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Can I have a "Bride to Go" please?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    Your post reaks of someone who is opinionated.

    What research or evidence supports those giant claims you speak of?
    just what the hell was that???
    ummm... I'm sorry but that's not confidence... that's pure xxxxiness...
    some typical western minded feminist nonsense,
    the "ouh I can do EVERYTHING... I dont need anyone else in this world to help me... I don't even need a husband since I'm making enough money, and if you don't like me in bed then I'll change partners..." character...
    what the???
    where's the femininity in that? where's the ladylike softness?
    and I haven't even gotten to the sad part yet...
    the part where she thinks of herself being SO capable of doing everything (even being proud of some things she CAN't do) yet criticizing men who don't like her "overpowering" Christina Aguilera mentality...
    I just hope you grow old without a partner... you'll know what I mean...


    • #92
      Wow you are a bitter little midget!

      By the way I think I am going to send you a renewal subscription to Teen People magazine. I’ve noticed your rather disturbing obsession with your Teen Idols due to your typically annoying ways of associating adjectives and situations with your favorite celebrities, such as “overpowering” Christina Aguilera, Ashton and Moore.

      And no need to thank me for such unexpected generosity, this is all compliments of the “Mentally Impaired Society” which I am sure you are a member of. And once again this subscription will be sent to you free of charge; all you have to do is roll over and bark a few times. I don’t think that should pose a problem for you since this is most likely the way you try to let men know you are interested. :twisted:


      • #93
        Jahannam, don't tell me you also agree with polygamy (one man and several women) - there's another tangent, Emil . Next thing we know, you're going to prefer being walked on by men...oh wait, you already do. You can stop kissing male ass anytime now.

        *looking impatiently at her watch*

        Oh, and what part of your idiocy contributes to your femininity? :?


        • #94
          there they come ladies and gentlemen...
          the American women of today....
          please respect them and agree with EVERYTHING they say... for you'll be called an idiot or a teenager if you don't....(which is pretty much the only thing they're good at... talk)

          P.S. Thank you dad for not raising me like that...

          *while being walked on by men cuz apparently I show a bit of modesty instead of that nasty selfish pride*


          • #95
            Originally posted by Emil
            One of the best threads so far on AC. What other tangent can we go off on?
            Come and join the party Emil! Your contribution is essential, since you are the only one in the forum (from the participants) who is older than me.

            Good one Flames!

            P.S. Everyone, please try to no longer respond to Jahanamidget since, she is cluttering this thread with her senseless crap.

            And Jahanaweed don't insult your dad that way, I am sure he is not proud of his failure.


            • #96
              Originally posted by jahannam
              there they come ladies and gentlemen...
              the American women of today....
              please respect them and agree with EVERYTHING they say... for you'll be called an idiot or a teenager if you don't....(which is pretty much the only thing they're good at... talk)

              P.S. Thank you dad for not raising me like that...

              *while being walked on by men cuz apparently I show a bit of modesty instead of that nasty selfish pride*
              1. I'm not American.
              2. I never implied that you have to agree with everything that I say. But I did say that you have to make sense for me to take you seriously. Look at yourself, putting your own sex down.
              3. I never talk unless I can back up what I say with actions (I'll clarify if needed).
              4. Being walked by men? Hahaha, what was the point of that comment again? Apparently, you're willing to sacrifice your self-respect, and mistaking that with modesty. Personally, I know quite a few men that prefer my mentality and individuality, and I don't have to agree with everything they say or do in order for them to respect me. I'm going to stop while I'm ahead before this starts to sound like bragging.


              • #97
                Definition of Modesty: Natural delicacy or shame regarding personal charms and the sexual relation; purity of thought and manners; due regard for propriety in speech or action.

                WARNING the following quote would never in a million years be spoken by a person who clims to be 'modest'.

                Originally posted by jahannam
                I don't want him to FEEL insulted...
                I just want HIM...
                I like torturing my guys like that... mentally AND... ummm what else is there? i wonder lol

                come on flames...
                you know these things...
                when you tell a guy you like em or you wanna kiss em , they don't pay attention.
                but if they're a kinda interested...and you insult them they want you even more...
                that's the mental part...
                when it comes to "PHISICAL", which is the word I was hoping you'd get without me announcing it...
                guys just GO CRAZY when you treat em bad in bed = insult them physically...(not literally)
                but I guess Baron's too young for these things huh...
                it's allright
                he's mature enough...
                Your submissive attitute toward men is not modesty, it's a welcome mat for guys to walk all over. Even girls who like men to take charge and agree than men are different than them and should have a bit more 'power' should have a backbone!

                damn. did you bend over to tie your shoelaces when God was giving everyone backbones?
                The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                • #98
                  Anileve and flames, in all your ranting and raving I haven't seen either of you demonstrate how men and women are equal, or for that matter, how does "equality" exist within the framework of nature and reality as we know it. I have seen you resort to what would be considered a little above the level of a little girl who lost her doll.

                  You keep dodging the issue by getting into one of the same old feminazi tricks getting vociferous and unruly, as truly feminists can be. As with everything feminists say, it sounds like English, but I can't understand a word they're saying.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #99
                    This thread is mainly geared towards the difference between women and men in their expectations of marriages and relationships. I have expressed my point of view regarding this subject in my previous post, which you failed to grasp seemingly. If you are really interested in exploring views regarding this subject you should pay attention to the posts closely, as the partial answers are there, and you are free to point out what you disagree with. You can also point out what you agree with :shock: , since these are my calculations and I would like to know if I am close to the truth of how some men think.

                    However, if you merely want to stir up xxxx, and I am most certain you do, I am not going on a limb to contribute to your patronization.


                    • But you see, it is YOU who has failed to grasp what I have said.

                      All social differences whether in marriage, or at work, and how men and women treat each other, come from differences that are rooted deep in their make-up.

                      Social differences don't just come there or exist because "we want it to". It goes deeper than that.
                      Achkerov kute.

