J-ewish control over U.S. media, banks and other key institutions; and, refers to dual loyalty of the lobby - when interest of U.S. and Israel conflict - Israeli interests come 1st)

      The Mearsheimer-Walt study of American policy deserves to be widely read and discussed. It could not be more timely. Cheney and Elliott Abrams may be preparing to do to Iran what Cheney and Wolfowitz did to Iraq.

      (Blog by Huffpost contributor discusses same book discussed in article above re: American J-ewish lobby's influence U.S. foreign policy; states neo-conservative publicists went all out to slam the authors as 'anti-semites'; claims that the literate press will ignore book, pretend it is not news, rule out probable inferences from data provided claiming cannot identify organizations criticized; states book contains 'new and suprising facts' about lobby's influence on U.S. foreign policy; article discusses Elliot Cohen's hiring by the State department and describes his as a neo-conservative war scholar and enthusiast and persistent slanderer of the book's authors; identifies Elliot Abrams as person at Middle East desk for National Security Council - book quotes Abrams' 1997 unity to Israel as all J-ews are apart from the population except Israel; concludes that the book should be widely read and discussed)

      (European Armenian lobby republishes Jpost opinion piece by Pro-Israeli Turkish activist who previously advised the Turkish Embassy in D.C. that warns J-ews not to make determinations on the Armenian genocide and leave it the parties to debate as there are 'historical' accounts that Armenians actually massacred muslims and j-ews in the Caucasus in the early and late 20th century)

      (Blog providing commentary and news analysis by independent thinkers and across political affiliation publishes article by Assistant editor endorsing the position of the author above re: "Turkey and Armenia: What xxxs Should Do" possibly to act as devil's advocate because no responsible, reputed independent thinker or 'journalist' would promote the biased opinion of a Turkish lobbyist of Israeli origin who basically states that Armenians should not be entitled to genocide recognition because they committed inhumane acts against Muslims and j-ews - as if J-ews never harmed a soul in the pre-Holocaust era and some prominent figures in the Ottoman empire that committed genocide on Armenians were not of J-ewish descent)
      Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-04-2007, 10:49 AM. Reason: Additions/corrections
      Between childhood, boyhood,
      & manhood (maturity) there
      should be sharp lines drawn w/
      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
      stories, songs & judgements

      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


      • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

        News and Analysis of Assyrian and Assyrian-related Issues Worldwide

        (Assyrian news agency republishes blog originally posted on conservative magaine website opining the ADL, mainstream media and U.S. government officials should not appease Turkey in their reluctance to acknowledge the Armenian genocide)

        (Newton, Mass. newspaper issues article referencing Newton resident sparking national debate by writing a letter to a Watertown newspaper about the ADL, Abraham Foxman, and the organizations failure to recognize the Armenian genocide and efforts to lobby against genocide recognition; legislation in U.S.; rehashes Beantown beatdown; explains that ALD's NO PLACE FOR HATE PROGRAM was canned in Watertown; explains that Newton officials wrote to ADL but postponed any decision re: Newton's continued association with ADL; identifies upcoming Newton Human Rights Commission meeting on Tues. 9/11 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall to discuss town's affiliation with ADL)

        Լրահոս edit post Վերնագիրը լավն է՝ «խաղաղության խաչմերուկ», բայց իրականում խաչմերուկ չի, տուպիկ է. Ռոբերտ Քոչարյան 17/02/2025 edit post Տիգրան Ավինյանից դժգոհում են անգամ ՔՊ ընտրած բազմաթիվ քաղաքացիներ, քանի որ գտնում են՝ այդ ուժը խաբել է իրենց. «Մայր Հայաստան» խմբակցության անդամ 17/02/2025 edit post Լևոն Տեր-Պետրոսյանը մտադիր չէ պատասխանել Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանին 17/02/2025 edit post Քոչարյանի […]

        (Armenian newssource reports that AAA met with UN officials in NY recently to discuss several issues including universal affirmation of the Armenian Genocide)

        (This article recenty published by the Canadian J-ewish News is indicative of the way the U.S. J-ewish lobby demonizes countries as a method of exerting political leverage w/o concern of the safety of the J-ewry in the county they demonize; UNWatch is a wing of the American J-ewish Committee; head of UNWatch and J-ewish member of Canadian Liberal party claim that inclusion of Libya and Iran to 2009 UN World Conference against Racism is an omen that the conference is controlled by anti-Israeli forces; Canadian j-ewish leader had no problem calling Iran "Holocaust-denying" and "genocide-inciting" even though Iran has a J-ewish population of equal size to Turkey - perhaps, what this really means is that Iran is not as blood thirsty or bigoted as the U.S. Pro-Israeli lobby would make them out to be b/c depite all the harsh rhetoric Iran hasn't committed genocide against its own J-ewish population)

