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Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

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  • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

    There is a big difference between us Turk.
    We acknowledge that our young democracy is not perfect
    You have not democracy. What is this "Young democracy". Also, Turkish people know their democracy is not perfect and trying to improve our democracy. So, there is not a big difference. At least, not what you are talking.

    But you have a bigger problem; Those Turkish vains takes control just like your uncontrolled vomiting of this filth that is called Turkishness you have spewed all over this thread.
    Bla bla.. What type of discussion is this. I will not waste my time for such stupidy.

    You come here to have some fun..........Is that what you think we stand for, a joke? Don’t you have any respect for yourself Turk?
    Pardon me? what do you mean?

    You are sounding alot like dear Scurtel,
    You are sounding alot like my ass. Your fart is uneffective. Learn to discuss.

    ALL countries should recognise atrocities done in the name of racism, ethnic mationalism and religion, if not we do not grow as people, it may not have occurred to you Talaat, but you are human as well, Turks aren't Gods, neither are Armenians, Mexicans, Arabs, etc. Your crap stinks just as bad as the rest of us, it doesn't smell like you might try to postulate things on make you seem superior.
    So why dont you waste your time with other genocides. I am not seeing any self critism of armenians about their bad acts.

    Armenians are certainly allowed to have other countries they reside recognise the Genocide, you have no right to control them, they are not your slave anymore.
    what are you talking? where are we? what is topic???? are you making monolog?

    Freedom of speech should not limit others freedoms, you are using your freedom to take away another's, that is despicable.
    You mean? dont you know any idea about how to discuss. Accusation is a lot different than discussion.

    And don't tell me what Mexicans or Irishmen do or do not care about, you know nothing about us, and stop using blah blah blah, its childish, please grow up a little before posting.
    They care. So why are armenians working for AG recognision. If They are much interested, They should also know AG without armenian work.


    • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

      Oh please personally insult me, thats how Scurtel got banned too, my personally attacking everyone, and if my voice sounds like your ass, maybe you should stick your ear there, it sounds better than the crap from your mouth.

      Waste my time...and what are you here for, to insult Armenians and to deny the Genocide, how sad and pathetic your life must be to attack Armenians

      You say ther Armenians must not push for international recognition, how about you guys end your cover ups and bribing of government to NOT recognise it, we all know you use that US military relation


      • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

        Guy guy. I am not denying genocide and I did not say that they should not push for international recognision.

        You are realy a comic guy. Not interesting but comic. Replying your dreams is waste of time. Have your fun. I am out.


        • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

          Well it all depends what he says on April 24. If Obama doesn't say anything on April the 24th about the Armenian Genocide then he's pulled a Bill Clinton and will take Armenian votes, but will refuse Armenian Genocide Recognition.


          • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

            Originally posted by Palavra View Post
            There is noone behind bars because of genocide claim.

            still what is relation between denying genocide and democracy? (So what is funny. Do you realy thing, You have monopoly over democratic ideals because of AG.) cant see any relation. Do you?

            Anyway, Law is used by both side. Should I remind you, Armenian work at france? who is hypocrite?

            is the word Turks and armenians argue. So no need to built sentences with "If".

            Hmm. Like accusing a racial group with a crime They did not. It looks like accepting AG is also a hate speech. Hehe. So we should agree about "if". Oh sorry, arguing "If" is also a hate speech.

            so what is your knowledge about history of africa?

            Hitler can find another motivation for holocaust. Anyway, what is relation between holocaust and history? xxxs did not harm germans.

            History is what happened at past. It may effect present time but effect is minumum. Need of people and way of people is much more important than history.
            1. There are many people behind bars because of the genocide claim, sorry not sure whether to laugh at the hypocrisy of your statement or greet it with disdain.

            2. Um...what does involvement in another nation have to do with...democracy in another nation? That logic doesn't make sense, explain more.

            3. Armenian Genocide recognition is not hate speech, neither is recognition of the xxxish Holocaust, an event in history is only hate speech if people want to interpret it that way (with the exception of Extreme Nationalists of course)

            4. My knowledge of Africa? Well what can you do read a few books, read a few articles, and I wouldn't want to live there.

            5. The xxxs never harmed the Germans, but you should read such people as HG Wells (he wrote that xxxs and others must be destroyed to make way for a higher form of civilization), in fact at the time of Nazi Germany, most Europeans in fact had a very racist and negative attitude to the xxxs. So it wasn't hard for Hitler to hate the xxxs, it was widespread at the time.

            6. In order to find the needs of the people now and the future you have to look to the wrongs of the past. So history does matter.
            Last edited by hipeter924; 03-24-2009, 03:00 PM.


            • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

              Armenian Genocide: Taner Akcam is asking Obama to stand for truth

              25.03.2009 00:51 GMT+04:00

              /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Prominent Turkish-born genocide scholar Taner Akcam delivered his inaugural lecture at Clark University titled, “Facing History: Denial and the Turkish National Security Concept”, The Armenian Weekly reports. In 2008, Akcam was appointed the Robert Aram and Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marion Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University.

              Speaking to an audience that had packed the Tilton Hall of the Higgins University Center, Akcam sent a powerful message to U.S. President Barack Obama, asking him to liberate Turks and Armenians by properly recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

              Talking about the reluctance of Congress and some former U.S. presidents to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, Akcam said, “There’s an ongoing theatrical drama—perhaps ‘comedy’ would be a better term—that all the parties engage in every year, and that has started to grow old. It’s time to end this dishonorable play-acting.” He explained how every time a U.S. president or Congress has the issue of the genocide on their table, “They end up denying for one day what they believe the other 364 days of the year.”

              Akcam continued, “All of the parties involved know very well what the U.S. administration and Congress think about 1915. But Turkey asks them to tell a lie only for one day. I have never understood why the Turkish government extracts so much joy out of making the United States lie for one day. I also find it completely dishonorable. Not only does this lie fail to lead to a resolution, it needlessly locks up the debate.”

              Hence, Akcam argued, the importance of official U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide—”if the United States declares what it believes to be the truth and stands behind it”—would not only gain it “some self-respect on the subject, but it will liberate Turks, Armenians, and itself in the process.”

              Akcam ended his lecture by asking Obama to stand up for truth. “I believe that we will enter a new era where morality and real politic will not be considered mutually exclusive, if President Obama should put an end to this lingering problem and liberate everybody in the process by an official acknowledgment of genocide,” he said.

              Obama, both as a Senator and a presidential candidate, was an outspoken advocate for proper U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide. He repeatedly called on former president George W. Bush to recognize the genocide and expressed reservations over the firing of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Marshall Evans for his remarks recognizing that crime. In January 2008, Obama issued a campaign statement, noting that “America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that President.”

              Last week, Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), George Radanovich (R-Calif.), Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) were joined by 70 of their House Colleagues in the introduction of Armenian Genocide legislation (H.Res.252) calling on the president to recognize the Armenian Genocide. That resolution is identical to the one introduced in the previous Congress, which was adopted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee by a vote of 27 to 21, and had over 200 co-sponsors.



              • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

                In regards to Democracy:
                We as the people of any free loving country must remind ourselves every so often about the core values that represents Democracy which we as its citizens (people) are responsible for. We do understand that it will take longer for mankind to achieve true democratic values within a society let alone to be fully represented by our leaders, but we must never forget that these values were designed by a very wise honorable men not too long ago………..not only as a code for people to live by, but as a gift that must be preserved by us for the future generations, if we really believe in it. This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly.

                Life - A person's right to life can't be violated except if your life or the lives of others is threatened.

                Liberty - This includes personal freedom, political freedom, and economic freedom. This is the freedom for people to gather in groups. They have their own beliefs, ideas and opinions. People also have the right to express their opinions in public.

                Personal Freedom - the right to think and act without government control.

                Political Freedom - the right to participate in political process.

                Economic Freedom - the right to buy sell and trade private property and the right to employment without the government interfering.

                The Pursuit of Happiness - As long as you don't interfere with others you have the right to seek happiness in your own way.

                Common Good - Working together for the welfare of the community or the benefit of all.

                Justice - All people should be treated fairly in both the benefits and the obligations of society. No individual or group should be favored over another person or group.

                Equality - Everyone has the right to Political, Legal, Social and Economic Equality. Everyone has the right to the same treatment regardless of race, sex, religion, heritage, or economic status.

                Diversity - The differences in culture, dress, language, heritage and religion are not just tolerated, but celebrated as strength.

                Truth - They should expect and demand that the government not lie to them and the government should disclose information to the people. The government and its people should not lie.

                Sovereignty - The power of the government comes from the people. The people are the ultimate authority over the government.

                Patriotism - The people or citizens show a love and devotion for their country and the values. They can show this by words or by actions.

                Basic Constitutional Principles:

                Rule of Law - Both the people and the government must obey all laws.

                Separation of Powers - The executive, legislative and judicial branches of the government should be separate institutions so no one branch has all of the power.

                Representative Government - People have the right to elect others to represent them in the government.

                Checks and Balances - The powers of the three branches of government, executive, legislative and judicial, should be balanced. No one branch should be dominate. Each branch should have powers to check the actions of the other branches.

