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Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

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  • #41
    On a lighter note:

    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


    • #42
      Just a quick reminder -- Sibel Edmonds' List of Dirty Dozen Congresspeople

      Dirty Dozen. Blowing the Whistle - Part 1 of 3 Sibel Edmonds joined the FBI as a translator in the immediate aftermath of 911 and she came a...

      The Dirty Dozen campaign lists a dozen members of Congress who:

      by their action or inaction, have stood against real investigations, hearings, and legislation dealing with government whistleblowers who have exposed waste, fraud, abuse, and or criminal activities within government agencies.

      The Dirty Dozen names the following Congressional culprits (in alphabetical order)

      Senator Hillary Clinton
      Senator Mike DeWine
      Rep. David Dreier
      Rep. Dennis Hastert
      Senator Orrin Hatch
      Rep. Peter Hoekstra
      Senator Jon Kyl
      Senator Joseph Lieberman
      Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger
      Senator Rick Santorum
      Rep. James Sensenbrenner
      Rep. Mark Souder


      The NSWBC has joined forces with a few other like-minded organisations. One of them is the Veterans Affairs Whistleblowers Coalition ( - a group of doctors, nurses and pharmacists from VA hospitals who have blown the whistle on severe abuse, murder and fraud/waste cases. Sibel talked about a particular case that they have been involved with where patients are being murdered, and Hillary Clinton's crimes of omission.

      SE: In one case, some pharmaceutical companies give the VA hospitals $2000 per patient if the patient gives consent and signs up for some experimental drugs - and in some cases, some of these administrators and doctors - they forged patients' signatures in order to get the $2000 per head - just like guinea pigs - and some of these patients died. And because of the medical history of some of these veterans, they shouldn’t even have been given these experimental drugs - even if they had given their consent.

      One guy involved in this case has been jailed for life - but they didn’t pursue the issue with the other doctors who were involved. What happened was that before it even became a public issue - these pharmacists and doctors blew the whistle, and instead of looking into the issues and investigating it, these people were fired. They had to go and fight it with Inspector Generals and other such bodies - some of them got their jobs back but they're still being harassed there. But most of these problems that they reported haven’t been corrected.

      Sibel sent me the letter that the VAWBC sent to Hillary Clinton documenting some of the attrocities. You can read it in full here. (insert link) - here's a snippet:

      To put it bluntly, the actions of these people caused the deaths of veterans, and there seems to be few people interested in discovering the truth and preventing a repeat of the Stratton catastrophe.


      • #43
        Ahh, blogs .... what an endless source of amusement they are, and they take the ranting and raving lunatics off the streets and onto the internet where they cause less annoyance.
        Plenipotentiary meow!


        • #44
          Armenian Americans for Obama in Battleground State:Volunteers Swing into Action in PA

          Armenian National Committee of Pennsylvania
          914 Woodlawn Drive, Lansdale, PA 19466


          For Immediate Release ~ 2008-03-31
          Contact: Ara Chalian ~ 215-350-7602

          Armenian Americans for Sen. Barack Obama in Battleground State: Volunteers Swing into Action in Pennsylvania

          Philadelphia, PA- Armenian for Obama have been gearing up throughout the State of Pennsylvania in preparation for the April 22nd presidential primaries. Philadelphia grassroots activists have been working several hundred hours, registering voters, manning phones to call
          Pennsylvanians, and posting flyers and buttons to spread Senator Obama’s message of Hope. Armenian Americans and volunteers from all walks of life have kept the Philadelphia regional headquarters in downtown buzzing, reported the Armenian National Committee of Pennsylvania (ANC of PA).

          “We are working to organize our activists in pursuit of helping presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama, commented Ara Chalian, ANC of PA Chairman. “His strong record in office, best reflects the views and values of Armenian American voters.”

          Left to Right: ANC and AYF of PA activist Mikael Garabedian, Philadelphia HQ Office Manager Lois O’Neil, and PA Outreach Director Michael Blake at the Obama PA Headquarters

          This past January, the ANCA endorsed Senator Obama, and since then activists around the nation have been active with his campaign. The campaign for the Democratic nomination for President has reached a critical point. Pennsylvania has been declared the key state for the Democratic Party candidates, and is one of the deciding factors in the Democratic nomination for president

          Enthusiastic and supportive Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) activists will be heading to the Philadelphia Obama Headquarters on April 9th, 2008, in addition to regular daily support from an array of community members. AYF activists will phone bank in and out of the headquarters and canvass Philadelphia as well as their respective communities. ANC and AYF activist, Mikael Garabedian, has already spent over 60 hours volunteering. “It is a powerful experience working for Senator Obama’s campaign that stands for human rights and equality. The ANC of PA and AYF will continue to aid the campaign in any way they can now and beyond the critical Pennsylvania primary,” commented Garabedian.