        (Southern CA newssource reportsArmenian consul to U.S. met with members of American-Armenian print press to discuss situation of printed press in Armenia and diaspora, concerns of Armenian diaspora and promoting cooperation and further activities between LA Armenian printed press and Armenian printed press; Dear Mr. Liloyan and Armenian journalists in Los Angeles and Armenia, welcome to the world wide web)
        Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-04-2007, 10:36 PM.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

          (American Armenian newspaper reports on meeting last night in Bedford, MA of town officials and citizens re: ADL controversy; Violence Prevention Coalition decided to demand further clarification from ADL and determined that severing ties with ADL would be considered)

          (xxxish Mass. newspaper publishes opinion piece by Turkish Ambassador to U.S. as Turkey's response to ADL controversy; piece was generated by inquiry to ambassador by advocate for a response; suprised and disappointed at ADL shift although ADL recalibrated its position; claims main obligation seek out truth and promote reconciliation [translation: come to Turkey, argue that Turkey committed genocide against Armenians, and we'll send out nationalist thugs to extinguish you]; claims ADL and prominent historians concur w/ Turkey that world has not seen full historical record; claims that U.S. genocide recognition resolutions are attempts to re-write history; states that U.S. congress is being mislead with "selective and factually incorrect dossier"; claims Turkey wants to strengthen its relations with Israel; concludes that Turkey expects American J-ewish lobby to givel all parties the benefit of the doubt and oppose U.S. Congressional recognition and public opinion in favor of the Armenian genocide which would cause great injustice to Turkey without examination of facts)

          ------>>> Perhaps, someone should ask Mr. Sensoy to refute any of the factual findings which comprise the genocide recognition resolution in both houses of U.S. congress. Broad statements of "selective and factually incorrect dossier" should be scrutinized. Neither Foxman, Harris or any Turkish official will specifically point to the resolution and state affirmatively that any of the numerous findings is false. They talk in generalities because they know if they get into specifics, they get slammed time and time again by the concensus of historical research that confirms the truth without need for further debate - Ottoman Turkey committed genocide against Armenians!!!

          Turkish Daily News: Explore the latest Turkish news, including Turkey news, politics, political updates, and current affairs. Council of Foreign Ministers of Turkic States Organization Convened - 17:59
          Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-05-2007, 09:09 AM. Reason: additions
          Between childhood, boyhood,
          & manhood (maturity) there
          should be sharp lines drawn w/
          Tests, deaths, feats, rites
          stories, songs & judgements

          - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


          • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

   (here's j-ewcy's press release re: ADL protest tomorrow 9/6/07 at Lexington Ave. and 92nd St., New York at 7:00 p.m. - if you are on the eastern seaboard and not in NY do what you can to catch the Acela Express to Penn Station and make the protest; also, read the blogs below the press release that succinctly state that Foxman's ADL appeals to genocidal hatred and detail how the ADL and ADL supporters do not understand realpolitik as it to relates to Turkey in four [4] notes: Turkey needs to get over its 'ancient' history, Turkey hates Kurds and Kurds are more important to Israel, the Turkish government is anti-semitic, and the ADL's stance benefits critics of the Israel lobby)

            [Note: This is the official J-ewcy's press release about our upcoming protest of Abe Foxman at the 92nd Street Y. Please copy and paste what's below if you intend to e-mail any news sources or organizations about the event.]

            J-ewcy Protests Anti-Defamation League Director Abe Foxman at the 92nd Street Y

            WHERE: Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street, New York
            WHEN: Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. (The event starts at 8:15 p.m.)

            As reported by J-ewcy Senior Editor Joey Kurtzman, Abe Foxman has refused to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Weeks after J-ewcy called for his ouster, Foxman issued a mealymouthed press release but did nothing else. He has not apologized to Armenians and the j-ews he claims to represent. The ADL has not changed its position that it would be a “counterproductive diversion” to support the Congressional resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide.

            J-ewcy condemns Abe Foxman and the ADL. Our presence outside the 92nd Street Y will be to insist that he and his organization have robbed themselves of moral legitimacy. Foxman must be fired. The ADL must unequivocally recognize Turkey’s organized mass murder of ethnic Armenians and back the Congressional resolution that does so.

            We invite anyone who shares our view to join us. We only ask that you respect the seriousness with which xxxcy approaches this issue. Our protest aims to be civilized and peaceful. No bullhorns or microphones will be permitted.

            Placards and banners are encouraged, but please stick to the topic at hand.