                Individual Rights - Each individual has the fundamental right to life, liberty, economic freedom and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are outlined in the Bill of Rights and the government should protect these rights and not place undo restrictions upon them.

                Freedom of Religion - The right to practice any or no religion without persecution by the government.

                Federalism - The states and the federal government share power as outlined by the Constitution.
                B0zkurt Hunter


                • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

                  1. There are many people behind bars because of the genocide claim, sorry not sure whether to laugh at the hypocrisy of your statement or greet it with disdain.
                  why dont you tell me some?

                  2. Um...what does involvement in another nation have to do with...democracy in another nation? That logic doesn't make sense, explain more.
                  Yup. Every nation should interest her own democracy more than others democracy. At least, healty nations.

                  3. Armenian Genocide recognition is not hate speech, neither is recognition of the xxxish Holocaust, an event in history is only hate speech if people want to interpret it that way (with the exception of Extreme Nationalists of course)
                  So why do you think refusing AG is hate speech? Because You think so? Not a good argument.

                  4. My knowledge of Africa? Well what can you do read a few books, read a few articles, and I wouldn't want to live there.
                  What the history of Africa has relation with living at africa? In reality, You had no interest at africa and You will not aware of what happened at africa If Someone does not teach you.

                  5. The xxxs never harmed the Germans, but you should read such people as HG Wells (he wrote that xxxs and others must be destroyed to make way for a higher form of civilization), in fact at the time of Nazi Germany, most Europeans in fact had a very racist and negative attitude to the xxxs. So it wasn't hard for Hitler to hate the xxxs, it was widespread at the time.
                  Yep. So this is not related with history but mentality of Europeans. They are still somehow racist.

                  6. In order to find the needs of the people now and the future you have to look to the wrongs of the past. So history does matter.
                  I agree but not much important. I dont need to know history to want a better country or do know killing people is wrong.


                  • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

                    Originally posted by Palavra View Post
                    why dont you tell me some?

                    Yup. Every nation should interest her own democracy more than others democracy. At least, healty nations.

                    So why do you think refusing AG is hate speech? Because You think so? Not a good argument.

                    What the history of Africa has relation with living at africa? In reality, You had no interest at africa and You will not aware of what happened at africa If Someone does not teach you.

                    Yep. So this is not related with history but mentality of Europeans. They are still somehow racist.

                    I agree but not much important. I dont need to know history to want a better country or do know killing people is wrong.
                    1. I can't be bothered right now. But one person comes to mind...Dink.

                    2. Turkey doesn't have democracy, neither does Armenia from a New Zealand standpoint but I don't see what is bad about one democracy criticizing another when they get things wrong.

                    3. I don't think so. I know there was Armenian Genocide. That is different. Now alternatively if you are from the other position and deny the Armenian Genocide. It can only be racially offensive when the fact the Armenian Genocide occurred is given in a evil or nasty way.

                    4. It has a lot to do with living in Africa. Goes back to when Africa was divided along tribal borders, when the Europeans came in they made fake borders to suit themselves and played tribes against each other. Today those tribes want their borders back or are divided across Africa, this has caused a lot of modern conflict like in Rwanda.

                    5. Many Europeans were racist because of their history of persecuting xxxs and Gypsies. Hitler used this racism to help him blame all the problems of Germany on the xxxs, Gypsies and so on...pretty easy since most people were on the large part racist to them anyway.

                    6. Yes I agree that you don't need history to know morality or build a better country. But I can't agree with the fact history is a minor thing, since it influences what we have today aka Religion, Politics, Science, Culture and so forth.
                    Last edited by hipeter924; 03-25-2009, 01:50 AM.


                    • Re: Obama Recognizes Armenian Genocide

                      Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.)

                      Eshoo: Time for Passing Genocide Resolution Never More Right

                      By Khatchig Mouradian • on March 29, 2009

                      Will bring issue up with Obama on March 30

                      NEW YORK (A.W.)—“The time for passing the Genocide Resolution has never been more right,” said Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) on March 28.

                      Eshoo was delivering her keynote address at the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) Eastern USA’s Centennial Gala Banquet at the Yale Club in New York.

                      “I will be meeting with the president on Monday [March 30] evening and I am going to again raise this issue [of Armenian Genocide recognition] with him,” she noted.

                      “The denial continues every minute Congress does not recognize it,” Eshoo said, stressing that “when you deny the truth, you sanction a lie.”

                      Although “it’s tempting to say the time is right for the governments of the U.S. and Turkey to put the lie aside,” the Congresswoman noted that it is always the right time to speak the truth. She called on the U.S. to live out—in the words of Lincoln—“the better angels of our nature” and to recognize the truth.

                      The Armenian Weekly will provide in-depth coverage of the ARS Gala Banquet later this week.