          ANC of PA Chair Ara Chalian with Obama activist

          The community has been called to action by the ANC-PA and the AYF leaders to participate and play a leading role in aiding this campaign to a victory in the Keystone State on April 22nd. Almost 120,000 voters registered as new democrats within the past month alone and the drive has lead to over four million Pennsylvanians being registered as democrats in this major battleground state.

          Community members who wish to volunteer should call or visit their local Obama campaign office. For more information on how to get involved, please contact ANC of PA Chairman Dr. Ara Chalian at (215)350-7602 or Mikael Garabedian at (610) 724-5327.

          Sen. Obama’s statement on U.S.-Armenia relations is available on the official campaign website at:

          The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.



          • #45
            Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
            Ahh, blogs .... what an endless source of amusement they are, and they take the ranting and raving lunatics off the streets and onto the internet where they cause less annoyance.
            Not all of them though !


            • #46
              Obama pledges continued efforts to press Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocide
              30.04.2008 15:07 GMT+04:00
              /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Democratic Presidential Candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) pledged to continue his efforts to press Turkey to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, in a strongly worded statement submitted yesterday to the Congressional Record marking the 93rd anniversary of this crime against humanity, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

              "It is imperative that we recognize the horrific acts carried out against the Armenian people as genocide and I will continue to stand with the Armenian American community in calling for the Government of Turkey to acknowledge it as such," Sen. Obama said.

              "Armenian Americans value Senator Obama’s consistent and principled leadership in pressuring Turkey to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide and to end its shameful campaign to deny this crime against humanity," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.
              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • #47

                Sen. Obama urges Bush administration to change position on Armenian Genocide

                18.06.2008 14:40 GMT+04:00

                /PanARMENIAN.Net/ With the Senate Foreign Relations Committee set to consider U.S. Ambassador to Armenia nominee Marie Yovanovitch at a confirmation hearing on Thursday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama restated his commitment to U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian told PanARMENIAN.Net.

                In a June 16th letter to ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian, Sen. Obama wrote, "I share your view that the United States must recognize the events of 1915 to 1923, carried out by the Ottoman Empire, as Genocide. . . We must recognize this tragic reality. The Bush Administration’s refusal to do so is inexcusable. I will continue to speak out in an effort to move the Administration to change its position."



                • #48
                  Armenians For Obama


                  • #49
                    Armenians For Obama Participate In Major LA Event Held For Presidential Nominee

                    June 26, 2007

                    Los Angeles, CA - Armenians For Obama joined political leaders and fundraisers earlier this week at U.S. Senator Barack Obama's first major event in Los Angeles since he became the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. The fundraiser, held on June 24th at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, drew together political leaders and Hollywood stars and provided an opportunity for Senator Obama to learn more about the 500,000 Armenian Americans who live and work in and around the City of Angels.
                    In his remarks to those in attendance, the presidential candidate emphasized the urgent need to change the environment in Washington. He also stressed the importance of unity not only within the Democratic Party but for the nation as a whole, emphasizing that we all have common goals and common dreams for ourselves and for our world.

                    "We were pleased to be part of a successful event for Senator Obama," commented Armenians for Obama Chair Nora Hovsepian. "The Armenian American community looks forward to being there every step of the way for Barack Obama as he makes his way to the White House. It is energizing that so many Republicans, Democrats and Independents in our community have united to support Senator Obama. We are enthusiastically looking forward to Senator Obama becoming President Obama next year," Hovsepian added.

                    "In my discussion with Senator Obama tonight, I emphasized the moral strength of his position on the Armenian Genocide and ending the twin Turkish and Azeri blockades of Armenia. He reassured me that he is committed to these issues and expressed gratitude for our support in the Armenian-American community."

                    Earlier this week, Obama submitted questions on the Armenian Genocide to Marie Yovanovitch, President Bush's nominee to be U.S. Ambassador to Armenia. The Senator serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which must confirm Yovanovitch before she can assume her post in Yerevan.

