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  • Georgia

    Anyway, im glad the Georgians got rid of that corrupt idiot Shevardanze. Lets hope Georgia can finally get some development and the new government can put the country on the right track because a more prosperous neighbor will benefit Armenia and there will be increased trade, thank god there was nothing like a civil war which would seriously have screwed us over. Bravo, good job no people died noone got injured. Velvet Revolution it was. Now the only thing left is for the Armenian opposition to get their act together and get some law and order in Armenia. I am jealous that we cant accomplish something like this in Armenia

  • #2
    Re: Georgia

    Originally posted by TigranJamharian Anyway, im glad the Georgians got rid of that corrupt idiot Shevardanze. Lets hope Georgia can finally get some development and the new government can put the country on the right track because a more prosperous neighbor will benefit Armenia and there will be increased trade, thank god there was nothing like a civil war which would seriously have screwed us over. Bravo, good job no people died noone got injured. Velvet Revolution it was. Now the only thing left is for the Armenian opposition to get their act together and get some law and order in Armenia. I am jealous that we cant accomplish something like this in Armenia
    That new goverment you are talkin about is a bunch of nazzi idiots!

    Now what are you telling, that armenians should do the same? When the hell did Georgia become an "good" example for Armenia?!?
    Kocharian is not an angel, but he is better then opposition ( lopaz esher ) - that's for sure!!!


    • #3
      kocharian and his republican cronies are screwing up the government and they are xxxxin up the country. Maybe there is some economic dev. but only in Yerevan, all the other cities are mired in xxxx not getting anywhere i know this as a first hand fact many of my relatives live there. These xxxxin bastards are taking the poor peoples money and xxxxin over the country. kocharian is restricting basic freedom of speech he is clearly illegaly taking away A1+'s operating license because they are the only channel brave enough to criticize him. Georgia became a good example for Armenia as of this weekend. If you like kocharian so much go live in Armenia and lets see what you think, you are so comfortable there in sweden. And i am sick and tired of these russians taking over our xxxxry sooner or later Armenia will simply be a province of Russia, when the xxxx are they gonna realize that they need to cater to Europe and get these xxxxin selfish russians off our back. Bravo Georgia opposition, they did something the people truly wanted and they got rid of a man who had become very corrupt and was draining the livelihood out of their nation.


      • #4
        and by the way those nazi idiots you are talking about are part Armenian and they actually have some very good ideas to clear their country of lawlessness and corruption. It is a pity that the Armenian people did not stand up for their rights like the Georgians did and let kocharian make a mockery of our nation.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TigranJamharian kocharian and his republican cronies are screwing up the government and they are xxxxin up the country. Maybe there is some economic dev. but only in Yerevan, all the other cities are mired in xxxx not getting anywhere i know this as a first hand fact many of my relatives live there. These xxxxin bastards are taking the poor peoples money and xxxxin over the country. kocharian is restricting basic freedom of speech he is clearly illegaly taking away A1+'s operating license because they are the only channel brave enough to criticize him. Georgia became a good example for Armenia as of this weekend. If you like kocharian so much go live in Armenia and lets see what you think, you are so comfortable there in sweden. And i am sick and tired of these russians taking over our xxxxry sooner or later Armenia will simply be a province of Russia, when the xxxx are they gonna realize that they need to cater to Europe and get these xxxxin selfish russians off our back. Bravo Georgia opposition, they did something the people truly wanted and they got rid of a man who had become very corrupt and was draining the livelihood out of their nation.

          You are so naiv and brainwashed dear, As i alreday told u, Kocharian is not an angel and he is far away from being perfect! Do u realy belive that opposition (Demirchian's ppl) are perfect men for this job???? Never ever, politics were, are and always will be corrupted . What we can do is to chouse a better one.... that's it!
          And what exactly do u mean by saying "And i am sick and tired of these russians taking over our xxxxry " oh don't tell me, i get it... u r one of thouse stupid Karabaghtsi-haters, don't deny u brainwashed lil child! The fact that he is Karabaghtsi is bugging u - i know your type .
          You are not the right person to tell me about living comfortable in Sweden and moovin back to Armenia . I love my hayrenik and i didn't run away when it needed me, when xxxxing azeri bastards were killing my people. And look at you, your empty words about how do u miss Armenia ( u sure do) but it's not the right way to show is by running away from it, because u r scared of army! Who the hell will protect you Hayrenik??? huh? If everyone runs away?
          My father, my uncles ( 8 ) every one of them were protecting MY HAYRENIK , even if some of them were not living in Armenia that time, they went to fight and guess what - we WON!
          So plz, instead of missing cheburashka or your bake(yard) .... think about bigger things!

          And that stupid example with Georgia.... u got to be kidding me , that is a crazy ppl.... all of their history they r fighting with each other...... who the hell is Georgia????!!! HUH? ARMENIA has a better economical situation then other former Sovjet countries!