            For more information, please contact J-ewcy Associate Editor Michael Weiss at 718-834-8873 or [email protected]
            Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-05-2007, 11:52 PM. Reason: additions and corrections
            Between childhood, boyhood,
            & manhood (maturity) there
            should be sharp lines drawn w/
            Tests, deaths, feats, rites
            stories, songs & judgements

            - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


            • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

              BABEL: Isabel Wilkerson Wednesday, April 26 | 8:00pm In 1994, at just 33, Wilkerson won a Pulitzer Prize for individual reporting for her work on Midwestern floods and a 10-year-old boy taking care of his siblings. Book offers followed, and Wilkerson left the New York Times in the mid-90s to start work on The Warmth

              Recognition of the Armenian genocide must be a precondition for Turkey’s membership in the European Union, the first secretary of France’s main opposition Socialist Party (PS) said during a visit to Armenia on Thursday.

              The Turkish propaganda continues:

              (Meet a 'sympathetic researcher' for the uniqueness of the Holocaust, a true 'never before' scholar)

              Armenia and the ADL

              It is a shame to suggest that such a controversial subject like Armenian genocide can be held equal to the Holocaust (Opinion page, Aug. 31).

              I am appalled and baffled by the Anti-Defamation League's utter disrespect to a brother nation who saved thousands of xxxish people from persecution in Spain.

              I suggest you read your history right and put your conscious in test with self-respect.

              Shame on you.

              Dr. Oben Alpaslan
              Istanbul, Turkey
              Between childhood, boyhood,
              & manhood (maturity) there
              should be sharp lines drawn w/
              Tests, deaths, feats, rites
              stories, songs & judgements

              - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


              • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

                Breaking news:

                J-ewish Telegraphic Agency is reporting that ANCA has secured the support of no less than twelve (12) American J-ewish lobbying organizations to back U.S. congressional recognition of the Armenian genocide.

                Here's the 'breaking news' release.

       (Last night, Bedford, Mass. was urged to end its association with the ADL sponsored NO PLACE FOR HATE program; Bedford City Council said matter was in purview of City Manager and Town's Selectmen)

                (European Armenian lobby reposts Boston Globe op-ed piece detailing how Turkey has conveniently forgotten its own history re: genocide against Armenians)
                Between childhood, boyhood,
                & manhood (maturity) there
                should be sharp lines drawn w/
                Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                stories, songs & judgements

                - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

         (pics from tonight's protest of Abe Foxman by; umm, aren't there any Armenians on the East Coast; heck, Martin and George the Armenians were selling tobacco and making silk in Virginia before the U.S. was a nation, you'd think one of there ancestors could have made it to the protest; ANCA [Hamparian] and AAA [Ardouny] must be ashamed of themselves from being unable to rally up any support for a protest of Mr. Foxman commenced by a J-ewish magazine; at the very least, our 'leaders' should commend the magazine for taking a stand, sticking up for us and choosing to call out Mr. Foxman for aligning with the 'Dark Side")

         (Reuters reports study finds American J-ewish Pro-Israeli lobby is fighting a losing battle; young American j-ews increasingly detached from Israel)

         (Journal of Turkish strategy thinktank realizing futility of lobbying against HR 106)

         (AJC's Exec. Director admits he's a goyim who converted to Judaism, the J-ewry suffered some self-inflicted wounds over the last week because some J-ews are embracing dialogue with Muslims and Arabs in Europe and the U.S. and young European j-ews trying to organize are feeling isolated by lack of support from other J-ewish organizations; conspicuously leaves out the self-inflicted wound caused by the ADL and some other groups in the American J-ewish lobby, er, er, American J-ewish Committee, waffling on recognition of Armenian genocide)

         (This is not cool; but American J-ewish leaders need to be careful demonizing other ethnicities in U.S. [the ADL recently tried to bully Muslims in Beantown] and belittling others by self-righteous policies wherein their leader acts like he is the end all be all on what events amount to genocide and what events do not; genocide denial encourages genocidal hatred)
                  Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-06-2007, 11:15 PM. Reason: Additions
                  Between childhood, boyhood,
                  & manhood (maturity) there
                  should be sharp lines drawn w/
                  Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                  stories, songs & judgements

                  - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                  • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

                    Aftershocks in Beantown continue to rock ADL.

                    Belmont is third MA. town to give Abe and ADL's NO PLACE FOR HATE program the proverbial boot.

                    Mr. Mensoian goes 'medieval' on Abe Foxman with an open letter asking him to explain himself further. (P.S. Way to go Mr. Mensoian!!!)

                    Blogger reports on J-ewcy's demonstration of Abe Foxman at the 92 Y; apparently, Mr. Foxman was besides himself when he approached the venue he was attending to speak at a venue that was attended by a full house; crowd including a couple of Armenians incl. representative for ANC-ER. https://<br /> http://www.opednews....foxman_pic.htm

                    Welcome to Sarajevo. Institute for War & Peace Reporting held a conference there in mid July discussing several genocides in the 20th century including Armenia. Go figure, there was an Armenian genocide. Who knew?
                    IWPR - Institute for War & Peace Reporting gives voice to people at the frontlines of conflict and transition to help them drive change.