                    According to the Associated Press, the gala fundraiser in Los Angeles included the participation of big-name directors and other celebrities, including actors Samuel L. Jackson, Dennis Quaid and Don Cheadle, models Heidi Klum and Cindy Crawford, singer Seal, and boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard. Also on hand were Black Eyed Peas frontman, who has created two music videos for Obama during the primary season - including one called "Yes We Can" that set music to clips from his speeches and became an Internet sensation.

                    Individuals interested in learning more about Senator Obama's record on Armenian American issues and how they can help get him elected President are encouraged to visit

                    The ANC-PAC endorsed Senator Obama for President earlier this year and is gratified that he is now the presumptive nominee. The ANC-PAC is a non-partisan federally registered political action committee established to support campaign committees for Members of Congress who share the values of the Armenian American community. The ANC-PAC is at the forefront of efforts to ensure that the voice of the Armenian American community is clearly heard in our nation's capital. The ANC-PAC continues a century old tradition of Armenian Americans engagement on the public policy issues facing national political leaders, both in the U.S. Congress and the White House.



                    • #50
                      Armenian National Committee of America
                      1711 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
                      Tel. (202) 775-1918 * Fax. (202) 775-5648 * [email protected]

                      PRESS RELEASE

                      For Immediate Release ~ 2008-07-10
                      Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian ~ Tel: (202) 775-1918


                      ANCA Thanks Senator Obama

                      WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Barack Obama has received written responses to the four written questions he submitted to U.S. Ambassador Designate Marie Yovanovitch as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s ongoing review of her nomination to serve as the next U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

                      “We remain troubled by Ambassador Yovanovitch’s evasive answers, her outright non-responses, and her refusal, in her replies to Senator Obama and other Senators, to offer anything approaching a reasonable or factually supportable explanation of the reasons behind Administration’s misguided policy on the Armenian Genocide,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. “This being said, it appears as though Ambassador Yovanovitch and her colleagues have learned from the disastrous Hoagland experience and are coming to understand that the U.S. Senate will not accept – and the Armenian American community will never allow - an Ambassador to Armenia who denies the Armenian Genocide.”

                      Ambassador Yovanovitch appeared as a witness before the Committee on June 19th. During this appearance, she faced a series of pointed questions from Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) regarding the Bush Administration’s policy to mischaracterize the Armenian Genocide. Afterwards, as many as eight Senators, including Senator Menendez, submitted a series of written inquiries to the nominee.

                      CLICK HERE to read her responses to Senator Obama, the seventh set of answers received to date.

                      Concerned that Senators had not been given enough time to review Ms. Yovanovitch’s responses, with many submitted less than 24 hours before the impending Committee vote, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) called for a delay in Senate consideration, until Senators had a clearer picture of the nominee’s position. A Committee decision on this posting is expected in mid-July.

                      The ANCA has thanked Senator Boxer for providing Senators, the Armenian American community, and all citizens who care about ending genocide with the opportunity to meaningfully review the responses of a public servant nominated to fill a diplomatic posting that has been the center of national attention since the Administration’s firing of Ambassador John Evans over his truthful remarks on the Armenian Genocide.

                      “We compromise our standing as a nation when we require that our Foreign Service officers either lie or conceal the truth in the conduct of our foreign affairs. This exercise of euphemisms and evasion in relation to the Armenian Genocide, which everyone knows is the result of Turkish government pressure, undermines our credibility,” added Hamparian. "Our diplomats should be sent abroad with a clear message: speak the truth and America will stand with you.”

                      President Bush nominated Amb. Marie L. Yovanovitch in March of this year to serve as America's next Ambassador to Armenia. The ANCA has spoken to Committee members about the value of carefully questioning Amb. Yovanovitch on the many issues she will face as the U.S. envoy in Yerevan, among them the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey and Azerbaijan's ongoing blockades of Armenia, and the need for a balanced U.S. role in helping forge a democratic and peaceful resolution to the Nagorno Karabagh conflict.

                      President Bush's previous nominee as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Richard Hoagland, was subject to two legislative holds by Sen. Menendez and was ultimately withdrawn by the Administration, following the nominee's statements denying the Armenian Genocide. The ANCA led the Armenian American community campaign opposing Hoagland's nomination, stating that a genocide denier could not serve as a credible and effective U.S. spokesperson in Armenia.



