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American Spirit

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  • American Spirit

    I have to create a film for my cinema class. Normally, I would love doing this, it's my career, but there are rules I have to follow and the professor has picked the "topic" of the film.

    It has to be a short film (6 minutes) and the topic is "Chase." The film must consist of something following or chasing something else. It can be one person going after another, a car going after a person, a dog going after an elephant... anything. It doesn't necessarily have to be an action chase sequence, a simple "following someone" will do, as long as it's done nicely.

    I hate when I have to follow rules because I can't be creative. The storyboard is due tomorrow and I drew some meaningless pictures. As long as we turn in a revised storyboard when filming is complete, we'll be okay, so I'm turning this one in like this.

    So, help me think of an idea. What should it be out? Nothing cheesy (horror film, action film) and yet something simple. I had a great idea about rape (no, really, it was good) but I can't use more than 10% dialogue (ugh, another rule!). So shoot me some ideas. Here's some from past students:

    1) Woman breaks up with man and leaves him. Man has flashbacks of their time together and runs after her. After he finally finds her at a bus stop, they get back together.

    2) Woman walks down the street and a man follows her. He tries to impress her by dancing for her. She shrugs him off. The man gets his two friends to join and they dance again. She walks away. The man chases after her until she finally takes off her jacket and dances on her own. Impressed, the man's friends join her until the man himself joins and it's a dance-a-thon. They kiss. Movie's over.

  • #2
    Re: My Brain Gives Up

    why to create scenarios like in points 1 & 2?, just ask a friend of yours or two of them, you'll be two or three on the street and from different angles of views pick someone walking and follow him/her and shoot all together, then proceed to a nice mixing and add some music which is assorted with the shooting, that's I can suggest and of course wishing good luckl


    • #3
      Re: My Brain Gives Up

      I'm not trying to recreate those scenarios, I was giving examples.

      As for yours, thanks, but it's too plain. There are so many projects I've seen that have no storyline and it's 99% chase sequence. I want a story in there but can't think of one without incorporating some dialogue. I also don't like the idea that I have to end up making my characters chase either. It feels too cheesy.
      Last edited by One-Way; 10-23-2008, 08:40 PM.


      • #4
        Re: My Brain Gives Up

        well in any case you will need the assistance of several persons, why don't you try chasing a thief who you surprised in your room, or a pickpocket who took the bag of a lady? for the second one running within the crowd would give some action, sorry for delaying answers, but meantime I'm going to other threads


        • #5
          Re: My Brain Gives Up

          The whole thing could be shots of you, with a camera, chasing the perfect subject. You are going around, trying hard to get the perfect shot. But every time at the worst possible moment, something goes wrong .. something blocks your shot so you end up chasing it.

          Of course we never get to see the subject but if done well, I think this would be kinda cool and at the same time paradoxical and sh!t.
          this post = teh win.


          • #6
            Re: My Brain Gives Up

            That's a good idea. Too bad we're using miniDV cameras and no matter how steady, it's going to look horrible. Unless, of course, it's about a guy with a camera (or a digital camera) like a tourist, trying to take the best shots of LA. Except something keeps going wrong and he has to move around. But... what's he chasing?

            We can't really make this film "artsy" so he can't be chasing "the perfect shot." This has potential, Sip. We need to figure it out.


            • #7
              Re: My Brain Gives Up

              Let's say he has a friend, and he wants his friend to pose in front of all the famous shots in LA, but something keeps going wrong. It wouldn't exactly be him chasing his friend to find the perfect shot, it's more of "chasing the perfect photograph" and it wouldn't work. It has to be someone chasing someone else.


              • #8
                Re: My Brain Gives Up

                make something like this

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                • #9
                  Re: My Brain Gives Up

                  Maybe if my name was Guy Ritchie.


                  • #10
                    Re: My Brain Gives Up

                    I tend to make better films when I wing it. When I've got the camera rolling, no story, I end up making some really nice films. I'm thinking of having a very, very simple story. Boy chases girl. Go shoot that, and incorporate the story later. Sounds stupid, but it's better than beating up myself over it.

