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The Narcissist Thread

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  • #41
    ahhh..., you too are so cute.


    • #42
      Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL these women are the ones who have the most insecurities and lack of self confidence. Because who ever admires him/herself then this person must have some serious mental problems. A person who is goodlooking doesn't need to declare, people have eyes can watch them and people have tongues to compliment them. if u are goodlooking good for you, keep for urself! We are not having a beauty pagent over here, we're having conversations. So far i never saw any of my fellow forumers to make anouncements about their external appearance! u r the one who says that which indicates ur lack of confidence and insecurity. I met lot of guys like you who thought they were beautiful but deep down inside they are messed up. Now whatever i said dont take close to your heart it's just a forum and just another attack post with no hard feelings.

      PEACE =)
      Hahaha Fire, you got him right below the belt!

      You rock!


      • #43
        Quiet flames. You know you like me.

        Narcissism is essentially self-love. The adoration and compliments of others are certainly nice to have; I'm not going to say I don't enjoy the attention I get. Nonetheless, it is all peripheral to the adoration and the compliments that I give to myself. Another person can never say "you are beautiful" quite as sincerely as I can say it to myself. For what truly matters? The opinions of the idiotic masses? Or the opinion of the only person I find significant?

        The ugly person who was made fun of growing up will come back rambling about inner beauty, but what is inner beauty? I find my intellectual person to be just as beautiful as my physical person. Should this somehow diminish my physical beauty? Why should not a lucky person (for truly it is nothing but blind chance that makes me as intelligent and gifted as I am) revel in his own luck? I don't even believe in God, yet I thank him every day for the lot that I have been given and for the world that so values what I have to offer it.

        The true narcissist wakes up every morning with a smile on his face because he knows that he easily could have been one of the hundreds of ugly, stupid persons he will likely encounter that day. He does not claim to be any better or more virtuous, simply luckier. The true narcissist appreciates beauty, true beauty, not the vague nothingness spoken of in the other thread. Those who say they can find beauty in everything have devalued the very concept. For if beauty can be found everywhere, what makes it special? It ceases to be beautiful. Beautiful things possess the quality that we come to recognize as beauty because they are distinct from other objects. They have something that the rest don't. The true narcissist recognizes this in himself and loves the way any asthetically minded person should. For if beauty is indeed something special that is worthy of admiration, then why should not the beautiful admire himself?

        The ugly person will come back and speak of insecurity and of psychology, and she will be completely missing the point. Surely when she sees something that she finds beautiful, she adores it, she wishes to be in its company and perhaps she even wishes that she could be a little more like it. Lord knows I feel this way when I encounter objects and persons that possess types of beauty that I do not. This should not devalue the beauty that I do possess, nor does the naysaying of the ugly, any more than the rantings of a disbeliever affects the faith of a devoutly religious person.

        The true narcissist loves the earth and loves humanity. The true narcissist loves himself as a natural offshoot of these two phenomena and is appreciative of the fact that many ugly things come from them as well. Narcissism is not in and of itself a way of life. Nor does it, by itself, impart or imply virtue on the part of the narcissist. Nonetheless, it should be not be degraded by those who misunderstand it, nor should it be ridiculed by the ugly that claim security in silence. For when you are assured that you possess some truth, do you not attempt to communicate that truth to others? Did not the apostle Paul advocate martyrdom in the name of truth? When in the possession of some artifact that produces good feelings, do you not place emphasis on appreciation of that artifact, whether it be girlfriend or teddy bear or Platonic dialogue? Why should not the narcissist do the same when that artifact is himself?


        • #44
          Originally posted by loseyourname Quiet flames. You know you like me.

          blah blah blah
          See loser, the thing is, you THINK that I like you.

          I agree with Fire and spiral - a true narcissist does not seek validation from others, as you so openly do.


          • #45
            Originally posted by sSsflamesSs See loser, the thing is, you THINK that I like you.

            I agree with Fire and spiral - a true narcissist does not seek validation from others, as you so openly do.
            Funny that I should so openly offend and mistreat those that you claim I am seeking validation from. Seems your theory needs refinement.


            • #46
              Originally posted by loseyourname Funny that I should so openly offend and mistreat those that you claim I am seeking validation from. Seems your theory needs refinement.
              The fact that you offend and mistreat them is irrelevant. A true narcissist does not need validation. The definition of a narcissist is, "someone in love with themselves". People do not seek validation from others to love someone, now do they? Keep on gloating though, loser - I find it quite entertaining.


              • #47
                The way I treat others is far from irrelevant, Ms. Flamer, for one seeking validation will almost certainly behave in such a way so as to elicit validation. I do not behave in this way. In fact, I quite openly scoff at the opinions of others and behave in such a manner that many very strongly dislike me. The true narcissist is not bothered by such dislike, or even by hate, for the hatred and scorn of others can never outweigh the love that the narcissist has for himself.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by loseyourname The way I treat others is far from irrelevant, Ms. Flamer, for one seeking validation will almost certainly behave in such a way so as to elicit validation. I do not behave in this way. In fact, I quite openly scoff at the opinions of others and behave in such a manner that many very strongly dislike me. The true narcissist is not bothered by such dislike, or even by hate, for the hatred and scorn of others can never outweigh the love that the narcissist has for himself.
                  I think you're just obsessed with the idea of narcissism - has nothing to do with you being narcissistic.

                  This is not the greatest example, but it gets the point across...

                  You are to narcissism, what other people are to perfection - you try hard to reach it, but fail to do so.

                  THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT NARCISSISM IS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM A BRANCH OF PERFECTION. Just wanted to make that clear.


                  • #49
                    I can't stand all this psychoanalytic crap. Didn't we get past this with the legitimizing of neuropsychiatry? Why are you guys so bothered by loser's narcissism? Can't you see that he feeds off of opposition? I think he wants you to disagree with him and challenge him. He isn't seeking validation; he's seeking discord.


                    • #50
                      And also loser, if you did not need validation, then why would you gloat all the time? Communication is a way of getting others to respond to you. By bragging, you are indirectly asking others to respond to what you are saying...or else you would not brag and would keep it to yourself.