                    Armenian newssource reports on ANCA's success in garnerning the support of twelve American J-ewish organizations to H.R. 106.

                    Conservative magazine publishes article by contributor concluding that, you guessed, the time is still not ripe for American to officially recognize the Genocide because Turkey is our friend. We don't want to hurt their po' wittle feelings. Get some back bone, Ms. Lerner. If not now, when?

                    French politician proclaims, on Armenian Radio, France will oppose Turkey's inclusion until the EU until it faces the facts.

                    Turkey worried about hunting season against them at upcoming EU commission in Brussels. Gobble. Gobble. Gobble.
                    Turkish Daily News: Explore the latest Turkish news, including Turkey news, politics, political updates, and current affairs. Council of Foreign Ministers of Turkic States Organization Convened - 17:59

                    L'shanah Tovah, Mr. Foxman and Mr. Lewy, may your new year be filled with the realization that you are bigoted zealots and your prompt ejection from the ADL for all the harm you have done to your reputation, the ADL's stated purpose and the J-ewry as a whole. You anti-Armenian hypocrical, Zionist Xenophobes!!!! L'shanah Tovah, to you, you schmucks!!! You are an embarrassment to real humanitarians around the world, J-ews and goys, alike!

                    Are Glen Lewy (ADL National Director) and Guenther Lewy (a 'never before' scholar) related?
                    Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-07-2007, 02:46 PM. Reason: additions.
                    Between childhood, boyhood,
                    & manhood (maturity) there
                    should be sharp lines drawn w/
                    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                    stories, songs & judgements

                    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                    • Re: Watertown Armenians in arow over ADL's anti-genocide stance

                      JTA reports on what went inside at the 92nd St. Y last night where Abraham Foxman went mano-y-mano with Stuart Eizrnsat over President Jimmy Carter.

                      I bet you Abe was wondering if he should have just gone mid-town to Carnegie Deli and ordered the Woody Allen and a Brown's Diet Soda instead. First, he shows up and has to circle the venue because rabid 'anti-semite' rally outside calling for his head. And, then he tried to tell a prominent J-ewish member of the Carter and Clinton administrations that Carter's anti-semitsm is rooted in his Southern Baptist upbringings and gets slammed to the mat. Ouch. Mr. Foxman, how do you sleep, how do you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and assure yourself that you have any relevance. You pathetic buffoon. Shame on you.

                      J-ewcy's still on point. Reports on Belmont apparently jumping off of ADL's NO PLACE FOR HATE ship.

                      J-ewcy has got some talented artists dropping pulp on Mr. Foxman.

                      Funny, local and Canadian papers and atleast one regional TV broadcaster ran an article today about American j-ews seeking citizenship in Germany that regurgates Mr. Foxman's upbringing that almost reads more like positive spin for the j-urkoff after his horrible evening at the 92nd St. Y than any real hard journalism.
                      It was overkill.

                      Pope proclaims Roman Catholic Church should show 'repentance' for the Holocaust.

                      Apparently, Mr. Foxman missed the message completely and thought it was really a cue for him to open his big mouth again. The timing and purpose of Rosh Hashanah could not be more appropriate for you, Mr. Foxman. Perhaps, you should make a really strong effort to seek atonement as the shofar blows to alert the tribe of upcoming judgment. What do you think happened at the 92nd St. Y?

                      Armenian newssource republishes UK Independent article detailing account of genocide survivor and refering to Robert Fisk's discovery in Deutsche Bank archives that demonstrates the atrocities in celluloid glow.

                      2 out of 3 reasonable members of the American j-ewry agree, its a travesty that their 'so-called' leaders have not supported U.S. recognition of the Armenian Tragedy.

                      Are you kidding me, Sherry Weinman? I suggest you take some delegates from the American J-ewish Committee constituency, board a plane to Yerevan and meet your Armenian brethren. Learn about their music and poetry. Say hello to a musical genius.

                      When their leaders requested your organization to take their message endorsing Congressional support of the recognition resolutions to the Hill, your organization did nothing. Your organization did not oblige them. So, if you take Turkish J-ews message opposing these resolutions to the Hill but do not do so for your Armenian brethren, doesn't that mean you are endorsing Turkey's genocide denial position?


                      AAA gets kudos from Beantown J-ewish leaders.


                      When they took out
                      Hrant Dink.

                      Armenians and Turks
                      put one hundred
                      on Turkish streets

                      Yet, we can't
                      a tenth
                      of their march
                      for the dove
                      in front of the Turkish Embassy
                      in L.A.
                      on Rememberance Day.
                      Last edited by freakyfreaky; 09-08-2007, 01:43 AM. Reason: additions
                      Between childhood, boyhood,
                      & manhood (maturity) there
                      should be sharp lines drawn w/
                      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                      stories, songs & judgements

                      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22