          You know what, you got to stop listening to what your parents say, there plenty of materials that u can read on internet, forget TV...... i suppose u read oppositions newspapper *ARAVOT*? well, read some other papers too, and see the difference. U know that *aravot* is azeriz favorite newspaper, by reading it the lough at us ......

          Russia, well...... don't forget that we are a small country, and we can not rely on our neighbours, so we need Russias help.... that is politic..... if not Russia the who will help???? tell me! There are so many ppl lke u that are safe in Amerika or wherever and just sitt and judge everyone... that's wrong.

          I don't wonna fight or something, but what u r saying is so wrong, and it's not you foult...u just listen what others say- try to think your own way, think a little.

          one queston: if not Kocharian, then who? a simple queston - i will wait for answer.



          • #6
            i think Armenia should increase trade with Georgia, but nto follow its behavior. after all what we dont need is another revolution again no laws and no progress with stagnant periods. they should vote out kocharian though.


            • #7
              you know what it actually doesnt bother me that he is kharabakhtsi although it does bother a lot of people in Armenia that the Kharabakstsis are taking over the country, which they are. And ill tell you something now, if it wasnt for kharabakh Armenia would be in a lot better economic situation right now, im not saying we should abandon it now because we have put in way too much to back out now, but kharaback problem has held back Armenia for 12 years.and if it. 3 of my cousins fought in the war too and i sure as hell will go back once i turn 18 and there is any need for me to go back and fight the xxxxin turks so please dont talk as if only the kharabakhtsis held of azerbaijan, because there would be no Armenians left in kharabakh if it had not been for Armenia's and our men's support. The reason my parents came here and brought me with them is because my dad had no job and had to sell chocolate on the street just so he could make enough money to feed us, so please dont try to tell me that i have not suffered my share.

              go to Armenia and see what economic situation you are talking about. My cousin went to medical school for 4 years and then served in the army for 2 years and after all this he could find any work so he had to come here to tennessee so he could at least work a little and send some money to his dad and sister because my family has to support 3 families in Armenia right now with the money my parents make. russia is not just helping it is taking over the country and if you are too padosh to see that i dont know what else to tell you. no i dont read aravot and i actually dont repeat what my parents say, i dont know where you got that from.

              if not kocharian then.... KAREN DEMIRCHIAN . The very man that kocharian murdered.


              • #8
                xxxx THIS IS SOME NEWS!!!!


                Let's have a forum coup de'at and remove the ADMIN!

                *whispers to admin* Don't worry buddy it's only temporary.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TigranJamharian you know what it actually doesnt bother me that he is kharabakhtsi although it does bother a lot of people in Armenia that the Kharabakstsis are taking over the country, which they are. And ill tell you something now, if it wasnt for kharabakh Armenia would be in a lot better economic situation right now, im not saying we should abandon it now because we have put in way too much to back out now, but kharaback problem has held back Armenia for 12 years.and if it. 3 of my cousins fought in the war too and i sure as hell will go back once i turn 18 and there is any need for me to go back and fight the xxxxin turks so please dont talk as if only the kharabakhtsis held of azerbaijan, because there would be no Armenians left in kharabakh if it had not been for Armenia's and our men's support. The reason my parents came here and brought me with them is because my dad had no job and had to sell chocolate on the street just so he could make enough money to feed us, so please dont try to tell me that i have not suffered my share.

                  go to Armenia and see what economic situation you are talking about. My cousin went to medical school for 4 years and then served in the army for 2 years and after all this he could find any work so he had to come here to tennessee so he could at least work a little and send some money to his dad and sister because my family has to support 3 families in Armenia right now with the money my parents make. russia is not just helping it is taking over the country and if you are too padosh to see that i dont know what else to tell you. no i dont read aravot and i actually dont repeat what my parents say, i dont know where you got that from.

                  if not kocharian then.... KAREN DEMIRCHIAN . The very man that kocharian murdered.

                  You know what, i'm so ashamed that we have ppl like you...... lopaz stupid hayastantsi, that can not understand that Karabagh is a part of armenia, that we are brothers and sisters..... shame on u ...... your kind is the worst one. Thanx God, that Armenia is not in your hands, u would sell Karabagh any moment--- u digusting me young and already brainwashed.......

                  I don't wonna argue more, coz u r not worth it...... your way of thinking is disgusting me....truly DISGUSTING!

                  p.s. i never told that there were only Karabaghtsi that protected Artsakh, thanx God that not all hayastantsi are of you kind..... + there were lebanantsi, halebtsi, irakihyer, parskahyer etc. ..... our brothers and sisters that did not forget their Hyerenik and came to HELP!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Anonymouse xxxx THIS IS SOME NEWS!!!!


                    Let's have a forum coup de'at and remove the ADMIN!

                    *whispers to admin* Don't worry buddy it's only temporary.

                    i knew u were still here . . .

